Josh Pierce's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Geekality Reviews: 68
7.5Avg. Review Rating

A Game of Thrones #7

Apr 24, 2012

If you are a fan of fantasy, or just yearn for the times when there were Kings, Dragons, Knights and Damsels in Distress this is a book you need to read.

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Archer & Armstrong #1

Aug 3, 2012

There isn't a whole lot that I want to go into for this issue, because it's issue one, and we need to allow this book to grow, and I want you to discover this for yourself.

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Birthright #6

Apr 7, 2015

While reading the first volume would have been helpful for me to know what's going on, and who these characters are, but it wasn't a deal breaker for me. If you're interested in reading Birthright #6 seems to be a pretty easy jumping on point, and if you're into fantasy stories, then Birthright is a book you need to check out. The art is rad, the writing is good, and the two combined are going to give us one wild ride.

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Bloodshot (2012) #1

Jul 9, 2012

Honestly, the first half of the book you will think is horrible, and corny, until that is, you get to the second half of the book. Once you get there you will be entrenched and you will see why one of the most underrated writers in the comic book industry Duane Swierczynski is as good as he is. He weaves a fantastic tale that I bet you will not see coming. Action comics are a hard thing to write, mostly because it's easy to rely so heavily on the action and not so much on the story. Duane manages to squeeze some awesome action and some greats twist into Valiant Comics best re-launch title yet.

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Charmed: Season 10 #9

Jun 10, 2015

A solid plot overall. Some great dialog and the mystery behind Prue got even more intriguing and allowed for some fun cameos by past characters. The month time-skip rushed what could have been a great Tyler, arc and made his growth unbelievable given the circumstances. The art noticeably diminished whenever the camera was pulled back, but acting detail was strong, and a couple stand-out scenes with Tyler showing off his Archai powers.

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Dark Shadows #5

May 6, 2012

Barnabas is determined to become human again, and honestly I am extremely eager to continue the ride. Guiu Vilanova's art is enough to bring me back again, but Mike Raicht's writing is what will get me hook, or make me bail on this book. Still, this is my first issue of the series, and I can't wait for next months issue.

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Elephantmen #40

Jun 17, 2012

Overall Elephantmen #40 is a solid issue, and the most important aspect of the issue is that it is decently new reader friendly.

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Elephantmen #41

Jul 17, 2012

This issue is a must read in my mind. And if it's not in your mind, well too bad your getting it.

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Enormous (One-Shot) #1

Jul 9, 2012

For those fretting that they will buy a book with no answers let me ask you a question, were you upset with Prometheus giving you a lot of questions? If not, then you should LOVE Enormous.

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Green Hornet #24

Apr 23, 2012

Still, Green Hornet celebrates it's 24th issue, or in other words it's second anniversary of this go round as a comic book with a".BANG!

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Grimm Fairy Tales #72

Apr 27, 2012

Grimm Fairy Tales #72 is worth the read to long time readers, but may not be worth it for new readers as it is boggled down in a heavy story line that a new reader may not get.

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Grimm Fairy Tales #73

May 18, 2012

This issue is definitely more of the filler variety, but if we were to be honest, it moves the plot along and gives our new cohorts a good spot to bond and overcome things. But, unfortunately if you have not read this book before you may be a bit lost as to what's going. Even with that being said, this issue is much more new reader friendly then the previous issue and should serve as an 'ok' jumping on point for those who want to give this book a try. Hey, at the very least their are women in scantally clad outfits.

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Grimm Fairy Tales: Myths and Legends #15

Apr 27, 2012

The art is pretty good and consistent throughout. My only gripe is some of the dialogue feels a bit forced, and I understand where Raven Gregory was trying to go, but it just doesn't flow correctly. Other than that a little slip up in the dialogue department, this issue is pretty solid, with some action surprises, and a twist ending. Check it out especially you enjoy anything Grimm Fairy Tale related from Zenescope.

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Grimm Fairy Tales: Myths and Legends #16

May 5, 2012

As far as the rest of the issue goes, I got the importance of the shards, but my problem was that I still don't know why the shards are important, or who that mysterious lady who can freeze time is. The importance of the shards could have been answered in this issue had they put off the Beast story for one issue, and the pacing may have turned out better if they had done that. But, and that doesn't mean that this issue is horrible because of that. I think that Raven Gregory is starting to tell a couple of very compelling stories and I look forward to seeing where they go.

