Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #23

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artist: David Marquez Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: May 15, 2013 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 15 User Reviews: 10
8.8Critic Rating
7.9User Rating

Will tragedy force Miles to quit?! Bombshell is back! An all new Cloak and Dagger!!!

  • 10
    Newsarama - David Pepose May 15, 2013

    If you haven't been keeping up with Ultimate Spider-Man " and believe me, you wouldn't be without reason " this is definitely a good time to give Miles Morales another shot. While Bendis's penchant for decompression may slow this series down moving forward, there's so much heart to this opening chapter that you can't put it down. One year later can be a lifetime, and seeing just how much Miles Morales has changed is nothing less than amazing. After a slow patch, Ultimate Spider-Man is once again being all that it can be. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    IGN - Joshua Yehl May 15, 2013

    Taking a step back further, you can see that Miles' decision to be (or not to be) Spider-Man comes from a wide range of experiences instead of just one single event. Peter's origin story is practically one-dimensional compared to all we've seen from Miles, who had everything from his family to his villains to S.H.I.E.L.D. to his best friend to an actual Peter Parker from another dimension influence him every step of the way. Miles Morales is not Peter Parker, and while Bendis is clearly making parallels to their lives as people and as heroes, their characterization is miles apart. And it's all for the better. Read Full Review

  • 9.3
    Analog Addiction - Jideobi Odunze May 20, 2013

    This was another emotional issue, and leads into more issues that might leave you with the same feeling. Something that Spidey fans are very familiar with. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Marvel Disassembled - Kyle Mc May 16, 2013

    Take this opportunity to enjoy some of the best character work that Marvel has to offer. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Booked - Kelly Cassidy May 18, 2013

    If you cannot tell, I loved this issue. It was a new chapter without starting the series over and it was marked by several pieces: An emotional struggle. A new art team to move the character forward without the need for a relaunch. But still keeping it the same world, the same cast, as we have grown to love. This is what Marvel can do when they want to " deliver an amazing story full of strong characters, strong emotion, and truly get the reader immersed in the story. Of all the Ultimate books, this is the one I look forward to every month. I've heard rumors that we're going to see the 616 and Ultimate worlds meet again, but it's hard to say how that will pass. All I know is that wherever Miles ends up at the end of that, I will be following him. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Bin - Zak Edwards May 19, 2013

    The old looks a lot like the new, but this book is gorgeous, jump on for a ride! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    X-Man's Comic Blog - Jason Todd May 19, 2013

    Wow... I expected to be done with this series once "No More" started because that storyline seems rehashed and never lasts. But the idea to jump ahead a year was great, because now it seems like that decision was important, plus there's been so much character development and things we missed, I'm interested to see what happened. I loved seeing the change in Miles' demeanor, seeing how different Jefferson was after losing his wife, as he's clearly trying to be more of a friend to Miles and have a closer relationship. This is probably my favorite issue of this series in a while because everything feels so new and reinvigorated, plus Cloak and Dagger seemed pretty damn interesting here, and that's the first time I've EVER said that! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Therapy - MrComicBook May 15, 2013

    David Marquez, who can do no wrong recently on pencils, is damn near perfect. Every character is full of personality and detail. The constant grief on Miles' face sells every sentence of Bendis' dialogue. Bendis has always had a knack for writing to the artist's strength, and it shows in issues like #23. Gwen's looks towards Miles are penciled with a detail you don't see in much from the big two. Gwen's eyes are worth a thousand words. Their full of emotion that Gwen only wishes she could speak. Miles are cold, and are trying to deal with things beyond his age. All-New X-Men was great for elivating Marquez's stature as an A-list artist, but his penciling panels that make a career in Ultimate Comics Spider-Man. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills May 20, 2013

    At any rate, I really enjoyed this issue. I love a good talking heads issue, and Bendis is probably the writer I trust most to deliver. I loved all of the little scenes and conversations between the characters. It's a great way to catch us all up to the one year jump " which I think Bendis pulled off flawlessly " as well as show us how Miles has changed. And while he's definitely still Miles Morales, he's also matured. You can see it in his look, you can 'hear' it in his 'voice'. This was a very good issue, pulling off a complex time skip with ease and setting us up for what will probably be a great second act for our new Spider-Man. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Midnight Logic - Atlee Greene May 21, 2013

    If I had to use one word to describe this series it would be “captivating” and this issue is just another example of why. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Read Comic Books - Derek Baker May 16, 2013

    Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #23 establishes a new tone for Miles. While he still isnt Spider-Man again, we all know at some point he will be and it will be a glorious return. In the meantime, Bendis can treat us to some very thought-provoking character development, like nobody else can. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Matt Sargeson May 19, 2013

    The ‘One year later' gimmick could have remained just that, but under Bendis and Marquez it's turned into a great opportunity to expand on Miles strength of character; to give him the adequate time and motivation to grow into the costume, the power and the responsibility. Wordy it may be, but they're the right words, packed with heart and drama and accompanied brilliantly by Marquez' enviable talents. A Spider-Man book that still keeps you hooked without the web-slinging? Peter Parker would be proud. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Mat 'Inferiorego' Elfring May 15, 2013

    ULTIMATE COMICS SPIDER-MAN #23 is a fantastic issue. Bendis and Marquez are a fantastic scene, and while the last issue was a bit of a let down for me, this issue was fantastic all over. I really like the jump forward a year, and Bendis does a fantastic job with changing around Miles' personality subtly to go along with everything that has happened to him. On the downside, I really didn't like the dialogue on the last page of the issue, and I keep wondering if the rest of the Ultimate books are jumping forward as well, if that even matters.Overall, I highly recommend this issue. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Fanboy Buzz - MQuannBoyd May 19, 2013

    Overall, I look forward seeing if and how an older Miles decides to don the Spider-Man identity once more; however, if it takes him several issues to reclaim his mantle it won't necessarily be such a bad thing for the reader. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Ryan K. Lindsay May 16, 2013

    "Ultimate Comics Spider-Man" is the sort of Bendis comic that he quite often nails. The issue is a talkfest, but gives readers plenty to feel and think about with a few smiles along the way. This is a fun issue that packs some emotional punch. Read Full Review

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