Jason Todd's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: X-Man's Comic Blog, Comics Bulletin Reviews: 148
7.3Avg. Review Rating

All-New X-Men #1

Nov 17, 2012

So, I really enjoyed this issue. I thought It was a nice introduction, especially for anyone who's kinda new to the X-Men like I am, having started reading X-Books when Schism started. I thought this did a nice job of setting up the storyline, building questions about Beast, and introducing a few new interesting mutants to Cyclops' fold. I did think Cyclops actually didn't come off as a bad guy here, which was interesting, I mean sure he was fighting people when he could've avoided it, especially in Eva's case, but meh, he still didn't seem like a full-fledged villain, all and all I'm pretty excited for this series, especially when the Original Five come to the future.

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All-New X-Men #2

Nov 29, 2012

I liked this issue a lot. This is exactly what I want from this series. Seeing how the past X-Men react to the future and seeing how the current people react to seeing the past X-Men. Plus, Wolverine seeing Jean is something I was looking forward to. I liked seeing the two Icemen meet up as well, since Hank isn't the only one with a giant transformation from the old days, the only person that got off easy was Angel. I'm excited to see how the Original 5 react when they run into Cyclops, especially if he's with Magneto, and if Scott has a breakdown when he see's the Originals, especially Jean.

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All-New X-Men #3

Dec 9, 2012

First things first I gotta mention the art, it was pretty damn great. Stuart Immoment did a great job and he drew a stunningly beautiful Emma Frost, as well as capturing the subtle emotions of Cyclops, Emma and everyone else throughout this issue. I loved the reveal that there are some problems with powers, except for Magik, which is sure to get a little spite her way from the rest of the team. I really enjoyed the scene with Emma and Cyclops, as well as the one with Cyclops and Magneto. Add that with the fact we know for a fact Cyclops and Cyclops meet, and he's there with MAGNETO.... and Jean's there..in the next issue, I couldn't be more excited. I enjoyed everything about this issue though, especially Scott playing the victim, and not being believed by Emma (she's even greater now that she's anti-Scott) or Magneto, since they've both been the bad guy. So, that said, there's nothing to stop me from giving this issue a perfect score.

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All-New X-Men #4

Dec 20, 2012

FINALLY! We got to see Cyclops run into the Original Five, AND he had Magneto with him! I loved all of this, Cyclops thinking it was a telepath or a shifter messing with him, then being entranced by Jean, and her being basically disgusted at the sight of him. I also loved the fact that both her and Magneto suspected Emma may be involved, but the best thing was Emma's pure disdain at Jean Grey being back, Emma is quickly becoming my favorite character of this series. I'm also curious as to if past Scott picked up how out of control present Scott is with his powers and if anything will come of that. All in all, this was another strong issue, we got the first confrontation, we got some info on the New Mutants, and a cliffhanger with Beast that I doubt will amount to anything in the next issue.

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All-New X-Men #5

Jan 4, 2013

This series continues to be awesome, and this was another big step in character development.

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All-New X-Men #6

Jan 22, 2013

All in all, this was a decent issue of a great series, and adding Mystique can only make things better.

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All-New X-Men #7

Feb 8, 2013

All in all this was a good issue, not much happened but Mystique being back and playing mind games is always a plus in my book. Plus, Misfits.... so yeah.

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All-New X-Men #8

Mar 10, 2013

All in all this issue seemed like a miss and a placeholder until the Mystique issue that's coming next, which was weird since she put her plan in action in the last issue. Anyway, here's hoping the next issue is better.

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All-New X-Men #9

Mar 24, 2013

I love that this issue and Uncanny X-Men ended at the same spot, makes it feel like you're reading about one big world instead of a bunch of different stories.

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All-New X-Men #10

Apr 7, 2013

This was a pretty average issue but I still liked it. I really liked Mystique and her team robbing people but making it look like it was Wolverine and the Original Five, that's genius and a great way to villainize the X-Men. I also liked Scott defending his future actions to Beast upon learning the whole story. The best part was watching Scott then show the leader that he is by turning around and arguing with future Scott and defending why he and the other four Originals had decided to stay in hopes of changing things. Like I guessed above, Jean will probably go undercover for the team with Cyclops, which would be interesting with Emma around, I'd enjoy that. I could easily see it being Angel though, considering he doesn't want to be there. Either way, I'm continuing to enjoy this comic, and that's always good.

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All-New X-Men #11

May 5, 2013

I don't understand why this issue came out after we already knew who was going to join Cyclops' team. It just seemed odd that It was built to be such a shocker when we've known for like two issues if you read Uncanny X-Men. I'm sure everyone doesn't... but yeah. That aside, I enjoyed this issue. I loved seeing Emma have the Cuckoos take Jean down a peg, it was a great moment for Emma and Jean needed it the way she was using her powers to make Warren do whatever she said

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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #679

Feb 5, 2012

Normally pulling the stunt they did with the watch meaning A.M. instead of P.M. would've annoyed me, but I can actually see Spider-Man making that mistake so I wasn't too annoyed by it. The idea that Spidey pretty much ran himself ragged when all he needed to do was close the doorway did annoy me, it seemed like everything was pointless up until that, I don't mind a good story but that seemed like a kick in the head. I do like that they seem to slowly lead back to making Mary Jane a bigger part of the Spider-Man storylines again, she's a fun character when written right and I'd be lying if I said I didn't mark out every time she says "Go get em' Tiger!" As for this issue it just fell flat, the 12 hour reveal and the Peter > Spidey thing kinda took some of the life out of the issue for me, and even the Back to the Future II reference couldn't save it.

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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #687

Jun 17, 2012

Besides that small thing, this issue was damn near perfect and a great conclusion to this great storyline, definitely looking forward to what Slott has coming next.

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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #688

Jun 30, 2012

Hot Damn! This was a great comic! The twist at the end with The Lizard totally caught me off guard, and I'm a sucker for Michael Morbius, probably because he reminds me of my good buddy Vampire X! This storyline kicked things off with a bang, and I'm wondering what will happen with Curt "The Lizard" Connors does decide to strike and how Spidey will take it. I also really enjoyed the chat with Peter and MJ, it helped him realize he can't do everything and he will make mistakes, and I like the role MJ has taken as supportive best friend over love interest. All in all there's nothing about the comic I didn't enjoy. Also, the art was phenomenal. Props definitely go to Giuseppe Camuncoli for his work on this issue, the way he drew the look on Spidey's face, with one eye showing, when he found out The Lizard ate his drones was chilling. Perfect issue all around. Here's hoping the rest of this storyline is at least half as good as this issue was.

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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #690

Jul 27, 2012

This issue was kind of weird for me. It was about Lizard-Connors, which is cool, but him loving life and living as a Lizard-brained Connors so he can play videogames and listen to pop music is just... odd. I'm sure he'll use the injection it but it seemed like an odd cliffhanger. Plus, the stuff with Morbius seemed to end too quickly, so hopefully he's in the next issue.

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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #691

Aug 18, 2012

Another excellent issue by Dan Slott. I love seeing the Lizard get humanity, and after having the Lizard stuck in Curt's body, having Curt stuck in The Lizard's was a genius move. Does this mean Spidey may have an unexpected ally some day? I'd think so. All in all, I really enjoyed this issue, especially the twist with Kingsly, I didn't see that coming at all. Once again, another issue I had no problems at all with, perfect issue in my opinion. 

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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #692

Aug 23, 2012

I decided I'd just review the main story for this review, but don't get me wrong, the other two stories, especially the third one about Peter trying to make it to a meeting, were great, fun reads. As for this issue, I wasn't really looking forward to this storyline, but I'm really enjoying it. Alpha is kind of a less homicidal version of Damian Wayne, and he's a fun character. When he proclaimed that Spidey was his sidekick I couldn't help but laugh. I'm wondering where the character goes from here and what Spidey can do to get through to him. Plus, seeing The Jackal reappear was definitely unexpected, I can't wait to see how this story plays out.

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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #694

Sep 27, 2012

Dan Slott is great, first things first, Alpha has become a hell of a character after only a Month. And the little things that make this issue even cooler, like the "1 Month of Alpha" label in the corner, like it's a milestone that should be celebrated is awesome. This issue was great because Spidey had to stop Alpha, he was getting way to powerful, and the way he was stopped means he can always come back in the future, and he's a good enough character that he should be brought back somewhere down the line. I don't care much for May returning, she seems to get in the way a lot, but other than that I really enjoyed this issue. Seeing Jameson thank Spidey was surprising but awesome, and seeing how heart-broken Alpha was to lose his powers was great in reminding you that although he comes off as an ass, he was still just a kid. Now with the Hobgoblin storyline coming up as we get closer to issue 700, to say I'm excited is an understatement.

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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #698

Nov 23, 2012

This was a perfect comic, and definitely one of the best single issues I've read, not just based on the shock value of the ending but the way it was crafted to show you that while this was Peter, it also wasn't. I look forward to seeing what Slott does from here.

