Kelly Cassidy's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comic Booked Reviews: 68
7.6Avg. Review Rating

Afterlife With Archie #1

Oct 10, 2013

This was probably a book I wanted to like but was afraid I wouldn't, and I didn't. I loved it. I think Miss Grundy is going to turn out to be the hero in the long run, based on a flashback scene, but because of that scene I'm also expecting to be proven wrong. Seeing Archie in his Captain Pureheart costume at the halloween contest was a brilliant way to acknowledge that character from the past but not making it the focal point. If you want something fun and different but yet familiar at the same time, pick up this book.

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Age of Ultron #10

Jun 20, 2013

At least, that's my opinion. But, overall, it was a great disappointment for the actual story… It's the next round that I am looking forward to.

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Alpha: Big Time #2

Mar 14, 2013

Alpha has yet to win me over, as a title or as a character, but I think that Fialkov may have a chance. I am at least going to finish this miniseries and see where it ends up. I hope they take some more care in ensuring that the entirety of the Marvel U history is acknowledged (I know that Alpha meets Thor soon, but maybe he should meet Venom who now lives nearby") Some characters you like right away; others you hate. Alpha has potential to go either way. It will be up to Fialkov and team to choose which way that goes.

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Angel & Faith Season 9 #16

Dec 3, 2012

For those who are new to the title, this issue is a definite starting point. It's part 1 of a 4-part arc. You may be a little confused if you're a new reader and have no background on the characters, but that's what DVD box sets of the TV series and the trade collections ofSeason 8 and the previous issues of the Season 9 family are for! For long-time Buffy fans, this issue takes me back to the cliffhangers at the end of the first few seasons of each of the series… so you're definitely in for a treat!

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Angel & Faith Season 9 #17

Dec 20, 2012

Another great read, and I'll be honest: I'm liking this book as my favorite of the Buffy family right now. This is one that I would recommend if you're a fan of the series as Gage has really nailed the spirit I remember from the show.

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Angel & Faith Season 9 #25

Aug 28, 2013

As a series ending goes, this was a great one. There was close to this series, which operated in parallel with its sibling title, but did not require a “TO BE CONTINUED IN” which forced readers to jump to that title. This was a standalone series which could be read on its own, but could be enjoyed even more if readingBuffy as well as theWillow andSpike miniseries that were published during this book's tenure. And although we are nearing the end of the Season 9 stories, we know that Season 10 is just around the corner. We don't know what form it will take just yet, but it is coming. And I am looking forward to when season 10 shows up on my shelves.

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Avengers (2012) #5

Feb 9, 2013

OK, Marvel, you've kept me back on the title for the time being. But I am holding you to high standards. I compare this first story arc inAvengers to the Chuck Austen run where there were many downsides and only a couple of positives. Prove me wrong. Make this THE title to define Marvel. I dare you.

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Avengers (2012) #10

Apr 27, 2013

So" There you have it. Regina is destroyed. As someone who lives 5 hours away from that city, I'm wondering if Winnipeg is next to come. Maybe the fact that we have an NHL team now will save us from the ravages of the 616 at times, although that certainly didn't stop much of the destruction in the Ultimate universe. It was nice to see some Canadian heroes again, even if it was Omega Flight and not Alpha Flight (whose last miniseries around Fear Hickman likes to go for grander, more epic storylines, which can sometimes leave the reader who joins at a random point scratching their heads as to what is going on. But, as he was able to show in his tenure on Fantastic Four, he pulls it all off in the end. Nothing is done for the sake of just doing it; it's all done with a plan in mind. With the tone both here and in New Avengers of grander problems for the world, I have no doubt he is leading up to something huge. I just hope it doesn't take 3 years to get there.

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Avengers Arena #13

Aug 16, 2013

I am glad to say that issue #13 of Avengers Arena is not a flop, and when you have someone else taking on the writing duties that is not the visionary behind the series there is a risk. But this issue actually addressed my major concern with the series as a whole " why the heck has none of the teachers of these kids noticed that the students are missing?

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Battlestar Galactica (2013) #1

May 18, 2013

This was my favorite book of the week and one that I put at the bottom of my read list so that I read it last and it stayed forefront in my mind. I was glad to hear this was book was coming out, but was hesitant at first because most TV adaptations are either really good or really bad. This was the former. I'm looking forward to the next issue and I can say that if you are a fan of the original series you will love this continuation too.

