Fly #3 is another very high quality issue of this series, the way the past and present threads run in tandem, with each implicating the other, is executed superbly the majority of the time and the plot is becoming more interesting with each passing month. Read Full Review
Fly is shaping up to be a good story. It's not just a paint-by-numbers story where regular people stumble into getting powers. There are a couple of threads here that will presumably dovetail into a great story. I know I will be there for the next issue. Read Full Review
There are a lot of different books and titles to choose from every week. Some people take the safe and boring routes and stick to what they know. That's all well and good but the draw back to that is you'll miss a fun title like Fly. This book is only on issue three and that is more than enough time to catch up and be a part of a very entertaining story. Read Full Review