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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #699

Dec 7, 2012

Slott does it again! The last issue of Spidey was genius, we got a full issue of Otto as Peter, now we got to see Peter as Otto and how he dealt with the situation. The thing I love most is that there's a time limit now, Peter doesn't have long to try to get his body back, and that's the interesting thing. The fact he had to rely on villains to break him out shows how bad things have gotten for Peter, hell, even Paste Pot Pete was there! Also, I loved that Slott mentioned their meeting, which took place in the excellent Human Torch/Amazing Spider-Man mini-series he wrote. Another interesting thing about this issue, the whole Connors/Lizard thing... I'd be remiss if I didn't mention that Superior Spider-Man has claws for scaling walls... maybe there's a relation there with The Lizard controlled Connors? Once again Slott gave us an issue where he answered questions and made us ask even more, and I thoroughly enjoyed it.It was as good as the last issue, but it was damn close.

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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) Annual #39

Jun 2, 2012

I could have really done without reading this comic.

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Aquaman (2011) #0

Sep 29, 2012

Well, this was a average story. Which is something good in Zero Month with all the other stories I've read and haven't enjoyed. Nothing amazing happened, and we didn't really learn much, besides learning of Orm. The stuff with Orm can be interesting, we've been to that well before but I can't say I mind seeing Orm pop up here. Besides that, this was a slow issue, nothing bad but nothing amazing either. Just average and used for the purpose of setting up future storylines, which I have no problem with at all.

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Aquaman (2011) #10

Jul 1, 2012

Well, This issue kinda let me down. The last issue was a bit more interesting and the reveal of Aquaman killing Manta's father was surprising. In this issue we saw how that happened, which was cool, but the stuff with The Operative didn't intrigue me, and that was like... the first six pages of the issue. I know it's building to more, but it seemed excessive here. Also, Johns, can we get some better names than The Prisoner and The Operative please? Besides seeing how Manta's father died, this was a pretty slow issue, even the fight with Aquaman and Manta seemed like it never got into second gear, which didn't excite me. Maybe I picked a bad issue to start reviewing with, but for what I did, this was kind of average.

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Avengers Academy #32

Jun 24, 2012

If you would've told me, I'd enjoy an issue about X-23 and a boy who loves a Sentinel, I'd probably have called you a liar, but damn I liked this issue. Christos Gage has been writing some excellent stories and this is no exception. Seeing X-23 change her mind when she saw how much Juston loved his Sentinel was great, as well as how he defended his friend, even when given another choice by Emma. Add that in with Striker's line about Jocasta and the fact Hazmat may try to get the Phoenix Five to cure her and this was a fun issue. I'm really looking forward to the conclusion of this two-issue story arc, as well as what's next for the Avengers Academy crew.

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Avengers Academy #33

Jul 20, 2012

Well hot damn, this was a hell of a comic! I'm not gonna lie, I was heartbroken when Emma destroyed the Sentinel's CPU, and I was ecstatic when Quicksilver showed up with it. Everything here was perfect, the characterization of Juston and the Sentinel at the beginning, the fact that all of Emma's points were valid, and everything about Pym, Quicksilver, X-23, and Finesse. Plus, the ending caught me totally off guard with Pym and Tigra's announcement. I loved every single bit of this comic, and I can't wait for the Final Exam storyline.

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Avengers Academy #34

Aug 2, 2012

  This was a great start to this storyline, I'm really wondering how they plan on stopping Briggs with no powers and since the Avengers Academy Faculty is busy fighting the X-Men. I'm curious if White Tiger still has her powers since hers are also magic based, and with Finesse probably taking the lead since she still has her fighting skills, I'm curious how X-23 and Reptil will cope. One thing that bothered me is why they are stupid enough to go back to Briggs. I mean... he's a KNOWN psychopath by these kids, I wouldn't have let him cure me for anything, but I guess kids in love do stupid things. That aside, I really enjoyed this issue, here's hoping it stays this good or only gets better!

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Avengers Academy #35

Aug 17, 2012

It's crazy to think a year ago I didn't read this series and now it's one of my favorites. This issue was no exception, the stuff with Striker and Enchantress was great, the battle with the five heroes and Zero was great because we got to see Finesse take the leadership role. I really enjoyed the stuff with White Tiger and Reptil both wondering if their doing the right thing with their powers, and the scene with Hazmat and Mettle was of Peter/Mary Jane proportions. I loved this issue, and I can find nothing bad to say about it, just sucks that we only have four more issues left.

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Avengers Academy #36

Sep 7, 2012

Lightspeed's speech was a little cheesy and awkward for a fight in the middle of a room, but those things aside, I still enjoyed this comic. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing how the Academy crew, and I'd wager, Jocasta, stop Briggs' master plan.

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Avengers Academy #38

Oct 7, 2012

First things first, I loved the cover being an homage to Uncanny X-Men #100, that's pretty awesome. So, I loved everything about this issue, like I said earlier. the football game was more of a way to get everyone in one place, but the one on one conversations, like the advice Gambit gave Humberto, the tense scene with Laura and Finesse, the bro-like conversation between Mettle and Rockslide and the hilarious thing with Wolverine, Pym and Tigra alone made this a fun issue. This was the kind of light-hearted, yet very story driven issue we needed before the last issue, and it really captured the amazing job Christos Gage has done in this series with these characters. This issue was perfect as far as I'm concerned, I enjoyed it immensely and in my eyes, that makes it a perfect issue.

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Avengers Vs. X-Men #6

Jun 21, 2012

So, I'm not gonna lie. The first time I read this issue, I didn't enjoy i, but reading it again for my review, it was much better than I remembered. Xavier showing up was kind of a waste, I'd like to say they were planting seeds, but they did so much of it, with Iron Fist's force field, Scarlet Witch hurting Cyclops, and the stuff with Lei Kung, that Charles showing up was kind of forgettable. I also liked the scene with Beast saying each day he and Wolverine seem to be closer to not having a home, since they're stuck in the middle of both camps. While this issue wasn't as big as I expected, and was very dialogue heavy, it set up a lot of questions, and another war, this time with the X-Men on offensive, which will be interesting.

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Avengers Vs. X-Men #8

Jul 19, 2012

I had mixed feelings about this issue. I liked the stuff with Namor fighting everyone, how much it took to take him down and the stuff with Cyclops and Prof X, but the ending seemed weird. It wasn't really a cliffhanger as much as a very abrupt ending... I am wondering how Namor will feel now that he's lost his Phoenix Powers, as well as what the Avengers can hope to do against the even stronger Phoenix Four. And I gotta know what's Prof. X has under his sleeves as well...

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Avengers Vs. X-Men #9

Aug 4, 2012

Now, this was a pretty great issue. I loved seeing Spidey get the spotlight, and he's the kind of character that you believe could trick the amped up brother-sister duo into fighting one another. Also, I was surprised to see T'Challa and Storm's divorce I guess in this issue, that definitely caught me by surprise. I'm wondering if Cyclops is going to have to be the one who stops Emma's rampage or if this inevitably leads to Jean Grey returning to take on a evil, Phoenix-fueled Emma Frost. Either way, this issue built a lot of questions I can't wait to see the answers to.

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Avengers Vs. X-Men #10

Aug 19, 2012

Well, I thought this issue was okay. It was cool seeing Scott get blasted and everything, and I like crazy, tyrannical, super bitch Emma. But this story seems like it's lasting WAY too long which has really hurt my enjoyment of it. I mean, the next issue kind of has to be filler until the big fight when hopefully something huge (Jean Grey return) happens that makes this seem worthwhile. The issue itself was nothing special, and we didn't get many answers either.

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Avengers Vs. X-Men #11

Sep 13, 2012

Between this and the last DC event I read (Brightest Day) I'm about to swear off the company events.

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AVX: Consequences #2

Oct 20, 2012

It's not often you get a comic that's 80% of two men in a room talking back and forth, and it's even less that you get a great comic from that, but AVX Consequences proves to be the exception. They used the excellent history between these characters, their morals, and of course mentioning Jean Grey to make this conversation draw you in. Cyclops made great points and showed while sometimes cocky, he was the leader for a reason, he's not an idiot. He knew what was going to happen before it did and we see that here, as well as his reasoning for the things he's done, while they can be disputed, he does make good points about Wolverine wanted to kill Hope, and how he inadvertently led to the return of the mutant population. The ending was a great cliffhanger because you have to wonder how a de-powered Cyclops can fare, I'm sure he can fight his ass off, but to say I'm curiously awaiting the next issue is an understatement.

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AVX: Consequences #4

Nov 1, 2012

It's crazy, I honestly think that AVX Consequences is leaps and bounds better than AVX. This issue was great, I loved seeing the different conversations, especially with Wolverine and Cyclops at the end. I like that it seems we're going to have a clear cut villains team, and Cyclops, Magneto, Magik and Danger is interesting, what's even more interesting is the fact Emma may be opposing this team since she's still upset with Scott. I'm really excited for the next issue, as well as for what Wolverine's reaction will be once Cyclops escapes. Plus, I'm all for the prospect of a villainous Cyclops to bring some life to the character, as well as his inevitable death now.

