Spider-Men #1
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Spider-Men #1

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artist: Sara Pichelli Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: June 13, 2012 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 25 User Reviews: 10
7.3Critic Rating
8.2User Rating

History is made as Ultimate Spider-Man Miles Morales meets the one and only Peter Parker, your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man!

  • 10
    Blue Raven Comics - Eric Scroggs Jun 15, 2012

    I also have to give much praise to Sara Pichelli, who renders a perfect merging of 616 and Ultimate Universe art styles to create a fun cartooniness that is perfect for a book such as this. It's certainly a refreshing change from the more serious adult 616 books out there. It very much has a classic Spider-Man feel, but in a cool modern way. The moment adult Peter steps into the 616 Universe, you know we're in for a treat. I look forward to seeing how he interacts with Miles. I give this issue a web-slinging, wall-crawling 10/10! Read Full Review

  • 10
    16BitMonster - Hamilton Ortiz Dec 2, 2012

    After finishing up issue number one I am anxiously waiting on Spider-Men #2. Not much was spilled as for as which direction the story will go with both Spider-Men so I am definitely left wondering and craving more! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Resources - James Hunt Jun 1, 2012

    The waiting is the only hard part about the issue, though -- in every other respect, it's a joy to read. Technically excellent with well-judged pace and tone, it's everything a Spider-Man fan could want. Now let's see more of it, and soon. The wait for issue #2 is going to be a hard one (especially for someone reading the issue two weeks before it's street date!) but one thing is sure: when the second part of the story arrives -- as the saying goes -- action will be our reward. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Addicts - Anubhav Dasgupta Jun 18, 2012

    Don't hesitate to pick this one up. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Jun 14, 2012

    It's a solid start to this mini-series, and I have to admit, it's nice having a Spider-based comic I can buy and enjoy. If only I could say that about the rest of the line. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Forces Of Geek - Atlee Greene Jun 18, 2012

    Miles is barely in this issue, but that was definitely the right call since his since his one page appearance made more of an impact then him being in every page. Peter is the visitor dealing with a whirlwind of emotions when he learns the Ultimate version of him is dead and that his identity was revealed to the world. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Galactica - Girish Kumar Jun 16, 2012

    Issue #1 doesn't jump directly into the story, but this is just the first step to what might be an awesome series. It also is a good start for those who haven't read any of the Spider-man series. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    IGN - Joey Esposito Jun 1, 2012

    Spider-Men #1 isn't a burst out of the gate into the meat of the story, but it's an engaging first step towards what has the potential to be a defining moment for the Spider-Men of both worlds. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Multiversity Comics - Gilbert Short Jun 14, 2012

    If you're a fan of either Spider-Man, you'll dig this book. It's fun, exciting, and does something that's never been done before by Marvel. There's a little bit of something for everyone, so you should pick this book up! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Jun 1, 2012

    As a big fan of Spider-Man in the 616 and Ultimate universe, I was extremely nervous that this crossover would end up as a mere gimmick. Brian Michael Bendis knows what he's doing as he's mastered telling the story of Ultimate Spider-Man. We have a plausible 'reason' for this crossover to happen. There is plenty of ramifications to this meeting that needs to be explored. Having Sara Pichelli on the art duties is a treat and you will appreciate how distinctly she draws the characters and environments. As a first issue, we do have to go through some set up for this momentous story. Everything can't be and shouldn't be rushed. But with the way Bendis handles it, you'll be wishing for for the next issue as soon as you reach the final page. The SPIDER-MEN crossover is here and neither version will be the same after this. Bendis and Pichelli are just warming up here. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    CHUD - Jeb Delia Jun 15, 2012

    You will note that I've put up both the regular cover and “alternate” versions of the cover with this review, because someone at Marvel needs to be shamed into admitting it was their idea to take Pichelli's perfectly serviceable original cover, with the two masked Spider-Men, and replace it with one where their faces are badly photoshopped over it (and, worse, to make that the “official” cover!). I understand that Toby Maguire or Andrew Garfield may have it in their contracts that they have to spend X amount of time onscreen without their masks, but Peter Parker and Miles Morales don't get to make those sorts of demands. Christ, that thing is fugly. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Therapy - MrComicBook Jun 13, 2012

    Spider-Men#1 is a good start to the mini-series, and looks to be a lot of fun. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Examiner - Jose J. Becerra Jr. Jun 14, 2012

    With issue one, I was highly satisfied. There's not a lot going on here with both Spider-Men, but every story needs a beginning; a brief glimpse of the main character. Issue two should really deliver more action, and more importantly, interaction with Peter and Miles. It'll be interesting to see what Peter can teach the young Miles. I'll be looking forward to the next issue and posting my review on it. Spider-Men #1 has 32 color pages and retails for $3.99 US, on sale now at comic shops or on digital apps. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    X-Man's Comic Blog - Jason Todd Jun 14, 2012