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Guarding the Globe (2012) #2

Oct 10, 2012

It's issue 2 and I already want to say I don't care. Issue 1 had some promise, but reading issue 2 and one thing is certain, while there is some direction, the overall story seems to be lacking. Instead of writing one great story that could bring these characters together and make peopel read this book over JLA, Avengers, or X-Men we are instead given tons of different things going on at once. Effectively it's over kill, too much in 22 pages made me care less and less as more and more storyline's were added.

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Happy #2

Oct 30, 2012

Honestly this is a book that you need to check out, it's weird, it's great, and most importantly it's by Grant Morrison & Darick Robertson.

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Harbinger (2012) #1

Jun 5, 2012

The story is written well but by the end I had enough of the teen talk, especially with some of the panels mixed in. Khari a puts forth some good art, but his close ups look way to similar. Hopefully they get a hold of a few problems and have them corrected for next issue. Here's hoping the next one is a doozy.

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Harbinger Wars #1

Apr 2, 2013

The problem that I found was the emotion evoked as a reader was less then I wanted to it to be as I read the pages. Nothing makes me want to read this again, and that's the problem. I will surely read issue #2 and I hope that given time in the series I will be aloud to invest my emotions in the story. Because at this moment that's what's stopping me from really loving this issue. But, if you're a fan of action, and mystery then this is definitely the issue for you.

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Harvest #1

Jul 27, 2012

This book has a lot of promise to be better than the first issue, but as far as first issues go, this one is great, it's better than most and most importantly it gives us a jumping on point that makes us want to read the next issue and find out just what the f***k is going on inside the pages of Harvest.

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Harvest #3

Oct 4, 2012

So, after reading that, do you want to read this book? No? Well then stop reading this and go somewhere else. For my money this is the best mini-series of the year.

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Invincible #100

Jan 28, 2013

While I don't think that this issue was perfect, or even close to it, I think it's a great issue to the series and really wraps up everything that been going on for over a year at this point and also starts some new story lines that could end up being really interesting. I don't think Mark, or any of his supporting cast know what the next big threat will be, but I'm sure that we'll all be along for the ride to see where it takes them.

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Jennifer Blood #2

Apr 24, 2012

Jennifer Blood is the ultimate female badass killer, the female version of The Punisher and if you like Punisher you should read this book.

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Kirby: Genesis #7

Apr 24, 2012

The great thing about this book is that it is handled by Alex Ross, and Kurt Busiek, and in my oh so humble opinion there are no two creators who respect classic characters more than those two. As I get more into the series I will have more but for now Kirby Genesis is genius because it's Jack Kirby's essence and that's all you need.

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Lone Ranger Vol. 2 #5

Apr 30, 2012

So, if you look at what was put together with The Lone Ranger #5 it was a good "all age" story, and I don't mean all age by every person, but this is the type of story that most kids could read and enjoy. There is some foul language, but not that much, and with the "wholesome" action this is a book that anybody can enjoy and honestly I think a lot of kids would enjoy.

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Lord of the Jungle #3

Apr 6, 2012

Lord Of The Jungle is a good book for anyone who likes Tarzan or any Jungle related adventures, but it doesn't live up it's promise, and I often found myself thinking about what the issue could have been compared to what it was. Still, you can tell it is building to something and if you have read issues 1 and 2 I would definitely stick around to see what they are building towards.

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Lord of the Jungle #4

May 7, 2012

Where things get interesting is when Jane is missing and a group of people go looking for her in the jungle. Chaos ensues, thankfully this is where the issue gets interesting and great. The issue is worth reading just for this surprise turn at the end of Lord Of The Jungle #4.

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Merciless: The Rise of Ming #1

Apr 24, 2012

Why is Merciless so good? Why? An evil character based in the world of Flash Gordon is way better than Flash Gordon. For now that's all that matters. In a first issue you can't expect a lot, at least not most of the time but with Merciless you have reasons to love the character right from the get go, or at least you have reasons to understand the character.

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Morning Glories #22

Oct 10, 2012

I get that this book can be about whatever Nick Spencer and Joe Eisma want, and frankly everything about this book is at least a sci-fi like, but this is a little far fetched. But, let yourself sink into the story, let yourself experience all that is Morning Glories and realize what's going on; good storytelling. Nick Spencer is at his best in this book, and really there is no better book for him, unless Bedlam turns out to be great.

