Rob Rasmussen's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Major Spoilers Reviews: 66
7.3Avg. Review Rating

Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #659

Apr 30, 2011

There is not a missed beat in the book. Peter gets to shine on every level for a change, from being a jokester, to a quick thinker, to a great problem solver; we get a fully realized Spider-Man. Each character is otherwise given enough time in the spotlight on their own. My one complaint (and it may not really qualify as that) is the use of the Beastie Boys song, Professor Booty, as it will really age the comic in further years. Still, 4.5 out of 5 stars is good.

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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #673

Nov 6, 2011

I have no complaints about this book. Dan Slott knows how to tell a story and Caselli can give me pictures of whatever he wants. Amazing Spider-Man 673, the close of Spider-Island, gets a very well deserved 5 out of 5 stars.And while we're at it, Spider-Island as a whole deserves a quick rating too. The story was good, no great, scratch that AMAZING, look up for how I feel about Ramos, and everything came together perfectly in the end. Spider-Island as a whole also receives a 5 of 5 from this Spidey fan.

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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #683

Apr 8, 2012

Ends of the Earth is gearing up to be as good as Spider-Island, of course with Slott still at the helm, I didn't expect anything less. This issue gave us a great fight, some good character moments for both main and side characters (the JJJ vs Horizon Labs side bit is making me hate JJJ all over again) and a lead in that has me eager for the next ish. All in all, I don't believe I could be happier with the book and I have to give it a 5 for 5.

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Aquaman (2011) #10

Jun 29, 2012

After a home run earlier this month with Green Lantern, Johns seems to have lost a bit of what he had going with Aquaman #10. While not being a complete flop, this issue feels so much more like a set piece than an actual story of its own. Again, none of it is straight up bad, there should just be more going on than the mere filler we get. Despite a great pedigree, Aquaman #10 barely manages 2 out of 5 stars almost completely on the merits of Reis alone.

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Avengers Vs. X-Men #5

Jun 7, 2012

Avengers Vs. X-Men Round 5 gave me much of what I wanted from the title, an extension of the story and a real reason to keep fighting. It has me looking forward to round 6 and much of the tie-in work. Again, my only complaint was, despite being quite well paced, I wanted more. We are given some great character moments spread across a number of individuals, but the focus seemed to linger on the wrong spots for too long. Despite this, Avengers Vs. X-Men Round 5 earns a healthy 4 out of 5 stars.

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AVX: Consequences #4

Nov 2, 2012

AvX Consequences is about how the X-Men deal with the fall of the Phoenix and Utopia; thusly it is about their relationships. AvX Consequences #4 plays that part perfectly. Each conversation, each action lends itself to more understanding of where the X-Men are going to be at the end of this. Between the great artwork and the excellent character work, AvX Consequences #4 earns itself a very well deserved 4.5 out of 5 stars.

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B.P.R.D.: Hell On Earth: Exorcism #1

Jun 20, 2012

Agent Ashley Strode is a character I very much look forward to getting to know and B.P.R.D. Hell on Earth: Exorcism #1 is a great place for her to start. She also makes for an excellent PoV character as one of the few normals that hasn't been working with the B.P.R.D. for ages, which is where the book really succeeds. We have a few interesting concepts here that should make for a good conclusion soon. With a bit lighter story than normal B.P.R.D. Hell on Earth: Exorcism #1 easily earns itself 4 out of 5 stars.

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Batman Beyond Unlimited #4

Jun 1, 2012

Despite a lackluster finish, the rest of the book still holds together well. We get a good setup for the Justice League story, we get a good finisher for the Mad Stan one, and we get a cool new feature giving us even more insight into the universe being built. All in all, even with the poor execution of Superman, Batman Beyond Unlimited gets 4 out of 5 stars, for showing off what a compilation book can be.

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Birds Of Prey (2010) #10

Mar 11, 2011

There's a reason Simone is such a fan favorite writer, she's good. From showing how characters aren't exactly what we always expect the to be, to giving us fantastic, well put together stories, to just great creative dialogue, the lady knows what she's doing. She even gets a good Booster Gold moment in to show how the world reacts to life without Oracle. Birds of Prey easily earns a fantastic 4.5 out of 5 stars.