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AVX: Consequences #5

Nov 9, 2012

This issue was pretty quick, but it did serve to establish that Scott is a villain now. He's not The Joker or Green Goblin but he is a Luthor-esque villain that believes he's doing the right thing, even though he's going about it the wrong way, which is fine for Scott. I'm excited to see this new dynamic for the character, and this issue really cemented him in that role for now. I didn't care much about the Hope and Cable stuff, and that really just took away from the character development with Scott, I would've preferred a bit more for Magik as well. But with Danger leaving the team after breaking out Scott, I am curious to see who else joins the "X-Tinction" team, and if Emma will side with Scott after the Phoenix Force betrayal. All in all this was a solid issue to a Mini-Series I really enjoyed, even more than AVX.

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AVX: VS #3

Jun 15, 2012

This issue was kind of a let-down for me. The prospect of Red Hulk vs. JuggerColossus was way more interesting to me than seeing The Thing again, I get that they needed some wins for the X-Men and probably didn't wanna job Rulk out to Colossus but seeing two people who have already had fights when we have people like Wolverine, Thor, Hawkeye, Beast, Cyclops, Storm, Emma Frost and other people that haven't had fights yet seemed odd. Add that in with the fact that Widow basically kicked tons of ass and was beaten by a sucker punch and that left a sour taste in my mouth. Once again, I realize that was done to tie up the score I guess, but I hated seeing Widow taken out like that. Plus, a lot of the dialogue in that fight was in Russian because they're trying to push that Augmented Reality App, not everyone has a Smart Phone Marvel, and those that do, may not feel like scanning a page to read a comic they already purchased...

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Batman (2011) #11

Jul 12, 2012

Okay, some of you may disagree but this issue seemed really lackluster to me. The ending was kind of lame in my opinion, and we knew they wouldn't give us a definitive answer on Thomas, which they couldn't, due to wanting to make us wonder. But the fight between the two, the stuff with Dick and Bruce, all just seemed slow and kind of boring to me, not the payoff I expected after a year of building, but like I said, that's my opinion. It wasn't a bad comic, I just expected a lot more.

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Batman (2011) #13

Oct 11, 2012

Holy...shit. Okay... I doubted Snyder a bit after the Court of Owls ending. I doubted his Harper row issue. But this... this was amazing. His Joker was fantastically written, he was close enough to Joker that he seemed like the same character but so sadistic that he seemed new and even more ruthless.

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Batman (2011) #14

Nov 15, 2012

Say what you want about Scott Snyder, but that guy knows how to write a story. I was extremely into this comic, especially at the big showdown at the end between Batman and Joker. The stuff with Alfred being tortured and Bruce listened on was done great, the way Gordon was taken out due to the insane plan by Joker, and everything about the way he apparently plans to "Tower of Babel" the Batman allies with Batman's plans. In the second feature we saw a bunch of crime bosses killed by Umbrellas by the Joker, to incriminate Penguin. Joker then tells Penguin that he'll lick the blood off of each umbrella and leave his DNA at the scene so people know it was him, if Penguin agrees to come to this party he has planned, to which Penguin begrudgingly agrees. I enjoyed that as well, as I'm curious to see what Joker has planned for this big party that has him hunting out Batman and his rogues.

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Batman (2011) #15

Dec 14, 2012

This was a great issue. I mean, to say Scott Snyder has been crushing it is an understatement.

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Batman (2011) #16

Jan 18, 2013

I enjoyed this issue, and I am curious about what's under the platter.

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Batman (2011) #18

Mar 15, 2013

So all in all this issue gave me some great conversations, so great characterization for Harper Row, and Cullen Row, as well as introducing their sleazebag of a father, who will undoubtedly be back in the future.

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Batman (2011) #19

Apr 12, 2013

This issue just didn't do it for me, which is a rare miss for Snyder.

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Batman (2011) #20

May 10, 2013

Hm... this issue seemed kinda average for me. I get that Snyder is doing shorter arcs now before the big Zero Year, but this seemed kind of unnecessary. I like that Clayface was evolved further but he was already made a threat in Detective Comics (or one of those other twenty Batman Books) not too long ago. I did like the little nod to the Batman Beyond suit, as well as using Clayface to show us Bruce being taunted by Damian, which was an awesome moment. I really believe that Damian was gonna die in Death of the Family, and Grant decided to use his death instead in Batman Inc. and this kinda confirmed that for me. Anyway, this wasn't a memorable issue but it wasn't bad either.

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Batman (2011) Annual #1

Jun 1, 2012

I really enjoyed the bit of Freeze's past we saw, and it explains a lot about who he is and why. I also liked how well Snyder portrayed him here, he had that same swagger as Freeze pre-reboot but seemed so much more dangerous without his suit and gun, which is a vibe Freeze never really gave off before this issue. What else? I HAVE to give a full point to any book I can see someone kick Damian SQUARE in the face... man that was priceless. Oh, the explanation for how Fries became Mr. Freeze was excellent, as well as why he has to wear the goggles. Before the reveal this comic was a damn good comic, after the reveal it became an EXCELLENT comic book. This is probably one of, if not THE best single issue I've read all year.

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Batman and Robin (2011) #0

Sep 17, 2012

Once again, this issue wasn't bad, but I felt it could've explored some different things for Damian's past.

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Batman and Robin (2011) #10

Jun 18, 2012

his was a great start to this storyline, I hope it continues to be this good since the next issue is billed as Damian/Jason.

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Batman and Robin (2011) #14

Nov 19, 2012

So, this issue was odd for me. I mean... it seemed very rushed. Joker was behind the zombies? If Joker has the ability to make people into zombies... why not just go with that? Also, the people who are zombies, they were never cured or anything. And Bruce and Damian just beat them up... they're not dead or anything. So presumably, there are still zombies in Gotham... they just have to wake up. I mean, I guess this issue served to humanize Damian before his run-in with The Joker but it just seemed all over the place and like nothing really happened or got solved, which really hurt my enjoyment of this.

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Batman and Robin (2011) #15

Dec 15, 2012

Man.... this was fantastic. You wouldn't think the guy with the least amount of history with Joker would have such a strong tie-in issue. That's a testament to the great job Tomasi did here, I especially loved the fact he mentioned Joker's last run in, which happened back with Dick was Batman.

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Batman and Robin (2011) #17

Feb 17, 2013

This comic was weird as hell... I... I don't... have words. I could try to say this was their subconscious telling each of them what they secretly wanted and such but I'm not a philosophy major... I'm a guy that reads comics for enjoyment and reviews them for the same reason. So... yeah... Alfred shooting Joker and the artwork is the only reason this got any points.

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Batman and Robin (2011) #18

Mar 17, 2013

Amazing. Simply amazing. Tomasi scripted a hell of an issue in pure silence basically, which seems like a very hard thing to do. But he and Gleason, major props to Gleason, manage to show so much emotion through these pages. You can see the hurt on Alfred's face, the regret on Bruce, as well as not just his anger but his depression and the somber tone of the issue. You can even see the sad and bit of scared look on Titus' face while watching Bruce breakdown at the end of an issue. There's so many issues of comics that I love because of the dialogue, hell Batman #18 was one of them, but this took the opposite approach and gave me the same result, a comic I thoroughly enjoyed. This issue was perfect as far as I'm concerned.

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Batman and Robin (2011) #20

May 12, 2013

I loved this issue. Not just because Jason was in it, but of course that helped. I loved the way this was set up.

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Batman: The Dark Knight (2011) #0

Oct 1, 2012

This was an interesting issue. It started off slow, but I loved the idea that a young vengeful Bruce was taken advantage of, and he turned around as an adult and went back to that same man, getting his father's watch back and the answers he wanted. It showed how dedicated Bruce is. I also loved that Chill killing his parents was just wrong place, wrong time. There was no plan, no enemies acting on them, just pure, dumb coincidence. That's why Batman works as a vigilante, because he's stopping that from happening to anyone else. If there was someone behind Chill, he'd just go after them and be done, instead of stopping all the crimes he can. And that came across well here.

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Batman: The Dark Knight (2011) #14

Dec 1, 2012

This was an odd issue. I enjoyed it but Batman came off more villainous up until the end. I get that he was in fight or flight mode, but the hook through the jaw seemed kinda outta character for Batsy. Plus, Scarecrow saved the girl and everything, which made him seem like not such a bad guy until he got pissed and ruined Christmas, Grinch style. Other than that, this was an okay issue, it went by really quick, and this story seems to be stretching out more than it needs to, but I'm not complaining.

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Captain Marvel (2012) #1

Jul 21, 2012

First things first, the art in the comic is interesting. Sometimes it seemed kinda odd, other times it was great. I love the design of Captain Marvel's suit, I loved how Cap was drawn, the small things like Carol's posture when she isn't fighting opposed to when she is are pretty well done. Also, the comedy in this comic is great, the little jabs between Carol and Captain America, or her and Spidey, and how stupid yet hilarious The Absorbing Man was really helped my enjoyment of this. Another thing I really enjoyed was the news page at the beginning, talking about how Ms. Marvel was now Captain Marvel and how she was auctioning off her old suit for charity. That shows a great deal of character from that one panel, plus hopefully some super villain will start wearing her Ms. Marvel suit. All in all, I liked this first issue a lot, and I'm definitely on board for the long run.

