MQuannBoyd's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Fanboy Buzz Reviews: 21
7.4Avg. Review Rating

All-New X-Men #1

Nov 15, 2012

Although I'm not a huge fan of time travel stories X-Men or otherwise, I was pleasantly surprised by this comic. There are quite a few moving parts within this issue, from what will be the reaction of the original five when they step foot into their future, to the fate of present-day Beast as he deals with physical change, there's enough within these pages to keep readers salivating at the month as they wait for the second issue. It's early in the comic's shelf life, but Bendis and Immonen All New X-Men is a book that definitely has the attention of both adult and prepubescence fanboy me.

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Avengers (2010) #25

Apr 22, 2012

With only two issues of AvX out for public consumption, this tie-in issue of Avengers sidesteps what could have been a retread two issues of the event book in favorite of illuminating the problems and issues that have been affecting the Avengers in their own book. Whether you like him or loathe him, Brian Michael Bendis displays in this comic that the issues the Avengers have been having to deal with the in regards to the new H.A.M.M.E.R (the combined might of the Hand, A.I.M. And Hydra) and Norman Osborn are far from resolved.

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Avengers Vs. X-Men #2

Apr 20, 2012

Marvel's marketing campaign for AvX has hinged upon fans choosing a side, be it the Mighty Avengers or the Uncanny X-Men. However, unlike Civil War, where the battle line was drawn based on who was pro- or anti-(hero) registration, the line is a bit more convoluted in regards to Earth's Mightiest Heroes and the Children of the Atom. (Besides, I gravitated to the X-Men when I first got into comics and it wasn't until my teenage years (and with the help of Kurt Busiek) that I became an Avengers fan.) So, instead of going to bat for a particular side I find myself rooting for certain characters. Overall, I think that's the true genius of AvX and I eagerly look forward to the next issue in this enormous clash.

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Avengers Vs. X-Men #4

May 19, 2012

Maybe this is simply a hiccup and with eight more issues left, there's the page and panel space forAvXto become mind blowing. Or maybe, just maybe this is one of those few times that I leave the House of Ideas' epic mega crossover on the shelf.

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Batman and Robin (2011) #10

Jun 15, 2012

Although issue #10 of Batman and Robin lacks the pulse pounding action moments of previous issues there is still enough character and plot development packed within the 22-pages of this series to warrant a look-see. If you claim not to be a fan of the current Robin, do yourself a favor and check out this book. Truths me, Damian might not warm your heart but through his cocky arrogance behavior there is enough friction to propel in story in which his (co-)stars in forward. And at the end of the day isn't that what we want from our fiction: conflict?

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Batman and Robin (2011) #19

Apr 15, 2013

I'm a huge, huge, Damien Wayne fan, before Damien briefly became Red Bird, before the Robin costume had a hood, around the time the young Wayne beheaded one of Batman's villains, and much like the Dark Knight, I'm at a complete lost for words. As a fan I'm intrigued by what's possibly to come. With the debut of Carrie (the Robin from Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns) as well as Harper Row's recent appearance in Batman #18, there stands a reasonable chance that the next Robin, in all likelihood, will be of the XY chromosome. Unless Batman is successful in bringing Damien from the dead.

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FF #17

Apr 27, 2012

Jonathan Hickman and artist, Nick Dragotta (whose pencils brim with visuals that are akin to John Romita Sr. or Steve Ditko's work on Amazing Spider-Man), do a superb job of exhibiting why friends that are usually the life of the party aren't always the smartest choice in a roommate. After a story of the ages which involved Dr. Doom, multiple Reed Richards', Galactus, the resurrection of Black Bolt and a bit of time travel thrown into the mix, issue #17 of FF is one funny lighthearted breath of fresh air that one dare not miss.

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Ghost Town #1

Mar 17, 2013

It's possible this comic is an assemble piece and that I'm missing the point of where this story is headed. However, the lack of an emotional anchor makes it difficult for readers to connect with this new comic franchise. In the end, I hope that I'm proven wrong and that the by-the-numbers first issue of this five-issue series is simply a hiccup in a tale that takes advantage of no only the last page reveal but the dialogue, artistic direction and the ghost town as well.

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) #0.1

Mar 3, 2013

All and all, issue #0.1 is a solid origin story that will help new fans become grounded with Star-Lord (and to a slightly lesser degree the Guardians of the Galaxy) and allow older fan (such as myself) a change to fond over these space faring heroes once again. I say all of that to say that Brian Michael Bendis, through this #0.1, displays the same love and care for this book as much as the fans love and cherish either incarnation of the team.

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Secret #1

Apr 20, 2012

Overall, Secret, has a lot going for it in terms of storytelling as well as the art direction and the use of muted colors and tones throughout the issue which gives the comic a distinct style. There also appears to be a short and long con at play which possibly plays into foreshadowing of where this story is eventually going. Secret is conceivably more than the sum of it's part and I look forward to the next issue to see what Jonathan Hickman has up his sleeve.

