Niall Doonan's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: ComicBuzz Reviews: 196
7.2Avg. Review Rating

50 Girls 50 #1

Jun 6, 2011

Overall, I could not recommend this on any level. None of the aims of the story are achieved in this issue; all that we get is a pointless mission that embarrassingly gives an explanation as to why the characters end up naked. Its a shame and a missed opportunity.

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50 Girls 50 #2

Jul 2, 2011

So, the crew of the ESS Savannah are still nowhere near Earth and they have accomplished very little. It isnt quite as embarrassing as the first instalment, but the story is still pretty poor. I think Axel Medellin will continue to shine, and it is his art that drags the score up.

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Abyss: Family Issues #1

Feb 17, 2011

Overall, it was a decent start to the second volume and although I didn't really like the cliff-hanger at the end, it certainly sets up some interesting and awkward possibilities for the characters.

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Abyss: Family Issues #2

Apr 19, 2011

Overall, Abyss #2 was a very entertaining instalment and there are plenty of issues (as in human ones, not as in the physical comic books) to cover in the future issues (yes, this time I'm talking about the actual comic book in your hands) to keep me coming back to read again.

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Action Comics (1938) #904

Aug 31, 2011

Even if the last four pages are considerably more enjoyable than the preceding sixteen, Cornell has given Action Comics historic first volume an excellent goodbye and thats really all we could have wanted.

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All Nighter #1

Jul 2, 2011

This was a decent opener for this mini and depending on how the mother plot thread develops; it could be very good indeed.

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Alpha Girl #1

Mar 1, 2012

Overall, the art is very good and the premise promises entertainment but the second issue needs more Alpha Girl, more comedy, more darkness and some proper zombie action.

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Alpha Girl #3

Aug 7, 2012

Im pretty sure that Judith and Frank will pick up more weird people on their way to rescue Judiths brother from juvie and this should result in plenty more laughs and zombie fighting action.

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Artifacts #5

Mar 9, 2011

This issue felt a little bit like a filler issue, notbeing as important or accomplished as the first four. Im sure it will pick up again soon and so still look forward to reading the rest.

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Artifacts #7

May 18, 2011

Many big event series have low points, especially near the middle, so it was expected that this would happen with Artifacts as well. There is still a long way to go left in this series and at this point it is hard to know where it is heading; I just hope that there is enough worthwhile story to be told in the second half.

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Artifacts #10

Sep 28, 2011

8/10 (the letter and coverdragged it up)

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Avengelyne #1

Aug 11, 2011

High concept of high fantasy works need to get it right when it comes to believable characters in unbelievable situations and because of the temporary amnesia/unknown double life as a porn star start to this issue, I found it hard to get into the story. The issue does end in an interesting (though again slightly confusing way) though, so things could be looking up next time around.

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Avengelyne #2

Aug 31, 2011

The villain Torment looks like he will have to be the saving grace of this first arc, as he is far creepier and interesting than an evil looking Avengelyne fake in fetish ware. More focus and more clarity are needed in this series, which is presumably trying to tempt new readers with its new numbering, and if this element is nailed, it should have a better chance.

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Avengelyne #3

Sep 28, 2011

This story turned out to be a better introduction to the series than I first suspected. The key characters and villains have been introduced and we end up in a good place to move forward from, hopefully Avengelyne will build on this and continue to improve.

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Avengers Assemble #1

Mar 22, 2012

The main problem I have this comic is that it seems pointless. Its in continuity, but not one of the main Avengers titles. It features the cast from the film and mentions the film on the cover, but is not fully accessible to people with knowledge of the films only. Im sure plenty of people could follow the plot regardless, but the marketing seems wrong nevertheless. The writing is fine and the art is quite good, but as there seems to be no clear market for this series, I cant fully recommend it to anyone.

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B.P.R.D.: Hell On Earth: Russia #1

Sep 13, 2011

The reveal at the end of this issue did not excite me, because it meant nothing to me, once again this seemed like something for long term fans. However, I enjoyed the art enough to return and see what will happen next issue.

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Batman and Robin (2009) #26

Aug 11, 2011

This issue is a worthy end to a fantastic series, even it is isnt quite the end everyone deserved. It will be interesting to see what Peter J. Tomasi does with this title in the re-launch (as he was supposed to be taking over full time when Morrison departed) but I cant see it having the same energy when it becomes an all Wayne affair in September.

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Broken Pieces #0

Aug 11, 2011

This preview issue fairly effectively gives a flavour of the series, while getting across a lot of key elements, it isnt as clear and concise as it could be, but it does enough to garner some interest and make me want to read the first issue proper.

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Butcher Baker: The Righteous Maker #7

Nov 18, 2011

This issue does end on a high though, with a very cool fight and exciting final page, but the story needs to move on more after next issue, otherwise things will probably start to drag.

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Carbon Grey #1

Mar 9, 2011

Carbon Grey certainly isn't the easiest or simplest read out there, but the first issue does suggest that they have a good story to tell and this makes it worth reading despite its flaws.

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Carbon Grey #2

Apr 19, 2011

There is a definite improvement to Carbon Grey with this second issue, the art is beautifully done and the writing is starting to tighten and clarify. It feels like the sort of series that will keep improvingas more is revealed, but it isn't quite there yet.

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Carbon Grey #3

May 18, 2011

All this series needs to do to step up a level is narrow its focus a bit, so that more plots can be developed with each issue. Maybe a few characters should be culled, preferably a couple of the similar looking sisters.

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Charismagic #0

Feb 17, 2011

There are a couple of problems with dialogue, in that it doesnt flow and it feels a bit clunky. Also, there were occasions when it seemed another word would have been necessary. As with most #0s, there isnt much too this comic, but the art is good (unfortunately, the best drawings come at the end when the faux book is being presented) and the story isnt off putting or particularly engaging. However, it cannot really be judged until there is a full issue on the stands.

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Charismagic #1

Apr 19, 2011

Overall, Charismagic is now a series I am interested in, having improved greatly since the zero issue. Everything is set up well and there are plenty of reasons to take a look at the next issue.