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Catwoman (2011) #11

Jul 24, 2012

Really? Dollmaker, Doll House, whats with all these doll characters? Anyway, aside from that, I was surprised the kidnapper was a woman, that genuinely shocked me. And this was an alright story, nothing really stood out or made this special, but it wasn't bad either, just average I guess. I am interested in seeing how Catwoman finds Alvarez, and Batman is advertised for the next issue, so that will be interesting to say the least.

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Deadpool (2008) #58

Jul 28, 2012

Black Swan, Black Box, Black Tom.... what is it with Deadpool and Blacks? Lol, wait, that came out wrong. Anyway, I'm wondering who's next, maybe Black Bolt and Black Panther? Other than that, not much happened though, the plan was classic Deadpool which was fun, and Deadpool is already regretting losing his healing factor, maybe he'll be able to get it back and keep his good looks? I guess we'll find out, although I can't say I'm too excited to see Pool take on Black Tom...

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Deadpool (2008) #60

Sep 9, 2012

Well this was terrible. This issue was CLEARLY rushed due to the whole Marvel Now thing, and what's worse is Deadpool burned himself up, I can't... It doesn't make sense to me that he would even make a mistake and do that considering how much he was happy to look normal. Now he looks the same and has no healing factor, which is just stupid. I could have seen if someone else set him ablaze or threw acid on him but this was just idiotic. Also, the "no one remembers you don't have a healing factor "One More Day" stuff really annoyed me. And the ending... with Deadpool just cursing... this comic seemed like something Dan Way put out because he had to, so he scribbled it on a napkin and said "Print em up!" Horrible comic all around, I can honestly say I enjoyed nothing in this book. Well no, I take that back, the art was good, so I'll give it a point for that...

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Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe #2

Aug 9, 2012

Damn this was good! Deadpool shooting Spidey in the middle of a crowd was crazy, but the way he took out the Avengers was just plain genius. Hell in one comic he killed Doom, The Avengers, Spidey, AND The Hulk! I'm not only wondering who can stop Deadpool... but who the hell is left? I'd have to gamble Wolverine? He was in the explosion but he has the healing factor so I figure he'll be back right? Also, can we please get a Venom killed the Marvel Universe? Please?! Oh, and TASKMASTER VS. DEADPOOL TO THE DEATH?! Hell....yes.

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Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe #3

Aug 16, 2012

Cullen Bunn is ROCKING this mini. I had mixed feeling about him after a subpar, in my opinion, Spider-Man: Season One, but he's redeeming himself on this awesome mini-series. I love that Deadpool has woken up and realized if he wants to stop all these heroes, he'll have to take out our world, since Wolverine and the other heroes will keep coming back due to US wanting them back. It's perfect for Deadpool's character. Plus, with the Taskmaster fight coming up, as well as the genius way Deadpool took out Daken and X-23, this comic was awesome. If I had any problems, it would be that the Wolverine fight seemed to go very quickly, I would have preferred a shorter convo with Prof. X and a longer fight with Wolverine.

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Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe #4

Aug 24, 2012

This issue really disappointed me. The series started so well, and the end with Taskmaster being hired was great, but that fight wasn't everything I expected, and Man Thing blowing himself up so Deadpool could jump worlds annoyed me. It bothered me that some big names like Venom, Black Widow and Dr. Doom were killed off panel yet the Puppet Master got a few pages. The ending was very bad too, I figured he was coming to out world but I thought maybe something would go awry and he'd end up somewhere else, like the Marvel Zombies world. Then we could have Deadpool kills The Marvel Zombies or something, instead, we got to see him lurk outside of Cullen Bunn's meeting and the book just ends. That was disappointing, overall I enjoyed the series but this last issue ended it on a sour note.

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Green Arrow (2011) #17

Feb 10, 2013

Jeff Lemire must be a fan of Fraction's Hawkeye series, cause this kind of seemed like that. The little boxes that zoom in on actions during fights, the art style was very similar to Hawkeye, and that's not a bad thing. If you're gonna emulate a series, that's not a bad one to do. Don't get me wrong though, Lemire wrote this issue very well, I enjoyed the scene of Oliver being pissed about losing everything and basically finding out via the news.

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Green Arrow (2011) #18

Mar 12, 2013

I am finding myself caring a bit more about Oliver than I have since they rebooted his amazing history, so I guess that's a plus.

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Green Lantern (2011) #0

Sep 11, 2012

First things first, I'm a Detroit boy, just like Geoff Johns, so I loved the references to streets and things that I know around here like the Detroit Free Press Newspaper, that was cool and definitely made things feel more realistic for me. That aside, this was a good story. I liked the introduction of Simon Baz, the story was interesting, I'm curious as to why he stole that van but we'll know soon enough hopefully. I'm wondering how the fact his ring said error will play a part in Baz's time as Green Lantern. All in all I enjoyed this story, it wasn't perfect but it set up a lot of questions, introduced Simon Baz as an interesting character, and it was new but enjoyable and easy to follow.

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Green Lantern (2011) #10

Jun 16, 2012

See, it's issues like this that I still have faith in Geoff Johns after that Brightest Day debacle. I loved the reveal of the Indigo Tribe consisting of villains a few issues ago but the fact the rings actually work and helped changed Iroque for the better is a very interesting thing. I'm also wondering who that Indigo ring will go to, hopefully someone we know already because that will be interesting to say the least. Sinestro was awesome as usual here and I love seeing him and Hal play off of each other, with Sinestro clearly wanting to be more like Hal, even if he won't admit it. Add that in with the way Black Hand was written here, clearly showing that everything between Blackest Night and now to him was the equivalent of blinking was an awesome idea. I was wondering why he killed himself as opposed to being lobotomized by that ring but him having a trick up his sleeve is great, plus I can't say I mind having a Black Lantern ring or two around.

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Green Lantern (2011) #11

Jul 30, 2012

This was a pretty average issue. On first glance I didn't think too much of the splash page, although I am wondering who's gonna wield the White Lantern ring... I'm assuming it'll be Hal for obvious reasons. Besides that, nothing in this issue really stood out for me, and I don't like that Hal can blast Sinestro because now I know I'll have to watch them fighting which is... ugh, I liked the other dynamic more of Hal having to listen to Sinestro.

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Green Lantern (2011) #13

Oct 5, 2012

This issue was pretty good in my opinion. Simon is pretty likable to me, and his sister makes him even more likable because she seems like a sweet and nice character, so you relate to Simon as the regrettable big brother. I liked that we got to see the messages left by Sinestro and Hal, and how different the two are, even when saying similar things. The League popping up here surprised me, and I'm looking forward to seeing how they treat him after Hal's disappearance, Simon just showing up, and whole "terrorist" thing. The next issue should be interesting to say the least.

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Green Lantern (2011) #14

Nov 11, 2012

This was a pretty quick issue, and a fast read. I enjoyed the parts with Simon, him thinking he could take Batman because he was "normal" shows that he's a bit cocky and uninformed, but his construct and the way he got the league off of him shows how innovative he is, which is definitely a plus for a Lantern. The stuff with the Guardians was a bit boring, except I am curious to see the first Lantern, and see if he has any ties with any current Lanterns. Other than that, this was a fine issue, I'm excited to see what's next for Baz as well as finally getting some answers for Sinestro and Hal Jordan.

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) #1

Mar 31, 2013

This issue was a bit slower than the last issue, which was fantastic, but this was far from a bad story. I enjoyed Tony Stark realizing he needs to take himself out of the moment and look at things on a more cosmic scale by joining the Guardians of the Galaxy. I also thought the character development of Peter's dad, from being a suave, debonair alien that landed on Earth, to the very smug, master of mind games and tyrannical ruler that we saw here. All in all, this issue wasn't as great as the last one, but it did a good job of showing the team, showing us what to expect, and giving us a look at the current relationship between Peter and his dad.

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) #2

Apr 26, 2013

I really enjoyed this issue! I loved seeing the team in action, and we got a lot of it here. I'll admit, I found myself laughing at Rocket's "Blam! You're murdered!" type of catchphrase while taking care of his enemies. I also really liked the dialogue here, especially between Quill and Iron Man. Even the meeting with J-Son and the other bigwigs was interesting and didn't seem like it slowed the issue down. I'm interested in seeing how the Guardians deal with being arrested by Peter's dad, since this was obviously his plan from the beginning. Plus, I can see them being broken out by Groot, since he's the only one that wasn't there for the fight/arrest. All in all, this was another really good issue, here's hoping the series continues to be this good.

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Hawkeye (2012) #6

Dec 22, 2012

This was a filler issue, and a holiday issue. Yet, it was still really good. I laughed a lot throughout this issue, the scenes with Stark, the "Hawkguy" scene, and the Bro's... just them saying "Bro" and "Futz" cracks me up. But this was also a great issue because it showed how vital Kate is to Clint, who was willing to pack up to keep everyone safe, but was willing to fight to maintain their safety, thanks to a few words from Kate. All in all, this was an issue you can miss, but if you did pick it up, you're guaranteed to enjoy it.

