Hack / Slash #5

Writer: Tim Seeley Artist: Kyle Strahm Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: June 22, 2011 Cover Price: $3.5 Critic Reviews: 4
5.4Critic Rating
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Guest-artist KYLE STRAHM (We Will Bury You) steps in as the skull-faced mystery woman Fantomah comes to Cassie and Vlad for help. But, what could a super powerful goddess, known for her horrible (yet creative) methods of tormenting evil doers, need with a teenage girl and a mutant with a machete?

  • 6.5
    Entertainment Fuse - Nicole D'Andria Aug 9, 2011

    New readers could pick up this issue and understand it, but it will not be a good introduction to the main characters of the series that are downplayed because of Fantomah. Fantomah seems capable of having her own one-shot or even a mini-series. This issue has a strong story but just relies too much on one character. Followers of the series may enjoy it as a nice breather from the very involved story arcs of the past, but the artwork is still a step down from the previous issue and Cassie and Vlad are unfortunately at their weakest. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    cxPulp - Blake Petit Jun 23, 2011

    What really hurts this book is the artwork. I was actually very impressed with the first few pages, where we see a pastiche of the old 40s style (right down to yellowed pages and dotted colors). Kyle Strahm rocks this section, but as soon as we hit the contemporary sequences, the art starts to fall apart. Its really grimy, really dirty, and not in a good way. Theres a certain ugliness to the artwork that doesnt serve the characters. Pooch barely even looks like himself here (and hes a character with a pretty distinctive visual). Faces are off, scenes dont break down right its just weak. The artwork is improved by a couple of nice covers by Jenny Frison and Morning Glories artist Rodin Esquejo, who does a sort of mini cover-crossover with that title. Its a fun way to kick off the book, but the interiors dont live up. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Dean Stell Jun 27, 2011

    A perfectly fine issue of Hack/Slash. Satisfying if you enjoy the series. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    ComicBuzz - Niall Doonan Jul 2, 2011

    The concept of Hack/Slash is good, but it doesnt deliver. I would much rather have read a full length issue about Fantomah, mystery woman of the jungle. Read Full Review

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