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Charismagic #2

Aug 11, 2011

After two full issues and one preview issue, not a whole lot has actually happened in terms of overall plot and it seems the stage is still being set. The story so far has been fun and entertaining though, which is always a good place to start.

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Charismagic #3

Nov 18, 2011

Despite this, Charismagic #3 is a very enjoyable comic that both expands on character and plot, without losing any of the entertaining and fun dialogue and interaction.

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Cow Boy - A Boy and His Horse #1

Aug 7, 2012

Because I was so surprised by Cow Boy I really dont want to give too much away. Cow Boy is gripping and funny, but ultimately heart breaking and brilliant. Cosby and Eliopoulos show just what can be achieved with the form, a perfect example of the creativity that exists in the medium.

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Cyclops #2

Feb 17, 2011

Overall, Cyclops is a very interesting and enjoyable read, and while Douglas Pistoia has a difficult decision to make at the end of the issue, it's not a hard decision for me to recommend this comic.

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Cyclops #3

Feb 17, 2011

This issue was another top quality story that is beginning to unfold some bigger and more complex problems. It seems that war may not be the most dangerous game if Doug starts to bite the hand that feeds him. Also, knowing that this is an eight issue series is exciting as that means there is lots more Cyclops action to come.

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Cyclops #4

Feb 17, 2011

It's hard to say that this is my favourite comic at the moment (because of Echoes) but it is definitely of a quality that is as good and better than much of the material published by the bigger publishers (which I do enjoy never the less). Cyclops improves with each issue and if you can't find the comics, then I urge you to pick up the imminent hardcover collection of the first four issues.

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Dancer #1

Jun 27, 2012

I had higher hopes for Dancer, especially after hearing good things about it, but this first issue is quite an average comic that doesnt do much new, until the final page, when it does something that could derail it all completely.

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Daomu #1

Feb 17, 2011

The Daomu of the title are a specific group of tomb robbers that serve to protect the balance between man and nature rather than just steal for their own benefit. Presumably, this is where Sean will be heading, and with and with his father's murder to solve and enemies to fight, it should be a great journey to read in future issues. This was almost a perfect first issue, with plenty of story set-up covered while introducing more than enough mystery to keep anyone happy, with art to match.

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Debris #1

Aug 7, 2012

The end of this issue sets Maya off on a journey for her tribe and once again I have been hooked by Wiebe and feel in awe of Rossmos talent. Im already disappointed that Debris is only solicited as a four issue mini-series.

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Echoes #1

Jan 18, 2011

Overall, Echoes is a great read that offers something very different to the majority of comics on the market. It is interesting and looks like it could offer some genuine scares (especially if the final page is anything to go by). By the time the final page comes it is clear that series is one to watch. Although the first print is already sold out, a second is coming and it is most definitely deserved.

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Echoes #2

Feb 17, 2011

It should be fairly clear that I rate this comic and would recommend it to all; Im anticipating the next issue more than any other comic at the moment.

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Elephantmen #31

Jun 6, 2011

The best praise I can give is that having now dipped my toe into this world, I want to keep reading. I will probably be buying the collected trades to catch up on what seems like a very cool and interesting comic.

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Elephantmen #32

Jul 19, 2011

Elephantmen is a quality series and Axel Medellin is a great artist and I suppose thats all you really need to know.

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Elephantmen #33

Jul 19, 2011

I think Ive said everything that needs to be said. Another quality comic from Elephantmen.

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Elephantmen #34

Aug 31, 2011

Another enjoyable issue of this series, making me want to read the next. It will be fun (and surely bloody) to see how Yvette will be incorporated back into the present day as this sequel to War Toys concludes next issue.

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Elephantmen #35

Sep 28, 2011

Another strong issue from this series, but I am looking forward to getting back into the present day adventures of Hip and the rest of the cast next issue.

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Elephantmen #36

Dec 6, 2011

Despite my continuity concerns, I always find something to enjoy with Elephantmen and this issue is no different.

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Epoch #1

Sep 13, 2011

This debut issue to the mini-series was a decent opener, though it is hard to feel infused by another conflict between good and evil. However, if the art stays of a high quality and the action is entertaining, epoch should turn out to be an enjoyable read.

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Epoch #2

Sep 28, 2011

With a looming contest to choose a new leader for the council of the creatures, the possibility of Jonah becoming an angel and some mysterious villains, Epoch should have enough going for it to find an audience and tell an entertaining story.

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Executive Assistant Iris #0

Jul 2, 2011

If you think you are interested in this series then I would recommend giving this zero issue a try, it is cheaper than a full comic and gives a decent taste of what is to come, while also giving a sense that things will improve with the first full issue.

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Executive Assistant Iris #1

Jul 2, 2011

I think this was a decent opening, but there wasnt enough Iris or plot building for an issue that is supposed to hook me into buying other titles. However, the other three Executive Assistants do look interesting and I hope people give them a try. Executive Assistant: Orchid #1 is up next for The Hit List Agenda and I look forward to reading it.

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Executive Assistant Iris #2

Aug 11, 2011

As Iris kidnapped Acteia for Duncan Villone, it seems like he might be trying to put together some sort of Executive Assistant army (dependent on how many he can control) and that could be interesting. But event series such as this cant afford to drop the pace or the level interest and it is a shame that this has happened. However, I have already read the next issue of this cross over series (Orchid #2, which will be reviewed very soon) and things certainly do hot up again.

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Executive Assistant Iris #3

Sep 13, 2011

Saying this, the ending is strong enough to make me want to find out what is going to happen next and hopefully everything will begin to tie together a bit more coherently and with much more importance.

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Executive Assistant Iris #4

Oct 20, 2011

The Executive Assistant Hit List Agenda started well and had a lot of promise; the standard has slipped somewhat since then, with only Lobdells Orchid managing to maintain the high quality. It will be interesting to see what happens in the end though, mainly because I have read every other issue, and I hope this series can end on a high.

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Fantastic Four (2012) #2

Dec 23, 2012

With Fraction firing on all cylinders and brilliant art teams with Bagley and Allred, the Fantastic Four portion of the Marvel Universe is an exciting place to be. Fraction looks to be focussing on family and adventure and that is certainly the right focus. I look forward to seeing how both titles progress.