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Injustice: Gods Among Us #1

Feb 3, 2013

Now thats how you do a prequel. Holy hell this issue had a lot to it. I saw Lois dying coming a mile away after the pregnancy thing was announced, but I didn't expect her to die at Superman's hands. That was an excellent twist, because for all intents and purposes, he's going to kill Joker now. He has to, and of course Bats won't let him, so there's the dissension. Plus, not only did Superman lose Lois and the baby, but he also lost his buddy Jimmy Olsen AND Metropolis. Superman is directly responsible for the Death of Metropolis and his wife and kid, thanks to The Joker... That story kinda made his story in Death of the Family look small by comparison. I really enjoyed this issue though, It was great, everything worked, the characters felt genuine, and Joker beat Superman... and it MADE SENSE... now we get to see Superman's descent into madness, which should be fun.

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Injustice: Gods Among Us #2

Mar 1, 2013

Goddamn this comic was amazing. I don't know where you've been hiding, Tom Taylor, but I will gladly read any comic you write.

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Injustice: Gods Among Us #3

Apr 2, 2013

I'm kind of surprised to say I didn't care for this issue much. It wasn't bad, but I enjoyed the last two issues so much that this one fell flat. I thought going after Superman's parents just seemed like a stupid move that would make him more angry, and Wonder Woman treating Ares like a bitch for lack of a better word just made him seem way less intimidating, especially with her taking his hand like a toy from a kid. I did like the way the lines are being drawn in the sand, you can see Ares will obviously be pro Batman, because he wants to end the future reign of Superman and Wonder Woman, but other than that, not much really happened in this issue that was integral to the actual story or the game.

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Invincible #98

Dec 11, 2012

This issue.... was... odd. I don't understand it... I mean, Bulletproof clearly wanted to be his own man and not in his brother's shadow, so why would he continue to take another guy's Legacy? That was weird to me, then the fact Dinosaurus planned on flooding the planet is just... absurd... I mean... why? And it really makes me hate Mark more than anything else because he broke the guy out, and now he's upset that he's going to the extreme. You KNOW he's an eco-terrorist. He already obliterated Las Vegas! And lastly... you're flooding a planet, that has Viltrumite's living on it... so is he planning to make it so only the super-powered people and the Viltrumite's live there? I just didn't understand why any of the people here made the choices they did... Well Angstrom Levy popped up here, so that was awesome.

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Invincible #99

Jan 8, 2013

I get why they did splash pages, to cover up the fact that nothing really happened here. I stretched the summary out a bit but this could've easily been summed up as, "Mark and Dinosaurus fight while the Guardians of the Globe save people, Dinosaurus tries to kill Mark as the issue ends." This was more filler to get us to issue #100, and while this issue wasn't bad, I'm not into this series as much as I used to, it's like it lost it's luster after the Viltrumite War, and sadly issue #100 may be my last issue unless it completely blows me away. As for this, it was more filler than anything, so I'll give it a middle of the road score.

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Justice League (2011) #0

Sep 21, 2012

Well... this was awesome! I love this annoying, jackass version of Billy Batson!

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Justice League (2011) #10

Jun 28, 2012

So something weird happened... I read this issue of Justice League, and I actually liked it. The last few issues have been horrible, and you can read my past reviews to see, but this one, with the evil origin of Graves, seeing Aquaman get burned by reporters, seeing the League's trust problems, I just enjoyed it.

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Justice League (2011) #11

Jul 23, 2012

I'm shocked... two months ago I HATED this series, but these last two issues have been great. This was a really good issue, I enjoyed the in-fighting, I'm curious about Cyborg being half dead, as well as if they actually allow Trevor to stay dead, since that surprised me. I'm also wondering if they were planting seeds for his sister to become a Wonder Woman villain. Overall, there was a lot of good in the comic, and hardly any bad. Plus, the SHAZAM back up has always been pretty good. If Justice League keeps this up, it could become one of my favorite comics.

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Justice League (2011) #13

Oct 19, 2012

So Cheetah can turn people like a Vampire now?! Okay... I guess that helps make her more of a threat, plus it's more believable she can take on the League with help from Superman now. Maybe the next issue is when Batman pulls out Kryptonite and shows he's the master of contingency plans. This was a good issue though, I enjoyed the opening fight with WW and Cheetah, as well as the stuff with Cyborg, that really made his character a bit more relatable, since every since he's joined the team I've gotten the vibe he was more of a token character than anything, but I like that he's getting some character development for the first time since the opening arc. I do wish we had more for Aquman and Bats to do here than just interview Steve Trevor, that didn't even seem like a two person job but whatever... besides that small thing, I enjoyed this issue and I'm excited for the next one to see how the League deals with a Cheetah-controlled Superman.

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Justice League (2011) #14

Nov 27, 2012

So there were a lot of pluses to this issue, but the big sappy date with Supes and Wondy hurt my enjoyment of it.

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Justice League (2011) #15

Dec 30, 2012

This was a very odd issue for me, I know it served to set things up for Aquaman but it made the League seem very... weak. I mean a giant wave came and it had to kill a ton of people in Metropolis since Superman and Wonder Woman were preoccupied with the carrier. I mean... in one panel WW says there are people in the streets who need their help, the NEXT PAGE, Vulko jumps out of the water with Lois, and Superman and Wonder Woman go talk to Lois... they NEVER GO SAVE THE PEOPLE!!!! But that aside this was basically just a set up issue so I won't judge it too harshly. The back-up with SHAZAM was actually the best part of this comic...so it still perplexes me he doesn't have his own series...

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Minimum Carnage: Alpha #1

Oct 9, 2012

Now THIS is what I'm talking about! That's how you start a crossover. We got a quick introduction into each characters mind, for anyone who is only reading one series, we got to see them act on their own first before we saw them team up, and Carnage was built up like the threat he should be. Plus, we got a few unanswered questions like Carnage's tie with the tiny people and who exactly they want killed, which should keep people interested. After Bunn's lackluster start to Venom, I'm really enjoying what he and Yost have started here, hopefully they can keep the momentum going. Overall, this was a nice start and a very good way to get Flash and Kaine to cross paths.

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Nightwing (2011) #17

Feb 26, 2013

This issue.... was SO weird. It wasn't a bad story but it's weird because nothing happened...and everything happened.

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Red Hood And The Outlaws #0

Sep 23, 2012

This issue just solidified the fact that I will not read any comic Lobdell writes again, including this one. As for this rating, It doesn't even deserve one, if I have it anything it would only be for the great art, but Lobdell's writing has even made me unable to enjoy that. So in honor of Zero Month, I think that's what I'll give this comic.

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Red Hood And The Outlaws #10

Jun 22, 2012

Seeing how well Jason was written by Tomasi last week showed me how horrible he's been written since the reboot started, and to top it off, after ruining this book, as well as Teen Titans, which i dropped months ago, they've reward Lobdell by having him write Superman?! I'm done. As much as I want to support a Jason Todd series, as well as Arsenal, I'm done. I hated this story, and I won't see how it, or any of that All-Caste shit ends. I'm done reading Red Hood and the Outlaws, until they get a new, more competent writer.

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Red Hood And The Outlaws #17

Feb 24, 2013

FINALLY! This is what I've wanted since Jason came back. We've seen Jason run into the family a few times, his quick team-up with Batman (Dick) and Robin pre-New 52, him helping out during Court of Owls and the Death of the Family storylines, although he mostly sat in the background with his arms folded, and his awesome reuniting with the other three Robins last year, right before Damian decided to challenge each Robin to prove he was the best. But this was the first time we got Jason at the manor, feeling like a part of the family.

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Red Hood And The Outlaws #19

Apr 21, 2013

So, I'm reluctant but I'm pulling for Tynion to give me some good stories starring my namesake and his band of Outlaws. Well he sure can't do worse than Lobdell. And that makes me happy.

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Red Hood And The Outlaws #20

May 17, 2013

I enjoyed this issue a lot! It was cool seeing Jason's memories so we can still get a sense of what's happened and what hasn't in this not so New 52, and I really liked the addition that he's saved Roy before. It shows why Roy is so loyal to Jason, it shows how optimistic a younger Jason Todd was, and it was just a great scene with those two that adds to their friendship. I also really liked that they put out there that Starfire can remember things and has been playing dumb this whole time. It makes her more interesting and makes me wonder what she's been hiding and why she attacked Grayson at some point. Plus, seeing Green Arrow, Cheshire, Deathstroke possibly and a host of other people popping up in this comic is definitely a plus in my book.

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Red Hood And The Outlaws Annual #1

May 31, 2013

Does anyone else find it a bit... surprising that Roy invents tech when he was basically a class clown type character for a majority of this series? Also, someone wants to pay One Billion and Five hundred Million dollars for Jason, Starfire and Roy?! WHY?! That stuff aside, I enjoyed this issue. I was a bit wary of Tynion after all the bad stuff we've dealt with during Lobdell's run but this story was fun, it had jokes, we got to see more arguments of the team and it introduced a lot of threats like a bad ass Cheshire that I'm totally a fan of, Bronze Tiger, Roy's time with Strange which will surely come up more in the future. All in all, this annual felt like it was worth it, and I enjoyed it more than the I expected I would.

