How has Cable been reborn? Where has he been since SECOND COMING? And what dark event has driven him to destroy the Avengers?
It was a great finisher for sure and judging by the preview cover of issue 2 Cable will try to take down Iron Man which I hope he does! Jeph Loeb definitely is penning a great story and Ed Mcguinness's art work is superb. If Cable is going to continue to take out the Avengers systematically one by one then I am completely sold on the series. What a great way to kick off Avengers vs X-Men. Read Full Review
Overall, the book contained a lot of action and easy art and script to follow. Cable's inner thoughts drive the story because there is more narration than dialog which is Jeph Loeb's trademark. Nothing about Ed McGuinness's work in this issue was new or epic. He did a nice job of following the tone of the story which is that time is of the essence. The ending makes you want to come back for more next month and there are some hints as to how the big event next year might pan out. Read Full Review
Cable gives a good chunk of where he has been and why he is back in this book and it all makes sense. Marvel has teased the importance of the character of Hope for years and years and this book may not answer the question but at least it adds a new twist to the story. Cable trying to take down the Avengers one at a time is a good idea that will only get better as he meets the likes of Hulk and Wolverine. This is a fun read. Read Full Review
It's a great-looking book with the promise of some major butt-kicking in the issues to come. If there were any doubts over Loeb and McGuinness bringing back Cable, everyone can rest at ease now. It felt a little short but it could just be that my appetite has been whetted and now I need more. Read Full Review
This is the first shot fired in the war between Marvel's biggest franchise superteams. It is a giant tease of a story, but it is also a fun yarn in and of itself. It's a mere twenty pages in length, but there is no doubting repercussions are set to resonate from this adventure. It's a fun ride that precedes what should be an engaging event. Regardless of the future storylines spinning out of "X-Sanction," however, the first issue delivers fun, excitement and adventure -- all the things we read comics for, right? Read Full Review
I say save your money for the crossover. Skim through this series at your local comic shop. (It should only take a minute or two to read the whole thing anyway.) But if you do decide to purchase it, don't expect to see anything new. Read Full Review
So, it's a decent start to the big AvX proceedings. However, as we've seen countless times over the past decade, a good start doesn't always lead to an acceptable finish. Time will tell. Cable would agree with that. Read Full Review
There was nothing technically wrong with this comic book. The art was bright and vibrant, and the story was easy to understand(for a story that involved time travel, people not being dead when they were supposed to be and techno-organic viruses). The first couple of pages weren't that bad actually. It all made sense. And then we got the fight between Cable and Cap. Read Full Review
Avengers: X-Sanction feels a bit bare bones at the moment despite only being a four-issue series. There aren't many surprises to be had either. Knowing the basic premise of the series and the fact that it leads into Avengers vs. X-Men, it's easy enough to connect the dots. However, the art is strong, and Loeb proves he still has a handle on Cable. The best thing that can happen now is for the book to downplay the fighting and focus more on the characters themselves. Read Full Review
Even if you're tired of events and don't see the point of this one, it's comforting to know that at least the fun factor hasn't been drained out of it yet. It's an enjoyable action piece, if you don't think about it too hard. Read Full Review
Plenty of action with a straight forward plot. Enough to keep me around for more. Read Full Review
Since becoming a giddy lover of all things "Flashpoint/'New 52" this past summer, I've been really wanting to give Marvel another shot to earn some of my money before the year was over. After the (IMO) dismal "Fear Itself" storyline, this Avengers vs X-Men deal has really got me excited and has me looking forward to Marvel's moves in the coming months. Unfortunately, even giving it the benefit of the doubt that it's a 'set-up' issue and still has three issues to follow through with Cable's story, I just wish the book had done more to grab me and keep my excitement in the ring. Read Full Review
As a run-up to the next big event, honestly, its not off to a great start. Hopefully, Loeb will find a way to pull it out in the next three issues. Read Full Review
The art is quite good, but that's the only reason to pick this one up. There's not an original thought to be found here. Read Full Review
Action and adventure, but this series isn't going to reshape the comic field or anything. Cable fans may rejoice that he's got 4 issues of center stage time. Fighting the Avengers is going to be pretty hard and he has some history with more than one. Read Full Review
I know this is leading up to some big Avengers/X-Men thing, and I'll try not to pre-judge what other creative teams may have to offer. But for now, can't we please send Loeb back to negotiating TV deals for Marvel and have him quit pestering these poor comic book characters and their long-suffering readers? Read Full Review