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Fathom Vol. 4 #1

Aug 11, 2011

This first issue does pretty much everything right, including an intriguing ending that makes me want to read the next issue.

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Fathom: Blue Descent #2

Feb 17, 2011

Despite some shortcomings, Fathom is still a good read, and the physical and emotional conflicts that look to be on the horizon should mean that the next issue is even better.

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Firebreather: Holmgang #1

Feb 17, 2011

The issue ends in a way that suggests that Duncans brief slip into something resembling normality will not last long, plus next issue is prom night and that can only be a blast.

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Firebreather: Holmgang #2

May 18, 2011

I do still want to read the next issue, as an interesting encounter has been set up, but I hope it returns to the quality that has been shown previously.

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Fly #1

Jul 2, 2011

Fly is just a great comic, a difficult but worthy subject to tackle that seems like it is going to show every aspect of drug use, while also maintaining a fantasy twist.

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Fly #2

Jul 19, 2011

Fly looks like it could be one of the standout series of the year. If you havent bought the first issue, then track it down, but even if you cant, the second issue is still a good time to get involved with this excellent series.

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Fly #3

Aug 31, 2011

Fly #3 is another very high quality issue of this series, the way the past and present threads run in tandem, with each implicating the other, is executed superbly the majority of the time and the plot is becoming more interesting with each passing month.

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Fly #4

Nov 18, 2011

This issue pretty much made me feel everything, but the biggest surprise came at the end with the teaser for volume 2, thats right, Fly will return next year.

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Fraggle Rock #1

Mar 9, 2011

Overall, I this is a great comic full of fun and great messages for kids. All the stories are ultimately about friendship and helping each other out without being patronising, while managing to maintain the humour and entertainment. There's also a page to colour in and an information page on stretching before exercise. This is the perfect comic for kids, but it is all ages, meaning that adults (like me) can enjoy it too.

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Fraggle Rock #2

Mar 9, 2011

This issue was even better than the first and it is worth buying for The Meaning of Life alone. Kids will love the bright and funny characters while also learning important things without even realising, which is the best kind of learning. As I said last time, that doesn't mean Henson loving adults can't enjoy it too.

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Glory #23

Mar 1, 2012

All in all Glory #23 is another successful book in the Extreme re-launch.

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Green Lantern Corps (2006) #63

Aug 31, 2011

Overall though, this is another disappointing final issue, with not a lot of merit. I was going to give an extra point for Kirkham and Batts excellent cover, but as half of the important characters on said cover never appear in the comic (Ganthet, John, Soranik) Im not going to.

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Green Wake #2

Jun 6, 2011

Green Wake has the potential to be the best miniseries of the year. If this standard is maintained, then Green Wake is shaping up to be one of my favourite comics ever.

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Green Wake #3

Jun 6, 2011

This was another great issue, I still cant be sure what exactly is going on, but I cannot wait to find out.

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Green Wake #4

Jul 2, 2011

I think Im right in saying that this series was initially planned as a mini but has now been up scaled to an on-going. I am pretty excited about this and if the same standard continues, Im sure it will continue to be a must buy comic.

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Green Wake #5

Aug 11, 2011

Green Wake is definitely the stand out series of the year, Wiebes writing and Rossmos art combine perfectly in the ultimate form of storytelling. Original, beautiful, compelling and sad, this comic is more than hard to top.

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Green Wake #6

Oct 20, 2011

Since the first arc ended I have been waiting for the new issue of Green Wake with much anticipation and I am delighted to say that it did not disappoint. I am more than ready for more strange storytelling and awesome art.

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Green Wake #7

Dec 6, 2011

Green Wake is my favourite series of this year and if youre not reading it, you really should be.

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Green Wake #8

Dec 31, 2011

The only criticism I can have of this issue is that after the end of the previous issue, which was both frightening and intriguing, the children dont really appear enough. It doesnt so much affect the story negatively as seem like a missing piece that could have made this issue even better. Regardless, Im still finding Green Wake to be one of the most enjoyable, entertaining and genuinely interesting comics on the stands.

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Green Wake #9

Mar 1, 2012

Im disappointed with the way Green Wake has ended because I really did love this series. Although Im not completely satisfied with the way things had to end, this last issue and especially the last few pages will certainly be looked back upon fondly nevertheless (the final page from Rossmo is lovely). The score for this issue is still high because I believe it is genuinely a good read and a good way to end, despite my disappointment deriving from my desire for the series to continue.

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Grim Leaper #1

Apr 19, 2012

Overall, this is a fantastic debut. The art is very accomplished and matches the darkness and humour in Wiebes scripting. The last page will make you want to read on. Theres plenty of death in comics, but if you, like me, think that not enough of it is mixed with romance and humour, then Grim Leaper is the comic for you.

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Hack / Slash #4

Jun 6, 2011

Hack/Slash seems like it should be better than it is. It has some strengths, but its the silly, niggling weaknesses that let it down.

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Hack / Slash #5

Jul 2, 2011

The concept of Hack/Slash is good, but it doesnt deliver. I would much rather have read a full length issue about Fantomah, mystery woman of the jungle.

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Hack / Slash #6

Jul 19, 2011

Hack/Slash could and should be better. It has managed a lot of volumes, so obviously has a large number of fans, but I think it needs to be bigger, badder and bloodier. Perhaps it should even strive for the so bad its good tone of the B movies that the creators seem to admire.

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Hack / Slash #8

Sep 28, 2011

I want to like Hack/Slash more, but at the moment Im still not sure. It certainly has fun ideas and entertaining situations and Cassie and Vlad also make for a strong lead team of characters, perhaps more practical underwear is the only change I really want, but until that happens, I suppose well never know.

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Hack / Slash #9

Dec 6, 2011

I did enjoy this issue of Hack/Slash, but Im j still just not sure about it as a series. Im still finding it hard to reconcile the many different aspects of this comic; the blood, the violence, the well written dialogue, the poor quality humour, the good humour, the nudity, the genuine character moments, the interesting plot points, the throwaway characters (whats with that dog thing?). Its like one inconsistent paradox of confusion and entertainment.

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Hack / Slash #11

Dec 31, 2011

I liked the previous issue of Hack/Slash but Ive changed my mind about this series once again.

