Green Lantern #14

Event\Storyline: Rise of the Third Army Writer: Geoff Johns Artist: Doug Mahnke, Christian Alamy Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: November 7, 2012 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 20 User Reviews: 16
8.3Critic Rating
8.6User Rating

Rise of the Third Army continues!

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Nov 7, 2012

    I didn't think I could enjoy an issue this much considering Hal is being shoved aside to allow Baz and the Guardians to get the spotlight. Baz is quickly becoming more and more likable. It's great to see the Justice League understand the possible threat with a new unknown (and wanted) person having possession of a power ring. Johns makes sure the confrontation doesn't go down exactly as we would expect it to. The Rise of the Third Army is progressing and we have to trust that Johns will have an explosive conclusion planned. Doug Mahnke's art is phenomenal as usual. There are many varied locations and characters crammed into this issue, you can't help but pause to appreciate each panel. Johns and Mahnke continue to make GREEN LANTERN a solid title month after month. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Hyper Geeky - mcknight57 Nov 16, 2012

    Yeah, this is a great issue and I enjoyed it far more than I ever thought I would. It gets a 4/5. Go out and buy this is you're a Green Lantern fan, or even for the anti-Guy Gardner jab. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Read Comic Books - Richard Dessler Nov 7, 2012

    A common criticism about the Green Lantern is that it's event after event after event and people are feeling fatigued by all of the status-quo-smashing crossovers. However, with issue 14, Johns may just be delivering both an excellent character study with Simon Baz and aworld-changing story that I would go so far as to classify as a horror story with the Third Army constantly lurking in the background, ever growing in size. As I've said every month for roughly eight years now, I can't wait for the next issue of GL"NOW TELL ME WHO THE FIRST LANTERN IS! Read Full Review

  • 10
    Blue Raven Comics - Eric Scroggs Nov 8, 2012

    I'm happy to say that I've been pleasantly surprised by the new direction this title has taken. I was prepared to despise Simon Baz. Instead, he's become one of the most intriguing characters of the New 52. Well played, Geoff Johns. Well played. Read Full Review

  • 9.2
    IGN - Joshua Yehl Nov 7, 2012

    As for the Third Army, they have been relegated to attacking random people outside the main narrative for a bit too long for them to remain an interesting threat. However, some time with the First Lantern has me more worried about how dangerous he could be instead of them. Johns' story layers in several bits of interesting info, and even checks back in with the missing former leads, making this title the best its been since the start of the New 52. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Unleash The Fanboy - Marcell Nov 8, 2012

    This is easily one of the standout books at DC, with good characters, solid story and excellent pacing. This creative team will keep you entertained and excited along the way as not one moment feels like it's been dragged on too long or moved through too quickly. You won't be disappointed by Green Lantern #14. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Galactica - Girish Kumar Nov 8, 2012

    Simon Baz might just be the best thing that happened to the Green Lantern series. Mahnke should stay on the GL series as he has made this issue the high point of the GL series. The artwork is outstanding and the coloring of the issue was also awesome. They bring out the the darkness of certain scenes. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    J.DubComics - J.DubComics Nov 10, 2012

    We may have only had one panel showing the Third Army in this entire issue, but the danger they pose flows throughout the book very nicely. I am looking forward to see Baz continue on his personal mission in the next issue, as well as what lies ahead for Hal and Sinestro due to what was teased on the very last page. Of course we cant forget the Rise of the Third Army. Yeah, I am pretty much hyped for everything about the next issue. It can not come quickly enough. Read Full Review

  • 8.6
    Comic Book Syndicate - Kristina Nov 19, 2012

    Johns is doing a lot with this character and hopefully fans of Green Lantern will continue to read this book. Baz is a good character and right now hes in quite the predicament. So, for the next few issues of Green Lantern this will definitely be more of a plot driven comic book. Down the line when Johns feels more comfortable maybe he will be able to do some character driven storylines for Baz. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    The Comic Book Revue - Jay Mattson Nov 12, 2012

    Johns also takes some time to build mythology through sequences featuring the Guardians conversing with the still-mysterious First Lantern, Black Hand's imprisonment in the Chamber of Shadows, and the Third Army ravaging the universe in the name of peace and order. I'm enjoying Simon Baz's personal voyage as he comes to terms with being a Green Lantern and what that means in the greater scheme of his life. And while there hasn't been a lot of crossover with the Third Army proper, Johns is obviously building to something that will test Simon as a GL and as a person. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Minhquan Nguyen Nov 9, 2012