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Booster Gold (2007) #43

Apr 14, 2011

Despite being a little confused as to where we started (I had to go back and see how the previous issue ended just to make sure I didn't miss/forget something) the story is good. We have a mostly happy, character driven story that wraps up the issue with the Perforated Man and gives us a reasonable excuse for Booster's life to take even longer than expected. The references are all quite good as well and the character moments, such as Brainy admitting he's jealous of the Time Institute's tech are well done. Booster earns his own star and a few more, for a happy 4 stars out of 5.

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Borderlands Origins #1

Nov 16, 2012

The book manages to feel exactly like something that would happen in the Borderlands universe with the backstabbing and the bad-assery, which is the best that one could ask for. We get a satisfying reason as to why Roland left the Lance, which happens to be one of the more mysterious items left from the first game. As an introduction to the world of Pandora, this is a bad idea. As an enhancement for any fan of the series, Borderland Origins is doing more than I could ask for. While the story is somewhat predictable and the characters very trope-y, the necessity of such sets everything apart, allowing Borderlands Origins #1 to earn a solid 3.5 out of 5 stars and get me excited for the next issue.

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Chew (20090 #18

Mar 31, 2011

Layman and Guillory are crafting an epic piece of work. The writing is superb, the characters are all deep and thought out, and the overall all idea of what is happening is jut awesome. I honestly can't recommend this enough, but I think the overall awesomeness that is Chew, and the fantastic set up this issue gives us deserve 5 out of 5 stars.

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Code Monkey Save World #1

Oct 25, 2013

I have only one disappointment with this series so far, that it took me far longer to read than it should have. Pak is utilizing Coulton's music to great effect, creating a ridiculous but believable world and setting what promises to be a fun story there. Code Monkey Save World #1 easily earns itself a perfect 5 of 5 stars in my book and I suggest you all hit Comixology to pick it up immediately.

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Criminal (2019) #12

Feb 2, 2020

The sort of payoff to a series most writers and showrunners would give their mother in law's left arm to achieve, Criminal #12 is a fitting conclusion to an excellent series that has become my standard for all future crime thrillers in comic book form. If you haven't picked up the individual issues, hunt down the collected edition when it comes out. This series is just that good.

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Dead Body Road: Bad Blood #6

Dec 6, 2020

A fitting conclusion to a series built on notions of love and revenge. Dead Body Road #6 brings a cinematic touch to comics, with a kill or be killed vibe that soaks the issue in blood. Not for everyone, but clearly a property that has a big budget Hollywood action thriller all over it.

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Demon Knights #10

Jun 19, 2012

Cornell has figured out the voice each of his characters wants and employed it quite masterfully. Neves work is a joy to behold. Demon Knights has probably been the best book in the entirety of the New 52 and Demon Knights #10 continues that earning itself a perfect and very well deserved 5 of 5 stars.

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Dracula World Orde #1

Jun 11, 2012

When I started Dracula World Order I was expecting another general vampire story, the likes of which we have been over inundated with as of late. I have to say I was pleasantly surprised with the outcome. Dracula World Order runs with the tropes it wants and ignores what it doesn't need to present us with a solid and interesting story that earns 3 out of 5 stars. Even if you've had your fill of vampires lately, the potential here and promise of a larger world is worth a quick read.

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Dungeons & Dragons #6

Apr 26, 2011

Seriously, between amazing fights and great character development the book stands tall on its own. Now branding it with the Dungeons & Dragons logo and managing to make it feel like an actual game; that is superb talent and gives the book a healthy 4.5 out of 5 stars. It barely misses the fifth star because the Dragonborn just looks flat.

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Dungeons & Dragons #13

Nov 26, 2011

Rogers has managed to create a great story, fantastic characters, and interesting world. While doing this, it still feels very much like an actual D&D campaign, complete with in character banter and mocking as well as what are obviously encounters. D&D #13, earns a perfect 5 out of 5, for being everything I expect out of a licensed comic and so much more.

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Flashpoint: Frankenstein and the Creatures of the Unknown #1

Jun 11, 2011

The history moves at a good clip so we can actually set up what the actual meat and potatoes will be. Lemire also does a good job of telling us who the characters are and what they need without it feeling like straight up exposition, which was an actual concern for me. The little love story between Nina, the sea-creature, and Griffith, the wolfman, is also rather cute. This has been the best story I've read out of Flashpoint so far and I'm happy I got it, definitely a 4.5 out of 5. Last thing, poor Man-Bat.