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Hack / Slash #12

Mar 1, 2012

While Hack/Slash can certainly be juvenile (the story is called monster baiting) it can also undoubtedly be highly entertaining. More like this please!

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Hack / Slash #17

Aug 7, 2012

Though Hack/Slash isnt for everyone (including me), if you like the sound of it, it wont let you down.

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Haunt #18

Dec 6, 2011

Despite this misstep, Haunt is still an interesting enough series with an exciting enough creative team coming on board that I think people should stick around to see what comes next.

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Heart #1

Nov 18, 2011

While it is likely that most people would have read or seen a similar story before, this first issue of Heart is still an entertaining and enjoyable read and I am interested enough in the characters to want to see the next step in their journey.

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Heart #2

Dec 6, 2011

Oren Rooster Redmond is sure to be a dividing character amongst readers. I currently find him just the right balance of annoying and compelling to keep enjoying this series and I want to keep reading, if only to see if Oren does have the fall that seems almost inevitable.

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Heart #3

Jan 29, 2012

I still cant fully sympathise with or begin to like Oren Rooster Redmond very much, but he and is story are engaging and the art is excellent. With just one more issue to go it seems that Heart will be ending big.

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Hell Yeah #1

Mar 1, 2012

There are a lot of superhero comics around (and I buy a fair few of them) but after the strength of this debut Im definitely on board with Hell Yeah.

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Hell Yeah #2

Apr 19, 2012

Overall, Hell Yeah is an entertaining comic. I really respect the way Keatinge is handling the plotting, with a playful honesty and disregard for expectations and with the art team doing such a good job, this could be another great Image series.

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Hellboy: The Fury #1

Jul 2, 2011

It isnt Mike Mignolas fault that I havent been reading HellBoy recently, but I wouldnt recommend this for anyone completely new to the comic, if you have a working knowledge of HellBoy however, then Im sure you will enjoy this. I also expect bigger things to come next issue, with a more epic feel, that should improve on this first part.

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Hellboy: Being Human #1

Jun 6, 2011

I really enjoyed this issue of HellBoy, the simple paranormal story mixed with Rogers journey and some good action make for a very entertaining comic.

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Hellboy in Hell #1

Dec 23, 2012

I enjoyed this first issue, but really want to see HellBoy descend the river Lethe and enter hell proper. This opening is strong enough in both writing, and especially art, to craft an interesting story that I want to read more of. Im sure new and old HellBoy fans alike will not be disappointed with this comic.

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Hoax Hunters #1

Aug 7, 2012

Hoax Hunters has all the components to be an excellent series. The art is fantastic and the writing is good too, it just needs a little work on pacing and to involve all the characters. As I want to read the next issue, thats a job well done by Moreci, Seeley and Medellin.

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Hoax Hunters #2

Aug 7, 2012

I like the way Hoax Hunters is going. It has a solid team of characters and plenty of story options to explore. The writing is already better than it was in the first issue and Medellin is always great; Hoax Hunters has all the makings of a hit series.

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Mara #1

Dec 23, 2012

Mara definitely has the potential to be a very good comic. The talent is obviously there and the ideas and themes seem strong. I would have preferred a longer first issue, with a few extra pages allowing for a better sense of where the story will go post power reveal. Despite this, Mara is beautiful to look at and I trust Brian Wood to tell an interesting story. After reading this first issue, I do want to read the next, so that must count as a success.

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Mass Effect: Homeworlds #1

Jun 27, 2012

Overall, this comic is a little underwhelming. The creative team dont have a lot of space in which to manoeuvre and tell an interesting story, but they fail to make best use of what space they do have. Fans will like the extra story, but will probably have been expecting a little more, especially as Mac Walters was the lead writer on the Mass Effect 3 video game. Hopefully the remainder of the series will improve.

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Mondo #1

Mar 22, 2012

There is both an ugliness and a twisted beauty in these pages and Mondo is just another example of how Image are the most diverse and interesting publisher. The writing and art are equally strong and it's clear that McKeever has plenty of ideas to fit into this three issue mini-series; you won't find another comic like this on the stands.

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Moon Girl #1

May 18, 2011

While this comic may not have the clearest or most conventional arc, it is still intriguing and the art is so good, that this would be worth buying just to look at. I expect this issue to be built on well in future issues and I look forward to reading it.

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Moon Girl #2

Jul 2, 2011

When reading Moon Girl it feels like there is a good story trying to get out, but at the moment it isnt clear or focused enough. The potential is there, especially with the quality of the art, for a really good comic, so I hope next issue can deliver more.

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Moriarty #1

May 18, 2011

This series has made a fairly promising start, as the plot is well set out and the art is strong, there is plenty of potential with the idea of a Moriarty series, so I look forward t seeing how the story will progress.

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Moriarty #2

Jul 2, 2011

Despite some flaws, I enjoyed this issue enough to want to read the next.

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Moriarty #3

Jul 19, 2011

If you have been buying Moriarty, then I wouldnt suggest that you just stop. I think re-reading old issues helps and the story will probably be at its best when read all in one go, as this would make it easier to follow some of the less clear elements. Despite my dislike of this issue, I am interested to see how things will conclude next issue, even if to just fully understand what it was all about.

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Morning Glories #9

Jun 6, 2011

Morning Glories is an interesting and complex series and his was an enjoyable issue that added as much mystery as it did clarity.

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Morning Glories #10

Jun 6, 2011

I enjoyed this issue but the dream/surreal sequences outweigh the everyday occurrences too much for it to be considered great.

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Mudman #1

Nov 18, 2011

Mudman has drawn me in with this first issue and though I have emphasised the location and Englishness of this series as positives, it certainly has enough interesting and classic story points for anyone to appreciate.

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Mysterious Ways #1

Jul 19, 2011

Unfortunately, Mysterious Ways doesnt really do enough of anything. I do think it will improve as more is revealed, but it should have started with more purpose to really grab the readers attention.

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Mysterious Ways #2

Aug 31, 2011

Mysterious Ways is still trudging its way through the middle ground, not good enough to really like, nowhere near bad enough to hate.