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Battlestar Galactica (2013) #3

Aug 16, 2013

If you haven't guessed by now, I loved this issue and I am loving this series. The quality of the story is fantastic, and the level of detail and mastery into it is phenomenal. This is definitely a series where I can tell that the creators are fans of the original series. The book is definitely one that fans of the classicBSG will enjoy. For fans who only know the new series, it will be confusing; you really need to be able to distance yourself from the dark grittiness of the new show to appreciate this one. But if you can do that, or if you simply like amazing science fiction set in a comic format with a quality creative team, this is a book you will enjoy.

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Batwing #19

Apr 8, 2013

Apart from a few nitpicks there, I think this book has a great art team. The action they have shown they can handle and the non-action scenes as well (such as with Bruce and Alfred in the Batcave)" I am looking forward to what this book has to bring going forward.

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BubbleGun #2

Jul 10, 2013

As you can tell, I loved the story. It was a great read. Not the best book of the week, but from what I have read in my stack so far I truly think this is the most fun book in this week's list. This is one that I am definitely looking forward to for the next issue as it is a fun book and something new and unique that you can jump into quite easily.

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Buck Rogers #1

Aug 8, 2013

What I really appreciated about this title, as I said above, is that it was an action story. It's not going for the cheesiness that was in the TV series – in other words, no Twiki (who was voiced by Mel Blanc of Bugs Bunny fame). And I liked that. I have really appreciated what Dynamite has been doing in keeping true to many of the “classic” stories that they are bringing to life, such as their John Carter of Mars series, and even though it is a modification of the stories they are keeping the spirit alive. And that's what I felt Chaykin, Aburto, and Hermes Press did here. I am definitely going to give #2 a shot and if it keeps up to this same level of quality I have a feeling I will be back for more.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 9 #16

Dec 13, 2012

If you haven't picked upBuffy yet, this is a good point to show up. It's the start of a new arc, and all the previous arcs will be out soon (if not already) in trades soon. Don't have them? Ask for them for Christmas! It's only 2 weeks away! But if you are a BtVS fan, this is definitely an issue that brings it back to its roots.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 9 #25

Sep 11, 2013

So there we have it. Another season done, and I think done much better than season 8. Having all of Joss's characters under one umbrella with Dark Horse (during season 8, the continuation ofAngel was over at IDW which did it justice but prevented too much cross pollination of stories) really helped bring it all together. We had crossovers, we had references, but we still had a standalone purpose to each title. We end with some interesting cliffhangers leading up to next season and in the words of Buffy from "Once More With Feeling", we simply need to ask: "Where do we go from here?"

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Spike #4

Nov 26, 2012

I am glad that this story still falls within the full "season" of Buffy. The characterizations were spot on, and I could picture James Marsters actually voicing Spike while reading this issue. This story could not have been told on TV at all, partly due to a Buffy story without the Slayer would not fly but also the special effects for the sentient bugs, their bug space ship, and a succubus going to Easter Island would use up much of their budget. These are stories that definitely belong in comic form " the deviations, the character changes (anyone remember Dawn as both a giant and a centaur from Season 8?)" This could not have been done on TV. Well, it could have been, but then Buffy would only be 12 episodes a season to account for the budgets. I am glad that the show continues on in this form, and this story is definitely complementing the grander scheme that Joss et al have for Season 9.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Willow - Wonderland #2

Dec 5, 2012

I'm glad that Dark Horse and Joss Whedon gave Willow this chance to shine. I don't think she needs her own book on a regular basis, as this miniseries gives her a focus for a while and following suit for other characters in similar series would be great. This book is a detour to achieve what seems to be building forBuffy Season 9 and I'm glad to have enjoyed it immensely.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Willow - Wonderland #3

Jan 7, 2013

This is definitely a penultimate chapter in this series and as such is setting up for the big conclusion. I hope. After this issue I do have some reservations, but this whole Season 9 arc has been carefullychoreographed, so here's hoping it ends on a positive (or at least) interesting note.

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Criminal Macabre: Final Night - The 30 Days of Night Crossover #1

Dec 15, 2012

For a new reader I was hesitant, but I am glad I listened to the recommendations. This was a great read. My only complaint is that I now have to find all the previous trades for the backstories and have to wait until issue #2 comes out. But if that's my only complaint, it's a good one to have.

