Red Hood And The Outlaws #0

Writer: Scott Lobdell Artist: Dwayne Turner Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: September 19, 2012 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 13 User Reviews: 6
5.5Critic Rating
7.2User Rating

Learn how Jason Todd came back to life after being killed by The Joker. Do you really need another reason to check out this issue?

  • 8.0
    Comics Crux - Nick Verissimo Sep 19, 2012

    Scott Lobdell does the right thing here and makes sure that you get a real sense of who Jason Todd was in order for you to sympathize with who he becomes later on in the ongoing series.  That being said the issue is really solid and while it isnt wildly entertaining, it is a very good primer for everyone interested in the series. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Forces Of Geek - Atlee Greene Sep 24, 2012

    After all, we are living in a new universe. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Sep 19, 2012

    Jason Todd's past has been revealed. We get to find out who he was before his death. This is what the zero issues are for. Seeing the life Jason had before let's us know why he is the way he is today. He is far from the perfect character but we can see that he is a product of his environment. His life with his parents and with Bruce offer two completely different inspirations in shaping who he becomes. Joker's appearance here has the potential to change things. We'll have to see how that plays out and it definitely makes things pretty interesting. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Comicosity - Gavin Craig Sep 20, 2012

    With Jason Todd finally making sense as a hero shaped by crime and violence beyond anyone else in the Bat-family, and DC's Zero Month quickly becoming the month of the Robins3, it's a bit surprising that the one place that Red Hood #0 falls flat is when Jason actually becomes Robin. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Major Spoilers - Danielle Luaulu Sep 24, 2012

    I really enjoyed the first part of this book and hearing Jason's story from Jason's own words. Most people know Jason Todd's history so having something viable to go back on is nice especially if one is a Red Hood fan like I am. I was really confused when they decided to squeeze in the Joker's 'behind the scenes' scoop and having his be the orchestrator for who Jason would eventually become. However, the artistic contrast between Jason's story and the Joker's really at least deserves a look through. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    IGN - Joey Esposito Sep 19, 2012

    In all, Red Hood and the Outlaws #0 is a flawed but interesting history lesson about this incarnation of Jason Todd that positions the character for big things in the months to come. Whether the book can deliver on that potential remains to be seen. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Gotham Spoilers - Gotham Spoilers Sep 19, 2012

    So, weird issue. I'm not sure what to think about it. I had no problem with the bulk of it, aside from Pasqual Ferry's art... wasn't a fan. But the Joker thing... I don't like that, not at all. To think that everything in Jason's life was orchestrated by the Joker, it's just too much. That being said... you could interpret it as Joker being Joker, and you don't know what story he tells is true. A lot like the origin story he gives in The Killing Joke, even he admits he doesn't know if it's true. Still... I don't like it. I'm on the edge with this issue. Some parts I liked, some parts I didn't. Thus: Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Batman-News - Andrew Asberry Sep 20, 2012

    Red Hood & the Outlaws #0 is a good read. I think Jason's miserable upbringing makes him stand out from many other heroic characters and diving into his past in such great detail was interesting. The problem is with the inconsistent artwork and terrible backup story which really takes the wind out of an otherwise solid comic book. Read Full Review

  • 5.1
    Entertainment Fuse - Sean Elks Sep 21, 2012

    When it comes right down to it, Red Hood and the Outlaw's zero issue isn't as bad as I thought it would be. I know that's not really praise, but it is honesty. I'm really just glad Lobdell didn't break anything and didn't force the All-Caste any deeper into Jason's story. The Joker thing is absolutely ridiculous, but it's unobtrusive enough that it can be ignored and hopefully will be by future writers. But what really limits this issue is the summarizing nature of it. Lobdell had some really interesting stuff he could have played with here had he just brought better focus to it. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Sep 25, 2012

    Most troubling of all is the back-up story presented by the Joker (the super-genius Christopher Nolan version who relies on impossibly complex plans) where he states he is completely responsible for Todd's history. It's best ignored and forgotten. Hit-and-Miss. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Newsarama - Jake Baumgart Sep 24, 2012

    The Joker segment, penciled and inked by Brett Booth, seems overrendered. With so many spurts of lines aimed in every direction, the page looks messy. It could just be a poor pairing of penciler and colorist but the Joe Kubert-influenced style doesn't seem to be working on these four pages. It's a shame because this might have been a better fit for the main story, but after 11 pages of Pasqual Ferry's art, the change is jarring and uninviting to the eye. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Sep 24, 2012

    I was put off by what I read in "Red Hood and the Outlaws" #1 last year and find nothing redeeming in this issue. It's also quite simply a boring comic book. I was hopeful Rocafort would find another gig and, as luck would have it, he's off this book and heading over to "Superman" #0. Lobdell's heading over there too. I'm looking forward to both reading it and seeing it reviewed here on CBR. As for "Red Hood," I think I'm pretty well done checking in on this one. Read Full Review

  • 0.0
    X-Man's Comic Blog - Jason Todd Sep 23, 2012

    This issue just solidified the fact that I will not read any comic Lobdell writes again, including this one. As for this rating, It doesn't even deserve one, if I have it anything it would only be for the great art, but Lobdell's writing has even made me unable to enjoy that. So in honor of Zero Month, I think that's what I'll give this comic. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Dark_Tzitzimine Sep 14, 2014

    A great update to Jason's origin with the twist at the end adding an interesting potential to Jason's relationship with the rest of the DCU. Shame about the uneven art, otherwise it would be a perfect issue.

  • 6.0
    hatmasta Nov 5, 2012

    What started out as a very interesting and surprisingly wonderful issue by Lobdell and Ferry quickly dissipates into an amalgam of art due to the old "mid-artist-switcheroo" and a disappointing Jason Todd origin retcon. This brings the issue down so far for me, which is a shame because Lobdell did some wonderful writing in the first part of the story by retelling us a heartfelt but edgy reiteration of Jason Todd's past. The artist-switch is a caustic one (there are 3 total artists in this one issue). Also, I wasn't so fond of the second story arc in which it is revealed that the Joker somehow set up Jason Todd becoming Robin..... even the detailed recaps of how this happened just didn't really seem to fit well with me. It felt rushed and no more

  • 9.5
    BlackStar May 3, 2015

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  • 7.5
    gui Dec 18, 2020

  • 7.0
    MCDCFan Oct 5, 2020

  • 5.0
    VirusVenom Mar 15, 2021

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