Green Wake #5

Writer: Kurtis J. Wiebe Artist: Riley Rossmo Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: August 3, 2011 Cover Price: $3.5 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 1
9.8Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

The deadly finale brings all the exposed threads together and Green Wake's secrets are revealed. Morley must face his own demons to find Babylon, and vile monsters stalk his every step to keep him from his final destination: Home.

  • 10
    Comics Bulletin - Felicity Gustafson Aug 2, 2011

    I found it very difficult not to feel intensely bad for Carl. His guilt and horror over what happened to Ariel basically ate him up. But that's what the town of Green Wake does to people; it will take you down until you drown in your own guilt and then it will sink you further until you hit the shit of rock bottom. Poor Carl. I can't delve in depth into it, but there are some pretty dramatic and suspenseful pages revolving around him. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Book Revolution - Danial Aug 3, 2011

    This issue closes the first arc of Green Wake brilliantly, and is a fittingly end. If you haven't been following the series, I highly recommend picking up the trade when it comes out, and be sure to read on from Green Wake #6 when it hits in October. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Aug 8, 2011

    Green Wake #5 is surreal and beautiful and mysterious and it reminds me of every girl I ever loved and why key lime is my favorite. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    ComicBuzz - Niall Doonan Aug 11, 2011

    Green Wake is definitely the stand out series of the year, Wiebes writing and Rossmos art combine perfectly in the ultimate form of storytelling. Original, beautiful, compelling and sad, this comic is more than hard to top. Read Full Review

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