Buck Rogers #1

Writer: Scott Beatty Artist: Carlos Rafael Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment Release Date: June 10, 2009 Cover Price: $3.5 Critic Reviews: 5
7.7Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

The future begins now! Join us as we present pop culture's first hero -- Buck Rogers! The first man out of time... the first man to be taken from his present and thrown into the future... the inspiration for countless heroes, and it all begins here! From the thrilling adventure presented in Dynamite's introductory issue #0 last month, the creative team of writer Scott Beatty, artist Carlos Rafael and 50/50 cover artists Alex Ross and John Cassaday (Cassaday serves as the regular cover artist for the series) present this all-new issue #1! In the tradition of modern stories for ICONic legendary heroes, Buck Rogers is the next BIG hit series fro more

  • 8.4
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Jun 14, 2009

    This first issue is a decent effort, and I'll be back for a few more issues at least to see how the story develops. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Booked - Kelly Cassidy Aug 8, 2013

    What I really appreciated about this title, as I said above, is that it was an action story. It's not going for the cheesiness that was in the TV series – in other words, no Twiki (who was voiced by Mel Blanc of Bugs Bunny fame). And I liked that. I have really appreciated what Dynamite has been doing in keeping true to many of the “classic” stories that they are bringing to life, such as their John Carter of Mars series, and even though it is a modification of the stories they are keeping the spirit alive. And that's what I felt Chaykin, Aburto, and Hermes Press did here. I am definitely going to give #2 a shot and if it keeps up to this same level of quality I have a feeling I will be back for more. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Ray Tate Jun 13, 2009

    The art and the writing are lively. The latest version preserves the elements familiar to all who have heard the name Buck Rogers and the adventures are new. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Jun 9, 2009

    This series offers some promise for great summer reading. Beatty has quickly established a tone and a pace for this series, choosing to drive the series through the characters' actions. Dynamite, unfortunately, seems to advocate the decompressed method of storytelling, which will undoubtedly confound some readers going forward. If he manages to pack this much action into each subsequent issue, Beatty will be able to distract the anxious readers from their quest to immediately know all the facts about Buck Rogers. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Major Spoilers - Stephen Schleicher Jun 14, 2009

    By issue's end, I didn't feel as excited as I did when I first began reading the issue, or when I had the chance to read the preview issue, featuring the death of Buck Rogers. It isn't all bad, and I'm willing to give this title a few more issues before I decide if it goes on my permanent pull pile or if it is off to the quarter bin. Buck Rogers #1 offers some surprising moments, really nice art, a brisk story, and a bear with a zap gun, earning it 3.5 out of 5 Stars. Read Full Review

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