    Purely entertaining across the board, but slow to advance the plot. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Blog Of Oa - Myron Rumsey Nov 11, 2012

    Geoff Johns manages to spend just enough time on all the balls he's juggling to give each their due and while the issue reads fast it is in part to wanting to find out what's going to happen next with each one of the plots.  With enough action to quicken the pace this issue is mainly about character development with some interesting background information sprinkled on top to keep it intriguing.  Aside from the Justice League's portrayal as a bit incompetent issue fourteen is another great read, getting four out of five lanterns.  Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Population Go - Population Go Staff Nov 12, 2012

    It's still safe to say that the Third Army's presence in this book feels like an add-on rather than the main plot line, but as I've said on previous installments of this storyline, Simon's plot is definitely interesting enough that I'd be checking this book out even if it wasn't for the Third Army banner. Taking your main protagonists out of the picture for a totally new character is a risky move, but Johns has handled it very well so far, and I expect he will only get better as Simon's character reveals itself further over the next few issues. This series is hurtling forward with a lot of intertwining plots at the moment, and doesn't look to be letting up any time soon. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Nov 10, 2012

    Simon Baz is awesome. I finally have a Green Lantern I can call my own. I never cared for Hal, Kyle, Guy or John, but they were the Green Lanterns we were stuck with. Fortunately, Geoff Johns is flexing all of his considerable writing muscle to create a new, well-rounded, modernized superhero. Simon is heroic, but he's been burned by the system, so he's got that rebel appeal. He doesn't stupidly try to fight the Justice League, which shows that he's smart. Plus, his costume is just really, really cool. Doug Mahnke draws the hell out of this series. I hope Simon Baz is here to stay. And while the Third Army has yet to really impress me as all that interesting, Simon's story more than makes up for those shortcomings. Green Lantern continues to be an amazing series deep into the New 52. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Booked - Kelly Cassidy Jan 2, 2013

    Doug Mahnke is doing a good job still inpencilingthis title. This issue seemed a little off to me, but there were 4 inkers involved and maybe that's what did it " it wasn't a consistent feel of depth put over the pencils. I am glad that, unlike some other books where a new artist pops in just as a new character is introduced, Mahnke is around for the whole intro. That means that he will set the visual paradigm for Baz instead of multiple interpretations which then just look sloppy. If anything, the art was a small detriment to me but I think it was because of the multiple inkers used in the issue when I don't really think it was necessary. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Fanboy Buzz - TommyZimmer Nov 11, 2012

    Tommy Zimmer is an upcoming writer of short stories, comic books, journalism/media reviews, screenplays, and anything related to writing. On, you can view his latest work, and see what exciting things he is currently doing!! Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    X-Man's Comic Blog - Jason Todd Nov 11, 2012

    This was a pretty quick issue, and a fast read. I enjoyed the parts with Simon, him thinking he could take Batman because he was "normal" shows that he's a bit cocky and uninformed, but his construct and the way he got the league off of him shows how innovative he is, which is definitely a plus for a Lantern. The stuff with the Guardians was a bit boring, except I am curious to see the first Lantern, and see if he has any ties with any current Lanterns. Other than that, this was a fine issue, I'm excited to see what's next for Baz as well as finally getting some answers for Sinestro and Hal Jordan. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    SciFiPulse - Patrick Hayes Nov 12, 2012

    I'm enjoying all of the spin-off Lantern books more than this book. This book has been outstanding for years, but the slipping continues. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Following The Nerd - Christopher Williams Nov 9, 2012

    These last few pages took a real down turn for me and I thought it was kind of crazy that I actually wanted to see more Baz. Maybe if I had a clue of what Sinestro and Hal are dealing with then I might care a little more. Things with Baz were moving at such great pace it seemed like the Black Hand and the Hal and Sinestro stuff slowed that pacing down too much for my taste. If it weren't for that ending then this would've been another great issue, but in light of the ending I have to dock a point. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Nov 12, 2012

    "Green Lantern" used to be a must-read each month, but right now it feels like the book is starting to spin in circles. Sinestro becoming a Green Lantern again at least held some promise of a different route, but even that seems to have faded into the background. I want to love "Green Lantern" again, but for that to happen we need something new and soon. Read Full Review

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