Herc #2

Writer: Greg Pak, Fred Van Lente Artist: Carlo Pagulayan Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: May 4, 2011 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 1
6.6Critic Rating
7.0User Rating

  • 8.0
    cxPulp - Blake Petit May 11, 2011

    The way the character is painted here is really kind of obnoxious" not menacing, just sort of loony and playing with his fancy toys and trying to make himself seem crazier than he really is. He's Joker-lite. Granted, I haven't been kept up-to-date with the ol' Goblin family, and I have no idea who's currently wearing the costume. It's entirely possible this is consistent with his current characterization across the Marvel Universe. Still doesn't mean I like it. It's not a big problem, but it is a problem. Fortunately, the charm of Herc more than makes up for his adversary's lack thereof. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    IGN - May 4, 2011

    The humor element remains subdued compared to much of Pak and Van Lente's previous work, but Hobgoblin's presence does allow for a bit more banter. That said, the one weakness of the series remains the somewhat downbeat, serious tone. Herc could use another foil along the lines of Amadeus Cho. On the plus side, the art remains attractive and clean. Though Neil Edwards only provides breakdowns this month, Scott Hanna is able to finish his art ably enough that little difference can be seen. Hercules rarely receives the respect he deserves at the stands. If this series can't change that trend, I'm not sure what can. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Travis Walecka May 12, 2011

    As for right now, the shiftier, torn-to-creative Herc is anything but a mockery, so heres to a brewski, or several, for hoping it stays that way. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Major Spoilers - Rob Rasmussen May 7, 2011

    The writing is still great. I like Herc's next step as a character both the power down and the extra intelligence from dealing with nothing but geniuses for awhile now. I'm definitely with Herc for the next while and though this issue did have a few things that really bothered me, the issue still earns a solid 3 out of 5 stars. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Eye On Comics - Don MacPherson May 15, 2011

    The art is capable and clear for the most part, but again, there's no fun here. Penciller Neil Edwards tries to render the Hobgoblin in a realistic fashion, and the approach just doesn't suit the character. Hobgoblin looks odd rather than monstrous. I also find it odd that while Hercules' new costume is depicted on both the cover and the teaser for the next issue on the last page, it makes no appearance at all in this issue. He's still in his old, look-at-my-chest-hair togs, and the new outfit should really be here to serve as a visual cue that this is a new direction for the character. Read Full Review

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