X-O Manowar #1

Writer: Robert Venditti Artist: Cary Nord Publisher: Valiant Comics Release Date: May 2, 2012 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 20 User Reviews: 8
8.6Critic Rating
9.0User Rating

The all-new Valiant Universe kicks off with a landmark, oversized # 1 issue of X-O Manowar by New York Times-bestselling author Robert Venditti (The Surrogates, The Homeland Directive) and Eisner Award-winning artist Cary Nord (Conan)! Born into battle, Aric of Dacia — heir to the throne of the Visigoth people — has never known peace. After a brutal encounter with a mysterious enemy known as The Vine leaves him a prisoner on an alien world, the only hope Aric has of returning to his family and saving them from slavery is to seize a weapon of incalculable destruction and become X-O Manowar!

  • 10
    Examiner - Michael Seigler May 2, 2012

    Overall, if you're someone who was brought into comics by the New 52, and has grown curious about books outside DC's stable, my recommendation is to buy this book. If you're someone who's grown weary of Marvel's practice of maximum content at the expense of quality, then buy this book. If you're one of those who is an old-school Valiant fanboy that's uncertain about the new direction some of these characters are taken, then fear not, and buy this book. Am I making a clear enough picture, yet? Read Full Review

  • 10
    NerdEnt.Net - Flame Hawk Dec 31, 1969

    I had little idea what I was walking into when I first read this issue having little information on the character. As I began to read throughout I couldn't find one thing wrong with anything done. From the easy landing pad for new readers while not giving up the lore of the character to the vivid art of Giorello who creates wonders in each panel this is the ideal comic book. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Geekality - Josh Pierce May 1, 2012

    X-O Manowar #1 is a must read, and in my book surpasses any book coming out this week in every way, although books like AVX #3 may sell more copies, I don't know that it should. X-O Manowar #1 shows just as an important moment in the comic community, it is the return of Valiant Comics. It is the return of a former powerhouse, and they are back with a BANG! Read Full Review

  • 10
    Outer Realm Comics - LeoFLJ Jul 23, 2012

    Venditti writes a well paced first issue. He mixes battles and action well with actual story and character development. I'm liking the slower origin of Aric and feel like it gives more time to explore who the character actually is. Venditti writes the beginning of what promises to be a very great series. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comics: The Gathering - lucstclair May 5, 2012

    What else could I say about this terrific comic book? I was totally blown away by what Ive seen & read. Looking forward to Harbinger, Bloodshot & Archer & Armstrong, coming out in the next month or so. Welcome back Valiant, hope this time youre here to stay, because I certainly am. Check out my reviews of #2 & #3. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Bastards - Dustin Cabeal May 1, 2012

    This book delivered the goods and thankfully was not all hype. The story is very solid and the art work stunning. X-O Manowar has set the bar for the rest of Valiant’s return to comics and hopefully the rest of the books will be as good as this one. I never read a lot of the older X-O stuff so my attachment to this franchise is limited, but this new series definitely has me hooked and looking forward to the next issue. This week marks the beginning of the Summer of Valiant, so definitely check this book out. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    A Comic Book Blog - Victor Kutsenok May 3, 2012

    If these emotionally filled action packed stories are any indication of the direction that the new Valiant universe is heading, then you can call me a fan from day one. I can't wait for what comes next. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Comicosity - Aaron Long May 2, 2012

    There is a certain amount of excitement with any #1 issue, especially one as heavily marketed as X-O Manowar #1. There is an even greater amount of excitement that comes from a #1 that lives up to expectations and has you counting the days until #2 comes out. X-O Manowar #1 is that rare, skillfully crafted book. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Apr 25, 2012

    If we don't learn from history, we are doomed to repeat it. With this latest attempt at "X-O Manowar," I'd say there's a whole lot of learning taking place. This first issue clocks in at almost thirty pages of story, told through dialog and action with minimal reliance on caption boxes of any sort. "X-O Manowar" is a thick comic book that provides a story certain to appeal to fans of everything from alien invasion stories to tales of medieval battles. As relaunches and reintroductions to comic book properties go, "X-O Manowar" is a great start. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Bin - Andy Frisk Apr 30, 2012

    The wait is finally over and the debut first issue of Valiant Entertainments X-O Manowar is just days away. This first issue will re-introduce long suffering fans to the brilliant and highly engaging comic book universe that is the Valiant U and will attract scores of new readers who will be rushing out to get on the ground floor of what is sure to be the rebirth of one of the greatest shared super hero comic book universes of all time. Let the Valiant Age beginagain! Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Florida Geek Scene - Emmanuel Malchiodi May 2, 2012

