Batman and Robin #1
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Batman and Robin #1

Writer: Peter J. Tomasi Artist: Patrick Gleason Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: September 14, 2011 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 21 User Reviews: 16
7.2Critic Rating
8.3User Rating

Battling evil with his son, Damian, at his side, Batman now realizes that the hardest part of the job may be trying to work together! As Batman and Robin try to adjust to their new partnership, a figure emerges from Bruce Wayne's past--one not happy that Batman Incorporated is shining a light on his own shadowy war against evil.

  • 9.6
    Forces Of Geek - Atlee Greene Sep 16, 2011

    It truly showed that Bruce has turned a corner where as before, he would have beaten someone up at the drop of a hat. A new villain enters the fray and as he takes out the Batman of Moscow he sets his sights on Bruce Wayne. The creative duo of Tomasi and Gleason makes a new, yet familiar story refreshing. The artwork makes you feel that you are part of the adventure. Bottom line, this book was pure fun to read. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Super Hero Hype - Spencer Perry Jul 18, 2012

    This is more then just a superhero comic. This is a tale of a father and son at odds with each other, an age old premise that's been done a million times over but not with this kind of spark. Batman and Robin are one of the most iconic pairs that have ever existed in American culture and while this story respects that, it takes them, simply put, beyond it. We've seen Bruce acting in a parental role for the previous Robins before yes, but here his real parenting skills are put to the test. If you've had your appetite whet by Scott Snyder's Batman comic and need more, buy this. I couldn't put this down when I was reading it and it made me very upset that I hadn't been picking up the issues of it from the start of the reboot. Batman and Robin rules the night. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Crave Online - Iann Robinson Sep 14, 2011

    Patrick Gleason’s art is stellar. Following Frank Quietly is no easy task, but Gleason absolutely kills it. He takes his masterful execution and technique and combines it with an eye for the story. Gleason can see what Tomasi sees and he brings that to the page. The work is dark and barren, leaving us always focusing on the main characters until it’s time for action. Gleason has a serious knack for creating movement. Big props also to Mick Gray for some killer inks and John Kalisz who uses his color palette to gel together all the elements of the book. Batman & Robin #1 is, so far, one of the best of the New 52 releases. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Sep 23, 2011

    With 52 new #1 comics coming out from DC Comics Batman and Robin #1 was able to separate itself from the pack. With only one issue the team of Peter Tomasi and Patrick Gleason made Batman and Robin my favorite series and the comic I will be looking forward to the most each month. Tomasi did a great job giving this issue a clear beginning, middle and end as he provided us with a full story that has a running sub-plot involving a new villain that has me looking forward to the next issue. I love the dynamic Tomasi established with Bruce and Damian as Batman and Robin. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    cxPulp - Blake Petit Sep 20, 2011

    Batman not being a character that needs too much introduction even to the layman, the important thing here is that the book establishes Damian and shows the nature of their relationship. It works very well I that regard, clearly explaining who Damian is and how he and Bruce get along (not that well). New readers may be a bit confused about why there's a Russian Batman, but beyond that there isn't too much of a learning curve. Patrick Gleason brings some of his best work to this issue " clean, bold, exciting pages with plenty of action. Batman fans should be perfectly satisfied with this one. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Batman-News - Andrew Asberry Oct 4, 2011

    Batman and Robin #1 is well paced book with a small dose of action, great dialogue, a memorable new villain, and great work by the art team. This story may not have a lot of plot (though it's clearly setting up something big in future issues), it makes up for it by applying heavy focus to the characters and their relationship with one another. If you haven't been keeping up with the Batman books over the past year or so you may be very confused by the opening pages, but I think the Bruce/Damian material is handled carefully enough that even if it does raise questions none of them will be overly distracting. This issue is a definite buy. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Outer Realm Comics - Davy Dec 20, 2011

    I had not experienced Peter Tomasi's work prior to this, but it is a very good first impression and I hope for all the best from this story. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Nuts - Jef Mendoza Sep 25, 2011

    The art shows good craftwork with stunning angles, low and high, and details. There are shots that match the mood and environment. I especially liked the angles that were chosen when Batman was telling Robin about the night Robin's grandparents died. The artwork is by Patrick Gleason on pencils and Mick Gray on inks. Colors are by John Kalisz. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    IGN - Joshua Yehl Sep 14, 2011

    All of this continuity nitpicking means little in the end, leaving the real question to be whether this is an accessible title for a new reader or not. With a brand new sinister villain opening the story and an intriguing start to a new mystery, the answer seems to be yes. A new reader might wonder how there is another Batman in Moscow and why Damian is talking about those other orphan boys, but ultimately this tale is fresh, engaging, and a reason to breathe a sigh of continuity-relief. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Comic Book Bin - Dan Horn Sep 14, 2011