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Saga #5

Jul 22, 2012

As always, Brian K. Vaughn knows how to write a great story. Here, we got away from Marko and Alana for a bit, and learned more about The Will and Prince Robot, both characters I like, even though their both going after our main protagonists. I was sad to see Stalk go here, I kinda liked her character, I wouldn't be surprised if she healed but if this is the last of her, I'm interested in seeing how The Will reacts. Also, Fiona Staples continues to be one of the best things about this comic, her clean art, the way she drew Marko's rampage was great, as well as the the way she draws the emotions on Alana's face or the lack of life on Stalk's... she's a hell of an artist.

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Scarlet Spider #6

Jun 19, 2012

Man, this issue flew by. This, like the last issue, seemed to be more of a set up issue than anything, but it did set up a lot. We've got Kraven and Ana coming for Kaine, Kaine's questioning of if he can live up the Ben Reilly is an interesting turn, plus giving Kaine a love interest in Annabelle. Add in the fact we've got the mystery of Aracely and the Mexica and we should have some great stories down the line. Oh, and Chris Yost, don't be an ass and name a wine after yourself in a comic. Or do, do whatever you want as long as you keep Scarlet Spider better than your Red Robin run.

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Scarlet Spider #7

Jul 15, 2012

This was a fun issue, it kinda flew by. I liked seeing a different kind of Spidey, and that's what we get with Kaine, the way he jumped right into bed with Zoe was both surprising and hilarious. I'm interested in seeing what Zoe's beef is with her dad and the Roxxon corp., as well as what happens with Kaine takes on The.... sigh...Rangers. God that's a horrible name. Other than that, this was a perfectly acceptable comic.

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Scarlet Spider #8

Aug 12, 2012

I actually don't have much to say about this comic. It wasn't bad, it wasn't great, it was passable. I'm enjoying Kaine as Scarlet Spider but I wish he had something to sink his teeth into, around issue 8 in the Venom series, Flash had done a lot more than Kaine has at this point, so hopefully Kaine can get that big story with Kraven soon...

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Scarlet Spider #10

Oct 13, 2012

It's funny, before he took over Scarlet Spider, I didn't like Chris Yost's work much, but I'll be damned if he hasn't made Scarlet Spider something I look forward to every month, and his work in this issue continues that trend. The Minimum Carnage mini has been pretty good so far, Kaine and Flash are such polar opposites that its great seeing them together, it's kind of like seeing Cap team with Wolverine, in the sense you have a guy who plays it by the book and a guy that does what he want when he wants. I enjoyed this issue, it was average, far from bad but nothing too memorable happened here. I can't wait to see what happens when Venom, Scarlet Spider, and Carnage are all at the same place at the same time.

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Scarlet Spider #12

Dec 17, 2012

But I enjoyed this issue, Kaine finally feeling like he has a home and having friends is a great step in the right direction for him, and Christ Yost, a man who's writing I didn't care for a year ago, has made me a fan thanks to his great job on this series. This is probably my favorite Spider title besides the main book, and that's saying something considering how many there are!

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Scarlet Spider #12.1

Dec 23, 2012

This was a fun .1 issue. Suprisingly it wasn't just filler, i mean it was but it set up that Kingpin has business in Houston and he will be clashing with Kaine soon. Between him, the Kraven's, and that big galoot from the first issue that kidnapped Aracely way back then, Kaine is getting an interesting Rogue's gallery. I also liked how Kaine is still curious on how his friends will view him if they learn about his past, that will be an interesting road to go down if he ever tells them the kind of guy he used to be. All in all this was a nice .1 issue that had more character development and set up some stories, instead of just focusing on building for another series, like a few .1's have done in recent years.

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Scarlet Spider #13

Jan 11, 2013

This was a very interesting issue. I've been waiting to find out more about Aracely and this was a great step in that direction. I'm also liking Kaine's internal struggle, as he decides if he's still the man he used to be, or if he's the hero he wants to be. The Wolves are interesting and I'm wondering how they plan on getting wishes by using Aracely, Yost really set a lot of questions in motion which I can't wait to get answers to. I will say the ending surprised me, how is Kaine going to heal from being eaten by Werewolves... I...I don't even know what to expect, so i guess that's a good thing in terms of keeping me interested, which I definitely am after that ending.

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Scarlet Spider #14

Feb 19, 2013

So yeah, all in all, not a fan of this issue or the developments here, here's hoping things go back to how they were two issues ago, as soon as possible.

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Spider-Men #1

Jun 14, 2012

This issue was a bit slow, it made sense as they had to set up the whole "How do we make them meet?" storyline, but I could've done without Peter's I love New York mentality, just because it's so often re-hashed. Also, I could have done with a little more Miles in this issue but that's just my personal opinion. Aside from that stuff, I'm very curious to see how this goes, as well as what will happen if Pete learns about the Ultimate Universe Reed Richards, as well as the former Ultimate Spider-Man, and maybe even Aunt May, MJ and Gwen Stacy?

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Spider-Men #2

Jun 29, 2012

Okay, so first things first, this issue was not without it's faults. I mean, Mysterio seems like a kind of lame choice to fight two Spider-Men... and Peter just attacking seemed weird, especially considering how many times he's been attacked by heroes due to a misunderstanding, but we can chalk that up to him thinking this may be a Mysterio illusion. That said, the stuff with Miles and Peter was really enjoyable. The banter while fighting, Miles being still likable, Peter wondering if Miles was a clone was funny, plus the fact Peter said Miles had a cooler costume was a nice line. Overall, I enjoyed this comic enough to continue reading it, and that's a hell of a plus after that slow first issue.

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Spider-Men #4

Aug 10, 2012

Well... that was a very misleading cover. This was a fine issue, not much happened in terms of fighting but I enjoyed seeing Gwen, Miles, Aunt May and Peter talking about all the differences in both worlds, seeing Peter give Miles advice, and just having Gwen and Aunt May have a chance to say goodbye on happier terms. The ending with the Mysterio stuff seemed kinda rushed, and I'm not as excited for the final issue as I'd like to be, but I am wondering how things will end for Miles and Peter's team up.

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Spider-Men #5

Sep 25, 2012

This was a kinda odd comic. I like to imagine they were waiting for days before Mysterio just happened to open that portal and get webbed through it. This mini series was okay, I expected more but it could've definitely been worse. I'm going to be very disappointed if we don't find out anything about the 616 Miles Morales, and it better be big the way Peter reacted. Also, I'm kinda peeved we didn't get to see what Pete's "most important" advice was, that seemed like a cop out, especially when he gave him lesser advice like loaning Wolverine money... All in all, this wasn't a bad issue, but it was far from great, I'd say it was average.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #1

Jan 10, 2013

I really enjoyed this issue, I loved Doc here. He's doing a horrible job as Peter though, lol, calling people Dolts? It's so out of Peter's style that it's hilarious. I enjoyed the way he brushed away Modell, when he looks to be planning something big, as well as the way he prepared for this new Sinister Six. Just seeing all the work he put into it so he could take them down with such ease was funny but also showed how clever Doc is.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #2

Feb 1, 2013

As for his first big villain being the Vulture, I'm kinda meh about that but I'm curious to see where it goes from here.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #4

Feb 22, 2013

Holy crap this issue was great. First things first, I love the character of Massacre. Dan Slott has done a lot with Spidey, but I think Massacre may have been one of his best ideas.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #5

Mar 8, 2013

When I started this issue, I figured I wouldn't like it. Massacre killing for money seemed weird, and so did Spidey's little chat with Uatu, and I can't say I cared much about Doc's little date with Anna Maria, although I do like her character already. The thing that saved this issue for me was the really strong ending.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #6

Mar 22, 2013

Overall, I really enjoyed this comic, there was a bit of humor, some action, storyline development with The Avengers, Anna Maria, MJ's brief appearance and Phil Urich's at the beginning of the issue. Overall this was a good issue and made me very excited for the next one.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #6AU

Mar 29, 2013

This issue really worked in my opinion. Christos Gage (one of my favorite writers)really understood what made Doc Parker tick here, and did a great job of showing a ton of different emotions for him in the span of this issue.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #7

Apr 5, 2013

Man this issue flew by! This was actually my introduction to Cardiac but I enjoyed him here, hopefully he shows up more in the future.I also liked that Peter was getting control of his body back, but the fact Ock is aware of that may not bode well for him. I don't know how Ock is going to get out of this fight with the Avengers without everyone knowing Spidey's not Spidey, but I am interested in the fight. Let's not forget that Ock was able to form a plan to take out the Avengers during Ends of the Earth, and he used Peter's inventions... so now that he IS Spider-Man, he may have a contingency plan to take on the Avengers. I am eager to see what happens afterwards though, because the odds are not in Peter's favor now that Doc Ock knows he's still kicking around in there. Anyway, for this issue, although it flew by, I enjoyed it. I'm really excited to see how Spidey fares against Cap and company in the next issue though.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #8

Apr 19, 2013

I was conflicted about this issue. I enjoyed it, especially the end since it seems like Doc may be around longer than some of us expected after Peter's return in issue one. I also enjoyed the scene with the little girl giving Ock her toy, it was very sweet and helped show that he's not a total heel. Hell, I enjoyed most of this issue but the thing that annoyed me was how stupid the Avengers came off here. Spidey's acting weird so all you do is see if he's a Skrull? You don't bring in Strange or a Telepath or anything to even see if he's a clone or something? They explained it by saying Pym and Stark weren't there, so the rest of the team didn't notice Doc's brain anomaly but it still seemed odd to me. I mean, if you're willing to fight him to make sure he's who he says, giving him the Skrull test only didn't seem like enough.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #9