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Peter Panzerfaust #5

Jul 11, 2012

For this specific story Kurtis has created a wonderfully rich world all by doing flashbacks, which are most of the issue and bringing us back to the present just enough to ground us in both times. I can't get too much more into detail about the story it is easily spoiled, but trust me Peter Panzerfaust #5is fantastic.

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Prophecy #2

Jul 18, 2012

Sure the art is absolutely amazing, but that doesn't really matter if it isn't being used correctly. Of course they have time to correct it, but the question is will they? I don't know, I really don't know. So, let's hope that Ron Marz starts to use the ability of Walter Geovani to the best of his abilities and makes issue #3 the issue we will all be talking about.

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Prophecy #3

Aug 29, 2012

My sincere hope is that when this series is over is that we will look back and see this series as one of the better cross over events in the past few years.

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Red Sonja (2013) #2

Aug 13, 2013

Simones considerable fandom will likely eat this stuff up, so they hardly need me to recommend it to them. This comic book would also be a pleasant read for fantasy buffs who want an entertainingly conventional rendition of the roving barbarian warlord (except this one has boobs). You know who you are.

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Red Sonja: She-Devil With a Sword #66

Apr 30, 2012

Red Sonja has been through a lot as a character, and it will be interesting to see where she is headed, now that this story is behind her.

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Saga #1

Mar 27, 2012

With Saga it is so much both, that you feel like it is an all encompassing story. It completely and utterly engulfs you leaving you wanting more. With Saga I will hopefully be repeating this phrase over and over again. This story will leave you breathless, and you will love it for it.

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Silver Star #5

Apr 30, 2012

Listen, I know that things happened before issue #5. But, you should be able to read any issue in a comic book series and generally get what's going on, and I did this here, but that was the only thing that was good about this issue. Dynamite Entertainment needs to fix this series, because I see how good it could be and right now it's not even hitting average. Dynamite puts some great books out Red Sonja, Vampirella, The Spider, The Boys and so many others, but this one is at the opposite end of the spectrum.

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Soulfire Vol. 4 #1

Aug 1, 2012

Soulfire Vol. 4 #1 is a simply fantastic issue full of action and intrigue. Go, read it and I promise you will not regret it.

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The Activity #7

Jul 17, 2012

But, knowing Nathan Edmondson and his previous books this book is worth more than my review and perhaps as the months go on and I get to know the characters I will get to understand the depth of the characters, but as it stands right now, in this one issue there isn't much character depth.

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The Bionic Man #8

Apr 9, 2012

So, what happens you ask? Colonel Austin finds himself on an extreme prejudice mission, and while there he is kidnapped by a man who wants to run a world full of cyborgs. This is where Phil Hester and Kevin Smith really shine. They give Colonel Austin the "arch enemy" that he really needed as a character to be elevated to the next level. Bionic Man #8 is a great read from start to finish, a little over the top, but that is done completely on purpose. So, enjoy the rather straight forward super hero, stealth fighter story that is Bionic Man #8.

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The Bionic Woman #1

Apr 5, 2012

Bionic Woman is a fantastic first issue from Dynamite, and only lacks in art on a few panels. A little bit more time might have gone a long way to knock this issue out of the park. Still, this issue is a must read of you are like what Phil Hester, and Kevin Smith have crafted over in Bionic Man.

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The Boys #66

Apr 30, 2012

The Boys in this issue seem to be in a transitional phase, looking for something, even if it's just getting back to their normal lives. But, of course if they do that , due to a sabbatical, they are probably not particularly happy. But, such is the case for a cast of Garth Ennis characters. There is some gruesome violence, just like any Garth Ennis book, but of course each violent scene, had a purpose, or will serve a purpose down the road. You can get that feeling just by reading the issue. The dialogue and art are both amazing, and this issue really deserves a hat's off to it.

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The Boys #67

Jun 5, 2012

The Boys is a book that needs to be read by all, Garth Ennis is one of the best comic book writers in the world and even though The Boys is a successful comic book I feel like he and it fall under the radar. But it shouldn't and you should really give The Boys a chance a conspiracy theory is a foot in the book and don't you want to be apart of that.

