For Dave Lizewski and the self-made superheroes of NYC, sh*t just got really real. The Red Mist, now known as the Mother****er, has assembled his own team of Toxic Mega-***** and they're striking the heroes where they're most vulnerable: Their loved ones. If Kick-Ass wants to put a stop to the supervillain rampage, he's going to need the help of Mindy McCready, the one and only Hit-Girl.
I hate to be repetitive, but when it comes to this series, I can't help it... This series is very polarizing... There are people who are going to absolutely hate it because of it's over-the-top violence and language. Then, there are people like me, who can overlook all of that and see the awesome story underneath it all. And that's really the bottom line here... The story here IS great. Read Full Review
After the complete and utter madness of last issue, I was definitely expecting something a bit more tame, and I was not surprised when I got it. This issue was more story driven then shock driven. Read Full Review
Romita Jr. Is back in shape this issue. Perhaps not having to draw the Avengers every month has freed him and allowed him to deliver more than bland sketches with too many lines. His composition is good here and the figures look fully formed. This is the Romita work that I like. The one that looks so easy for him to draw, thats full of energy, but all you have to say when you look at it is say that its pure genius. Its gory. He shows the piss and blood leaking down Kick-Ass dads body while being hung in jail. Not a cool pic to remember. But for what this comic book is about. It works. Read Full Review
My feelings towards this series are schizophrenic at best. When Millar doesn't resort to shock tactics and doesn't deliver scripts that breeze by in a handful of minutes, there is a genuinely compelling story to be found. Let's hope he can maintain this level of reasonable restraint as the book reaches its climax. Although, at this point, if the grotesque violence is redirected at the villains of the tale, it might not be such a bad thing. They deserve some retribution already. Read Full Review
Millar isn't making this series terribly clear so far. The main villain is so rich and powerful it simply doesn't add up that he can't do whatever he wants, whenever he wants to Dave. However, this isn't the kind of comic book that you are reading because it makes sense. You are most likely reading it because of the shock and awe factor and this book has it. This is definitely a guilty pleasure and this issue brings the violence just like the others. I recommend checking this out. It's a wonder Millar can sleep at night. Read Full Review