An epic, destiny-fueled adventure begins here with part one of WRATH OF THE FIRST LANTERN! The threat that first led to the formation of the Guardians of the Universe returnsand hes set his sights on the biggest and brightest of the Corps! Simon Baz comes face-to-face with his first supervillainBLACK HAND!as the First Lantern targets them both with life decimation. Plus: The ultimate fate of Hal Jordan and Sinestro is revealed!
As mentioned earlier, the art in this book is a real treat, as it features two great artists. Doug Mahnke handles Simon's part of the story, as he's done all along. The prologue, however, was rendered by Dan Jurgen's, whose classic style is reminiscent of George Perez and Jerry Ordway, the original artists of Crisis on Infinite Earths. While multiple artists usually bother me, I found the opposite to be true here, as it served the story well. We already know the history of the DC Universe and many fans have been fascinated by these particular events in DC history. This prologue teases us just enough to leave us wanting more. As for Mahnke's work, he continues to impress on this title. He's become one of Green Lantern's classic pencillers. To sum it all up, I really enjoyed this issue in every way. This is what comic books are all about, as it gives us exactly what I want: pure escapism. Read Full Review
An outstanding opening that leaves me wanting more! Read Full Review
After nine years I can only imagine that Geoff Johns has every intention of leaving GL on the highest note he's ever hit. Wrath starts off much better than Rise did and I can only hope that the final three issues of his run can maintain this quality of writing and art. And, Johns, before you leave , can you please tell us the last six New Laws in the Book of Oa? I've been waiting for a REALLY long time. Read Full Review
The Green Lantern franchise has continued to evolve into something rife with potential and incredible. Geoff Johns along with writers Pete Tomasi and Tony Bedard have made this side of the Green Lantern universe endlessly exciting. Artist Doug Mahnke has crafted very unique imagery that will stick with the franchise in this next evolution and for years to come Read Full Review
Simon Baz starts the story with a flavorful monologue that excellently encompasses his unique outlook on life from being a young Muslim all the way up to becoming a Green Lantern. The metaphor that Johns demonstrates here is some of the best writing he has put down on paper. The rest of Simon's part in this story is him reacting to the horrors of Black Hand and the space prison, further showing us more and more about his character. While the First Lantern attempts to steal the spotlight, Baz is still the number one reason to buy this book. Read Full Review
Green Lantern #17 doesn't launch the Wrath of the First Lantern with a roar out of the starting gates. No, instead it takes a bit more of a subtle approach, taking its time to set the stage for what I feel is going to be a tremendous conclusion by planting a seed or two and given them room to germinate. The end is coming all too soon and this issue is a great way to round third as Geoff Johns' run is heading for home. Four out of five lanterns. Read Full Review
You can't help but feel like all of Johns' work in this huge universe has been building to this one story, and thankfully,this is definitely a very solid start. The final page is huge (not to mention is a guaranteed laugh) and we can already tell the ramifications of The First Lantern's release will be even bigger.In case you missed the news,Robert VendittiandBilly Tanwill take over the title when Johns departs. Read Full Review
Already, you can feel nostalgia set in, knowing this issue brings you one month closer to Johns' departure. Still, it is only a solid expositional issue, with little action or major plot development to speak of. Read Full Review
I'm definitely intrigued by what we've learned so far about the secret history of the Guardians. So I think there's a lot Volthoom can teach us. Bit of trivia for you folks: The evil Green Lantern on Earth 3 got his power ring from a monk named Volthoom. So if you think that's a weird name, don't blame Johns. He simply plucked it from an older story to reuse. Clever guy, that Geoff Johns. Anyway, I think the First Lantern will prove to be a formidable threat for a big finale to Johns' run, and I definitely look forward to seeing where this goes. Plus, the more Simon Baz the better. I wish Johns had stayed on Green Lantern, if only to see more Baz. Read Full Review
Rise of the Third Army is done and dusted, and Wrath of the First Lantern is off to a swinging start. Johns looks set to make his final storyline on this book a worthy finale, striking the balance between Simon's quest and the overall Volthoom plot without drifting too far in one or the other's favour, which Rise didn't manage to do throughout its few issues. If you've somehow missed all nine years of Geoff Johns' run on Green Lantern, there's still time to jump on board and see it through to the end. Miss out, and it won't just be Volthoom's wrath you'll have to worry about, it'll be mine! Read Full Review
The first impression of Wrath of the First Lantern I get here is that this is going to neither be Johns' best arc or his worst. The worst was Rise of the Third Army, which was so underwhelming that I don't even feel right referring to it as a legit story arc. Volthoom's whole life constellation gimmick should make for an excellent way for Johns to say his goodbyes to these characters. Seriously. I can't be the only one looking forward to seeing Volthoom dig into Sinestro's. Read Full Review
"Green Lantern" #17 is an exciting start to "The Wrath of the First Lantern" storyline, but putting three chapters of this latest event out on the same day as several other significant books is going to stretch readers (and their dollars) thin. Those that find this issue will enjoy it and discover a dense tale that reaches back through Green Lantern history to an almost overwhelming amount, but those that have enjoyed Lantern tales at all prior to this issue will find a story that packs in excitement, adventure and plenty of intrigue in the most cosmic of ways. Read Full Review
Doug Mahnke and an army of inkers create a great looking issue. Baz's greenness (pardon the pun) to the Corps is evident in his eyes. As usual with Mahnke, the action flows very well, with every Lantern construct popping off the page. The First Lantern has a great look to him. Black Hand is still the only Lantern enemy that I truly like, and that is due to Mahnke's creepy pencils. There is an aura of deadness to him, even when time shifts and we see him as a young guy. For the prologue, we have Dan Jurgens on breakdowns, and Phil Jimenez finishing up. The art looks identical to Jimenez's work, to the point it is difficult to tell that Jurgens' actually broke down the scenes. It has a great, cheesy 80s quality too it, although I`m not sure if that was the intention. Read Full Review
The issues picks up after the events of Green Lantern Corps Annual (I think), and drops a reader right into it not knowing how the characters got there. This would probably be a decent issue if I knew what was going on, but having to make assumptions and guesses just isn't worth it. Read Full Review
Johns has a great idea for his final Green Lantern arc with the first Green Lantern concept. The issue is packed with non-essential subplots but that doesn't take away from the solid overall plot. This is a very average comic book. Hopefully the story threads will dovetail in future issues. Read Full Review