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Spider-Men #1

Jun 14, 2012

Basically the biggest problem in this issue is that not much happens. It's got a great premise and there's plenty of story potential with Peter Parker and Miles Morales coming face-to-face, but as of issue #1, it just feels like an average issue of Spider-Man. Damn decompression! As a Spider-Man junkie, I look forward to seeing where this story goes, however, I wish this issue would have went a little further.

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The Boys #66

May 6, 2012

Garth Ennis seems to be angling The Boys to a conclusion that is fitting to the title's pedigree with each character and faction having some stake in the end game, be it Mother's Milk trying to maintain some resemblance of a normal life or Vought-American figuring out their next course of action to get the American public back on their side. As one of my favorite comics on the stands today, it's going to be a sad day when this series comes to an end, but that's a few months off, so in the meantimein-between timeenjoy the lunacy that is The Boys.

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The Boys #68

Jul 5, 2012

With another issue in the books, Garth Ennis and company go out of their way to prove that no character is safe. That idea could not be more self-evident than through the reveal that Butcher is the final antagonist for The Boys. Now, The Boys will conclude forcing me into a mourning period but that's not for a few months, so until the final page of the final issue I'm going wait savvy every riveting moment that this book has to offer.

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The Boys #70

Sep 8, 2012

Overall, issue #70 of The Boys continues the tradition of Garth Ennis shock and awe that includes a few uncomfortable laughs thrown in for good measure. If I weren't already fully invested in the series before, this particular issue–which outs Butcher as a logically flawed sympathetic villain–makes a strong case for re-read. I shutter to think of what may occur in next month's swan song for The Bloody Doors Off, but as long as Garth Ennis is at the helm, we all can expect something that would make Kool Keith proud.

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The Ninjettes #5

Jul 4, 2012

The Ninjettes has quite a few things working both for, and against it, but hopefully as the story continues to move through the origin of Kelly, Chelsea and Skyler there will be more characterization and reason to care about them, because honestly, who doesn't like ninjas?

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The Ravagers #1

May 31, 2012

This issue has a decent amount of good, clean verbaland physicalin-fighting between the six, some hero and villain punchy, punch, stabby, stab, stab and stellar pencil work by Ian Churchill. With plentyof story potential and a dynamite creative team, The Ravagers, has a fighting change of picking up steam and finding a niche within the New 52 given a tad bit more character development. Who knows, I might be temped to pick up issue #2; I mean, cat's have nine lives, right?

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Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (2011) #23

May 19, 2013

Overall, I look forward seeing if and how an older Miles decides to don the Spider-Man identity once more; however, if it takes him several issues to reclaim his mantle it won't necessarily be such a bad thing for the reader.

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Uncanny Avengers #1

Oct 13, 2012

Uncanny Avengers seems posed for a long and meaningful run as Marvel's new premium team.Although, I must admit I'm a slight bit biased on the subject. Growing up a fanboy, I gravitated towards team books. I grew up reading the exploits the X-Men and the Vance Astro lead Guardians of the Galaxy (not that I have anything against Starlord or Rocket Raccoon) where dozens appeared often by the dozens. In many ways, the team book concept is much like a kid having a bunch of toys scattered across the living room floor, picking out the best of the best for a battle royale style mash-up where the only rules are there are no rules. The same lack of inside-the-box, rule abiding storytelling seems unlikely for Marvel's most recent Uncanny endeavor.

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Uncanny Avengers #4

Mar 6, 2013

In closing, Rick Remender and John Cassaday conclude the first encounter between the united Avengers and the Red Skull in a stunning fashion. Spoiler none withstanding (although there is a hint in the opening paragraph), the stage is set for these combined X-Men and Avengers to not only deepen the connection between their respective franchises with one another but also forge new unexplored ground in within the Marvel Now!

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Winter Soldier (2012) #5

May 20, 2012

In closing, by definition the resurrection of James Bucky Barnes shouldn't have worked. He was dead for too long. He was on the short list of characters that should never raise from the dead. For the love of all that is Holy, he was a sidekick. That's what I thought. That was my story and I was sticking to it. Five issues into his solo adventure and I'm fully convinced that Bucky can carry his own series. As long as the Ed Brubaker has a Bucky story to tell I'm going to make mine Winter Soldier.

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Wolverine and the X-Men #11

Jun 1, 2012

Now, if you were like me and felt the most recent issue of AvX was lacking, this issue of Wolverine and the X-Men more than makes for what's been missing. With a fantastic ensemble cast and sharp witty dialogue, as painful as it is for me to say it I've thoroughly enjoyed a book that features Wolverine. The only thing that would make this read better is if Broo graced a page or two.

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