Superboy #10

Writer: Scott Lobdell Artist: Sebastian Fiumara Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: June 13, 2012 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 3
7.5Critic Rating
7.3User Rating

WONDER GIRL, SOLSTICE, RED ROBIN, KID FLASH and BUNKER all guest-star in a story that connects to this months TEEN TITANS #10.

  • 8.4
    The Comic Book Revue - Jay Mattson Jun 14, 2012

    At the end of the issue, Superboy and Wonder Girl find a mysterious set of stairs leading into the earth, down below the surface. They end up coming out upside down? It's a pretty heady page and one that promises an awesome continuation in Teen Titans in a few weeks. Keep this up, Lobdell, for real. I was one more bad issue away from not reading Superboy anymore, but now I'm hooked. Kudos. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Supergirl Comic Box Commentary - Anj Jun 15, 2012

    In a great upside down closing splash, the door opens up on another island's ground. Just a great close. This is one of those issues where I have to fall back on the old gauge 'was I entertained'. The answer is yes. I definitely liked the characterization between Cassie and Kon here. While I don't think that I will be following this closely in Titans, I hope that this is allowed to simmer a bit before it becomes a relationship. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Major Spoilers - Rob Rasmussen Jun 15, 2012

    Superboy #10 takes a moment to get to speed, but once it does it is a good looking fun read that gets into the character. We have some great moments between the Wonder Girl and Superboy and we see him use the tactile telekinesis in another interesting manor, reminding us of his individuality in the Super family. Despite the initial stumble, Superboy #10 manages to earn itself a well-deserved 3.5 out of 5 stars. There is one thing sticking out right now, Superboy has been in a nigh constant crossover with Teen Titans since around issue four or five, does anyone else feel as though it's just making that book a twice monthly instead of really being its own title? Does that make it more or less likely to be cancelled for the inevitable third of fourth wave? Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    X-Man's Comic Blog - x-man75 Aug 4, 2011

    I have no real complaints here. We now know exactly who the villain of this storyline is, and what his major malfunction is. I don't know that we needed an ENTIRE issue spelling that out for us, but since Tannarak's story wasn't boring, I guess I can't complain... Much. I don't quite grasp spending this long on a villain's origin story, especially since there's only one more issue before DC blows Superboy to smithereens, but what can ya do? Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    IGN - Benjamin Bailey Jun 13, 2012

    Almost everything positive I have to say about this issue is because of Sebastian Fiumara. Folks, he is fantastic. There is a brushy, almost chalky quality to his work that is gorgeous. His killer style is wasted on a title like Superboy, although Lobdell at least had the good sense to give him a T-Rex to draw. Somebody pull this guy off Superboy and get him on a Jurassic Park book. Read Full Review

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