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Generation Hope #5

Mar 18, 2011

Gillen is playing a lot of his cards close to his chest and I like it. He never comes out and says what the problem some of the adults have with Hope is but heavily implies both the Jean Grey and Phoenix connections and does so separately, Emma and Scott are more given to the Phoenix worries while Logan is too reminded of Jean to be near her. The dialogue feels very natural and the characters follow suit. My only real complaint is the comments about Emma's clothes as the outfit she wears is quite conservative compared to most of what she normally is seen in. Either way, a decent, solid story and good looking art gives this a deserved 4.5 out of 5 stars.

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Gotham City Sirens #20

Mar 1, 2011

Harley is the definition of an unreliable narrator, and this comes up as she sees images of the Joker almost everywhere, one to the point where she actually threw the crowbar at, and thus through, him. The entire thing was well done and I am definitely looking forward to the conclusion. Final rating 4 out of 5 stars.

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Gotham City Sirens #21

Apr 5, 2011

The end of the story is perfect. After all the build up, specifically with the individualized trumps, it was the only way this arc should end. In fact, everything with Harley is done superbly. The Ivy/Selina parts are a bit lesser, but the whole argument between them did make sense. Either way, this earns a very solid 4 out of 5 stars.

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Green Lantern (2011) #10

Jun 18, 2012

There was one more thing the Indigo story line was supposed to resolve, the fate of Black Hand. Well, it is mostly wrapped up here, but not very pleasingly. Unfortunately, the mess is very spoiler-y so I don't want to get into it, just that I wasn't happy. Despite two glaring problems, Green Lantern #10 was still a good read. Johns manages to give a reasonably succinct story (a rarity for the man writing the huge stories he does) that delves into what makes the Lantern duo tick. As such, Green Lantern #10 earns itself 3 out of 5 stars. It really does want more, but I can't get past the end without cringing.

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Green Lantern Corps (2011) #1

Sep 26, 2011

This is a quite good setup for John and Guy, giving us logical reasons as to why they would leave Earth and a decent connection between the two on a personal level with the whole lack of secret identity thing. I do have two disappointments though. First, the bad guy: He isn't seen unless it's his perspective and he far too handily wipes out a pair of GL's. The setup just seems too familiar. Secondly, the lack of specific Lanterns, most notably Kilowog and Kol's partner Vath Sarn. Of course, that second is mostly a nitpick and likely to be addressed either later in the series or during one of the other Lantern books. Either way, the book is good and gets a well deserved 3.5 out of 5 stars.

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Green Lantern Corps (2011) #10

Jun 28, 2012

Green Lantern Corps #10 is more about the derision of the Corps and the potential for further issues than anything else, which works quite well. On top of John's great moments we are given decent work with other Lanterns and a non-Lantern almost being selected. With a calm demeanor and muted tone Green Lantern Corps #10 shines with 3.5 out of 5 stars.

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Green Lantern: New Guardians #1

Oct 2, 2011

This is exactly what I was looking for in a number one. An introduction to the major characters, a bit of info about their previous roles, and a good hook to want me to come back for more. The story flowed quite well, despite bouncing across the universe every few pages, and was a good slice of the world, referencing Hal without bringing in too much, and a decent use of characters. I'm very much looking forward to book two, and book one has earned itself 4.5 out of 5 stars from me.

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Green Lantern: New Guardians #10

Jun 30, 2012

Green Lantern: New Guardians #10 is a gorgeous book and a compelling story. Bedard is doing very well with a huge cast of main and supporting characters, making sure that while each one is getting a focus, some even a full focus issue, none of them are feeling too important compared to any of the other primary characters. Even the supporting cast has enough time to develop at least a little. With the group cut down and desperate, Green Lantern: New Guardians #10 earns a perfect 5 out of 5 stars from me, having found nothing I dislike about this book and everything being great.

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Grimm Fairy Tales: The Dream Eater Saga #0

Jun 15, 2011

The story was a little weak, not bad just could have had more, and the characters didn't quite fit, but the lead in and lead out were very good. However, my favorite part of the book is after the story concludes. We are given information about the Four Realms, their history, and many of the (probably) main players in the story. For this alone, if you haven't read much or any of the Grimm line previously, this book is worth picking up. Thanks to the fantastic lead in and the extra info, this book manages a decent 3 out of 5 stars.