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Mysterious Ways #3

Dec 6, 2011

Mysterious Ways feels like a good story that has become trapped in a need for mystery and action. Some more time spent on developing Sam would have made his struggle much more interesting and Id be much more likely to care what happens to him. But as it is, Mysterious Ways continues to be an alright comic book, the art is good, but the plot just isnt doing enough.

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No Place Like Home #1

Mar 22, 2012

Aside from my criticisms, Id still like to read the next issue of this series. In the extra content at the back it seems that Angelo Tirotto has big plans for this comic, hoping for multiple volumes, so surely things cant be as standard as they seem. Nevertheless, No Place Like Home is going to have to improve.

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Our Love Is Real #1

Nov 18, 2011

However, Our Love is Real is certainly interesting and the art is excellent. If you like your sci-fi big, weird and unique, this is the comic for you.

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Peter Panzerfaust #1

Mar 1, 2012

Nevertheless, I am interested in this series; the concept is cool and Wiebe and Jenkins are both very good. By putting the Peter Pan tale into a World War Two setting there is a lot of scope for interesting new stories and spectacular art and thats why Ill be back for the second instalment.

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Peter Panzerfaust #2

Apr 19, 2012

After this issue Im excited about Peter Panzerfaust again. Yes, its familiar in many ways, it is based on a story that everyone knows, but Wiebe and Jenkins have the freedom to do new things with it and hopefully these things will be worth reading.

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Peter Panzerfaust #5

Aug 7, 2012

It seems that the focus will switch to Curly/Julien recounting the tale to Mr Parsons next issue, which will be good for expanding on the other Lost Boys a bit more. Im glad this series is continuing as it has a strong creative team behind it and it should go from strength to strength.

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Prophet (2012) #21

Jan 29, 2012

Though technically not a lot happens, Prophet takes its time to show readers the world that John Prophet inhabits and how difficult it will be to complete his mission there. There is clearly a lot of talent and creativity in this issue, with surely more to come. Prophet could be something really special.

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Prophet (2012) #22

Apr 19, 2012

Prophet has been very successful since the Extreme line re-launched and deservedly so. I know that Simon Roy is taking a break from the art for a few issues, but with the ending of this issue being so strong Prophet should continue to be an excellent comic book.

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Prophet (2012) #24

Apr 19, 2012

This series is yet to disappoint and even with more artistic changes up ahead, I think Graham will be able to hold it all together. Theres a lot to enjoy in this issue, with some classic sci-fi aspects, but also plenty to make this comic feel fresh and imaginative. Prophet is the first sci-fi comic that I have been consistently excited to read and the end of this issue does its job in making me want to read on.

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Rachel Rising #1

Aug 31, 2011

Rachel Rising is a superbly constructed comic with an instantly interesting lead character; the hook is great and more than strong enough to have me looking forward to the next issue already.

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Rebel Blood #1

Mar 22, 2012

Even if the writing was terrible, Rebel Blood would still be a comic worth looking at. Thankfully, the story is just as engaging as the artwork and I am excited to see where this mini-series will go.

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Rebel Blood #2

Jun 27, 2012

Despite this, Rebel Blood is a very good comic with excellent art. Rossmo and Link and telling a somewhat familiar story but it has enough ideas of its own to make it stand out and though the plot isnt unlike anything else available, Rossmos art certainly is.

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Rebel Blood #3

Jun 27, 2012

Link and Rossmo have done a great job throughout, turning what seemed like a relatively straightforward horror comic into something more. Packed full of gruesome and interesting ideas and ending with confidence and mystery, Rebel Blood is another hit for Image.

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Reed Gunther #1

Jun 6, 2011

Overall it was a solid start for Reed Gunther and I look forward to the subsequent issues.

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Reed Gunther #2

Jul 19, 2011

Reed Gunther is an all ages comic, but I think it would be a great way to get kids interested primarily; I do still enjoy it and think it is something a lot of people would like, but kids would probably get more out of it. This issue improved by having a human adversary for Reed, as well as creatures, and I hope this continues. Even though content is limited by the all ages banner, Reed Gunther is a darn sight better than a lot of Image output with no such restrictions.

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Reed Gunther #3

Aug 11, 2011

This was another quality issue from Reed and the gang with a story continuing next issue that promises much of the same, but with added monsters.

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Reed Gunther #4

Sep 13, 2011

As all ages comics go, they dont get much better than this. Reed Gunther is always entertaining and relentlessly fun and with 34 pages (32 of which are story) it is great value for money and something kids should really spend some time reading. There is nothing not to love about a cowboy that rides a bear, Nuff Said!

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Reed Gunther #5

Oct 20, 2011

Ive (obviously) really enjoyed this series so far and I look forward to seeing more of Reed, Sterling and Starlas adventures together. And if I may go slightly off topic, after the controversy regarding Starfire and Catwoman in recent DC #1s, I would like to point people in the direction of Reed Gunther, so they can see how a strong female character can be done without sexualisation.

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Reed Gunther #6

Dec 6, 2011

If nothing else, it is so much fun seeing Reed and Sterlings first adventure together. I dont know how anyone could read this comic and not end up with a massive smile on their face, Reed Gunther is pure joy.

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Reed Gunther #7

Jan 29, 2012

Its nigh on impossible to fault Reed Gunther. Its fun, accessible, entertaining and theres always a sense that everyone involved is doing the best they can do and enjoying it while they do it. Ive praised a lot of Image comics other the past 12 months, but Reed Gunther is as good as any other.

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Reed Gunther #8

Mar 22, 2012

There are plenty of things to love about this comic series and nothing to really dislike. Reed Gunther is consistently one of the most enjoyable and impressive comics available and everyone should give it a try.

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Reed Gunther #9

Mar 22, 2012

Overall, I have probably reviewed this issue slightly strangely, what with my emotional ridiculousness coming through. However, Reed Gunther is very much still fun and all ages friendly. Next issue will see Reed and Starla fighting for their friend and I want to what is going to happen.

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Reset #1

Jun 27, 2012

Im intrigued by Reset as it is far more interesting and layered than I was expecting. Bagges has created a high-concept sci-fi comic, but has also filled it with the smaller details to enhance the story. The ending even suggests some darker aspects to the Reset machine, so despite Guys occasional annoyance, Ill be back for the second issue.

