Breaking Point Part 3 (of 4) What can one alien do with a single knife on an island packed full of some of the most powerful mutants on Earth? Anything he wants -- as long as none of them are awake. Revenge runs red and debts are bloodily settled as BREAKING POINT approaches its climax.
It's too soon to say that the X-Men are back to their former standing as Marvel's best comic - but I'd say they're definitely on the right track. Read Full Review
I can't remember the last time I've been this excited to be reading Uncanny X-Men. Read Full Review
The art this issue was a monumental improvement. Much better face work and good imagery. Wolverine on the mountain was pretty cool. Overall, I'm not too impressed with this arc and I can't wait for it to be over. Read Full Review
As it seemed when he took the reigns on the Point One issue not too long ago, Kieron Gillen is a keeper. Its safe to say that Uncanny X-Men is now one of Marvels best books, a prospect that becomes only more exciting when considering that the writer is just getting started. Read Full Review
I'm not down on this storyline overall, but this chapter definitely feels like the weak link. Hopefully this is all leading up to something big; it feels a little odd to see all of these characters and concepts dredged up from the Whedon era after being set aside for so long. For now, though, this story feels like it's going to clock in at about one chapter too long. Read Full Review