    This issue was a bit slow, it made sense as they had to set up the whole "How do we make them meet?" storyline, but I could've done without Peter's I love New York mentality, just because it's so often re-hashed. Also, I could have done with a little more Miles in this issue but that's just my personal opinion. Aside from that stuff, I'm very curious to see how this goes, as well as what will happen if Pete learns about the Ultimate Universe Reed Richards, as well as the former Ultimate Spider-Man, and maybe even Aunt May, MJ and Gwen Stacy? Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Jun 5, 2012

    Considering how many comics are out there on the stands today, that's a hurdle that may be difficult for Spider-fans to overcome. I have no doubt that Spider-Men will read great as a collection, but as an individual issue " or even as an opening hook to draw in readers " I feel that the character focus for this issue was a bit of a misstep. If the art didn't look great, and the voice didn't ring true, Spider-Men would be squashed already. But even now, it's a little disappointing that the crossover to shake two worlds still feels a little bit business-as-usual. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - Aaron Duran Jun 14, 2012

    While I wish there was more meat to this story, Pichelli and Ponsor make sure Spider-Men #1 is still a satisfying read. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Marvel Disassembled - Kyle Mc Jun 14, 2012

    It's nice to see Sara Pichelli return to teaming with Bendis and as much as I enjoy her artwork I don't know whether I prefer her's to Marquez's and really is that a bad thing? They're both very good artists and whichever one it is that is drawing Spider-Man will bring it each time. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Comic Book Revue - Jay Mattson Jun 13, 2012

    And really, that is what irks me about Spider-Men #1: it's not really a crossover yet. If Bendis wanted to do a lead-in to their meeting, he should have done it in an issue of The Amazing or The Avenging Spider-Man instead of taking 1/5 of his narrative about TWO Spider-Men and only focusing on the one. I finished the issue thinking Well, maybe issue two will be in Miles' head, then immediately thought how boring and tedious THAT would be! Bendis is a great writer - one that seems to be a bit overworked these days - and I have faith that Spider-Men will get better, but based on this first issue alone, there's a lot left to want for. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics: The Gathering - lucstclair Jun 15, 2012

    This mini series has a lot of potential and it’s easily worth your time & hard-earned comic book funds. From Marvel Comics. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Crave Online - Iann Robinson Jun 14, 2012

    Sara Pichelli’s art is solid. I like her discretion at background detail. If there’s little action in the foreground we get heavy backgrounds, if the action is heavier upfront, the backgrounds are almost nil. Pichelli’s human forms are well executed and I like how she pencils Peter Parker’s Spider-Man. Nothing here is stunning, but it is solid and does help tell the story. I’ll continue picking up Spider-Men to see where the story goes but, as of issue #1, I’m underwhelmed. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    iFanboy - Josh Flanagan Jun 12, 2012

    If Spider-Men sounds like something that's going to make you comic book happy, then by all means, read this. You're going to get a well produced comic book that's nothing you don't expect. I can't speak for what's going to happen with the rest of the series, but as a first issue, it's nothing I didn't know from just reading the premise, and nothing happens in the pages to suggest otherwise. Yet, Bendis has the voices of these various Spider-Men down cold, and if you enjoy spending time with them, it will be worth it for you. It's going to take a little something more to get me excited at this point though, and I don't think it's wrong to expect that from your comics. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Fanboy Buzz - MQuannBoyd Jun 14, 2012

    Basically the biggest problem in this issue is that not much happens. It's got a great premise and there's plenty of story potential with Peter Parker and Miles Morales coming face-to-face, but as of issue #1, it just feels like an average issue of Spider-Man. Damn decompression! As a Spider-Man junkie, I look forward to seeing where this story goes, however, I wish this issue would have went a little further. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Eye On Comics - Don MacPherson Jun 16, 2012

    There's a genuine effort in the artwork to distinguish between the two different Marvel Universes, and Pichelli and colorist Justin Ponsor are successful in doing so. However, I found Pichelli's depiction of the more adult, original Spidey to be a little stiff and too realistic, not in keeping with the energy we're used to seeing in her (and others') take on Ultimate Spider-Man. I was also surprised the original Marvel Universe is depicted as a darker place than the Ultimate Universe. I've always viewed the Ultimate continuity as being more extreme and often mature in the storytelling set there. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Entertainment Fuse - Kat West AKA Comic Uno Jun 17, 2012

    This was a bad set up for this event, but I still think there is potential. I think Bendis may have better story to tell once Peter is in the ultimate universe and interacts with Miles. So, I will probably pick up the next issue. So, I say don't pick up issue 1 of this series, and wait for issue 2 to come out. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Grant McLaughlin Jun 17, 2012

    This issue is fun, but it is just too short to warrant the cover price. There seem to be some fun ideas bubbling just under the surface, perhaps to emerge in a later issue, but that doesn't give any reason to pick up this issue in particular. Should things pick up, waiting for the trade might be a good idea, but I can't see any reason to buy this in single issue. Read Full Review

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