Justice League #13

Writer: Geoff Johns Artist: Tony Daniel, Richard Friend Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: October 17, 2012 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 24 User Reviews: 17
7.6Critic Rating
7.6User Rating

GEOFF JOHNS is joined by TONY DANIEL for a two-part chapter in the Justice League saga marching toward TRINITY WAR.

  • 10
    Blue Raven Comics - Eric Scroggs Oct 18, 2012

    I was really bummed after hearing Jim Lee was leaving and I was totally prepared to see a slight drop in quality with this title, but I'm pleased to say that isn't the case with this issue. Great job, in all respects. It's becoming ridiculously routine, but I have to give another high rating. It remains one of the best superhero titles currently being published. 10/10 Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Midnight Logic - Atlee Greene Oct 23, 2012

    Tony S. Daniel's work on this book was spot on. The way he depicted Cheetah's movement was like an aggressive gymnast whose stuck landings delivers serious damage to her opponent. She looks like she is in the angriest of moods when she is just standing around and never mind when she is beating someone up. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Read Comic Books - Cody Mudge Oct 17, 2012

    The back-up fiasco aside, I really enjoyed this issue of Justice League. I think Johns is on track with his script for this upcoming arc. The villain is compelling and a threat, the League is finally interesting to read about, and the Superman/Wonder Woman kiss is finally being examined (still not enough to justify it though). Tony S. Daniel is a very welcome addition to this creative team, I sincerely hope he continues to produce work at this level. Oh, and bring back S.H.A.Z.A.M.! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Crave Online - Andy Hunsaker Oct 17, 2012

    Finally, a Justice League I can enjoy. At least until Bathole starts bothering me again. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    A Comic Book Blog - Phillip Carson Oct 18, 2012

    Tony Daniel's art was pretty sweet. I haven't been reading his books for a long time, so I haven't really looked at it since BATMAN RIP. Massive difference. And yet, here it is suitably epic. The character's and the settings look vast and grand. It almost makes me want him to stay on this book a little longer. The only thing holding that up in my mind is the advance of Ivan Reis, and the fact that Daniel is moving to ACTION COMICS. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Flip Geeks - Earl Maghirang Oct 19, 2012

    On a final note, I'm good with how Johns developed a new friendship between Cyborg and The Flash who never did bond. We see what's been running on Vic Stone's mind ever since he became Cyborg back in issue 1. It's an interesting change of pace in a book that's filled with dysfunction and action. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Oct 20, 2012

    Not a bad issue at all, with a good cliffhanger ending - but I was expecting a more worthy menace. But it's too early to judge - this one still has time to grow. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    IGN - Joshua Yehl Oct 17, 2012

    Jeff Lemire joins Johns as co-writer on the backup, On the Outs, which features Steve Trevor sulking in a bar over losing Wonder Woman and his job. It sets up Justice League of America #1 and adequately answers a few lingering questions close readers may have had. Brad Walker knocks the art out of the park like he has done in more New 52 backups than I can count. Why isn't he the regular series artist on Justice League? Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    PopMatters - Jay Mattson Oct 22, 2012

    Justice League #13 proves that Geoff Johns can write a character-driven story. For so long his focus has been providing the grand schemes that shape the fate of a great number of characters. It's nice to see him spend more time with the more specific details of these characters' lives. Since Wonder Woman takes place in the present day, a lot of Diana's history hasn't yet been revealed, so it's nice to see a villain like Cheetah not only being used, but being used in an effective and prominent manner. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    16BitMonster - Hamilton Ortiz Dec 2, 2012

    Without including my minor problem with the Superman preview, which wasn't bad at all, I can recommend the issue and series all the way. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Comic Book Revue - Jay Mattson Oct 17, 2012

    And while DC's website claimed that Johns' "Shazam" back up was still happening, in actuality, it's a story penned by Geoff Johns and Jeff Lemire about Steve Trevor and Oliver Queen. Trevor is done working for A.R.G.U.S., and decides to drink himself into a stupor when Ollie Queen shows up to deliver some bad news that looks to be of some importance in the upcoming Justice League of America starting next year. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Oct 17, 2012

    There is some dealing with the kiss between Superman and Wonder Woman here. That's not all we get. Seeing Wonder Woman and Cheetah face off against each other gives a welcomed feeling of what we used to have before the New 52 started. It's interesting to see that even though the team has been together for five years, they still don't know everything about each other or fully trust one another. That is beginning to change as Johns gives the members a little more humanity. We see them trying to break down the walls between them and try to be more than just a team. The idea is they should be there for each other, not because they need to be but because they want to be. It's this kind of character depth that makes this more than just a comic book filled with popular DC characters. Tony Daniel's art manages to show the emotion and changes the characters are going through. The back up focusing on Steve Trevor gives us hints of what's to come in JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA next year. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Oct 17, 2012

