Red Sonja #2

Writer: Gail Simone Artist: Walter Geovanni Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment Release Date: August 14, 2013 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 14 User Reviews: 5
8.3Critic Rating
8.8User Rating

Placed in an unwinnable war against an implacable foe, Sonja is forced to do an inconceivable move that will cost her like no previous battle ever has! The thrilling re-imagining of the greatest female sword and sorcery hero ever created not miss this jaw-dropping issue!

  • 10
    Comicosity - MJ Feuerborn Aug 16, 2013

    After a first issue that presented only a handful of wow, this issue was a dozen levels above and really hit its mark. It threw readers into the clattering din of war and dragged them back out again to sprawl on their knees, and with a cold ending that makes the third issue's release seem a winter away. Read Full Review

  • 10
    The Fandom Post - Josh Begley Aug 12, 2013

    Issue 2 picked right up where issue 1 left off and managed to be even more exciting and entertaining. The battle between Sonja and Annisia was powerful and full of pathos, and the story took a turn that I did not expect. If the series continues in this manner it will be one of the most engaging and fast-paced titles on the stands. Red Sonja is so full of life and energy it practically crackles, and I hope that Simone stays on this title for a long, long time. Highly recommended. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Major Spoilers - Brandon Dingess Aug 20, 2013

    Don't just buy "Red Sonja" No. 2, instead use it to inaugurate the title's addition to your pull list. There is no other acceptable course of action. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Shadowhawk's Shade - Abhinav Jain Aug 19, 2013

    If you are not reading this series, then you are most assuredly missing out. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Crave Online - Andy Hunsaker Aug 14, 2013

    I never had much interest in reading about Red Sonja before, but I do now. A writer you trust can work wonders with characters you once dismissed. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Geekality - Josh Pierce Aug 13, 2013

    Simones considerable fandom will likely eat this stuff up, so they hardly need me to recommend it to them. This comic book would also be a pleasant read for fantasy buffs who want an entertainingly conventional rendition of the roving barbarian warlord (except this one has boobs). You know who you are. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Statues And Superheroes - Steven Viscido Aug 18, 2013

    Overall, this was a good issue, with a story that is paced well and interesting to read, but also raises some logic/continuity questions.  These questions are not impossible for Gail to answer satisfactorily, but they definitely do require some exposition in the next couple of issues.  Otherwise, the story runs the risk of being contrived.  However, those logic questions aside, we have an excellent character study of both Sonja and Annisia here, and I absolutely loved the fact that Sonja gave up her sword (which is the most important item she owns, at least to her) to save the village. This is classic Sonja behavior -- risking everything about herself to save others.  I've often thought of Sonja as the world's first super-heroine (not in print, but in terms of the era when she lives), and she definitely lives up to that role in Gail Simone's hands. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Hugo Robberts Lariviere Aug 20, 2013

    While there isn't any memorable action scene and that the twist does come out a bit out of left field, this issue still does convince with the art, the setting and some of the key concepts presented with the very twist that propels the title forward. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    SciFiPulse - Patrick Hayes Aug 18, 2013

    You have to go 14 pages to get somewhere, but once you do it's good. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Richard Gray Aug 14, 2013

    The visage of a flame-haired warrior in a metal bikini might still illicit snicker, for it is a singularly ridiculous costume given her regular swordplay. Yet Simone has instantly given us a character to connect with, and one that is worth returning to next month. If you are yet to give this reboot of Red Sonja a chance, or haven't even thought about picking up anything about the She-Devil with a Sword, then this is a terrific place to start. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Aug 25, 2013

    As I doubt Dynamite is willing to kill off the character, Sonja should survive her current situation but it will be interesting to see how long it keeps her in seclusion (the end of this arc or beyond?). Worth a look. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Therapy - Cody Aug 14, 2013

    Simone is only two issues into her run, but she has already presented a new and spectacular Red Sonja that should please fans new and old. This is the Red Sonja series you have been waiting for. Simone does the character justice and makes her strong and dangerous instead of a piece of eye candy. Very few comics surprise me when the cliffhanger rolls around, but this one made me literally say "wow." If you haven't been reading this series yet, do so right now. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Jen 'Miss J' Aprahamian Aug 14, 2013

    This issue has definitely left us poised for a hell of a story to follow -- there's a powerful antagonist still unvanquished, a deadly plague to quell, a difficult past to deal with -- it's pretty obvious that Sonja isn't ever really going to just surrender and walk away, so I'm looking forward to seeing how she overcomes this minor setback. RED SONJA has all the makings of an epic tale...provided our fiery heroine doesn't plague out, of course. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Read Comic Books - Joey Caswell Aug 14, 2013

    With the ending introduced in issue #2, Red Sonja now seems to be doing a 180 right back into similar territory to that already covered in recent issues of the previous volume. Although the art has improved, the story being crafted is frighteningly bland and overly typical for the genre. There isn't really anything in this story that really makes you want to tear through to the end, let alone find out what happens next month. All of the praise this book has been garnering for its opening issue was a bit confusing after two months of mediocre story-telling. Those who really enjoy it so far may want to go back to the first omnibus collection and see the potential this character really has. Read Full Review

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