Green Lantern #18

Event\Storyline: Wrath of the First Lantern Writer: Geoff Johns Artist: Doug Mahnke, Christian Alamy Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: March 6, 2013 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 18 User Reviews: 16
7.5Critic Rating
8.6User Rating

The epic, universe-shattering "WRATH OF THE FIRST LANTERN" continues! Don't miss the shocking fates of Hal Jordan and Sinestro! And the First Lantern continues his cosmic life experiments, but with a great cost to the Corps.

  • 9.6
    SciFiPulse - Patrick Hayes Mar 10, 2013

    I'm so happy to say, after several months, this is a great comic! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    ComicBuzz - Graeme O'Brien Mar 28, 2013

    Not much can be said about this issue that hasnt been said about the series as a whole already; exceptional, interesting and definitely enjoyable. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comic Book Bin - Alexander Jones Mar 8, 2013

    This issue of Green Lantern was very effective in setting up the endgame of the series and still remaining interesting. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Blue Raven Comics - Eric Scroggs Mar 8, 2013

    I can't really find much to complain about here. It's Geoff Johns, who automatically elevates this book to an above average read. What can I say? The guy's a master storyteller and it looks like he's delivering on all expectations of giving the fans who have stuck with him all these years an exciting conclusion to his run, as this story appears to be returning Hal Jordan to his former glory. A perfect way to bring things full circle. 8.5/10 Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Mar 6, 2013

    Looking back at Geoff Johns' recent issues and the seeds and hints he's planted, the anticipation continues to build as you turn each page. As a Wrath of the First Lantern story, because it focuses more on Hal, Simon and Sinestro, we don't get the elements that I personally didn't care for in last month's GREEN LANTERN titles. The art is by Szymon Kudranski, which is a nice fit since the characters are in the Dead Zone. Kudranski does a great job depicting the mood and setting for the issue. Because we have the first meeting between Baz and the others, there is a bit more talking and less action. It could just be we've been getting spoiled lately. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    One Quest - Chris Cobb Mar 8, 2013

    This has been the first issue of Green Lantern in months that I've enjoyed from start to finish. I liked that Simon was in the dead zone with Hal and Sinestro, and there interactions were exactly what you expect. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Blog Of Oa - Myron Rumsey Mar 13, 2013

    Green Lantern #18 does a great job of positioning Sinestro and Hal Jordan for their final run in the Johns era. Hal is put in a unique position that should really challenge him as a character over the next couple of issues. This issue has a little bit of everything to offer the reader and gets four out of five lanterns. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Mar 9, 2013

    This was a strong issue bothered by some murky art. There's a dark, shadowy painted style to the Land of the Dead, and at times it was really hard to understand who was speaking or what was happening. That was just the nature of the art. It didn't help that we'd get the occasional bright, colorful page interspersed in all the darkness. The differing art styles were really jarring when placed up against one another. Sinestro also seems to have reverted to an earlier, jerkier personality. And Simon is really nerfed in favor of Hal. Simon quickly subverts to Hal being in charge and willfully offers to stay in the Land of the freakin' Dead if it means Hal can escape and go save the world. Still, it's a strong Hal issue, with a very haunting cliffhanger. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Den Of Geek! - Marc Buxton Mar 9, 2013

    Valthoom doesn't appear much this issue, but his presence gives the issue a feeling of impending doom. If one is reading Green Lantern Corps, one will remember what Valthoom did to Guy Gardner, which makes the coming conflict with Sinestro or Hal that much more anticipated. This is a great example of a crossover where every issue stands strongly on its own, but also enhances the story if read as a whole. As suspected, Johns will go out with a bang. The lingering question is, how many of his beloved characters will survive the writer's exit? Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Read Comic Books - Derek Baker Mar 6, 2013

    Geoff Johns keeps giving us reasons to mourn his departure. Although the art is a bit of a hiccup, this comic is still an enjoyable read. The trio of Simon, Hal and Sinestro is superhero comic gold. Thanks to Geoff Johns for making it so. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Following The Nerd - Christopher Williams Mar 8, 2013

    Overall this was one of the best Green Lantern comics we got since Hal was cast away, and that's because we finally got Jordan back in a way. Though the art wasn't as strong as it normally is, the story more than makes up for it. Read Full Review

  • 7.7
    J.DubComics - J.DubComics Mar 7, 2013

    The score I am giving it may seem a bit low considering all the praise I have just given it, however I do feel that there does need to be a change. This book has gone right down the list of priorities with Johns; even though the issues remain consistently solid, I do think that they could be of higher quality like a lot of the issues in this current run. One thing is is for sure though; Johns is not going to go out quietly. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    The Comic Book Revue - Jay Mattson Mar 10, 2013

    Green Lantern #18 is a great issue when it's focused on Hal, Sinestro, and Simon. While Johns does take some minor detours that feel underwhelming, the overall experience is pleasant. Szymon Kudranski's art is spectacular and fits with the Dead Zone backdrop perfectly. Is it a coincidence that Hal seems to look a lot like Geoff Johns himself? "Wrath of the First Lantern" is a mixed bag when it comes to quality. I wasn't impressed with the first four issues of the crossover and GL #18 doesn't even feature the eponymous Lantern. As an actual story, it's nothing to shake a stick at, but the effects of the First Lantern's existence are causing all sorts of indirect results that are far more interesting than yet another emotional spectrum conflict. Read Full Review

  • 7.4
    IGN - Joshua Yehl Mar 6, 2013

    With DC dishing out death like cups of water at a marathon with the likes of Batman Incorporated and Animal Man, Green Lantern also joins the macabre club by dealing with similar material. Things are definitely grim, but Johns still works in a few humorous moments thanks to Sinestro, the Darth Vader of his epic saga. Only instead of dying 10 minutes after rejoining the good side, we get to see Sinestro try to right all of the wrongs he did as a bonafide villain. With a turn of fortune in this chapter, we may get to see Sinestro's truly defining moment before this story's end. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Population Go - Population Go Staff Mar 11, 2013

    As with Rise of the Third Army beforehand, it seems that this title is just as consistent as always but is held back by a nagging feeling that the crossover is pointless as the story it was telling beforehand continues on without any reference to the overall plot. As a result, Green Lantern is still one of the better books on the stands, but a higher rating is out of its reach for now. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Minhquan Nguyen Mar 7, 2013

    An issue that gets some necessary work done, but doesn't provide much in the way of thrills. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli Mar 9, 2013

    Green Lantern is a book at the crossroads. It's struggling to tell fast paced and memorable stories but it teases a big ending to Johns run on the title with epic banners. I'm not sure when, if or how this book is going to pick up again, but judging this particular issue you have a very average and forgettable comic book. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Mar 7, 2013

    Considering the big meeting between Simon Baz and Hal Jordan takes place this issue, it's kind of a shame that Green Lantern #18 is shackled with mismatched fill-in art. Simon Kudranski's moody monochromatic art doesn't quite fit the daring sci-fi nature of this book, and it clashes pretty strongly with the loose cartooniness of Ardian Syaf. The script also lacks focus, with Geoff Johns burdened with the greater subplot of Volthoom and the Hal/Sinestro dynamic (which got awfully sinister, awfully fast). Read Full Review

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