Christopher Williams's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Following The Nerd Reviews: 77
7.5Avg. Review Rating

47 Ronin #1

Nov 9, 2012

Sakai's art really meshes well with the story and delivers some beautiful shots like the splash page of the palace. Though its done quite simply all the emotions shine through with some great facial expressions. The mean faces that Kira makes really set me off; man do I hate that guy. Richardson and Sakai working as a team to tackle this great story means things will only get even better from here. I'm will definitely be checking out the next issue to see how they work this tale.

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Age of Ultron #1

Mar 7, 2013

Overall this is one of the best first issues I've read in a long time and after the way it ends, I'm hungry to delve deeper into the Age of Ultron to find out just how things got this bad. Action fans will not be disappointed!

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Age of Ultron #2

Mar 14, 2013

Overall, though it was a pretty good book, I would like to see more direction, so far it is all hanging by a thread. The end did fill me with promise that the next issue is really going to go somewhere though, so I will hold on to that hope. Though this issue did feel like a bit of a letdown after last issue, I have a strong feeling that we may be in for some awesomeness to come.

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Age of Ultron #8

May 17, 2013

Overall, it's a fairly good read; I am just wondering how this will all come back around to Ultron eventually? I can't imagine that even though he has been dealt with for now, that the character who the event is named after would just bow out like that so we could get on to telling a hole different story. For now I am getting a bit disappointed, but if Bendis can bring it back around and connect the dots than this could still be one mind blowing event.

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Age of Ultron #10

Jun 20, 2013

My overall thought on this book is that it could lead to some very interesting future developments; it all just depends on how Marvel is planning to play this thing out. As for the event as a whole, it started off strong and started to feel disjointed about halfway through. I was really hoping to see our heroes take the fight to Ultron and instead we get some time hopping work around that robbed me of what I was hoping to see, a real kick ass finale.

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All-New X-Men #1

Nov 16, 2012

Overall this was a good way to kick off the series. My mind is still swimming with possibilities, and I know that after reading Spider-Men, if anyone can deliver its Bendis. If you're an X fan, than this book will be a must.

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All-New X-Men #5

Jan 3, 2013

Though this book hasn't terrible, its actually been pretty good, I was starting to find the lack of action and definition of the story to be grueling. Now that things with Beast seem to be resolved and the characters have committed themselves to an idea I am hoping that everything will be ratcheted up moving forward. As much as I love Bendis' work, I know that he can do so much more with one of the most inspiring premises to come out of MarvelNOW!

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All-New X-Men #6

Jan 18, 2013

Overall this was a great issue and I really liked the fact the pace was picked up a bit more over previous issues, the introduction finally of a villain should really help to get the ball rolling.

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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #698

Nov 23, 2012

Elson's art also keeps pace with Slott's crazy story here delivering some excellent images of Spidey doing his thing around town as well as one seriously messed up looking Doctor Octopus. Seeing Ock laid out in that bed with all those tubes inserted into him was quite a sight to behold. ASM #698 delivers on all fronts making this one hell of an issue. Whether you are a long time Spider-Man reader or just wanting to pick up a piece of the ASM action before it leaves town for good, this will be money well spent. Excitement is running through me as I wait or this story arc to continue.

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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #699

Dec 7, 2012

Overall Slott and Ramos deliver a brilliant and beautiful read. Anyone, fan of Spider-Man or not, needs to do themselves a favor and invest in this story. I'm gripping the edge of my seat here and can't wait to see how this story pays off as we coast into the series finale of Amazing Spider-Man.

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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #700

Dec 27, 2012

Overall this was one hell of a ride; Slott and Ramos have thrown us for one of the biggest loops in modern day comics. In an age where we think that we've seen it all, Amazing Spider-Man #700 delivered on a whole other level. The bar has now been raised and I cannot wait to sink my teeth into Superior Spider-Man next month.

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Aquaman (2011) #0

Oct 1, 2012

Reis and Prado's art here is beautiful. The underwater panels are where this issue shines with some really great scenery enhanced greatly by the coloring of Rod Reis. The last page splash was breathtaking, I sat there for a few minutes looking at it, allowing my eyes to take in all the wonderful detail. Aquaman has received a lot of praise from reviewers, this issue is a great example why.