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Grimm Fairy Tales: The Dream Eater Saga #1

Jun 15, 2011

Just plain meh. There just isn't any substance to the book, about the only thing we get is that the Dream Eater is a terrifying badass and anyone who isn't scared of what comes next very much should be. Based on the art alone this could have earned a solid five, but with the price point at six bucks and the utter lack of any real story it barely squeaks by with 2 out of 5 stars.

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Grimm Fairy Tales: Myths and Legends #6

Jun 30, 2011

Dream Eater Saga part three came out with a bit more story than the other parts had and was mostly enjoyable to boot. Nothing really spectacular happened, so it gets a decent 3 out of 5 stars.

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Grimm Fairy Tales: The Dream Eater Saga: The Piper #1

Jun 16, 2011

Unlike the previous issue in the story arc, we actually get some real substance here, and while that substance isn't the best I've read it was still good. I guess the best description I have for this is rather than being underwhelmed and disappointed or overwhelmed and elated, I am simply "whelmed" and satisfied. This sense of "whelming" earns the book a decent 3 out of 5 stars.

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Hawk and Dove (2011) #1

Sep 12, 2011

The writing was ok, with the characters feeling too simple as Hank went from angry to whiny and then back to angry while Dawn was simply passive and remote the entire time. I'm also not sure what elements are still pulled from the previous DCU as there is no mention of Hank's death and resurrection, but Deadman and Dove are still dating, and this mostly confuses me. I guess I'll take another look next month, but so far Hawk and Dove barely gets 2 out of 5 stars from me.

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Herc #2

May 7, 2011

The writing is still great. I like Herc's next step as a character both the power down and the extra intelligence from dealing with nothing but geniuses for awhile now. I'm definitely with Herc for the next while and though this issue did have a few things that really bothered me, the issue still earns a solid 3 out of 5 stars.

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Justice League (2011) #4

Dec 25, 2011

Like I said, Geoff Johns has done a great job on character interaction and showing the younger versions of these characters as they first meet. Jim Lee is doing a great job with the redesigns. Even the extras in this issue made it worth it. My only problem was the utter lack of progression in this issue, essentially two things happened, both within the last few pages, the League is together and the Big Bad has appeared. Unfortunately, this lack of story drops what would have been a great book down to just a good one. Justice League #4 still earns a decent 3 out of 5 stars.

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Justice League of America (2006) #55

Mar 28, 2011

Both stories are reasonably well written, unfortunately we flip back and forth between the two stories throughout. If both of these were pertinent to the overall plot of the book I would be happy with it, but the Doomsday plot feels so forced into what was going on that it is just off-putting. I am unsure as to why Jesse is losing her speed, or why she's so closed down about it. Also, there is a point where Dick calls Kara his little sister. Did I miss something in one of the random Super or Bat books I don't get, 'cause last I knew she was crushing on him and this seems a bit weird now. Anyhow, this book has me so conflicted that I'm not sure what to give it. When I enjoyed something, it really hit, but when I didn't enjoy something I just didn't know what to think. I guess this would be 2.5 out of 5 stars then.

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Knight and Squire #6

Mar 23, 2011

Cornell really has the voice of England's heroes down. Everyone feels unique while still fitting into the greater patchwork of the community and we get to play with the differences and similarities between UK and the States with all of Joker's complaining. Also, Squire as the brains behind everything is fun. Knight's not played as dumb, but it is obvious that Squire is almost always the one with the plan. The only reason I wouldn't straight out recommend this issue is if you don't have access to the rest of the series you'll be missing out on much of what's going on, for that and that alone it drops to a 4.5 out of 5 stars. If you can't find the back issues, get the trade when it comes out as the miniseries as a whole was definitely 5 of 5.

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Magic: The Gathering #1

Feb 4, 2012

Forbeck has done a good job of making Dack a fully realized character, seeding many backstory plot threads that should come to fruition as well as making him a likable thief with part of the backstory. Add in the fact that this issue, and at least the next issue, will come with a promo card makes for another little benefit for much of the audience. All in all, a good look and a compelling story gets Magic #1 4.5 out of 5 stars.