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The Boys #69

Aug 1, 2012

My mind is racing with the thought process that Garth Ennis had in planning out "The End" and I must say that while many people have fallen out of love with The Boys, I have fallen in love with The Boys. If this is a true end to The Boys I cannot see it happening in a better way, Garth Ennis seems to be writer at an extremely high level and the art of Russ Braun is superb through-out the entire issue.

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The Boys #71

Oct 3, 2012

As this series comes to close many of The Boys fans should wonder, and think about the importance of this series in the world of comic books. Does this series matter in the long term? Will there be lasting effects felt across the industry? Will other writers take the same template in exploring and making fun of the convention of super hero comic books? Honestly, it's a great book, but the effect like any other book will not last.

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The Darkness (2007) #110

Jan 31, 2013

No one outside of that company knows for sure, but I feel like if something important is going to happen in this universe, it's starting here and the only way you can witness all of the amazing things that are happening is by picking it up. Go, out and pick up 101-109, get yourself caught up, and you will be begging Top Cow to put this book out bi-weekly.

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The Fox #3

Jun 10, 2015

What more can I say about this series? Refreshing, funny, exciting, accessible, and exuberant; the Fox is a book you should be reading right now if you like good old fashioned comics. The dialogue is sharp, the sequentials flow like fine wine. The story itself is building up to what will be one intense showdown between the Fox, his son, and his wife and Mister Smile, a showdown I look forward to. As Ive said in the past, sometimes simple storytelling is enough for any fan of fiction. This particular series may not have all of the things Marvel, DC, or even Image may have, but thats okay because freshly unique is what makes The Fox so charming in the first place.

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The Jungle Book #2

Apr 14, 2012

For a second issue The Jungle Book delivers action, violence, betrayals, deaths, and just about anything that can result from an issue that shows some sort of violence on every page. I think that this issue had a potential to be more, but I hold back any judgements to see what happens in issue 3.

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The Legacy Of Luther Strode #1

Apr 6, 2015

So, what is it I'm trying to say here? Well, really it's pretty simple, this story is sad, and for a lot of reasons, but none of them are from disappointed in the story or the execution. In that regard Justin and Tradd have come back to Luther Strode to prove why they should beconsidered a‘power couple' of Comic Books that ranks up their with Gillen/McKelvie, and Brubaker/Phillips. This first issue is fantastic, and more then worth a read. The Legacy of Luther Strode is so packed with emotion and sadness, that I don't want to see it end, but the reason that it's sad is because it is ending.

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The Ninjettes #3

Apr 25, 2012

The Ninjettes #3 is a good transitional issue as the team involved in this book are obviously trying to get it to a point where the action will be in abundance.

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The Shadow #1

Apr 14, 2012

Overall this book is a must read for any comic book fan, in my mind there are not enough good comic books out there, and this is one of them. Let's see if Garth Ennis is up to the task of making this book a must read monthly.

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The Shadow #2

May 16, 2012

I think it comes as no shock that I say BUY this issue. What? You don't want to? Well you sir, you are no comic book fan at all. Would you rather pick up yet another DCNu book, or how about another pointless Marvel title. What you prefer them? Well then let me remind you that Garth Ennis made the Punisher important again, and he is doing the same thing with The Shadow.

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The Shadow #3

Jun 23, 2012

Let's face it you don't read a Garth Ennis story for flowers, candy, and love, no you read it for violence, and he has delivered in all three issues thus far. Let's hope that not only does the violence stay, but the great story telling does as well.

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The Spider #1

Apr 30, 2012

This issue is a must read, and as much as I would love to divulge more than just saying it's great I really can't as any detail could ruin the issue for you, and I won't do that.

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The Spider #2

Jun 5, 2012

If you like reading vigilante comics but you want that old school feel that you miss from the old Batman comics/cartoons read The Spider it will make you feel nostalgic even though the character isn't, at least to most of us.

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The Spider #3

Jul 18, 2012

Yes, oh yes, it's one of the few books that I won't let anyone on this site read and review, and I have the choice of any Image, Boom!, Zenescope, Dynamite, IDW, Arcana, or Viper book. So, read this book and you won't regret it.

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The Theater #5

Apr 13, 2012

Theater is a great read from start to finish only giving you bits and pieces of the puzzle along the way and the ending to me is a little sad and shocking at the same time. It's not "Death of Captain America" sad, or "Elektra is Skrull" shocking, but it is both sad and shocking for the story. If you are a fan of The Twilight Zone or Tales From The Crypt you must give Theater a try. Unless you're scared.

