The Li'l Depressed Boy #8

Writer: S. Steven Struble Artist: Sina Grace Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: January 4, 2012 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 3
8.0Critic Rating
8.3User Rating

The Li'l Depressed Boy has weathered many storms while on the road with Drew Blood, and returns home only to find Jazz waiting on his front stoop. How will LDB react to the return of the girl who broke his heart" Also: why is the lock on his door broken" Featuring a cover by the impossibly dreamy PHONOGRAM artist JAMIE MCKELVIE.

  • 8.0
    Comic Bastards - Dustin Cabeal Jan 4, 2012

    This is was a good issue andexactly what I've come to expect from LDP.I may not have loved the interaction with Jazz, but that's the sign of a greatbook; when it takes the path of most resistance rather than giving you theending that you want. This might not be the best jumping on point for newreaders, but even if you start here you'll get enough recap of the previousevents through the dialog and honestly you should still feel the emotion of theending. If you chose to wait then you'll be able to jump on with the nextissue. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicBuzz - Niall Doonan Dec 31, 2011

    In many ways non-adventures is the best way to describe what happens to LDB each month, but despite the uneventful and stalling nature of his experiences, they feel very important and real and are much more engaging than most of the competition. Plus, the music, pop culture references, t-shirts and letters column are just too cool. If youre still not reading The Lil Depressed Boy then hang your head in shame, then go and order a copy of #9, Im sure its a good place to get on board. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    PopMatters - Michael D. Stewart Jan 11, 2012

    Issue eight of The Li'l Depressed Boy is just another excellent chapter in this book's run. Limitedly using Fisher's narrative paradigm as a guide, we can see that much of this rag doll's legacy is built upon the competition of other stories. Perhaps competition is the wrong word, as these previous artifacts of our culture infatuation with lovable underachievers are incorporated as tribute. Whatever the case, The Li'l Depressed Boy's heritage and its own use of subtlety to authentically connect with its audience is what makes the comic a welcome addition to spinner racks each month. Read Full Review

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