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Cyber Force (2012) #5

Aug 10, 2013

OK, are you interested in reading the book now? Well head on down to your local LCS and pick them up – all issues should still be on the shelf! Or, if you want to really give it a try right now, Top Cow has made these first 5 issues available free for digital download! For that price you really cannot go wrong in giving it a shot!

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Doctor Who: Prisoners of Time #1

Feb 2, 2013

All in all, I am hoping that this series picks up a little more. I know that there will be a new artist per issue, with the hope that different artists will portray the respective Doctors in different ways. I'm really hoping this is true, as this is a huge deal for many folks – very few entertainment franchises hit a 50 year milestone – but I was not suitably impressed with this issue. This series really needs to pick up, to stand for the epicness of what the franchise is about, otherwise I don't think this would be a suitable tribute to one of my favorite series of all time.

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Green Lantern (2011) #0

Nov 18, 2012

This issue was written by Geoff Johns with pencils by Doug Mahnke and inks by Christian Alamy, Keith Champagne and Mark Irwin. It gives an introduction to the character of Green Lantern Simon Baz, but not a lot of depth. I agree with my colleague who wrote the previous review on the issue that Johns has a knack for creating character personas over a number of issues, so time will tell how that goes, and this issue really would not have even made it as an interlude for the Rise of the Third Army story without the appearance of Hal and Sinestro at the end (as I suspect they will have a major role to play in how this event plays out).

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Green Lantern (2011) #13

Dec 19, 2012

All in all, an issue I think as more of a set-up for the larger arc where we will see more of the Army and more of Baz, but it is not a great standalone story. Maybe once we get the full story it will flow better, but it's a tad choppy. Definitely not Johns' best work, but I will be back as the faithful Green Lantern fan I am.

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Green Lantern (2011) #14

Jan 2, 2013

Doug Mahnke is doing a good job still inpencilingthis title. This issue seemed a little off to me, but there were 4 inkers involved and maybe that's what did it " it wasn't a consistent feel of depth put over the pencils. I am glad that, unlike some other books where a new artist pops in just as a new character is introduced, Mahnke is around for the whole intro. That means that he will set the visual paradigm for Baz instead of multiple interpretations which then just look sloppy. If anything, the art was a small detriment to me but I think it was because of the multiple inkers used in the issue when I don't really think it was necessary.

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Green Lantern (2011) Annual #1

Nov 16, 2012

This issue is a preview to what we can expect for the Lantern family for the next 4 months, so if you dont want to be lost you either need to read this article many more times or pick up the issue itself. Or both why choose?

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Green Lantern Corps (2011) #13

Dec 27, 2012

Although not the best issue so far, this brought the Army into focus for the Corps. The reader can see the Guardians' duplicity easily and it's not going to be something that the Corps will be able to understand. It's going to be interesting to see the fallout of what happens with the Guardians, Guy, and the rest of the Corps.

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Green Lantern: New Guardians #13

Nov 23, 2012

Although not a strong inclusion into the Rise of the Third Army crossover, I have a feeling it will tie-in much more strongly soon. This is a strong encapsulated story as well, and although you dont have to have a background in this title or with Kyle Rayners past, you will enjoy the issue that much more if you do.

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Hawkeye (2012) #3

Oct 19, 2012

I wouldn't be surprised if Hawkeye is one of Marvel's top books for the forseeable future. Even though it's not launching as a Marvel NOW! title it is definitely a future of Marvel title that they need to promote. I saw a lot for issue #1, but since then it's all promo for Marvel NOW! Marvel, don't leave great books like this hanging while you focus on the future. This is a new title, this is also the future. And I see a strong future due to amazing characters (one who is an Avenger and one who I hope will reappear in the new Young Avengers), a writer who will be doing amazing things in Marvel NOW (remember, Fraction is also taking overFantastic Four andFF), and a visual trifecta of Aja, Hollingsworth and Chris Eliopoulos bringing the visuals to bed.

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Hawkeye (2012) #4

Nov 26, 2012

As I said earlier, as a standalone story, I enjoyed it. Had I not been asfamiliarwith the character, I wouldn't have had issue with the story on its own, but as a long-time Hawkeye fan I have some concerns. I cannot give this issue a great review because of this, which is too bad because I did enjoy it. This change in Clint is too drastic to be a simple growth of the character, which is why I may end up dropping the book in future. But I really don't want to. I know there has to be some leeway to tell a good story, but if the character who stars in the book is not himself… There are concerns.