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New Avengers (2010) #10

Mar 14, 2011

I wish the past storyline wasn't intermingled within. I could have lived with the bookends much like last issue, but every time it jumped in time I was pulled out. Bendis does give us some good lines and a well told story, and I am really digging the team composition and camaraderie. Superia does steal the show every single time she's in panel, from yelling at her henchmen for using her Christian name to just dismantling the team, she is a force of awesome. Unfortunately, what could have been a good 4-4.5 is merely 3 of 5 stars due to the lackluster tale in between.

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Red Robin #20

Feb 11, 2011

So maybe I'm a little biased with Tim being my favorite character in the DCU, but I thoroughly enjoyed the issue, though it wasn't the best either. My only real complaint was an odd spot while Tim and Blake are talking where I'm reasonably certain the bubbles went to the wrong character. Either way, a very solid 3.5 out of 5 stars.

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Saga #3

May 19, 2012

Saga is going to be a fantastic piece when it's completed. At this point it's already amazing and we are only in issue three. This issue issue even fixes the one problem I had previously, Hazel as the narrator. With the addition of the ghost concept, it even allows for her to die and still be able to tell this story, even if it may be the story of her parents after awhile. Saga delivers it all here, and I am happy to give it 5 of 5 stars.

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Savage Beauty #1

Mar 15, 2011

A couple more cool tidbits from the issue, the title page had some fake news stories about what was happening in the area and a classic Camilla story in the back, for those into that sort of thing. So, this is definitely not something I would have picked up on my own, but the premise is promising enough and the book well enough put together that I will be looking forward to number two. Other than a very small portion of the art, my only gripe was the complete lack of back story for any of the characters. Despite this, it still earns 2.5 of 5 stars.

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Scarlet Spider #3

Mar 19, 2012

Yost has been doing a great job with this title. The story is entertaining, the people are interesting and believable, and I can't wait to see more. Heck, he even set up the doctor/officer relationship two issues ago without me noticing. Great artwork and a fun, enjoyable story earn this title 4.5 out of 5 stars. The only point that makes me wonder is how easily Kaine is willing to take off his mask in front of people, though that might be another great piece to the character in the future.

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Speaker for the Dead #2

Mar 4, 2011

I'd never been into the Ender's Game novels and hadn't thought of getting this, but I'm glad my friend pushed it on me. I've been asking questions about the rest of the series and looking into actually getting the books. I'd say the writer(s) have done a fantastic job of sculpting the series into the genre. Especially with my favorite show don't tell moment in this issue of the bishop sternly watching as Ender rides past to the morgue. Very solid 4.5 of 5 stars here.

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Speaker for the Dead #3

Mar 29, 2011

This issue had so much more going on than the last two. Seriously, just look up there at how much more I wrote and when you read it realize how much detail I had to leave out. Fortunately for the story, everything is still running smoothly and the pacing fits itself well within the series. Also, since reading the last issue I have actually read the original Ender's Game novel and can see a lot more of where Ender is coming from and I like how Johnston has worked with him. This issue is another 4.5 out of 5 stars.

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Speaker for the Dead #5

May 27, 2011

Quick aside, when I'd read the first two issues, I'd never read any of the books at all. Between issues 2 and 3 I'd read Ender's Game. Since then I've actually read everything through Speaker of the Dead and a book afterward. Part of my disappointment with this issue is due to that, which I will freely admit. I did miss some of the things from the book that should have been here, most notably a much longer discussion of the actual covenant set up between Ender and the wives. That being said, there is still no excuse to drop the plot lines of Miro's potential demise and the threat of Starways Congress now that Lusitania is a rebelling colony. Both of these are overlooked and I feel let down because of it. The series could easily have been stretched to one more book and it would have been better for it. Because of this, the final issue receives a very disappointed 2 out of 5 stars.

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Spider-Girl (2010) #4

Feb 21, 2011

If you happen to be a big fan of Anya you may want to pick this up, but even then the direction they're taking and the idea behind everything just bothers me. I don't know why they killed her father; she didn't need more tragedy to drive her. I don't know what happened to the rest of her supporting cast; but she does have friends. And if she doesn't have any powers, then why is she running around as a Spider anyway, let alone as a hero. Anyhow, this earns a mere 2 of 5 stars, mostly because while I don't like the direction the story is taking, the writing is still solid.

