AVX TIE-IN The Phoenix Force rapidly approaches Earth. The Avengers believe that it is a destructive force that will lay waste to everything. The X-Men believe otherwise. In the midst of all this, a trusted ally will turn traitor. Who could it be?
There are few creators more closely tied to a run on any series in history than how Simonson is tied to his Thor run. When I discovered he would be working on this title, I nearly passed out. Now that his arc has come, his art doesn't disappoint. He brings his unique style to each character. Read Full Review
I wonder how they'll cover the event problem next month? Read Full Review
This issue wraps up Bendis' ongoing Dark Avengers revival arc, and reveals to the reader the burden poor Captain America carries as the leader of the Avengers and the head of S.H.I.E.L.D. As a story wrap-up, Avengers #25 a little on the soft side, with still Bendis not fully hitting the right tone with Thor, Storm, or Red Hulk. But as I said in the beginning, that quickly falls to the wayside when you allow Simonson's wildly kinetic art to pull you into the book. Read Full Review
It's even better if you are siding with the X-Men because the story examines Steve Rogers at his core and kinda makes you re-think what side you are on. Read Full Review
The opening splash page is all you need to see why Simonson is one of the all time greats of the medium. His art jumps off the page, it’s brimming with movement and excitement. Every single detail works for the greater image, something not all artists understand. Simonson is also killer for detail, just look at the panel when Thor first arrives back; it’s brilliant work by an absolute master. While Avengers #25 is a toss away story wise, it’s a statement to how great art can make any issue a masterpiece. Hopefully this signals a return on a semi-constant basis for Walter Simonson and his genius. Read Full Review
That's not to say it's bad, necessarily, but as a setup for the Avengers/X-Men crossover that's just getting under way, it has a tenuous feel, with lots of beginnings (Cap and Thor reunite, A.I.M. lays the groundwork for its latest scheme of conquest, The Protector gets marching orders from the Kree Supreme Intelligence, Hawkeye and Spider-Woman snog), but the sense that the payoffs are still quite a ways down the road. There are some nice moments (I like the idea that Noh-Varr's too busy to respond to Thor's effusively elegant greeting: "Oh. Okay. Yeah, listen""), but not much goes on that won't be referenced over and over again in future issues of the crossover. Simonson delivers when Bendis gives him a big team throwdown with A.I.M., but the writer also hands him a fair amount of characters standing around or watching TV. This is definitely not the story I'd have dreamed of Simonson returning to Marvel to illustrate, but I'll take what I can get. Read Full Review
The connection to "Avengers Vs. X-Men" is tenuous at best, coming in the form of three pages of "Crisis on Infinite Earths" red skies equivalent scenes. Simonson takes what Bendis gives him and puts a nice shine on it all. Unfortunately, the issue itself is filled with navel-gazing and seemingly inconsequential conflicts. The final page really delivers the true nature of the tie-in "Avengers" #25 serves to the main battle, but sixteen of the pages don't add much to the "Avengers Vs. X-Men" narrative. I'm sure there will be some greater payoff in the future, mostly for the Avengers proper, but for those expecting more in-depth collaboration with "Avengers Vs. X-Men," this comic simply does not deliver. For Avengers fans, however, this comic is certain to entertain and delight as Simonson's art is proudly showcased in a story somewhat tailored to his strengths. Read Full Review
With only two issues of AvX out for public consumption, this tie-in issue of Avengers sidesteps what could have been a retread two issues of the event book in favorite of illuminating the problems and issues that have been affecting the Avengers in their own book. Whether you like him or loathe him, Brian Michael Bendis displays in this comic that the issues the Avengers have been having to deal with the in regards to the new H.A.M.M.E.R (the combined might of the Hand, A.I.M. And Hydra) and Norman Osborn are far from resolved. Read Full Review
Bottom line, this wasn't a very good comic, but it wasn't a horrible comic, and sadly, that's about as good as it can get for this series. Read Full Review
The problem I have is that the issue was identified as an important AvX tie-in, with ramifications about Captain America's declaration of war, and we got literally a quick page and an issue-long flashback. As wonderful as it is to see Simonson's work in a full-length title (Thor was particularly well-served this issue), I have an unpleasant suspicion that we're in for the same thing we got during Secret Invasion: stories that are pretty much inessential background fodder for the big crossover book that I'm not entirely sure I want to read. This issue's attempt to deal with outstanding storylines feels inconsequential, and the use of the Avengers Vs. X-Men material feels forced and mercenary, leaving both parts of the story ill-served. Avengers #25 is neither fish nor fowl, and while it's a good looking book, it really doesn't have anything much to say, earning 1.5 out of 5 stars overall. I hope this isn't a harbinger of how AvX is gonna go... Read Full Review