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Reset #2

Jun 27, 2012

This comic has a lot of potential. The art work is strong and of special interest to those looking for an alternative to the kind of art that dominates mainstream comics and the storytelling has some interesting ideas. The pace needs to quicken somewhat though and hopefully more will revealed next issue to hook me in the way that the debut issue did.

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Revival #1

Aug 7, 2012

I was very quickly drawn in by this series and the ending has me hooked. I dont want to spoil things, but I think this should be enough to get anyone interested; cats, teeth, pliers, scythe (in one sequence!).

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Saga #1

Mar 22, 2012

Though Im not as convinced as I thought I would be Saga is still very good. My expectations were so high that my review may have suggested a lower score overall than I have given. Despite my doubts, this is still a well written and superbly drawn debut which will surely be another hit for Image.

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Saga #2

Apr 19, 2012

The ending is terrifying and funny and I need to know what is going to happen next. Already this series feels epic in scope, but also intimate. A lot has happened and there are many plot threads, but character is never lost. Vaughans scripting has improved already since the first issue, Stapless art is flawless and at $2.99 there is no excuse not to try this series.

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Saga #3

Aug 7, 2012

Ive missed the start of a lot of great series in the past (The Walking Dead, Chew, Y: The Last Man) and ended having to catch up in trades, but with Saga Im hoping for a series that will run for years so that I can guarantee myself a great comic every month. At the moment, Saga is as good as anything else available.

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Samurai's Blood #1

Jul 2, 2011

There is potential for this story, despite it being well trodden ground. The relationships between the three main characters and lots of samurai action should be able to carry it though.

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Samurai's Blood #2

Jul 19, 2011

The action in this comic does look good, even if it doesnt always make sense from a story point of view. Therefore, the subsequent issues will need a bit more direction and purpose to elevate the story above its current state.

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Samurai's Blood #3

Aug 31, 2011

This is by far the best issue of the series so far; Ive said everything that needs to be said.

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Screamland #1

Jun 6, 2011

This issue sets up a murder mystery plot that should work very well with the diverse cast of monsters and the darkly comic tone. Theres a lot to get me interested in this series and I look forward to the next issue.

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Screamland #2

Jul 2, 2011

Screamland is a really cool and entertaining series, there is plenty of humour and it is well drawn. Anyone that likes Sci-fi, monster movies or horror films should give this a try; and who doesnt like at least one of those?

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Secret #1

Apr 19, 2012

So far everything is pretty ,bout Secret as I am about The Manhattan Projects, which is another great comic. Hickman is surely onto another hit and with his head for design and Bodenheim's fantastic art everyone should be excited about Secret.

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Soulfire Vol. 3 #0

Apr 19, 2011

Overall, this issue has made me suitably interested in the rest of the series and I look forward to seeing the first full issue.

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Soulfire Vol. 3 #2

Aug 31, 2011

Next issue looks to be more Malikai focused, which should be good, especially for getting the right balance of fantasy and reality.

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Spaceman #1

Nov 18, 2011

Despite my dislike for the written side of this issue, the quality of the art and the low price tag of this first issue will bring me back for one more to see if I can be swayed. But at the moment, Spaceman seems to be a muddled, unclear and frustrating series.

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Splitsville #1

Jun 27, 2012

Overall this comic has plenty to offer, with a great concept, action, humour and extra content; and the art team do a great job of keeping everything vibrant and appealing. On the strength of this first issue, I look forward to seeing how Splitsville will develop.

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Street Fighter Legends: Ibuki #1

Jan 18, 2011

Overall, Street Fighter Legends Ibuki is as much if not more about friendships and responsibilities as it is about ninjas fighting each other. This isnt necessarily a bad thing, but it did surprise me a little and make some of the big story moments feel underdeveloped.

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Super Dinosaur (2011) #1

May 18, 2011

As a debut issue, Super Dinosaur was pretty good. A lot of possibilities were opened up and if the right balance between the different relationships and dinosaurs punching each other is found, this could be another great success for Kirkman, Howard and Image.

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Super Dinosaur (2011) #2

Jun 6, 2011

If I was ten years old I think I would find this comic the coolest thing ever. But at twice that age, I still find it fun and enjoyable.

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Super Dinosaur (2011) #4

Sep 13, 2011

Nevertheless, Super Dinosaur is an enjoyable series which is especially suited to younger readers. With some exciting reveals at the end of this issue, the next should be a lot of fun.

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The Big Lie #1

Sep 13, 2011

While I dont quite know why Image decided to publish this comic, it at least isnt overly sensationalist and it does print the names of all the victims of September 11th, showing a certain amount of respect. People will be interested in this comic and what it has to say, but everyone should read both arguments before making up their minds.

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The Darkness (2007) #88

Feb 17, 2011

The Darkness is a thoroughly enjoyable comic which has strengths in every department. Even though this issue is effectively one long battle, there is still enough dialogue and story progression to prevent it from being a very quick read or seeming light on content. Now that this arc has ended it will be interesting to see where the title goes next. Next issue sees guest writer Joshua Hale Fialkov, writer of the brilliant Echoes, having a go at The Darkness, so I'm sure I'll be around this time next month.

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The Darkness (2007) #89

Feb 17, 2011

It's somewhat of a shame that this is the only issue from Joshua Hale Fialkov for now, but it's a great taste of what he could do on a big ongoing comic character. All I can do is hope for more and wait for the next issue of Echoes (and The Darkness).

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The Darkness (2007) #91

Jun 6, 2011

This was another solid issue of The Darkness and this arc looks like it could be one of the best yet.

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The Darkness (2007) #92

Aug 11, 2011

The premise of Outer Darkness is good, but as it is now half way through, it seems the right time to move the story forward from the constant battles and allow Jackie to face the problem head on, rather than dealing with all these small fry Darkness pretenders.

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The Darkness: Four Horsemen #2

Jan 18, 2011

My main problem with The Darkness Four Horseman is that it feels like it isnt anywhere near as entertaining or enjoyable as a comic containing a biker gang version of the four horseman of the apocalypse should be. This left me feeling a little bit underwhelmed while not feeling entirely disappointed. This comic certainly isnt bad; it just feels like it could be better.