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Aquaman (2011) #13

Nov 3, 2012

As always this issue packs in some great art and action. The panels of Manta and Aquaman's finale battle were done so beautifully and serve to show how a fight is done right. I can't say enough how wonderful Rod Reis colors are. Combined with Ivan's pencils, they have elevated the great stories Johns' scripts serve up. Kudos to the whole Aquaman team for shining a huge light on a character that really needed some shine.

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Batman (2011) #0

Sep 16, 2012

We are also treated to another back up story written by James Tynion. His back up story in Detective Comics #0 was great and he nails it here too. In "Tomorrow" we get the origin of the Bat Signal, but we also get treated to three story lines featuring Dick Grayson, Tim Drake and Jason Todd. Being a huge Robin fanatic(Drake being my favorite) I loved this aspect of the story. Each showing a different aspect of themselves that came to define their runs as Robin. Tim with his intellect, Dick with his physical capabilities and Jason as the thug with a conscience. It was cool to see the three at different points in their lives before becoming Robin, but with the scenes running concurrently with each other, all set against the back drop of Gordon's first use of the Bat Signal. And the foreshadowing moment of Barbara Gordon watching the Bat Signal was great too. These stories prove why Batman is a must read.

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Batman (2011) #13

Oct 14, 2012

Just when you thought the Owls arc would be hard to beat the Snider/Capullo duo up the ante even more. This was seriously the best issue of the entire New52 Batman run.

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Batman (2011) #16

Jan 18, 2013

Overall this was the most astounding issue in the Death Of The Family arc, pushing the boundaries so far I swear the comics authority code was rolling over in it's literary grave. The next issue looks to close out the Death Of story and I can't wait to see if it tops this issue, and finally, how the whole thing ends. Stay tuned Bat fans!

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Batman (2011) #17

Feb 15, 2013

Overall this was one slam bang of an issue filled with tension from cover to cover. I thought it would be hard to top the Night of the Owls story arc, but when the Joker is involved and you have a guy like Snyder writing him you can only strike gold. The whole arc, though it moved slowly at first and had a few too many tie-ins, was one hell of an arc. I highly look forward to the Joker's return, again, and to where Snyder and company takes Batman next.

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Batman (2011) #19

Apr 16, 2013

This seriously has to be the first misstep the main Bat book has taken since the New52 introduction, so I can let it slide. However, I'm going to need a lot more in the next issue. I am going to need something to make Clayface more interesting if I am going to continue with this arc. I need a reason to care about him, or at least care about why it is imperative that Batman stop him. Also my biggest gripe had to be that the payoff teased by the cover fell pretty flat once it played.Overall this issue was not a great showing for the Batman creative team.

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Batman Incorporated (2012) #5

Nov 28, 2012

Batman Inc. #5 delivers the goods, hands down, period. You get it all here, great art, great story telling and a great cliffhanger. I can't wait for the next issue now, which means Morrison and Burnham are on top of their game here.

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Batman Incorporated (2012) #6

Jan 3, 2013

Overall Batman Inc. #6 is an action romp that pushes the story and the art to exciting places that I am more than happy to go to. These last few issues of Batman Inc. have been incredible, with the Death of the Family going on in the main Bat books and with Snyder's awesome work on Batman, I feel like Batman Inc. has been living in the shadows of the other Bat books, but make no mistake, Inc. has carved out a story that could stand with the great work Snyder and company of done with Batman.

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Batman Incorporated (2012) #8

Mar 1, 2013

No matter what the reason, overall this was just an okay installment in the Batman Inc. line and I have to say, a little disappointing given Morrison's great story telling up to this point.

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Cable and X-Force #1

Dec 15, 2012

Larroca delivers some nice art in this premier issue; every panel drawn helps to deliver the story, with nothing wasted and no filler panels just to fill out the page. A standout was the facial expressions, which were expertly done and really helped to sell the mood of the script, especially the scenes between Cable and Havok. Overall I really liked this book and where it's headed. I was hoping for a little bit more, but I was in no way disappointed with what I got. Here's to hoping that Cable & X-Force can develop into a strong book that keeps my favorite time hopping mutant relevant in the MarvelNOW! Universe.