    That said, while this series is slowly but surely improving, this comic isn't a slam dunk just yet. The pacing still is a problem, with the internal politics surrounding Steve Trevor dragging in particular. The final sequence of the book also feels a little like writer fiat, with the Cheetah getting the jump on not just Diana, but a cadre of DC's most powerful beings. But the big problem with this book is that no matter how many neat insights Geoff Johns brings to these characters, those changes will be ignored in the character's own book. Despite its diverse cast plucked from across the DCU, Justice League feels hermetically sealed, and that hampers the tone of the New 52 as a whole. Still, it's upwards and onwards for DC's premiere superteam " it's too bad the rest of the DCU won't follow suit. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    X-Man's Comic Blog - Jason Todd Oct 19, 2012

    So Cheetah can turn people like a Vampire now?! Okay... I guess that helps make her more of a threat, plus it's more believable she can take on the League with help from Superman now. Maybe the next issue is when Batman pulls out Kryptonite and shows he's the master of contingency plans. This was a good issue though, I enjoyed the opening fight with WW and Cheetah, as well as the stuff with Cyborg, that really made his character a bit more relatable, since every since he's joined the team I've gotten the vibe he was more of a token character than anything, but I like that he's getting some character development for the first time since the opening arc. I do wish we had more for Aquman and Bats to do here than just interview Steve Trevor, that didn't even seem like a two person job but whatever... besides that small thing, I enjoyed this issue and I'm excited for the next one to see how the League deals with a Cheetah-controlled Superman. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Rob Siebert Oct 25, 2012

    The way the League interacted during the first several issues of this series rubbed me the wrong way, in that some of them (Superman, Green Lantern and Aquaman specifically) seemed to be acting like jocks trying to one up each other. There was a lack of maturity there, and I feel like men and women who devote themselves to a calling like superheroism wouldn't be lacking that. But as the series has progressed, it's gradually becoming more and more fun to watch some of the characters interacting with one another, and becoming not only "colleages," but friends. Or on some cases, more than friends. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    cxPulp - Waylon Wernette Oct 23, 2012

    Tony S. Daniel takes over as the new artist on Justice League and for the most part I really like what he's bringing to the table. This issue features quite a bit of action and Daniel's art looks fluid and spectacular as all hell. However when the characters weren't jumping around the pages punching each other in the face, things looked a little off. Superman looks like a Gap model, the Flash has a weird glazed over look to his eyes, Col Trevor looks like he's going through chemotherapy, and Batman looks a little too Frank Millerish Dark Knight for my tastes. But it's not all bad, I really like his Wonder Woman and Cheetah. Mr. Daniel definately knowns how to draw female characters. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Major Spoilers - Thomas J. Angelo Oct 22, 2012

    For regular readers, this is a definite pickup. For anyone else on the fence, flip through the issue before buying. It is a safe bet that picking up issue #14 will give you most of what you need to know as you continue through this series. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Minhquan Nguyen Oct 18, 2012

    Some very attractive art bolsters an issue which still displays much of the title's running weaknesses. Neither the back-up nor main feature succeed in interesting you that much. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Batman-News - Andrew Asberry Oct 17, 2012

    It's an alright start to a new arc but it could've been really great with some better dialogue (“Let me free you from the cheetah!”), better use of the heroes at the end rather than acting like a bunch of Red Shirts, and if it had a backup story that was more than just an ad for JLA #1. I'd give it a 6.5 or a 7 I suppose, but it's a good jumping-on point for new readers and I suspect the next installment will be even better now that they're done making Cheetah look like an A-lister. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Are Not Dead - Comics Are Not Dead Oct 21, 2012

    Justice League #13 is a very mixed bag, with an OK main story, and a backup that's a teaser for Justice League of America. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    ScienceFiction.com - Scott West Oct 21, 2012

    This isn't a bad issue but, like Diana says, the Cheetah really doesn't seem like much of a match for the Justice League. She's small potatoes but it looks like writer Johns is going to use the story as a backdrop for the real drama of Superman and Wonder Woman's relationship. I just hope that this title gets back to the but-kicking soon enough. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Oct 22, 2012

    It's not a great story, but it's certainly better than some issues the comic has delivered over the past year and gives several characters their own moments to shine. We do get some talk behind the scenes discussing the shakeup of the team as well as a back-up story involving Steve Trevor and Green Arrow as a lead-in to the upcoming series Justice League of America. For fans. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Entertainment Fuse - Elvis Dutan Oct 18, 2012

    The art was also decent for the most part. Artist Tony Daniel made an effort for competency and it shows. There are still several moments where it can see seen that he stretched himself and the art decreases a fair margin. While there are even scenes where the characters are off model it is on the whole not that big of a problem. Overall this issue was decent by Justice League standards, but only just a little bit above stagnant on it's own. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Oct 19, 2012

    "Justice League" #13 seemed to be treading water and I think there might be some kind of beasties hiding within. Luckily Aquaman's around, so maybe he can coax those critters to help this title find some solid footing once again. Until that happens, "Justice League" is a title that I really should be more enthusiastic about, but can't find the rationale. Read Full Review

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