X-O Manowar #2

Writer: Robert Venditti Artist: Cary Nord Publisher: Valiant Comics Release Date: June 6, 2012 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 13 User Reviews: 7
8.0Critic Rating
8.8User Rating

The landmark return of the Valiant Universe continues! Held captive by the mysterious Vine, Aric of Dacia must survive the brutal Vine Colony ship if he has any chance of returning to Rome to free his family. Joining forces with the other prisoners, he devises a scheme to get his hands on the only weapon that can free him — the X-O Manowar armor! He’ll need every ounce of his Visigoth courage and warrior’s training, but all his efforts may be in vain because the armor’s history holds a dark secret — one that could be Aric’s undoing…

  • 10
    Comic Bastards - Kevin Beckham Jun 7, 2012

    On an unrelated note, get rid of the quotes on the cover, it ruins Jelena Kevic Djurdjevic and Arturo Lozzi’s amazing work. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Outer Realm Comics - LeoFLJ Jul 23, 2012

    Just go buy this comic if you haven't already. Trust me on this one. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    cxPulp - Blake Petit Jun 7, 2012

    In just two issues (three if you count this weeks Harbinger #1), the new Valiant Entertainment has proven itself to old-school fans and new readers alike. This, friends, is how you bring back classic characters great stories and art, stories that are both fresh and familiar at the same time At the risk of giving in to hyperbole, it really is the summer of Valiant. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Geekality - Josh Pierce Jun 5, 2012

    The writing continues to great and the flow is fantastic. More importantly the think lines of Cary Nord's art with inks by Stefano Gaudiano makes this book. They keep every panel of page at such a high level that you can't help but want to read the book over and over again. To me there isn't a better promising book out there. X-O Manowar #2 is the book that people should be reading the summer of Valiant is upon us. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Stash My Comics - Leo Johnson Jun 14, 2012

    Overall, Im glad to see X-O Manowar making a comeback. Its showing a strong beginning, and hopefully will continue to be a great series. Definitely a series to pick up and be on the watch for. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Examiner - Brian Thomer Jun 5, 2012

    While Venditti tells an engaging story, it takes to the very end of the series' second issue to get to the point fans have been waiting for. The payoff for the audiences' patience appears to be just over the horizon. Do not fret if you missed the first issue, Venditti gives the reader all one needs to enjoy the story, aided by a recap in the front of the issue. Nord is best known for his work on Marvel's Silver Surfer and his award winning run on Dark Horse's Conan, so he is the perfect choice for this mesh of barbaric action and science fiction. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Ryan K. Lindsay Jun 6, 2012

    "X-O Manowar" #2 is an incredibly enjoyable action comic. Venditti and Nord make the action matter because it is built around characters. There's a lot to like in this issue and it shows the title is on a nice and steady path from liftoff. It is intriguing, baffling and pleasantly surprising to see this property resurrected without any of the drawbacks of the '90s. "X-O Manowar" is back and you need to check it out. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Florida Geek Scene - Emmanuel Malchiodi Jun 5, 2012

    Even though I feel the artwork in the first X-O issue is better, Nord's work for issue two is sublime, explaining why his tenure on Conan was so revered. He really has a knack for bringing historic and fantasy situations to life, taking from Golden and Silver Age influences and making them contemporary. The glances we've received of the aliens or their technology are stunning and only hint at what's in store as Aric makes his way to the present. Hopefully, Nord's artwork travels into science fiction and the super hero realm well here. Thankfully both Nord and Venditti are on board for the first five issues and even if they leave the title I'm certain they'll craft an enjoyable comic book universe for other artists to play in. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    IGN - Benjamin Bailey Jun 6, 2012

    Cary Nord is a great fit for this book. His art is fantastic and his characters look magnificent. We know from the last issue that his real strength is the action scenes, which we do not get a ton of in this issue. I'm eager to see Nord handle the armor and some epic alien tech fights. Fortunately, the ending of this book will leave you ready for issue #3 and there is no way that thing isn't going to be filled with action. I just wish it would hurry up and get there already. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Steve Morris Jun 7, 2012

    Being British, I had no idea who Valiant were until the start of this year -- but with the pure fun of X-O Manowar these past two months, the company have rapidly bleeped onto my radar. Venditti writes a blisteringly entertaining story, which may be slight but is surprising, unpredictable and filled with great humor and well-choreographed fight scenes. Nord shapes the fight scenes well, but also throws character into the random fighters, and looks to be very much enjoying the chance to draw both Celtic battlegrounds and intergalactic arboretums. It's a really fun, sharp, swift comic. And it came from nowhere. What better sign for the future of comics could there be? Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comicosity - Aaron Long Jun 6, 2012

    X-O Manowar #2 is a solid comic book. It lacks a little bit of the energy issue #1 had, but this series has been dynamite so far and I hope Venditti and Nord are settling in for a long run… Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics: The Gathering - lucstclair Jun 8, 2012

    Its humans vs. aliens in a prison riot among the stars. Valiants X-O Manowars second issue is about action and survival, as Aric leads the prisoners to revolt against its cruel captors. Some new information on the aliens is revealed, theyre called the Vine and their crops seem to harvest their offspring which I thought was interesting. Written by Robert Venditti (The Surrogates) & illustrated by Cary Nord (Secret Invasion : X-Men) with colorist Moose Baumann paint a vibrant & stunning picture of the Vines bio-dome-like lush gardens. And a very cool cover by Jelena Kevic-Djurdjevic. Click here for my reviews of #1 & #3. From Valiant Comics. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Major Spoilers - Rob Rasmussen Jun 10, 2012

    While the book looks very good, that is its only saving grace. X-O Manowar #2 fails to deliver anything new and as only the art is enough to earn it 1.5 out of 5 stars, all of which comes from the artists' work. Read Full Review

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