Fear Itself: Deadpool #3
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Fear Itself: Deadpool #3

Event\Storyline: Fear Itself Artist: Ryan Stegman Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: August 17, 2011 Critic Reviews: 2
4.8Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

FEAR ITSELF TIE-IN! Memo to Deadpool: next time you gussy up a loser villain so you can beat him easily and scam people out of their hard earned money, make sure you don't accidentally actually make him more powerful than you. Of course, that assumes you'll be willing to show your face after getting beaten by the now-unstoppable-but-still-incredibly-lame Walrus. Deadpool puts the hammer down and drives home the most irreverent tie-in of the year!

  • 6.5
    A Comic Book Blog - Victor Kutsenok Aug 17, 2011

    Like the third Godfather installment, this book was a pale copy of the first two that came before it. Where did the humor go? All we got this issue were some cheap Walrus quotes and jokes. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    IGN - Poet Mase Aug 17, 2011

    In retrospect, I feel angry that I gave this series the benefit of the doubt. The promise of an impending and unseen threat was enticing in the first issue, but, here at the end of the series, it's clear that Hastings had never had any intention of using that threat as anything more than a tease. I'm also angry that a strong artist like Bong Dazo was wasted on a series of scripts this bad. Don't buy this book. Read Full Review

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