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Spider-Girl (2010) #5

Apr 3, 2011

While I'm still not happy with the direction her life has taken, I'm still happy to follow Anya down that path. Tobin has earned at least another purchase from me. Writing wise, I'd say my only real complaint within the issue is Anya calling Ana "Thundercat" as I don't feel she would be someone to even recognize the series, let alone use it. Either way, the book does earn a good 3 out of 5 stars.

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Star Wars: Knight Errant - Escape #1

Jun 6, 2012

Coming into this with no knowledge of the first two arcs, I thought I may have a problem understanding some of it, but no the characters and motivations are given just enough details that I was never wanting for more. As a starting point for Knight Errant and Kerra Holt, Escape does a good job and earns 4 out of 5 stars.

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Superboy (2011) #1

Sep 19, 2011

There is some great development, a good introduction to who the players are going to be and a great bit of mystery around each person so as no one is dull. Superboy's new power set, extreme self awareness and straight up full telekinesis, are intriguing to say the least. Funnily enough though, I'm more curious about who Red is than anything else right now. The artwork here is, as I said, amazing and did I mention the costume redesign? Right, I didn't, because it's on the last panel, but it looks awesome. I especially like the touch of the empty S-Shields on the back of the gloves. Anyhow, Superboy #1 earns itself a very well deserved 4.5 out of 5 stars.

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Superboy (2011) #9

May 11, 2012

With the story, a large portion of the problem is in the fact that this is a crossover with tons of characters that is in the book focusing on a single one. That is fine, in and of itself, but when the fight is with a large team of bad guys too, it falls apart a bit.

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Superboy (2011) #10

Jun 15, 2012

Superboy #10 takes a moment to get to speed, but once it does it is a good looking fun read that gets into the character. We have some great moments between the Wonder Girl and Superboy and we see him use the tactile telekinesis in another interesting manor, reminding us of his individuality in the Super family. Despite the initial stumble, Superboy #10 manages to earn itself a well-deserved 3.5 out of 5 stars. There is one thing sticking out right now, Superboy has been in a nigh constant crossover with Teen Titans since around issue four or five, does anyone else feel as though it's just making that book a twice monthly instead of really being its own title? Does that make it more or less likely to be cancelled for the inevitable third of fourth wave?

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Teen Titans (2003) #93

Apr 5, 2011

So, the while I am really having problems with how some of the characters are being treated and where they are going, the story itself is actually pretty interesting and well done. Also, I would like to see how Solstice works out as the power set is rather cool. Anyhow, while the artwork is still fantastic, I still have to go with only 2 out of 5 stars.

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Teen Titans (2011) #10

Jun 28, 2012

Teen Titans #10 is a very quiet, character driven issue. Miguel is very much becoming a strong character, having moments showing off his charm, his religion, and his persuasion without any bit of direct pointing. Most of this is done in great show-don't-tell moments throughout the book. This issue finally feels like a team is really coming together. We also get no explanation of the mysterious island because of the method of escape, but for now that seems fine. All in all, as a very solid character story Teen Titans #10 manages 4.5 out of 5 stars for making everyone a bit more likable.

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The Dream Eater Saga: Neverland #1

Jul 8, 2011

So far, I haven't been all that impressed with the Dream Eater Saga. This book actually turned that around a bit. I don't know if it's the interesting interpretation of Pan or what, but I thoroughly enjoyed this book. Even without having the titular character of the saga, it still managed to be relevant by setting up someone who should be a major player going forward. All in all, Neverland is getting 3.5 out of 5 stars.

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The Dream Eater Saga: Wonderland #1

Jul 7, 2011

The story is mediocre and only really relevant to the Wonderland characters. The artwork was actively bad. Even with that I would still consider this a 2, but because it was supposed to be a big part of the Dream Eater Saga and it dealt with that for all of maybe three pages, it drops us down to a 1 and that's being considerate. The only relevance we get is another power of the Dream Eater, restoring people adversely affected by the Four Realms. So yeah, barely 1 in 5 stars.

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The Pound #2

May 13, 2011

While this was a slow issue, it was still worth reading and gave a lot of information that was going to be needed for the story to progress. My only problem now is that this is digital only, which I don't normally care for, but may start looking into now, since I do want to see where the series goes from here. Either way, this issue gets a good 3 out of 5 stars.