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He-Man & The Masters of the Universe (2013) #2

May 19, 2013

So… is it worth picking up? I think so. Issue 1 had great work by Mhan, but it seems to be lacking here. The story, though, is going strong and if you read the miniseries you'll see the revelation of who Skeletor actually is to He-Man, which is touched upon here. It's definitely worth the read for fans of the franchise, but I would say you do need to be familiar with the franchise to like this issue as a standalone one, but reading the miniseries and how it's been relaunched is almost a must. We'll see what happens at the conclusion of this first arc, but I'm hopeful that the series will continue!

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Hit List #1

Sep 11, 2013

It is one of the best books I have read in a few weeks as it has a clear objective in mind and, because it's in an encapsulated universe and not in a shared one, I think there are some additional liberties and freedom that can expand from that and for that reason I did like the book " it has the freedom to do something new, it is well scripted, and overall it has some great art. That's more than I can say for many of the other comics on the shelf today. I think I'll like it better when I can read the full story, though; we'll just have to see.

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Indestructible Hulk #1

Nov 26, 2012

All in all, I am surprised. I was not expecting to like this book and I loved it. Marvel NOW! has had some great surprises so far (check out Thor #1 for another surprise title) but a few which have fallen a tad flat so far (such as the flagship NOW! title Uncanny Avengers). If you've ever liked the Hulk, this is a book to pick up and give it a chance. If you only liked the movie Hulk from The Avengers, you will like this book too. If you know nothing about the Hulk, this is a great starting point. Basically, this is a surprise find from the Marvel NOW! range and I am very glad I took the chance and picked this title up!

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Justice League (2011) #18

Mar 22, 2013

Even though it was not the biggest action story of the year " no Darkseid, no Parademons, no invasion of Atlantis " this was a solid issue. it set the groundwork for many future stories, which take place both in the pages of Justice League as well as elsewhere. This is still the flagship book of the DCU.

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Kings Watch #1

Sep 12, 2013

OK, Dynamite, you got me to pick up another book and you lured me in. I think that be launching a number of miniseries you provide great jumping on points for new readers to try new things, let creators tell the story they want to tell, and gauge interest for maybe further stories of those same characters. It's a great strategy. And, dammit, it's working.

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Masks #1

Nov 29, 2012

This book is definitely worth a read. I buy a lot of books every week – this week had 27 titles I picked up – but from the stack this one is rising up to the top of the pile as my pick of the week. Part of it is because it's different from my normal take, but because the creative team just got it right. I don't profess to being huge fans of these characters in the past, even though I had a familiarity, but it didn't matter – I could get into this title without the background. And if a writer can do that and introduce a non-team just like that… Well, need I say more?

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Masks #3

Jan 28, 2013

This was a great issue. It took me several attempts to read, but only because I was actually pretty upset that it wasn't Alex Ross's artwork between the covers. Once I gave it a chance, though, Calero's art did work for me in this issue. It suits the tone, and he seems to work well with the script given by Roberson. I rate this issue a little lower than maybe I should for the art switch, but it's still a great story. Calero is slated for issue #4 based on the “Next Issue” box so at least I have an expectation now. I will still continue to get this book, unlike some other miniseries I have dropped for such a thing because the quality has not gone down at all, it's simply changed. Next issue, my expectation is set and I am looking forward to seeing what Roberson and Calero have in store.

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Miss Fury #1

Apr 9, 2013

All in all, I am looking forward to this series. I want to see where Williams, Herbert and Nunes are taking this story as I think they make a wonderful team. This was a good introduction to a new character for me, and hopefully once we get to take in more of what is in store here I can upgrade my thoughts to being a great first story arc.

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New Avengers (2013) #5

Apr 28, 2013

Can you guess that I liked this book? I know that my opinions on this series differs from others for this title but I am really into the intrigue here. The fact that we have characters we have grown to know over the years in various other titles and actions makes it that much better. This is truly a great book coming out of Marvel and one of the Marvel NOW! relaunches that I can honestly say that the new #1 was suited as the whole tone of the book has changed under the words of Hickman and the art of Epting. This is not theNew Avengers we saw before, but this is a true evolution of the title to something wonderful.