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Cable and X-Force #2

Dec 21, 2012

Overall this is shaping up to be a nice book with a nicely paced story. My only grievance with the story is its direction. I am still wondering exactly where the story is taking us, but for now I am just going to sit back and enjoy the ride.

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Chronos Commandos #1

Jul 12, 2013

Overall my experience with Chronos Commandos was great and I highly recommend this book for anyone looking to catch a break from the usual super hero fare. With a great story idea and some beautiful art to match you will not be disappointed. All I can is, Titan Comics, can you hook a brotha up with the second issue?

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Detective Comics (2011) #0

Sep 9, 2012

The stories here are good even if they don't really add onto the origin of Batman in a way that we weren't already familiar with. The art here is top notch, especially the panels in which Shaw looks ever so creepy standing by the fire place. Overall this is a good read and I really enjoyed how the main story played out.

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Dexter #1

Jul 5, 2013

Overall Dexter is shaping up to be a really great comic and I cannot wait to see how it plays out and if my guesses about the plot were correct. The story, while seemingly pretty basic, takes a nice twist that you don't see coming, coupled with some good art and what you get is a great read.

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Earth 2 #0

Sep 8, 2012

This issue has me excited to see what else Sloan has in store for our current heroes in the Earth 2 dimension, as the final panel shows him plotting with drink in hand. Things are going to get hot on Earth 2!

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Earth 2 #5

Oct 9, 2012

We also got some great action panels after The Atom turns on the other heroes per order of the Council. Seeing Flash get some confidence about him was a nice touch. His power doesn't inspire the type of bravado one would associate with a Superman, but nonetheless, he jumps into the fray head first after an instant of hesitation. Seeing him work his way around a giant sized Atom were easily my favorite panels of the book. The art for this book has been some of the best and underrated in the New 52, it really deserves some praise here. The inks and colors by Trevor Scott and Alex Sinclair have been top notch. I was never big on JSA, but this book has me rethinking that. I'm hoping in the future we will see them take on the team name as well. If you aren't reading Earth 2 you might want to make some room on your pull list. It keeps getting better with each issue.

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Green Lantern (2011) #0

Sep 8, 2012

While this book didn't get me excited to see more Baz, I am still curious to see how he develops into a Green Lantern. The epilogue also has piqued my interest as well since I am a huge Hal Jordan fan. This entire run as made me a big fan of Sinestro back in green so it will be interesting to see how this all plays out. Suspiciously absent from this issue were the Guardians. I always like to see what's going on with them from time to time. Overall it was a good story, but lacked a little bit in the Green Lantern department for me. I'm hoping #13 will toss us headlong into the fray.

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Green Lantern (2011) #13

Oct 9, 2012

I really liked the art and colors here too. The colors seemed to jump out at me and were handled well. I'm not completely sold on Baz's costume, the mask and fingerless gloves are kind of an odd look for a Lantern. Though I did like that the mask served a purpose, and lets not forget that he is still a criminal. So I guess it's actually a nice touch that Baz would dream up a GL ski mask. Overall this isn't the most stunning GL issue in the New 52 run, but I still liked it.

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Green Lantern (2011) #14

Nov 9, 2012

These last few pages took a real down turn for me and I thought it was kind of crazy that I actually wanted to see more Baz. Maybe if I had a clue of what Sinestro and Hal are dealing with then I might care a little more. Things with Baz were moving at such great pace it seemed like the Black Hand and the Hal and Sinestro stuff slowed that pacing down too much for my taste. If it weren't for that ending then this would've been another great issue, but in light of the ending I have to dock a point.

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Green Lantern (2011) #16

Jan 27, 2013

Overall I really liked this issue because it finally takes us in a direction that I have been waiting for since Baz's debut. A good story combined with great art can only be a winner.

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Green Lantern (2011) #18

Mar 8, 2013

Overall this was one of the best Green Lantern comics we got since Hal was cast away, and that's because we finally got Jordan back in a way. Though the art wasn't as strong as it normally is, the story more than makes up for it.

