Deadpool #39

Writer: Daniel Way Artist: Marko Djurdjevic Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: June 22, 2011 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 1
5.8Critic Rating
7.0User Rating

"OPERATION: ANNIHILATION," PART 2 & 3! Uh-oh...looks like Deadpool made a slight miscalculation. Sure, he wants to die—but he doesn't want to take down thousands of innocent people with him! It was almost impossible for Deadpool to convince Hulk to come after him—how the hell is he supposed to convince him to stop?

  • 6.5
    A Comic Book Blog - Victor Kutsenok Jun 22, 2011

    So this story arc is finally over. Thank god. I was hoping and expecting so much more. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jamil Scalese Jun 24, 2011

    These last few issues have been very visual with the classic "Hulk vs." concept being in play. Purple Pants jumps around, punches and yells real loud. Bong Dazo actually draws a pretty sweet Hulk. Ive bashed Dazo for some Deadpool work in the past but he is improving, even if he keeps taking liberties with DPs costume. The paneling is creative, and takes the typical super hero fight and gives it some flavor. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    IGN - Poet Mase Jun 22, 2011

    Unfortunately, the smattering of eye-catching images in this book doesn't justify the cover price, and the swept-under-the-rug plotline feels like an insult to the reader. For all of the effort Deadpool readers have spent over the arc trying to invest themselves in some aspect of the story -- be it the sad realization that Wade is alone and just wants the pain to stop, the premise that something can actually kill him, or even the protection of innocents -- Way teases them further in its conclusion with the equivalent of a shrug and a grin. Read Full Review

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