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The Darkness: Four Horsemen #3

Feb 17, 2011

It is strange that I didn't enjoy this, as I usually find David Hine's stories to be very good, however, I think he would do better on the ongoing series rather than having this mini, which probably should have just been three issues instead of four.

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The Darkness: Four Horsemen #4

May 18, 2011

As for this issue on its own, it was fine, but not up to David Hines normal standards.

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The Intrepids #1

Mar 9, 2011

When I reached the last page of the issue, I wasn't aware that it was the last page and when the story didn't continue I was certainly disappointed. However, this can only mean good things for the comic and I can't recommend it enough to anyone who likes sci-fi, team books, madness or just plain fun.

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The Intrepids #2

Apr 19, 2011

While I was a little underwhelmed compared to the high standards of the first issue, The Intrepids #2 still has all the wit, style and fun that I was hoping for, plus baboons, I can't stop mentioning the baboons. A very promising start to a very promising series.

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The Intrepids #3

May 18, 2011

With an issue more centred on flashback and character development, some of this series momentum seems to have been lost. Also, the lack of Jonah is a little strange, although he does manage one of the most important lines of dialogue. Overall, some of the new developments were interesting, but I hope the series gets back to the mix of action, comedy and character.

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The Intrepids #4

Jun 6, 2011

I dont know how long this series is planned to last. If its an ongoing thing, it seems that there must be some twist coming soon, or The Intrepids wont have much to do. However long it lasts, I will be reading as long as The Intrepids remains a fun, entertaining and humorous comic.

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The Intrepids #5

Jul 19, 2011

While I rate the first two issues in this series as the best, it has not stopped me both enjoying and buying the rest of the series, and I suppose that is all that matters. Everything is more exciting the first time round, but I still had enough fun to keep coming back for more and I think you should too.

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The Intrepids #6

Aug 31, 2011

Overall, The Intrepids has been a quality and entertaining series and I hope there will be more soon.

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The Li'l Depressed Boy #1

Mar 9, 2011

I genuinely cannot fault this comic at all, there is nothing that didn't work or that should change. Undoubtedly, this won't be for everyone, but if you're looking for a change of pace and a story about loneliness, friendship and hopefully love, then you can't do any better than this.

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The Li'l Depressed Boy #3

Apr 19, 2011

I can't really criticise this comic at all and I genuinely cannot wait until next month's instalment.

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The Li'l Depressed Boy #4

May 18, 2011

The next issue of The Lil Depressed Boy should be the most interesting yet. I cannot wait to see how LDB will act now, will he change or will his natural state as a more withdrawn person hold him back from expressing his feelings? If you are anything like me, you will be tuning in next time to find out.

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The Li'l Depressed Boy #6

Sep 13, 2011

The Lil Depressed Boy is the perfect comic. The genuine passion for the medium, music, t-shirts et al that Mr Struble and Mr Grace have comes through clearly and it is so much more engaging to read something that the creators obviously care about. The story, the art, the extras and the letters page are each a joy to behold and I hope this series continues for as long as Struble wants it to.

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The Li'l Depressed Boy #7

Nov 18, 2011

So, to sum up, this comic is brilliant and you should buy it. Be back next month to see the return of Jazz!

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The Li'l Depressed Boy #8

Dec 31, 2011

In many ways non-adventures is the best way to describe what happens to LDB each month, but despite the uneventful and stalling nature of his experiences, they feel very important and real and are much more engaging than most of the competition. Plus, the music, pop culture references, t-shirts and letters column are just too cool. If youre still not reading The Lil Depressed Boy then hang your head in shame, then go and order a copy of #9, Im sure its a good place to get on board.

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The Li'l Depressed Boy #9

Apr 19, 2012

Thanks to The Lil Depressed Boy I have another album to buy, but thats fine by me. I always enjoy reading this series for its great combination of touching, relatable storytelling and high quality art and long may it continue.

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The Li'l Depressed Boy #12

Aug 7, 2012

The Lil Depressed Boy is through its first year worth of issues now and I really hope it stays for years to come.

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The Massive #1

Aug 7, 2012

I definitely want to read the next few issues of The Massive to see how it develops and whether the search for the ship will be a long term plot or something that will be resolved more quickly. The characters are interesting so far and Donaldsons art is fantastic, so The Massive should be a very good series.

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The Massive #2

Aug 7, 2012

The Massive is a slow paced and detailed comic. There is nothing wrong with this as such, but the characters are not currently engaging enough to support all the detail. When the characters become more prominent, I think I will enjoy this series more, but for now it is not overly interesting.

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The Mission #1

Mar 9, 2011

When I finished the issue I found myself asking a number of questions. Why does Paul only have 48 hours to kill this man, why does Gabriel have to be so mysterious and why can't good and evil just get along? I have no idea where this series is headed, other than that Paul is probably now convinced that Gabriel was telling the truth. I wouldn't dismiss this series completely just yet, but the next issue will certainly need to impress more.

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The Someday Funnies #1

Dec 31, 2011

Overall, The Someday Funnies seems the perfect book for a number of different people. Those interested in the 1960s, the history of comics, the comics of the period of just comics or art or fiction in general. There is so much to take in from this book. The strips may be short, but they collectively cover so much that was important both then and now. Whether readers lived through the 60s or not, it was such an important time that its history and its comics should be read by all who are interested in any of the things mentioned above. Despite the couple of problems I had with The Someday Funnies it contains too much good and is too interesting for the problems to outweigh the many positives.

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The Strange Talent of Luther Strode #1

Sep 28, 2011

This series has the making of a very entertaining read, the concept is cool and the art is fantastic, be sure to look out for Luther Strode, its going to be great.

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The Strange Talent of Luther Strode #2

Oct 20, 2011

Luther Strode is an entertaining comic, but it needs to find the right balance between the humour, emerging superhero elements and the ultra-violence if it is going to reach the next level.

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The Strange Talent of Luther Strode #3

Dec 31, 2011

With the plot becoming more interesting and complex and Tradd Moore continuing to deliver exciting and detailed artwork Luther Strode really is another great hit for Image comics.