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Red Lanterns #13

Dec 10, 2012

Although Red Lanterns has been my least favorite book from the GL family to date, I will say that this story was great. Not only was there a strong concept in what was going on, but we saw rage being embattled by emotionless creatures and we saw rage both prevail and succumb, proving that the emotion of red is not infallible. Additionally, this is the first major battle we have seen with the Third Army recruits and I am glad we finally got around to it. It was great to see the story arc which has been pitched for some time jump into high energy, whereas in the past we've seen the characters only in passing. Writer Peter Milligan and artist Miguel Sepulveda have both done a great job on this issue, so much so that this has been one of the favorite books of this epic to date.

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Red Sonja (2013) #1

Jul 18, 2013

Other covers are from such amazing artists as Fiona Staples, Colleen Doran and Jenny Frison, all of which look fantastic but I could only choose one. There's a number of store exclusive covers as well from the likes of Maria Benes and Nei Ruffino, but those aren't available to me up here as I'm nowhere near those stores. Finally, there are a number of fun covers as well, including ones from Stephanie Buscema (left) as well as Agnes Gabowska. Although these don't necessarily depict Sonja as we would expect to visible see her in the book, they are great art pieces. I truly think that after a few more issues are out, Dynamite could easily commission prints of these covers and they would be snatched up.

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Red Sonja (2013) #3

Sep 13, 2013

Once again, a fantastic read for me. I wouldn't give it 5 stars because of the reasons I mention above but it's really up there. I picked up the first issue because it was on the shelf, and I am not sorry I did. The series continues to keep up to that level of great storytelling and so long as they keep this up I will be along for the ride.

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Screwed #1

Jun 9, 2013

This was a great read and one of my favorite books of the week. It takes another classic character and brings it to the Zenescope family, and I will be honest that I like this iteration of the Frankenstein monster more so than the one currently in DC'sJustice League Dark. I don't know why, but I just really enjoyed this version. If you like a story that will have an encapsulated arc (this is a miniseries) and has good art and an engaging story, this is something you should give a look to.

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Secret Avengers #34

Nov 29, 2012

So, I've been critical. Was there anything good? Well, I'm hoping that the story when wrapped up will be good as a whole. There are some stories that just don't work well until you can read the whole thing (such as Steve Gerber's final Man-Thing story) and I'm hoping this is one of them. But the covers… The covers of the last handful of issues are done by Art Adams, probably one of my favorite artists to ever grace Marvel comics. Unlike a number of artists, when he draws someone they are unique. There's no duplication. It's just amazing. The cover here alone made the issue worth picking up. Now here's hoping that the conclusion of the story makes the insides of the last few issues worthwhile.

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Secret Avengers #37

Feb 10, 2013

No, for an Avengers-related book, Marvel dropped the ball in terms of coordinating a number of things here. I don't blame the writer, I don't blame the artists (who were actually fantastic here including cover artist Art Adams who always blows me away)" No, I blame Marvel who seems to have no clue at times as to what they're doing and how to handle character continuity. Suffice to say. this was a disappointing ending to what used to be my favorite Avengers title.

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Secret Avengers #37

Feb 10, 2013

No, for an Avengers-related book, Marvel dropped the ball in terms of coordinating a number of things here. I don't blame the writer, I don't blame the artists (who were actually fantastic here including cover artist Art Adams who always blows me away)" No, I blame Marvel who seems to have no clue at times as to what they're doing and how to handle character continuity. Suffice to say. this was a disappointing ending to what used to be my favorite Avengers title.

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Son of Merlin #4

May 5, 2013

This is the 4th issue in a 5-issue mini, so if you haven't been picking it up so far you may need to wait for the trade (unless the issues are still all on the shelves). I think next issue is going to be a major closure point, but I can also see it as leaving some openings up for a subsequent series to follow. It's a Top Cow book that is not in the Top Cow universe (as far as I can tell – I don't think that Merlin had anything to do with the 13 artifacts…) and, likeThink Tank, is unique in that regard.

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Superboy (2011) #14

Dec 19, 2012

All in all, this book seemed more like another prelude issue leading into H'el on Earth rather than a major component of the story. Part 3 really begins to dive into the arc, so hopefully it progresses more smoothly as the issues go on.

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Supergirl (2011) #14

Dec 27, 2012

This was where the H'el on Earth arc is starting to get good. We have the entire family starting to come together and we have a history of the antagonist somewhat revealed. From here on in, we're going to get to the meat and potatoes of the story.