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Green Lantern (2011) #20

May 23, 2013

I for one will miss Johns' work on Green Lantern. Not only did his work get me to become a huge GL nut, it's the reason I got back into comics after not reading them regularly since my teens. I just want to say thank you Geoff for everything you've done for Green Lantern and the mythology. This is one of those instances where 5 nerds isn't adequate enough to rate this issue. That being said…

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Green Lantern (2011) #21

Jun 7, 2013

Overall I think the story was solid, but not great and the art could use a little more work. Not a bad start for a new creative team, hopefully they work out the kinks before too long.

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Green Lantern (2011) #24

Oct 4, 2013

I really want to like this new creative team since Green Lantern is my favorite title of them all, but I'm just not feeling it here. I think over time once they start to understand the characters and the universe a bit better we could see some great stuff coming out, but for right now they are still trying to develop their game. Being that we just had the Third Army and the First Lantern, I'm not so sure that starting up yet another crossover event is a good way for Venditti and Tan to cut their teeth on GL.

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Green Lantern Corps (2011) #0

Sep 15, 2012

The story does play out in a cliche way. We all know by the end of the flashback Guy would summon the will to defeat the guy that was kicking the Corps collective butts. The big bad named Xar, once captured, gives the "I will get my revenge on you" speech leading me to believe that we may see him pop up again.

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Green Lantern Corps (2011) Annual #1

Feb 5, 2013

If you are a GL fan, even if you don't read the GL Corp, this issue is a must have.

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Green Lantern: New Guardians #13

Oct 22, 2012

I'm really hoping that the next issue steps it up more. This book hasn't been the best of the New52, but it has been fun at least. I understand with the rise of the Third Army everything is more serious, but the tone of this issue is not what the New Guardians have been about.

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Green Lantern: New Guardians #14

Nov 23, 2012

I'm really wondering where the Zamaron/Guardian team up is heading. We all know they both came from the same race of people, but the Zamarons left for a reason and I really don't see what they stand to gain here by joning the Guardians except stabbed in the back. The art here does stand up a little better then last issue and works better in the confines of the story. Last issue there were too many Earth scenes which didn't play well with the art of the New Guardians, I want those intergalactic adventures, and this time we got that, with some nic scenes in space, Vorn and Zamaron. While this book still isn't as strong as I'd like it to be, this month was definitely an improvement over last month.

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Green Lantern: New Guardians #15

Dec 26, 2012

The art delivers on all fronts in this issue and finally works for me. Before this issue the art had been severely lacking as much as the story had been, but this issue was a real turn around with both aspects. Overall this was a great issue and possibly one of my favorite single issues of the year. The movement of the Third Army story arc has been quite slow and Bedard really pushes it forward here with a huge nudge. I wish this book had been delivering this much before, but better late than never. All I can say is please keep delivering like this and New Guardians may turn into one of the best books on the shelf.

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Green Lantern: New Guardians #19

Apr 20, 2013

Overall this was a solid issue with great work all around from the New Guardians team. If I'm being honest, the jump from the Rise of the Third Army event straight into Wrath of the First Lantern was starting to wear on me and I was looking forward to Wrath wrapping up, but Bedard and crew have delivered a huge breath of fresh air towards the end of an arc that was growing quite stale.

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Green Lantern: New Guardians #21

Jun 21, 2013

Overall I'm torn. My like for this book has run hot and cold, at times it's been a fun read, at others it's been slow and boring. This issue fell in between with a chance o decide which way it wants to head with the next issue.

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) #4

Jun 28, 2013

I can't say enough wonderful things about this book. I am a huge DC fanboy but books like this as well as Nova and some of the X-books have pushed me more towards Marvel than DC lately. If you aren't reading Guardians of the Galaxy, a fan of space adventures or not, than jump on board before this train is too far gone from the station, I promise you fun and adventure lie ahead.

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Justice League (2011) #0

Sep 23, 2012

Overall it was a good read with cool art so I'm going to give it a".

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Magneto (2014) #1

Mar 6, 2014

Overall this tale is just getting started and I feel confident with Bunn at the writers helm that we will get an epic story worthy of the mutant called Magneto. I just wish that Marvel had gone a different way with the art. If it weren't for the art this book would've scored much higher.

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Nightwing (2011) #0

Sep 22, 2012

We get some really solid art here. I love how the facial expressions here really sell us on the mood changes in the story telling. The art breaks through the page to give us some great action scenes. Overall there isn't a whole lot of stuff here that's not familiar but what we do get is a very solid story with some great art. This is a great read for any fan of the Bat Family.

