Peter Panzerfaust #5

Writer: Kurtis J. Wiebe Artist: Tyler Jenkins Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: July 11, 2012 Critic Reviews: 5
7.9Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

"THE GREAT ESCAPE," Conclusion

Paris isn't safe. The plan failed. A journey that began with promise comes crumbling down when the Nazi's take the capital and France plunges into occupation. With nowhere to run, the Lost Boys make their final stand.

  • 9.5
    Comicosity - Keith Callbeck Jul 11, 2012

    This arc will be collected soon in a tradepaperback and the series returns in the fall with the second adventure, which promises to bring a different voice and perspective on Peter and his Lost Boys. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Unleash The Fanboy - Harrison Rawdin Jul 11, 2012

    This issue doesn't have the emotional impact of the previous release, but it's a different type of comic book with a different narrative goal. With a tale full of strong moments chock-full of excellentart, this comic book is well worth your money. Recommended. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Bastards - Dustin Cabeal Jul 12, 2012

    If you’re not careful this issue could make you cry. It pulls on the heartstrings every chance that it gets and doesn’t let up. Even the last page reads almost as a sendoff to the series in case it wasn’t picked up for another arc (thankfully it was). If you missed out on the series then jump on with the next story arc; the story is simple enough to catch up on and the real treat is the characters and the drama. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicBuzz - Niall Doonan Aug 7, 2012

    It seems that the focus will switch to Curly/Julien recounting the tale to Mr Parsons next issue, which will be good for expanding on the other Lost Boys a bit more. Im glad this series is continuing as it has a strong creative team behind it and it should go from strength to strength. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Geekality - Josh Pierce Jul 11, 2012

    For this specific story Kurtis has created a wonderfully rich world all by doing flashbacks, which are most of the issue and bringing us back to the present just enough to ground us in both times. I can't get too much more into detail about the story it is easily spoiled, but trust me Peter Panzerfaust #5is fantastic. Read Full Review

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