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Supergirl (2011) #20

May 16, 2013

This is the issue of Supergirl where we know things will start to build with more character development. These first 2 years of the New 52, we saw new takes on characters and we needed to get to know who they were, never mind letting the creators figure it out. Within the last month and probably into the next few, we will see a number of "coming of age" stories and setting a new direction for various characters. We've now seen this start here with Supergirl and I'm glad to say I'm sticking around to see where things are headed.

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Superior Foes of Spider-Man #4

Oct 4, 2013

Even thought I thought it would a fun read at start, I didn't have faith in it. This team has proven me wrong. This truly puts “fun” back into “funny book” and that's something that far too many books recently are missing. It doesn't take itself too seriously, and that's really its attraction to me.

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Superman (2011) #13

Dec 16, 2012

Although some have criticized Lobdell for some of what he has done in the New 52, this story is definitely one of his better ones.

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Superman (2011) #14

Jan 2, 2013

I have to praise this book for bringing Superman back as a viable character to me. I was turned off at the start of the New 52 to the character, by both this title andAction Comics, but this is making me look again. Which is definitely a good thing. And since it's 2 issues in a row, now, having me take a glance that means more than a simple one-off.

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Technomancer #1

Mar 28, 2013

So now the big question: Is the book worth reading? Absolutely. A hundred times yes. It's a strong story and it's full of great artwork.

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The Fearless Defenders #3

Apr 11, 2013

Generally, I dislike doing bad reviews. However, sometimes it needs to be done – certain things need to be called out. There is history here which has been ignored. Bad on Cullen Bunn for writing the story without taking the recently used Disir into account alongside of Dani Moonstar already. Bad on the editors of this book for letting it happen. I'm looking more critically at many of the titles I pick up regularly, and as a long-time reader I'm getting more and more disappointed at what I am seeing at times coming out of the big 2. I think some of the upper people at Marvel (and DC) need to take a good, hard look at what they are putting out and truly think about what they are publishing. But that's a discussion for another day. Suffice to say, this will be the last issue of Fearless Defenders I will be picking up.

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The Green Hornet (2013) #1

Mar 31, 2013

So, if you haven't guessed by now, I loved this issue. The quality of both the writing and art is top-notch, and really that's what did it for me. Add to that the variant cover by Alex Ross (seen above), this story had me reading and engrossed more than any other comic I read this week. This title is at the top of my pull list. No hesitation. If the quality here is like other Dynamite issues that I am starting to discover, I think that much of my monthly pulls may switch to this company.

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The Green Hornet (2013) #3

Jul 5, 2013

Now, I tend to not try to delve into spoilers for the stories I review that much anymore. I'm not going to do that here, either. I will say, though, that this is one of the best books I have read and experienced in a long time. It has a captivating storyline, it has character development (including the secondary level of characters " even those who don't quite make the cut as long-term supporting characters), and it has a visual presence that is one of the best I have seen in recent months. There are many great artists that I love to see, but very few that I think could do justice to this style of a story. It's a superhero story without super powers " and that's what makes these pulp characters so enthralling. This is why I am loving the Dynamite line of books with the pulp hero era " the quality of the stories are some of the best I have read in a long time and this quality is what has me experiencing more of the Dynamite line on a monthly basis.

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The Jungle Book: Last of the Species #5

Jul 12, 2013

Now" What truly made this book as appealing visually for me was something I didn't think I would ever say: the lettering. I used to consider the lettering as being an important part of a comic book but it was not a make or break deal. In this story, Jim Campbell has nailed it with the lettering. We are dealing with humans and a number of animal creatures, all of whom can converse with one another. There are different fonts for each animal, giving it a distinct visual "voice" that I could hear in my head as I read the book. It wasn't the same print style for everyone; each species had a unique presence in the lettering and with a book dealing with a number of species this became that icing that made it that much better. I can honestly say that this book " and this miniseries " truly gave me a new insight and respect for the letterer as to how important that role is on a book. It moved up from just being integral to tell the story to something that contribut

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The Shadow/Green Hornet: Dark Nights #1

Jul 12, 2013

The covers are worth noting, as they usually are from Dynamite. The main cover is done by Alex Ross who is one of my favorite artists. His style is very lifelike and each person truly looks unique as a result, and the painted result is just breathtaking. The alternate covers are just as nice " with one from John Cassaday (Uncanny Avengers, Astonishing X-Men) and another fun one from Chris Eliopoulos (from the kid covers to every Marvel NOW! relaunch book as well as a number of Dynamite books, including Battlestar Galactica). All 3 covers are unique in their own right " you can see the Alex Ross cover above and the other two are below.