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Nightwing (2011) #15

Dec 21, 2012

Overall this issue felt a bit lazy all around with the story telling and the art. Though neither was awful, I would say under delivered would be a good way to put it. Nothing here served the Death crossover event, other than the fact that the Joker was featured. I think Nightwing would've been better off if this hadn't been a "tie in", but rather a stand-alone story where the Joker targets Nightwing.

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Nightwing (2011) #17

Feb 22, 2013

Overall we get a boring story, an uninteresting bad guy and artwork that left much to be desired. I am really hoping that Higgins manages to pick up the pace of the story in issue #18 and that this thing with The Dealer actually goes somewhere. I really hate to be so down on anything I review, but I just can't let this one go, especially because it's one of my favorite characters and I read it with the intentions of reviewing it.

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Nova (2013) #6

Jul 19, 2013

Overall this was another good issue that does everything it set out to do. Though no one will be bowled over by this particular issue, it's a good addition to the growing story overall. I think that fans of Peter Parker will especially like this book as Sam Alexander starts to come into his own as a hero.

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Outcast By Kirkman & Azaceta #1

Jun 30, 2014

Overall this was a solid opening entry, though probably not worth the extra hype it's getting simply from Kirkman's name. It's a promising story with some good art, but it's hard to say as of this moment if purchasing 10 copies will be a solid investment. I'm hoping we get a bit more back story going forward and also that some of the plot holes will be filled in.

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Red Lanterns #13

Oct 27, 2012

Overall this issue was just a level under okay. It's not the worst thing I've ever read, but I just can't justify dropping that $2.99 once a month when there are so many other great books out there. I think that spot on my pull list would be better filled with another title.

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Saga #7

Nov 26, 2012

Image comics has been one of the strongest publishers these last few years with their strong line of books, attracting a variety of creators to publish creator owned work. Saga is no exception. It is one of the smartest, best looking and exciting reads on the market. A very inexpensive trade of the first six issue was released a few weeks ago so if you haven't had the pleasure of reading this book yet do yourself a favor and get that and then jump on with this issue. You won't be disappointed.

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Spider-Men #5

Sep 23, 2012

Pichelli's art here is as top notch as it has always been throughout the series. That definitely helped cushion the blow of the seemingly rushed wrapped up. I'm so glad that the series gave us some great moments in previous issues or else I would've been thoroughly let down by the conclusion rather than sort of let down. I think if it had been expanded to six issues instead of five than the conclusion could've been played out in a more appropriate pacing. As a whole the series was great, stand alone this issue didn't hold the weight.

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Star Wars (2013) #1

Jan 9, 2013

Overall Star Wars #1 is a great read and should serve as the jumping point for a great series. Not all of the Star Wars content Dark Horse has dropped has sat well with me, but this book will not disappoint folks, go out and get some.

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Star Wars (2013) #3

Mar 13, 2013

Overall, this is the book to read. Wood's story is not only great, it really shows that he understands the time period in the Star Wars Universe that he's working in, which may seem small, but for an obsessive Star Wars like fan can make all the difference between a good book and an excellent book. His dialogue is spot on for every character as if he is channeling Lucas from 1979. The art is top notch and is some of the best that I have seen from any of the Star Wars titles that Dark Horse offers. If you aren't reading this book, pull your head out of the sand; crawl out from whatever nuclear bunker you are hiding in, and head down to your local comic shop. Wood, D'Anda and Eltaeb are doing some work that any Star Wars fan doesn't want to miss.

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Star Wars (2013) #5

May 10, 2013

I can't say enough how much I love this series, with this issue standing head and shoulders above the four issues that preceded it. Wood, D'Anda and Eltaeb are making a serious case for becoming my favorite comic team. If you are a Star Wars fan, even if you don't like comics, you are doing yourself a serious disservice if you are not reading this. On a side note, this book has also upped my excitement for Wood's forthcoming X-Men work for Marvel. He's been there in the past, but has yet to lay it down for MarvelNOW! If his work there is anything like this then it's sure to be a bonafide hit.