    Nords artwork, like what he did for Dark Horses Conan, is excellent and I cannot wait to see what he has in store for future issues. I know Venditti has already written five issues of the series and hopefully Nord is involved with those as his art impeccably compliments the writing. The issue also features a preview of Valiants re-launch of Harbinger, which comes out next month. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    IGN - Benjamin Bailey May 2, 2012

    So, if you are worried whether or not Valiant can pull this off , then fear not, because things are looking good. X-O Manowar is a solid start to the rebirth of a universe that many of us loved. If you have never read a Valiant comic, then hold on to your butts, because this is a world worth jumping into. I, for one, couldn't be more happy to see Valiant comics back on the shelf. Let's just hope they keep this momentum going. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Comic Addicts - Akshay Dhar May 7, 2012

    Bottom line? It is a very well-crafted and short-but-intense first issue that really draws you in nicely, Vendetti has done a great job. He has crafted a lead character that you immediately understand and set everything up very well " the real test will be his transition from what it starts as to what it eventually forms into, because what happens now will define the tone and feel of the entire series ahead. And I DEFINITELY look forward to the action to ramp up once the suit has a new wearer! Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge May 2, 2012

    Having only vague memories of the original, I can largely view this as a new work that stands on its own. And it's very easy to do that as Venditti really hits a good flow here, even if it does have a bit of a theatrical flow to it. You can really visualize this through the writing and Cary Nord's artwork as something that's quite easy to translate to another medium. The opening issue gives us some good battles, big and small, and a quick but solid look at Aric. While there's obviously more to men of this time period than we see here, Aric is pretty much what you'd expect. The opening issue hits some very good plot points and sets up a lot of things to come, but it doesn't try to cram so much in here to get us to any particular point. It's getting the room to breathe and definitely leaves you wanting to see more of what's going to happen with Aric and how it'll unfold. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero May 2, 2012

    I have vague recollections of X-O Manowar. I wasn't the biggest fan of the character but was happy to hear Valiant was bringing him back. This issue is the perfect jumping on point. We're seeing everything from the beginning. The story starts off as a surprise, set in the past during a Roman battle. The art and pacing serve the story well and it was enough to win me over. I wasn't sure if I could become invested in this series but I do want to see what happens next. This is just the beginning and if the action here is any indication of what's to come, it's going to be even crazier once the character is fully established. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    cxPulp - Walt Kneeland May 3, 2012

    If you're a fan of classic Valiant, this is well worth checking out--it's new, but the spirit of the original is here. And if you're a new fan, this is a great premiere and way to get in at the beginning of this new Valiant universe.. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson May 2, 2012

    All in all, this is successful both as a single issue and as a FIRST issue, clearly establishing our setting, our main character, the complications and pushing him towards his destiny as Iron Conan. The book doesn't rely on nostalgia or knowledge of previous takes on X-O Manowar, which I appreciate greatly, and enough attention is given to Aric the barbarian for us to care about him BEFORE his armors up. X-O Manowar #1 is nicely handled, both in terms of art and writing, and sets the stage for a new Valiant Universe, earning 4 out of 5 stars overall. Can Unity 2013 be far behind? Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Grant McLaughlin May 6, 2012

    All things considered, this is a pretty decent introduction to the character and the series. Venditti and Nord really benefit from having 30 pages, as it enables them to take things a little slower than they could have otherwise, while still managing to get all the relevant details in there. I hope they can keep up this kind of pacing, because I found myself really enjoying it. It's a little early to say how this series will be in the long run, but I'm willing to stick around to see for myself. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    CHUD - Jeb Delia May 4, 2012

    I should clarify that it doesn't necessarily seem aimed at the reader of old, but instead new readers, however, demographics have shown that the bulk of the superhero comic buyers are people who would have been there the first time around, so I kind of wonder what the point is. That said, origin stories are so tedious and cliche that it is what comes after that will really measure the success of the relaunch and whether it's worthy of your time (and money). I find it hard to recommend as is, but it just may be worth a closer look in trade. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Newsarama - Aaron Duran May 3, 2012

    For a title called Manowar, I want to see some absolutely insane, balls-to-the-wall action. What we get is all setup, with but a sampling of what might come. This is by no means a Conan-in-space-style adventure, but it wants to be. Maybe now that our hero is in space and the foundation is poured, Issue #2 will deliver on that title promises. Read Full Review

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