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The Ravagers #2

Jun 14, 2012

The Ravagers is a title I was really wanting to like, but I am worrying that this may not happen. I want to know what's up with Beast Boy, but he only gets a single page with the end issue cliffhanger. Fortunately, what The Ravagers #2 does have going for it is an increasingly likable cast, I just wish I knew if they were the title characters or not. Either way, despite some hiccups, The Ravagers #2 will earn 2.5 out of 5 stars for a likable cast and the promise of something more.

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Uncanny X-Men (1963) #532

Jan 28, 2011

The only reason I wouldn't recommend this specific issue to someone is it does follow so many plot lines from the previous two issues in the arc. Instead, I would say go get those two first, and then continue on through. Well played dialogue and some great artistry earn Uncanny X-Men #532 4 stars out of the potential 5. I'll be sad to see Fraction go soon, but Gillen looks good and if he can keep up the fantastic character intros, I'm still sold.

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Uncanny X-Men (2011) #13

Jun 12, 2012

This was a good tie-in book. It brought the focus onto characters not involved in the primary action without alienating the reader that didn't know the primary action. My only complaint of the book was the look of Danger, and even then only a few panels of her are troublesome. Uncanny X-Men #13 doesn't reach for much, but what it does it does well and as such gets a solid 3.5 out of 5 stars.

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Uncanny X-Men (2011) #14

Jun 26, 2012

Much like last issue, Uncanny X-Men #14 manages to tell a good, stand-alone story while still being involved in the overall plot that is AvX. Gillen does a great job with establishing Sinister's current status quo while mixing in a few great jokes; the castle and one about him looking nothing like the imposter. Add to this the fact that the purpose of the rebel was telegraphed almost from the start and Uncanny X-Men #14 earns itself a very respectable 4 out of 5 stars.

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Warriors of Mars #3

Jun 13, 2012

As I said earlier, I hadn't read any of the issues leading up to Warriors of Mars #3 and I never felt like I needed to. The opening page set up of the "first visit of Gulliver Jones to Barsoom" was all I needed to get an idea of what was happening, everything else was set up in the story very well. We are also given a good look at how the relationships are going to play out, with Carter being subservient to Dejah as the princess and his jealousy of Jones that is clear with how he treats him but never outright stated by anyone. This is a great example of how to write a title that doesn't alienate new readers and as such Warriors of Mars #3 earns a very good 4.5 out of 5 stars.

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World's Finest (2012) #2

Jun 8, 2012

Worlds' Finest #2 has much more going on than one would catch on the first glance. From the title forward (not the apostrophe) there are subtle hints of a lot more going on. My big complaint here, I want more of the flashback story. Unless Hakkou ties into the mystery being unraveled in the flashback, I think the first issue or so could have stood as a set up to where they are now. Of course with that we wouldn't get the great use of different art teams and the later issue may become weaker because of it. With some great segments and a large number of cliffhangers Worlds' Finest #2 earns 3.5 out of 5 stars.

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X-Men (2010) #8

Mar 1, 2011

So, here comes a bit of a gripe fest for me. I am getting tired of writers completely misrepresenting online games. When we first meet the next victim his online friends are kicking him out of the party, by killing off his character. There is no MMO that will let you do this. Part of how MMO's work is that there is no permanent character death, the party trying to kill his character will result in just irking the kid off, maybe. Perhaps the writers should do a bit more research on this sort of thing. The other grip I have is the fact that Emma spends half of her lines attacking the kids being kidnapped, practically mocking them for being geeks and nerds. She specifically calls the people being persecuted for being different; you know the core concept behind X-Men, weak. The worst part happens when Peter agrees with her, saying "You're right, Miss Frost, they're weak and we're strong" and points out that he used to be that way. It feels like an attack straight at the reader. S

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X-Men (2010) #24

Feb 15, 2012

The issue is mostly an average story with average art, but the continuity hit actually pulls it up a bit for me. Anyone who likes what's happened with Jubilee should be happy with this issue; otherwise it's about average unless you've been reading the series. I have, so I'm giving it 3 out of 5 stars.

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X-O Manowar (2012) #2

Jun 10, 2012

While the book looks very good, that is its only saving grace. X-O Manowar #2 fails to deliver anything new and as only the art is enough to earn it 1.5 out of 5 stars, all of which comes from the artists' work.

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