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Star Wars: Darth Vader And The Ghost Prison #5

Sep 24, 2012

This has been one of the best Star Wars series to be released in a while and was easily one of the best all around comic events this year. Anyone who missed out on this should go down to their local comic shop and pick up all these issues. Luckily mine is really good at keeping back issues in stock. The art here is killer too. Props to anyone who can give us a really great look of surprise from a cyborg who has robotic eyes.

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Star Wars: Legacy Vol. 2 #2

Apr 26, 2013

Overall I really enjoyed this issue and am looking forward to how this adventure continues. Ania is proving to be a great character with a nice cast surrounding her. Though there is much we still don't know, my hope is that it unfolds with big payoffs.

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Star Wars: Purge - The Tyrant's Fist #1

Dec 7, 2012

Overall this was a decent read, but I think it suffers from just not having enough room to play. I think a story that could potentially have a lot of magnitude being cramped into a two issue mini series was a mistake. It also seems like there was a lot crammed into this one issue, which made the story also feel rushed, it could've used some more time to develop. If you pick this book up you probably won't be asking for a refund, but you also won't feel like it was the great read you'd be hoping for.

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Superior Foes of Spider-Man #1

Jul 6, 2013

Overall Superior Foes Of Spider-Man's first issue was a lot of fun to read, which is something I dig about certain comics. The story is on point and the art is great. Fans of Spider-man will definitely enjoy this book, especially since the way it is written feels so familiar, but from the villain's point of view instead. I am definitely awaiting the next issue!

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #1

Jan 9, 2013

Overall I think Superior Spider-Man is going to make a great read and I am definitely excited to check out more issues as they come. We were all a little nervous as to how Slott would portray Octavius as Parker, but I think this book hits all the right notes and delivers something I was hoping for, a great story based on a great idea.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #13

Jul 13, 2013

Overall this is easily my favorite issue of Superior Spider-Man. This book hits on every single level, from the story to the action to the art; it is an all around winner. If you haven't been reading Superior I suggest that you go back two issues and then read the hell out of #13. I can't wait to see where this goes next, it seems like Ock has some huge plans in store for New York City.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #30

Mar 29, 2014

Overall this was a great issue which not only spotlighted the inner turmoil of an Ock who realizes that he was fooling himself into thinking he was Superior, but also was an eye opener for a Peter who has the capabilities to seize the world, figuratively of course. And gee-wilickers, how many of you got chills from the last page of Peter reaching for and donning the red and blue once again?! I got all warm and fuzzy inside. I cannot wait for the wrap up of Goblin Nation and onto the new Amazing title. Dan Slott, you are a Spider genius!4.5 out of 5 nerds

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Superior Spider-Man Team-Up #1

Jul 26, 2013

Overall, I wasn't too sure how to feel about this book when it was announced, especially since the last time Spidey teamed up with others back in Avenging Spider-Man, I wasn't too impressed, but Yost has put those fears to bed for me. You're not going to get a complex tale of intrigue here, but what you do get is a fun book with a pretty good premise and some great art. If you are a Spidey fan, I won't say it's a must not miss, but you will not be disappointed if you pick it up.

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Superior Spider-Man Team-Up #2

Aug 16, 2013

Overall this is a book that any Spidey fan should be reading. With a great story and art to boot it was already a winner, but add in the fact that this brings Peter and Ock's histories around again makes it an even more interesting read. If it weren't for the confusing action panels this issue would've scored a lot higher.

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Superman Unchained #1

Jun 12, 2013

Overall this was a great book and a great showing for the Man in Blue. The story Snyder lays out shows great promise going forward and the epilogue helped to draw me in even more. If you are like me and never really thought of giving a Superman a try than this is the book for you. If you love Superman and buy everything with his image on the cover than this is still the book for you.

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Talon #0

Sep 30, 2012

I have a feeling that going forward this book will put Calvin in the shoes of the reluctant hero. The guy who is just trying to stay hidden but through circumstances will find himself having to become the hero in a sort of Bruce Banner kind of way. I'm also holding high hopes for some adventures in or around Gotham which may have him cross paths with the Caped Crusader or even better with Nightwing as Grayson and his family have direct ties to the Court of Owls. I can say that I'm definitely excited to add Talon to my pull list.

