Astonishing X-Men #37

Writer: Daniel Way Artist: Jason Pearson Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: May 11, 2011 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 1
5.6Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

“MONSTROUS,” PART 2 OF 4 When the monstrous Fing Fang Foom attacks Tokyo, the X-Men head into action! While the Children of the Atom do battle with the reptilian menace that is Foom, Armor contends with matters of a more personal nature. Can the X-Men save Tokyo without losing Armor? Plus, a treacherous plot involving Roxxon Oil is brewing on Monster Island!

  • 7.0
    A Comic Book Blog - Victor Kutsenok May 12, 2011

    I hope that this arc is over soon and this book starts coming out on a more regular basis as delays have really made me not care about this book more and more. This is really a shame because Armor has great potential and this is the only title she is utilized in. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen May 11, 2011

    This series is something less than astonishing right now, but at least it offers clean, uncluttered fun for X-Men readers. The real question is how the series will be impacted by the sudden switch in focus with issue #38. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton May 12, 2011

    Here's the thing about "Astonishing X-Men" though: Average story and great art isn't a bad combination, but I'm not convinced it belongs on what's supposed to be a marquee book. If this story was running in "X-Men" or "Uncanny X-Men" (or any of the other X-Books right now) I don't think I'd have batted an eye. But for the title that's supposed to be the big wowie, zowie comic? It's playing it safe. Way and Pearson may still have a trick or two up their sleeves for us but for now, this is just all right. I'd like to see something bigger and bolder from them if they stick around. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Dean Stell May 16, 2011

    This poor title just can't get out of it's own way and seems cursed when it comes to release dates: 37 issues in SEVEN years. If this title had shipped monthly, we'd be on issue 80 something. For comparison's sake, Uncanny X-Men was on issue 444 the month that Astonishing launched (and it's up to 536 now). It just kills a title when you open it and can't remember the ongoing story because it has only released a couple of issues this year. If the X-editors could get Pichelli so stick around for art duties, this title has some promise, but otherwise, we probably have enough X-titles on the shelves right now. Read Full Review

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