May 3, 2013

I REALLY enjoyed this issue. I know some people didn't but I loved seeing Peter lose, because for one, it's far from over, and for two, we get what we expected from issue one, Doc Ock is Spider-Man now, simple as that. I'm interested in seeing what happens when he runs into Green Goblin now. Most importantly, this causes two questions, one, with Peter's memories gone, is this Doc's downfall? Does he remember anything of Peter's now that he didn't already know? Because if so, this could lead to him messing up in the near future. Secondly, how does Peter come back? His thoughts aren't in his body any more, and the Ock-Bot was supposedly erased, so how will he come back? Slott obviously has a plan up his sleeve, and unless he's in the robot now, I have no idea what it could be. All in all, I enjoyed this issue and I look forward to seeing what Doc Parker will do now that he has 100% control of his actions.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #10

May 24, 2013

I am SO happy the Green Goblin is back. He popped up a few issues back but seeing him here and outwitting Superior Spider-Man was great. I'm excited for a few meeting with Superior Spider-Man and Goblin is right up there with Venom and Scarlet Spider-Man, both of which are coming up in the year.

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The Avenging Spider-Man #8

Jun 23, 2012

This issue was pretty fun, and there were a LOT of lines that almost got line of the issue, Strange, Sable, Doom, Spidey, were all written excellently in this issue, Avenging Spidey is quickly becoming a highpoint of my comic collection each month. I really enjoyed this story, It fit well in past continuity, there was comedy, it was a great send-off to Sable is she is in fact gone for good, which I doubt since they couldn't find her or Rhino, plus pretty much anytime I get to see Doom and Spidey together I'm happy. Even Doctor Strange was funny here which was enjoyable. This was nothing amazing, but it was, in the words of my buddy X, a Perfectly Acceptable Comic.

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The Avenging Spider-Man #12

Sep 15, 2012

This was an interesting issue. The issue itself was subpar in my opinion, but Deadpool's humor was great, and he had a ton of lines that made me laugh out loud. And I'm NOT just saying that because he has a gun to my head. (Keep typing, monkey.) But besides Deadpool's humor there wasn't much, plus I figured this would be a one and done, so I was kinda surprised to see it wasn't and the reveal of Hypo-Hustler... I can't say I'm excited for that. (So... since we're done where do I get my check?) There's... no check. X and I work for free. (What is this... DC Comics? Later nerds.)

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The Avenging Spider-Man #13

Oct 15, 2012

Now that was a pleasant surprise. I didn't expect much from this issue after the last one being so all over the place but I'll be damned if I didn't laugh my ass off. H.H. was awesome here, I'd love to see more of him, maybe as a member of Deadpool's Rogue gallery, along with Doctor Bong of course. And the twist of having them switch costumes honestly caught me by surprise, which made this all the more enjoyable. I never thought I'd say this, but I want more Hypno-Hustler!

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The Avenging Spider-Man #15.1

Dec 28, 2012

All in all this was a important issue that helped set the tone for a time where we don't have Peter Parker as Spider-Man (you know what I mean) in the 616 Universe or the Ultimate Universe.

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The Avenging Spider-Man #16

Jan 20, 2013

This series just got a whole lot better. I enjoyed the idea of Spidey teaming up with his friends and such, but now, seeing Spidey team with and fight his friends is even better. I loved all the jokes he made here, about Logan, Iceman, calling Storm "Stormy", and such, as well as seeing him fight Wolverine and not pull any punches. The return of the Jackal is always a plus, considering the last few times we saw him were around Spider-Island and of course the amazing Alpha arc. Plus, Jackal vs. Superior Spider-Man has awesome written all over it, especially since he's one of the people who may actually realize he's not Peter Parker... he MAY even be the one to give Peter his own body again... so yeah, a ton of things may have been set up for the future, and this is a great way to start it off.

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The Avenging Spider-Man #17

Mar 3, 2013

I was a bit excited for this issue, and I expected a lot of laughs from Spidey babysitting, but instead we got a few laughs and a bit of Time Cops thrown in. I didn't really enjoy that stuff, nor did it bother me, it kinda just happened, and the only purpose it served was to show that Spidey and Doc Ock will tussle and something big will happen, but we probably already knew that for the most part. Other than that, I did enjoy seeing Spidey threaten a kid, and I was pretty surprised to see he'd stolen Sandman from Reed's lab, which is fallout from the events of Ends of the Earth. I'm curious to see why Spidey is doing these things if he's supposed to be trying to be good... does he want to assemble a great team to beat and make himself seem better or does he just want to have a contingency plan in case Peter gets his body back... but I don't even see why he'd be thinking that would happen, so this issue gave us quite a few things to think about.

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The Avenging Spider-Man #19

Apr 14, 2013

This issue was really miss for me. Maybe it's because I don't know much about the Sleepwalker, maybe it's because I immediately realized the fat kid was Otto but he didn't recognize himself as a kid until halfway through the issue... some genius. This issue just fell flat for me. It seemed kind of unnecessary, where at least the other issues Ock was rebuilding the Sinister Six, nothing really happened here. So, I can see some people enjoying this issue, I just wasn't one of them.

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The Avenging Spider-Man #21

Jun 2, 2013

This arc really didn't do it for me. I just couldn't get into the secrets and the Russians attacking S.H.I.E.L.D. and Chameleon only wearing one face for the entire time. It's just odd to me that for the issues with The X-Men team up or the one with Thor vs. Electro, we basically got one issue, self contained stories, but for this story it was two issues, which didn't really seem necessary. But That's my opinion. All in all, this issue wasn't bad but it was far from great or memorable for me.

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The Avenging Spider-Man Annual #1

Nov 5, 2012

Well this was bad.... that's not the way you sell a comic, especially an annual. Don't get me wrong, I like comedic comics, I enjoy Deadpool and Empowered and any other comic that tries to get laughs.... but this was horrible and I REALLY could've done without seeing The Spider-Thing kissing hybrid. Instead of a line of the issue, here's a Second Opinion by my buddy X.

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The First X-Men #1

Aug 3, 2012

This first issue was pretty damn good. I loved seeing Logan, Creed and Darwin, and the dynamic between Logan and Creed is really well done. I really liked the scene with Charles wanting to live a normal life and not have to fight for mutant rights, as that is a lot dropped upon a guy that young, that hasn't had the hard life Creed, Logan and Erik had. This mini has a TON of potential and it definitely started on the right track in my opinion.

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The Fox #3

Jan 1, 2014

The Fox is sly and addictive fun, straight no chaser.

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The Walking Dead #100

Jul 13, 2012

Damn that issue was insane! After issue 99, X and I discussed how we thought they were attacking the base, which is what Kirkman wanted us to think, but Falisha said she thought they were attacked Rick. After thinking about it, X and I figured they would kill off one of four people in this issue, Rick, Michonne, Glenn or Andrea, and sadly we were right. I would say I went into this issue expecting Rick or Andrea to bite it, and I was still shocked at what happened and how brutal it was. Also, as much as I hate what he did, I am LOVING Negan as a character, this guy may be worse than The Governor. To say I'm excited is an understatement, I can't wait to see what happens in the next issue of The Walking Dead.

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The Walking Dead #106

Jan 14, 2013

Man... talk about a cliffhanger. I can't wait to see what Negan's done to Carl, and Negan has been established as such a sick son of a bitch in his few appearances so far, it could literally be ANYTHING. I put nothing past this guy... and I'm wondering what Rick's reaction will be as well. Hell... I wouldn't be surprised if Negan took Carl's other eye.... or took a hand to make him match his dad. Just my imagination alone if probably worse than what Negan's done. As for this issue, I enjoyed the character development here, especially with Spencer's jealousy. He was basically the prince of that community for a while, now Rick's in charge and has Andrea, so I wouldn't be surprised if he lashed out at one of them. All in all, this was an enjoyable issue, and really set up some big things for the upcoming issues.

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Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (2011) #16

Oct 21, 2012

This issue flew by man, It was full of so much fighting and action it didin't take long to read at all.

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Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (2011) #16.1

Nov 3, 2012

This issue was good until Betty's stupid discovery that Jefferson was Spider-Man. ANYONE can see that Spidey is a very slender, short person, and Miles is much shorter than his dad, so that alone should've tipped her off that Jefferson is not Spider-Man. I mean sure, you can't measure the guy but come on. Spider-Man was shorter than The Prowler! Anyway, I loved seeing Jameson stand up for Spider-Man, I don't know if the Ultimate Jameson has always been this great or if it happened after Peter's death like I suspect, but his reply to Betty was amazing. Also, any time someone calls out the fact Jameson has a Hitler mustache, I am a fan. And last but not least the surprise of Venom was great, I'm wondering what he's doing since he seems to be helping Spider-Man in a perverse way, and I'm also curious to see who this Ultimate Venom is, considering I'm kinda new to the Ultimate Universe.

