Aquaman #2

Writer: Geoff Johns Artist: Ivan Reis Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: October 26, 2011 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 15 User Reviews: 28
8.3Critic Rating
8.4User Rating

The red-hot creative team behind BLACKEST NIGHT and BRIGHTEST DAY reunite!An entire towndevoured! As Aquaman and Mera discover the grisly truth behind a town's disappearance, the Trench infestation spreads inland! Plus: Another gruesome Trench power revealed and it's not for the squeamish!

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Mat 'Inferiorego' Elfring Oct 26, 2011

    This book reminds me a lot of when Green Lantern started out under Johns' control. There were some changes here and there, and while some people got mad about them, it was better for the character and the book. At the same time, I never thought Green Lantern would be a top-tier book at DC, and now it is. I'm hoping, as ridiculous as this is about to sound, that Johns can do the same thing for Aquaman. I'm not lying when I say this is my favorite of the new 52. This is quickly also becoming my favorite book from any company. I rarely will say a book is perfect, but for me, it comes darn near close. Not only does it have everything I'd like to see in an Aquaman book, it has everything I'd like to see in a super-hero book. If you're not reading this book, you're missing out on the best new series. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    The Fandom Post - Chris Kirby Oct 27, 2011

    This issue is not nearly as meta as the first, but it doesn't need to be. Johns knows that he must get the plot moving in order to substantiate the claims he made in the first book. This issue works perfectly as a bridge between the introduction and the meat of the plot. The pace is fast, the points poignant, and the artwork is mesmerizingly good. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Bin - Garth the Geek Oct 26, 2011

    Long story short: I dont know how long Johns can keep up this pace, but Ive officially been converted. No longer do I view Aquaman as a joke; he kicks ass, and Im telling anyone who will listen. Hell, I even picked up the second printing of issue one today with the sole purpose of lending it to my friends and saying, Here, read this, and then go buy your own. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Heretical Jargon - Heretic Oct 30, 2011

    When All Is Said And DoneNow, RIGHT when I thought I had a handle on the Trenchs motiveswhich I thought was to eat, eat, and eat some morethe assumed leader of the Trench provides the twist! Now the mystery begins its path into the meat of the arc, showing the possibility that the Trench has a deeper, more hidden agenda thats more than simply eating non-stop. What it is, however, could turn out to be simply more eatingbut with Aquaman as the main course! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Forces Of Geek - Atlee Greene Oct 28, 2011

    The story is told at such a fast pace that I thought it was cut short for the Batman Noel preview until I went back and counted the pages. The artwork nicely captures the Trench attack on the fishing harbor. The colors and the gruesome purple sledge coming of their mouth looks like a scene out of a horror movie. The book will suck the reader in from the opening panel and peak your interest until the last page. Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    Entertainment Fuse - Alfonso Arana Oct 27, 2011

    As Isaid earlier, this issue definitely isn't as jaw-dropping as the debut was, butthat doesn't change the fact that Aquaman #2 is still an excellent read foranybody who enjoyed Aquaman #1, or superhero comics in general. Withsolid writing by Geoff Johns, and beautiful artwork by Ivan Reis and Joe Prado,this isn't an issue to miss. Ladies and gentlemen, it appears that Aquaman ishere to stay. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    IGN - Erik Norris Oct 26, 2011

    Aquaman #2 is another win for the creative team involved. It's a book that's once again funny, engaging and action-packed. You can't ask for much more than that, especially from a dude who talks to fish. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Oct 28, 2011

    Next time around, let's home more is better. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Oct 26, 2011

    This issue is fast moving. I got to the end of the story and had to go back to count pages just to make sure the issue itself wasn't abbreviated as the story was briskly paced to great effect. As the Ookla the Mok song goes, "I know there's gonna come a day when they're gonna stare in slack-jawed wonder as they hear me say, 'I am Aquaman and nobody better mess with me!'" Two issues in, this series has me down with the slack-jawed wonder. As a fan of Arthur Curry, I've seen quite a bit, from his seahorse-riding days on "Super Friends" to the hook and back. This series, however, sets the high-water (had to do it) mark for "Aquaman." Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Minhquan Nguyen Oct 27, 2011

    This is Johns doing what he does best, which is telling superhero stories from a very human perspective. While still a bit slow to take off, the strong doses of action and drama, coupled with superlative art, will keep you pleased for another month. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics: The Gathering - lucstclair Nov 22, 2011

    The savage attacks by the underwater creatures know only as The Trench continues as they cross paths with Aquaman and Mera. The Trench part 2. There will be blood in the water! Written by Geoff Johns and pencilled by Ivan Reis. From DC Comics. The New 52. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Ray Tate Oct 31, 2011

    Hapless humans are quite defenseless and quite tasty. A deputy calls upon Aquaman, but other investigators fail to relish the former Sea King's involvement. That will change when a horde of Piranha Men attack. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    cxPulp - Blake Petit Nov 1, 2011

    I'm going to assume the Trench are the creations of Geoff Johns and Ivan Reis, and give them credit for whipping up a legion of underwater monsters that are ugly, creepy, and feel like a legitimate enough threat to help them prove this comic's "Aquaman-really-is-awesome" thesis. They're freaky-looking things, like the Creature from the Black Lagoon mixed in with a piranha, and watching Aquaman and Mera face off against them is plenty of proof that this character can be cool when you give him to the right creators. Awesome issue, and I'm happy to say that Aquaman continues to be one of the breakout stars of the New 52. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Major Spoilers - Stephen Schleicher Oct 29, 2011

    Some writers do a great job of story decompression. Geoff Johns is a writer who seems to be hit and miss when it comes to stretching a story out. While there is a lot of action in this issue, the character development is almost nonexistent and the overall stories feels like it is spinning its wheels. The art is great, but the story is just so-so, earning Aquaman #2 3.5 Stars out of 5. Read Full Review

  • 4.5
    A Comic Book Blog - Daniel Cole Nov 2, 2011

    Although this book hasn't really got anything new to add to the Aquaman mythos, it still might be a good jumping on point for new readers and that is the only redeeming feature in the writing. The art is faultless but can't carry the book alone as it sinks under it's own mediocrity. Read Full Review

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