Home again, broken hearted and broke. The Li'l Depressed Boy's non-adventures continue as he faces his biggest challenge yet: Finding a job.
Thanks to The Lil Depressed Boy I have another album to buy, but thats fine by me. I always enjoy reading this series for its great combination of touching, relatable storytelling and high quality art and long may it continue. Read Full Review
Issue #9 ends with LDB getting the movie theater job. His joy at being employed is not sufficient to overpower his dismay at working at a movie theater. Struble leaves the issue with that, forcing us to wait until issue 10 to see how LDB handles gainful employment. By the end of issue #9, you’ll feel a connection to LDB that you don’t understand. Struble puts it in all the issues. That feeling is you identifying and commiserating with the hero. It’s powerful stuff; I just wish Li’l Depressed Boy came out every week so I could find out what happens next in the very real world or a very surreal character. As always, Sina Grace’s art is sweet and beautiful. He adds texture to the story and gives a sense of how LDB sees the world. His work draws you in just as much as Struble’s writing. Read Full Review
The story culminates in LDB going on two interviews. Check out this book to see whathappened. Read Full Review
Although this might not be the first book of this caliber I would recommend, The Li'l Depressed Boy #9 is a great starting point for new readers. Read Full Review