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Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (2011) #17

Nov 25, 2012

This was a fine issue. I liked that Miles wanted to stick around and help but Spider-Woman wanted him to leave, thinking he'd end up like Peter. Considering there's been almost twenty issues you forget how green and new to this Miles is, so it makes sense for her to worry about him, even when he is handling his own. I also really enjoyed Hawkeye's opening speech, but I just like Hawkeye in general, so yeah. The stuff with Miles' dad was weird though, I mean, I guess their hinting that he joined HYDRA or something but his dad has been a pretty odd character, I guess I could see him joining HYDRA since he's anti-vigilante/mutant and whatnot, and it would add another dimension of awkwardness between him and Miles, but the look on his face when the SHIELD agents were killed did not look like a man who'd turn around and say "I'm in!" All in all this was a good issue, I'm interested in what happens from here with Miles and his father.

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Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (2011) #18

Dec 21, 2012

This was a interesting issue. It was cool seeing Miles fight Giant Woman, and I laughed at his comments on him finding I kind of got to fight a giant woman, as well as him staring at her breasts when he knocked her out... I mean he's a teenager, what teenage boy WOULDN'T have done that?! The stuff with Miles' dad is weird though, it has to go somewhere, I'd imagine maybe he's lying and he did join HYDRA? Either way, I'm slightly interested now. I do like the relation between Miles and Jessica Drew, and now that she's not standing over him saying how inept he is over and over, I'm looking forward to seeing how she takes over as his mentor.

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Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (2011) #19

Jan 6, 2013

This issue was pretty good, I really liked the stuff with Jameson and the respect he has for Spider-Man, as well as the respect he has for Peter Parker now.

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Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (2011) #20

Feb 12, 2013

All in all this was a pretty average issue, It wasn't bad but it wasn't perfect either.

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Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (2011) #21

Mar 26, 2013

This issue fell kinda flat for me. I get why Miles was feeling sorry for himself and everything but it seemed like it went on too long, and it kinda took the wind out of the sails for Ganke's story about when his dad died. I did like seeing MJ and Gwen as Miles' support system though, since I really like those characters after reading the entire Ultimate Spider-Man series over the past few months, especially Gwen. Like I said above, I didn't get why they mentioned the whole Gwen was dead and was part symbiote thing unless it comes into play in the future, because it would've just confused me had I not read that series. Also, it seemed like Miles is really trying to get found out as Spidey, talking about it with Ganke in public when there are civilians, medics and police around. All in all this seemed like an issue where not much happened, Miles and Ganke talked with MJ and Gwen, Venom attacked the hospital. Pretty forgettable overall.

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Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (2011) #23

May 19, 2013

Wow... I expected to be done with this series once "No More" started because that storyline seems rehashed and never lasts. But the idea to jump ahead a year was great, because now it seems like that decision was important, plus there's been so much character development and things we missed, I'm interested to see what happened. I loved seeing the change in Miles' demeanor, seeing how different Jefferson was after losing his wife, as he's clearly trying to be more of a friend to Miles and have a closer relationship. This is probably my favorite issue of this series in a while because everything feels so new and reinvigorated, plus Cloak and Dagger seemed pretty damn interesting here, and that's the first time I've EVER said that!

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #1

Feb 15, 2013

This was a pretty average issue, it was kind of just part two to seeing Scott's team a few issues back in All New X-Men, and outside of Erik's betrayal, nothing memorable happened here. Don't get me wrong, this issue wasn't bad, I guess I just expected more.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #2

Mar 5, 2013

Holy crap, wordy Bendis is back ladies and gentlemen. He had Emma reciting a novel at the beginning of this comic. As for this issue, it was pretty average, we basically got to see inside the relationship of Scott and Emma as they decide not to date but to continue to work together, as well as see how Emma dealt with not having her powers. We also got a bit more character development on the new mutants, although this book could use one of those things on the opening page with everyone's picture and name so I remember who is who. I'd say the best parts of this issue were being freaked the eff out by Magik and seeing how quickly Magneto betrayed his team. I'm excited to see the Avengers confront Scott and his team in the next issue though. as for this issue, it was fine, nothing bad, nothing amazing, as X would say, a perfectly acceptable comic.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #3

Mar 19, 2013

I really enjoyed this issue. I liked the bit with Eva at the beginning, as we got a bit more development for her, plus seeing her stand across from her hero seemed like a bigger moment because of it. I also really loved the big argument between the Avengers and the X-Men, both teams made excellent points, and while I side with Scott and Emma, I couldn't help but notice how many good points Captain America, Iron Man and Hawkeye made. This is one of those comics with hardly any action but such great dialogue that I'd highly recommend it. Plus with Scott and his team going to the Jean Grey school in the next issue, only awesome things can come from this.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #4

Apr 16, 2013

I have mixed feeling about this issue. On one hand, I'm an avid Emma fan, but I could care less about the Stepford Sisters and considering most of this issue was her talking to them in her mind, I was pretty bored. That aside, I did like Triage, who finally has a codename now, talking to Tempus and being a bit flirty to give him somewhat of a character, as well as Angel joining the team. I'm interested to see how that plays out in All New X-Men, considering Angel wanted to go home and was forced to stay thanks to the rest of the team. All in all, this wasn't a bad issue, but I just couldn't get into the Emma/Stepford parts.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #5

Apr 28, 2013

This issue was pretty much all about Magik, and while I've never cared for the character much before, since joining Scott and giving a mysterious bad girl vibe, I've come to enjoy her. The stuff with Dormammu was interesting, and I'm wondering what the team will do to help Magik deal with her powers, since they seem to be even more messed up than the rest of her teammates. We also saw some other character development in this issue with Triage trying and failing to hit on the Triplets, Angel and Magneto talking which seems like it should be weird by itself, and Eva apparently having a crush on Cyclops, which seemed to rub Emma the wrong way. All in all, this was a fine issue, and I'm looking forward to how Team Cyclops will fare in Limbo.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #6

May 26, 2013

So yeah, while there was some good here, it was still a Bendis comic, meaning it was far from perfect.

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Venom (2011) #19

Jun 25, 2012

Damn this issue was amazing, and there was so much action in it, it seemed like it just flew by. Just when things seem like they can't get worse for Flash Thompson, the Savage Six seem to take it even further. It looks like Venom is going to have to call in the Avengers or get help from Spidey, which may piss off the symbiote, but it's issues like this that are what comic books are all about. I've said it once, I'll say it again, if you're not reading Venom then you should be, simple as that. 

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Venom (2011) #20

Jul 14, 2012

Well that was surprising. I don't know much about Bennett Brant but needless to say that reveal surprised me. I'm wondering what his beef is with Flash though. Also, I loved seeing a more brutal side of Venom. He's kinda like Jason Todd, in the sense he's doing the things Spider-Man (or in Jason's case, Batman) won't. He's more aggressive, and has taken two of the Savage Six out of the game, so I'm wondering how far he'll go to stop the Crime Master, and if Betty will forgive him for it. Overall this issue continues to be the best ongoing since Bryan Miller's Batgirl.

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Venom (2011) #21

Jul 26, 2012

This was a pretty good issue. The ending seemed rushed, what with Megatak's death and all, but seeing Eddie burn was crazy, and It's pretty much a given now he'll be back as Toxin AND he has a reason to really hate Flash/Venom. And Jack O'Lantern will face Venom in the next issue so that should be pretty awesome. I even liked how cocky Bennett was in this issue, sucks to see him go but maybe he'll be back again. Betty shooting him surprised me, although I probably should've seen that coming. All in all, this was a pretty good comic, and I'm wondering how the Avengers will accept him coming clean.

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Venom (2011) #22

Aug 11, 2012

First things first, thanks to Rick Remender for an amazing comic series and making me a big fan of Flash Thompson, and making him my favorite Venom. Now, onto this issue, I loved how Flash's dad was tied in with this, and seeing Flash's rough childhood, from trying to protect his sister, being told he was in the wrong by his mother, and everything else. I will say I was genuinely surprised when he opened the door to see his Father's corpse, but I should have expected that from Jack O'Lantern, who's become a great villain in the last twenty or so issues. He's definitely like The Joker mixed with the Green Goblin which is a fun villain for a guy like Venom, and I'm glad Remender kept him around for Bunn to play with. All in all, this was a fine comic, nothing amazing, but it was a nice way to cap off Remender's run on Venom.

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Venom (2011) #23

Aug 25, 2012

Well this issue was odd... I'm not a big fan of the stuff with guys like Hellstrom and Mephisto, and I didn't care for the Circle of Four storyline, so this immediately put me off. I did like the stuff with Venom and Katy and I would like to see more of Venom and the Avengers, which I can assume will happen soon as Hawkeye finds out that Venom got involved instead of just gathering info. All in all, this was a normal average issue, I enjoyed it less that I would've liked but it's far from bad.

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Venom (2011) #27.1

Dec 3, 2012

This issue was fine, I could've done without the whole "Venom possessed thing", especially since he's leaving New York now so he won't be watching over his mom as creepy Venom or whatever, but the stuff with Peter and AJ was pretty well written. I'm perplexed though because even though I liked this issue, I don't see myself following Flash to Philly, but time will tell I guess.

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