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The Walking Dead #107

Feb 8, 2013

Still there is a problem that I have with almost every single issue of The Walking Dead, #107 clicks in a reading time of somewhere between 5-10 minutes. It flows amazing, but the style of the art that Charlie provides is flowing, and not something I have to stare at, and the dialogue just moves it along at a rapid pace, and soon the issue is over. I think that's been a complaint of many people about this series, but it doesn't mean the story isn't good it just means that it's a quick read so be ready for it.

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The Wheel of Time (2010) #24

May 7, 2012

Personal recommendation, if you like fantasy stories, read this book. I am telling you, you will not regret it one bit.

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Transformers: Autocracy #11

Jun 5, 2012

What this book lacks is what any other book can give us, emotions on a page. Because these are robots, there is no emotions that are noticeable, and there for it is hard, at least for me, to really care what's going on with the books. That's why I felt like I was going through the emotions of the book and waiting for myself to care, there is nothing on the pages that get me to care, the art is great, but without emotional faces, the writing could be Eisner worthy and no one would notice.

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Vampirella #16

Apr 14, 2012

Long time readers of Vampirella will not be dissapointed in the least with this issue, and new comers will enjoy it as well. While you may not get every nugget implanted in this issue you will get a general jist and I think it's a great jumping on point for any horror, vampire, comic book fan out there.

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Vampirella: The Red Room #1

Apr 25, 2012

Vampirella Red Room #1 is good, not great but good, and the art is top-notch. Get Vampirella Red Room #1 and enjoy the action that ensues especially in the second half of the issue. Vampirella fighting MMA style.

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Voltron #5

May 16, 2012

The action area of the issue should have been extremely dramatic, but the execution in the art really held that up. Lastly, there is tragedy, and well you will have to see what the tragedy is for yourself. If you are a fan of Voltron pick this book up, for anyone else though, there will be mass confusion.

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Voltron: Year One #2

Apr 30, 2012

I see foreshadowing going on with Mr. Rabins. But this issue is about the extraction of Mr. Rabins and the chaos that ensues the extraction. I can't get into too many details because it would spoil the story. But I must say that Voltron Year One #2 is a very good issue that pushes the story forward. Let's just hope that it keeps going in this direction.

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Warlord of Mars #17

Apr 25, 2012

At the end of the day I really want to like Warlord Of Mars, it's just really hard when the series doesn't have art that fits what a prestigious character and universe they are dealing with.

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Warlord of Mars: Dejah Thoris #2

May 8, 2012

The action in this issue is awesome, from the very first page, until the last page it just doesn't stop. But, the dialogue needs some work to really make this book better than what it is right now. Hopefully it gets corrected as the issues go on. But, if you are looking for some bloody action, you will find it here more than you will find it in most of the Marvel and DC books that you pick up.

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X-O Manowar (2012) #1

May 1, 2012

X-O Manowar #1 is a must read, and in my book surpasses any book coming out this week in every way, although books like AVX #3 may sell more copies, I don't know that it should. X-O Manowar #1 shows just as an important moment in the comic community, it is the return of Valiant Comics. It is the return of a former powerhouse, and they are back with a BANG!

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X-O Manowar (2012) #2

Jun 5, 2012

The writing continues to great and the flow is fantastic. More importantly the think lines of Cary Nord's art with inks by Stefano Gaudiano makes this book. They keep every panel of page at such a high level that you can't help but want to read the book over and over again. To me there isn't a better promising book out there. X-O Manowar #2 is the book that people should be reading the summer of Valiant is upon us.

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X-O Manowar (2012) #3

Jul 17, 2012

I think we all know that Aric is a great warrior, but I wonder as the issues go on and Aric loses more and more links to his previous life, how will he adjust to this new life? Will he be able to learn how to live on Earth in modern-day? Will he even stay on Earth? What will become of Aric and the armor. Honestly, there are a lot of questions that you can ask going into issue #4, but the best part is, the character development of Aric will leave the readers of this book truly wanting more.

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X-O Manowar (2012) #4

Aug 30, 2012

Now, is this book worth the read, well if you have read the previous three issues and enjoy it thus far, then yes. Unfortunately this issue is more to move the plot along, and give you a couple of plot points for future issues. Issue 4 may prove important as the issues keep going but at this point it is not a must buy.

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Reviews for the Week of...


