The Boys #69

Writer: Garth Ennis Artist: Russ Braun Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment Release Date: August 1, 2012 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 4
8.7Critic Rating
8.6User Rating

The third bad day: as Hughie reels from the events of last issue, the trail leads him to the home of an old adversary thought long dead. Butcher gets in touch with a few details no one's yet considered, and Frenchie gives our hero a brutally honest rundown on his chances- before a lethal attack at the heart of the Boys' operation shatters the status quo forever. Hughie finally discovers exactly what he's doing, in part four of The Bloody Doors Off.3 issues till the end!!!

  • 10
    Blue Raven Comics - Michelle Felizarte Aug 2, 2012

    I simply cannot exude how much I have enjoyed this series over the years. The characters are complex, the storylines are outrageous, and the art has been both breath taking and repulsive all at the same time. This series has delivered time and time again. The last two issues are definitely not to be missed. I give this issue a 10/10. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Unleash The Fanboy - Edward Aug 1, 2012

    Without giving away any spoilers, the current issue sets up the last three for an interesting read. A lot of focus has been put on Wee Hughie and the next few issues look set to really explore the character that, to an extent, has always sat on the fence in a lot of the bigger issues. In short, bring on the next issue. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Geekality - Josh Pierce Aug 1, 2012

    My mind is racing with the thought process that Garth Ennis had in planning out "The End" and I must say that while many people have fallen out of love with The Boys, I have fallen in love with The Boys. If this is a true end to The Boys I cannot see it happening in a better way, Garth Ennis seems to be writer at an extremely high level and the art of Russ Braun is superb through-out the entire issue. Read Full Review

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