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Talon #1

Oct 26, 2012

I very much liked the art and feel of this book as well. March's work hits all the great action notes and facial features that help to sell the script and ultimately overall story. This isn't the strongest of the DC New52 books to hit the shelves but I do see potential for great storytelling and character development here. I will definitely be keeping an eye on the future of this book.

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The Goon #43

Nov 23, 2012

The artistic style of the book was very nice as well. The art has a pulpy feel to it, which meshes well with the environment of the book. The Ossified Baby of Nuremberg looked particularly gross, which is always a good thing if that's what you're going for. When he starts to mutate I couldn't help but think this is what a baby would look if Jabba the Hutt had a kid with a human. Overall The Goon proved to be a good read and I am definitely glad that I decided to take a look at it. Though nothing blew me away here story wise, the humor alone made it worth the buy.

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The Walking Dead #109

Apr 11, 2013

Overall this was a pretty good issue, though light on action, the plot was moved forward quite nicely, its one of those issues that sets up a huge shocking issue to come, the calm before the storm so to speak. The art always shines in this book, and this issue was no exception. I really love the style it's done in, especially the facial work. The expressions always sell the gravity of any given situation more than the story itself does. Kirkman is super lucky to have found a great artist who has stuck. One problem with the art in many books, especially from the big two publishers, is a revolving door of artists and writers, leaving many books to be lost without a voice or clear direction. The Walking Dead never suffers from that problem, it is in fact one of the greatest books I have ever read.

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The Walking Dead #123

Mar 17, 2014

Overall not a whole lot happened here. Judging from the fact that it's issue 9 out of 12 for this arc and the battle has just begun tells me not a whole lot has been happening either. Hopefully as we move down the home stretch Kirkman will find that way to dazzle us. This issue does leave us with a small mystery. It was played up a bit beforehand. Now after reading it, it seemed a bit trivial to me. I hope that 1) We don't get jerked around over something that seemed so trivial and 2) There is real consequence for somebody on the other side of it. Plot and story arc need to really benefit from it or else it's a waste of time. Not a bad issue, but I wasn't bowled over or anything.

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Uncanny Avengers #2

Nov 30, 2012

I was highly pleased with all aspects of Uncanny Avengers #2 and I am definitely recommending that you go out and jump onto this train, because it's moving fast! Whether you are a fan of the Avengers or not, you will not be disappointed by this book. Everything here works and works well, from the story to the art. Do yourself a favor and pick this up, Remender and Cassaday are killing it people!

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Uncanny X-Force (2013) #3

Mar 29, 2013

Overall this is a great book so far with an interesting story to tell and some great art. If you were a fan of Remender's run, rest easy in the fact that Humphries is proving to be more than up to the task.

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Wolverine MAX #1

Oct 28, 2012

At least if the story is bad maybe the book can redeem it's self with some killer art right? Sadly I didn't get that either. In fact I got the opposite of that here. The art was horrible. If you've read any of the First X-Men run then you know what to expect. In fact some of the panels look as if some kid who is just discovering his love of comic art drew them. The art is lacking details in many places looking like bare bones outlines. I seriously could not find one redeeming quality in this book. I only chose to write up to either share the hate with my fellow comic readers or to help save some poor bloke's $3.99. yes that's right, Marvel had the nerve to slap this short book with a $3.99 price tag. My son received a comic with better art and a better story about super hero cows , for free, with his kids meal from a fast food joint. Shame on you Marvel. The good news is this will make it easier for the guy in our graphics department who inserts the nerds in our rating system.

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X-Men (2013) #1

May 31, 2013

MarvelNOW! has seen a ton of new X-books hit the shelves and it starts to feel like a chore to keep up with them all, but this is definitely a book that is not to missed. If this first issue is any indication then it looks like we will be getting a fun and exciting series.

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X-Termination #1

Mar 20, 2013

Overall this was a pretty good issue with some exciting set ups for what looks like a great story to come. Some of the art and facial expressions could use some more fine-tuning and detail, but I think this crossover event is headed in the right direction. Its going to take another issue or two to make a real call on it, but I see loads of great potential for some fun story telling and great action. My only other complaint, which isn't really much of one, is the saturation of Wolverine. The guy is in damn near every book MarvelNOW! is pushing, including three of his own. I love Wolverine so I'm not mad about it, but give a mutant a break already.

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