    The closing page is really unsettling, adding a dash of the weirdness that I was expecting from the very beginning. This issue lays a solid foundation if nothing else, rife with action (which unfortunately makes for a short read) and character development and intrigue. We're not really given a clear link between the heist and the new villain, though, and that is definitely a mark against this debut: a missed opportunity to deepen the book's cliffhanger. Gleason's art is on point; really some of the best work he's done to date, which has me wondering if Mick Gray might have quite a bit to do with the look of this book's interiors. I think the rest of this series is going to age to perfection quickly and will be a dependably satisfying addition to any reader's pull list. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - Pierce Lydon Nov 20, 2014

    This is a solid fight comic through and through. The "boss battle" is coming up, and it looks like it'll be a doozy. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Sep 18, 2011

    Look, the art by Patrick Gleason is very good, the story by Peter Tomasi is fine - I just wish the title that included Robin could be more of an "All Ages" comic. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    X-Man's Comic Blog - x-man75 Sep 25, 2011

    There's definitely some promise here, but I really hate the Damian/Bruce dynamic. I don't want to read Batman & Batman... That's like having a peanut butter and peanut butter sandwich... You need some jelly too! I won't be dropping this series, but I do hope that Damian either lightens up a bit(and no, I'm not saying he should become Grayson-esque, but just a bit less angry) or Bruce fires him and takes on a new Robin. Give Damian a solo series instead. I know I'd buy it. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Resources - Kelly Thompson Sep 16, 2011

    As is becoming apparent with the New 52, some books are getting major makeovers and reconstructions, and others, like "Batman & Robin" feel like they got the most basic of touch ups " in this case switching out Dick for Bruce " and were set back on track without even a change of creative team. I'm sure more changes will emerge over time in this book, but for now, it seems like business as usual in "Batman & Robin." Unfortunately, this was just one okay issue from a sometimes brilliant run. Time will tell if it has more to offer down the line. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Eye On Comics - Don MacPherson Sep 17, 2011

    The main reason the previous volume of this series worked so well was how Morrison had reversed the dynamic between the Dynamic Duo. In the past, Robin served as a brighter counter to the Batman's dark brooding nature. With former Boy Wonder Dick Grayson in the Batman role and the callous, ruthless Damien Wayne in the Robin costume, the light and dark roles were reversed, making for a new spin on the traditional hero/sidekick premise. But with Bruce and Damien together, that balance is gone. Two doubly dark characters aren't achieving the same result. Their bitter exchanges aren't fun at all; in fact, they're a bit of a downer. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Vine - Sara 'Babs' Lima Sep 14, 2011

    This issue certainly wasn't bad. In fact, it was interesting. The pacing is good, but it's the developments that were the most intriguing. There are definitely some huge changes to Bruce's character in this series, and the decision to make Bruce more positive and to focus on his relationship with his son than to be held by the past is certainly, well, different. I can't say I agree with it, but it's still a well written issue. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Kirby Sep 15, 2011

    After Detective Comics, this is another really solid Batman book that has me rethinking my position on Batman books….if it weren't for that damn kid! Seriously! I am completely unfamiliar with this dynamic of the Batman mythos and if any of the new 52 needs more back story it's the series where Batman has a son! I have to congratulate the staff on this comic though. Green Lantern Corps was an amazing series in the old DCU and everything great about that comic, both writing and art, is alive and well here. I just needed more to 'get' Robin in order to fully back this series. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics: The Gathering - lucstclair Dec 2, 2011

    To tell you the truth I prefer my Batman stories with Batman working solo, without The Boy Wonder. I remember after the death of Jason Todd (the second Robin), the Batman stories were very dark and some of the best Ive ever read. Not to say this isnt a good looking book. Written by Peter J. Tomasi and illustrated by Patrick Gleason. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Major Spoilers - Jimmy Sep 16, 2011

    I liked this issue, though maybe not as much as Batwoman this week, and certainly not as much as Demon Knights. Tomasi has done good stuff with Batman and Robin with his White Knight arc, but I am not sold on his interpretation of the Bruce/Damian dynamic. I am cautiously optimistic, and as such give this issue three stars. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - SoldierHawk Sep 20, 2011

    Not a spectacular beginning, but good enough that it's worth sticking around for at least an arc or two to see how this develops. I hope Tomasi is able to find a way to balance the Wayne's family relationship with their crime fighting partnership more effectively in future issues. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Sep 21, 2011

    As first issue's go this one struggles at times but it's the first time when seen father and son paired up as Batman and Robin since Bruce's return from the grave. I'm going to give it a few issue to try and find a balance between the pair, but the most pressing challenge seems to be where to find the fun that should be inherent in a title called “Batman and Robin.” Hit-and-Miss. Read Full Review

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