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The Strange Talent of Luther Strode #4

Jan 29, 2012

In the course of this review I have realised that this issue was better than I first thought. Even with some of the decidedly open explanation feeling unnecessary, the majority of this comic was interesting and entertaining. Its very hard to fault writing and art of this quality.

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The Strange Talent of Luther Strode #5

Apr 19, 2012

Overall, this series has been great. There were moments when I doubted this comic, but in the end it has finished very strongly. The trade paperback is out this week and I recommend that people check it out. In The Strange Talent of Luther Strode Justin Jordan and Tradd Moore have created a set of characters that you will care about, so when you read this final issue, be prepared for the tragedy.

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The Tattered Man #1

Jun 6, 2011

As a concept, The Tattered Man is strong enough to be featured in more one-shots, or maybe even a series. Its hard to explain without giving the story away, but the themes are strong and this comic was one of the few that actually works as a piece of horror. I would definitely be interested in seeing where the character could go and would recommend people picking this up.

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The Vault #1

Aug 11, 2011

After all the set up done in this issue, things should pick up a bit with the next and it will be interesting to see if this is the case.

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The Vault #2

Sep 13, 2011

The Vault #2 is a definite improvement on the first issue, setting up what should be a great conclusion to the final issue of this mini-series.

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The Vault #3

Nov 18, 2011

There is, however, nothing wrong with being a good comic and The Vault is a good comic. If youre looking for some fun thrills, cool scares and high quality art, you cant go far wrong with The Vault.

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The Victories #1

Jun 27, 2012

Victories looks to be a very promising comic, theres plenty for fans of action and vigilantes, but there also seems much more to this series, plus, the art is fantastic throughout.

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Thief of Thieves #1

Mar 1, 2012

The issue ends with a twist of sorts (which I cant imagine will stick) but Im still interested in this series as it has opened with a solid debut . The highlights were certainly the cover and the dialogue, but it should be fun seeing in which direction this series heads. The tag line alone is intriguing enough; There is nothing he cant steal, nothing he cant have except for the life he left behind.

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Twilight Guardian #1

Feb 17, 2011

Overall, this issue was a decent set-up story. While I haven't read the pilot season issue that this title has spawned from, it didn't seem to affect my understanding or enjoyment of this issue one. Even though it was a tad slow and unspectacular, there are enough plot points introduced to keep me intrigued.

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Velocity #3

Jan 18, 2011

However, this art style is something that can be gotten over easily enough once you begin to read the issue, and what you are left with is an enjoyable and entertaining comic. Another thing worth mentioning is the final page, I won't spoil it, but it contains one of the best cliff hangers I have seen in a long time, one which looks set to change the face of this comic series.

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Velocity #4

May 18, 2011

Out of all of Top Cows supporting characters, Velocity seems to have the most potential to break out on her own more permanently and successfully. While most of what was on show across this mini has been done before, it was still done very well.

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Vescell #1

Sep 13, 2011

The characters and the relationships are interesting and entertaining (particularly Machi), the dialogue is well done and the plot is so vast and high concept that its hard to resist. Fast, fun, funny, action packed insanity; I must sound like Im working for Image at this point, but Vescell is a great comic.

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Whispers #1

Jan 29, 2012

Overall this first issue of Whispers is a great comic and it works very well at being the sort of first issue that will make you want to read more. The characters are engaging and the moral questions that Sams newfound abilities bring up are certainly worth exploring.

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Whispers #3

Aug 7, 2012

The moral complications of being able to influence people and see them while remaining unseen were clear from the start of this series, but this issue makes everything far more serious. There is no question that things are about to get a whole lot worse for Sam and I cant wait to find out how much worse.

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Wild Children #1

Aug 7, 2012

I respect Kot and Rossmo for trying to do something different with Wild Children. This isnt the sort of comic that I can recommend and say that I believe everyone will enjoy it, but I definitely think it is interesting and worth reading for anyone looking for something a little more challenging; even if that challenge might be to find the point that Wild Children is trying to make.

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Witch Doctor #1

Jul 2, 2011

This wasnt a bad start for Witch Doctor, I was just expecting a little more. My enjoyment of the series will hinge on the balance between medical application on supernatural problems and magic umbrellas (and anything similar). If the former is favoured, it should be an enjoyable series.

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Witch Doctor #2

Aug 11, 2011

This issue did improve on the first and was more enjoyable all round, as well as being more disturbing and freaky. Next issue looks to face Vincent with a very different kind of threat and it will be interesting to see if there is the right balance of all the series key elements; action, humour, brains and scares.

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Witchblade (1995) #141

Feb 17, 2011

This is only the second issue of Witchblade that I have ever read, but I'm already hooked. The mix of traditional police work with the fantasy elements work well, reminding me a little bit of the X-Files. I'd definitely recommend having a look at Witchblade if you haven't before.

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Witchblade (1995) #144

May 18, 2011

I understand the desire to put out an over sized issue for an anniversary, but as the extra content was neither here nor there in terms of quality or relevance, I would have preferred an extra helping of Marz and Sejic. Nevertheless, it was a good issue and one that should have a lot of relevance in Witchblade issues to come.

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Xenoholics #1

Oct 20, 2011

The main problem that Xenoholics will have though is living up to the promise of the premise. This first issue instantly presents something that I wasnt expecting from the previews and interviews, as a more conventional story already seems to be unfolding. But with just one issue down, I will be picking up the second to see how things develop, just in case Xenoholics has something up its sleeve.

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Xenoholics #2

Dec 6, 2011

Overall, Xenoholics #2 has a really good combination of character work, plot development and fun for funs sake, making it stronger than the debut. There are still some plot devices that frustrate me (like the decisions about which secrets should and shouldnt be revealed) but this series definitely seems to be on the up and I look forward to reading the next installment, especially after this months cliff hanger.

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Xenoholics #3

Dec 31, 2011

Xenoholics is combining a lot of fun, interesting characters, good humour and high quality art to great effect. Theres not a lot else to ask for is there?

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Xenoholics #4

Mar 1, 2012

Im still enjoying Xenoholics with the writing and art being generally good, but it isnt quite reaching the points I feel it should be.

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Reviews for the Week of...