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Thunderbolts (2012) #1

Dec 5, 2012

Even though this issue was more of a “team-coming-together-but-never-meeting” kind of intro, it is needed to set the tone for the series. Ross' words show his regret in his actions well and where he wants to go to begin to make up for his years of disappointment. I'm looking forward to what else this book can bring to the table. It's definitely going to be a tad darker than previous Thunderbolts, but I'm kind of hoping the old and the new meet up at some point. What a clash that will be.

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Transformers Prime: Rage of the Dinobots #1

Dec 3, 2012

So should you get this book? Me, Kelly, say you should. It's a great read for us long-time fans, but it's a strong story on its own and reads like its own epic. This is the Transformers universe. And it's one I plan on revisiting again soon.

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Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (2011) #22

Apr 27, 2013

As I started here, I have not been too impressed with the Ultimate line of late, with the exception of this series. Bendis and Pichelli have completed the first phase in the life of Miles Morales, and I'm interested to see what Bendis does with his new visual partner beginning next issue.

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Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (2011) #23

May 18, 2013

If you cannot tell, I loved this issue. It was a new chapter without starting the series over and it was marked by several pieces: An emotional struggle. A new art team to move the character forward without the need for a relaunch. But still keeping it the same world, the same cast, as we have grown to love. This is what Marvel can do when they want to " deliver an amazing story full of strong characters, strong emotion, and truly get the reader immersed in the story. Of all the Ultimate books, this is the one I look forward to every month. I've heard rumors that we're going to see the 616 and Ultimate worlds meet again, but it's hard to say how that will pass. All I know is that wherever Miles ends up at the end of that, I will be following him.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #3

Mar 16, 2013

Although I was not expecting this book to be great, it is quite good. It surpassed my expectations. Whereas Bendis' run with the various Avengers family of titles was sometimes long and drawn out, probably leading up to certain events covering the team, he seems to be finding a stride here with his X-titles. They are crossing over when they need to, but it makes sense when they do. It's not for the sake of making a crossover. And Bachalo is definitely the right artist for the job here – his style was my largest point of apprehension but Marvel has proven me wrong. A great book and the next issue only promises something more wonderful.

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Wolverine (2013) #3

May 10, 2013

Can you tell this was one of my favorite reads of the week? To engage me, the story needs to draw me in or needs to be fun or needs to be something unique; then the art needs to complement that on top of everything else. That is my personal criteria for an engaging book. And this issue succeeded in that. It also made me not mind the new Nick Fury a little (still not thrilled but I think the correct writer could do something with him – and that seems to have happened here). I recommend giving this newWolverine series a look-see as I think you'll like what you find within its pages.

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World's Finest (2012) #6

Nov 9, 2012

Although I wouldn't rate this as one of the best comics I have ever read, this brought a confrontation we (as fans) knew was inevitable and were waiting for. I would definitely give this a 3.5 out of 5 (previous issues would get less, with the exception of #0) as I think the book is not about to hit its stride. It took a bit to get here, which is too bad, as it now seems like things are getting fun. At this point, I wouldn't jump on to this title just yet if you haven't picked up older issues, but get the first trade and then pick it up. I have a feeling Levitz et al are planning some nifty crossovers between the universes at some point soon.

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World's Finest (2012) #12

May 2, 2013

I really cannot give this book more than a 2.5. Why even that? The story has a lot of potential and it was nice to see some IMMEDIATE continuity with other books here. The artwork is good, but not when they pair off after a handful of pages each – it was not worth it. Had this issue been all Maguire, then another issue one of the other artists, I don't think it would take away from the quality of the issue as a standalone one (which I am trying to do more of and not worry about other things). But I found it distracting, mostly because the shift away from Maguire was easily noticeable.

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X-Men: Legacy (2012) #1

Nov 17, 2012

This is a first issue. They have to mesh as a team to get a feel for how to work together and bring this story to the page. I`m not discounting this book, but I am going to be watching it closely. I really want X-Men Legacy to succeed and bring a new view on the X-Men to comics through the eyes of Legion. I have high hopes… Please don't dash them.

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