Batman Incorporated #6

Writer: Grant Morrison Artist: Chris Burnham Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: January 2, 2013 Critic Reviews: 16 User Reviews: 14
8.2Critic Rating
9.0User Rating

Bat-Robots versus Man-Bat armies as Leviathan takes control of Gotham City! Don’t miss the return of The Heretic!

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Jan 2, 2013

    BATMAN INCORPORATED continues to deliver the high octane action we expect from Grant Morrison and Chris Burnham. More and more we're seeing each Batman series gravitate towards their own distinct feel while maintaining some continuity. Having this subtle variety makes reading each title a different experience. We all know that Morrison's time on the series is limited and even though the fight with Talia has been going on for a while, you can feel it's all about to explode. There's no saying what Morrison has planned next and having Burnham's art to tell his stories is a great treat. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Gotham Spoilers - Gotham Spoilers Jan 2, 2013

    The Is this volume of Batman Incorporated the most accessible book? To an extent, no. One could jump on and get some enjoyment out of it, but having all the knowledge of Batman & Son on makes this title that much better. I love a lot of what's going on in Gotham at the moment, but no other book is building up as much hype as this one. I cannot wait to get to the pay off of this story, and this issue is really where some of the pieces start to fall into place. If you really haven't invested yourself in the Morrison Bat epic, and are reading this book and not "getting it" entirely, you're just doing it wrong. Read it all, it's entirely worth it, and with it, this book gets on a whole new level of craziness.  Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Minhquan Nguyen Jan 4, 2013

    In many ways, you have to earn your own reward from a Morrison script. On the plus side, this one's a real doozy, and what you get out of it, should you try, is equally rich. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Following The Nerd - Christopher Williams Jan 3, 2013

    Overall Batman Inc. #6 is an action romp that pushes the story and the art to exciting places that I am more than happy to go to. These last few issues of Batman Inc. have been incredible, with the Death of the Family going on in the main Bat books and with Snyder's awesome work on Batman, I feel like Batman Inc. has been living in the shadows of the other Bat books, but make no mistake, Inc. has carved out a story that could stand with the great work Snyder and company of done with Batman. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Imagination Centre - John McCubbin Jul 17, 2013

    This was a brilliant issue, and one of the best in the series so far. I would highly recommend both this issue, and the entire series (but if you've read the previous series skip issue #0, as it's a retelling of Batman Inc.'s formation, and quality wise, far from the normal standard). I am extremely looking forward to the next issue, and hope that Morrison can keep up this standard for the remaining portion of his run on this series. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Read Comic Books - Cody Mudge Jan 3, 2013

    This is easily my favourite run on the character, it has fully examined BatmanandBruce Wayne, featured more than just one-off stories again and again, has featured a great cast of unique characters,and takes Batman a step further than any other series, growing the characterand changing him, making him feel like an actual person.When it comes to Batman I prefer my stories to be the exact opposite of “run-of-the-mill” and Morrison has provided that throughout his entire run, if you're like me, then over the next year,you want to keepan eye onhow the craziness ends. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Batman-News - Andrew Asberry Jan 2, 2013

    Besides those complaints I thoroughly enjoyed this issue. It's a breath of fresh air honestly after reading all of these repetitive Death of the Family books. And if you're a long time fan of Morrison's Batman run you will not only enjoy all the action, character cameos, and creative page layouts but you'll also get a little emotional. I've always had a love/hate relationship with Morrison's run so the “big moment” that happens her Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    A Comic Book Blog - Hamilton Ortiz Jan 3, 2013

    The series continues to be an interesting one with this being possibly Grant Morrison's last run with Batman I am thinking things might end with a major bang. If a great story isn't enough to talk you into checking out the series then Chris Burnham's art might just do the trick for you. This isn't the best jumping on point for new readers so I would advise you to pick up the previous two issue to bring you up to speed. It's well worth the hustling if you're looking for something different from Scott Snyder's Batman run. Read Full Review

  • 8.3
    IGN - Benjamin Bailey Jan 2, 2013

    The art in this issue is good, if a bit inconsistent. The credits list Andres Guinaldo as providing additional art pages. It's not entirely clear what this means, but it's very obvious something changes during those pages. Chris Burnham's heavily detailed, scratchy art style suddenly becomes smooth. Maybe it's because Burnham didn't draw these pages at all or perhaps Guinaldo merely provided inks? Whatever the case, it's a bit odd that the look of the book suddenly shifts for about three pages and then returns to normal. It's not bad looking, but it's noticeable. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Are Not Dead - Comics Are Not Dead Jan 2, 2013

    Batman Inc #6 was a very interesting issue. I think it's one of the best books this week, and I'm excited to see what happens next. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Blue Raven Comics - Justin Barnes Jan 8, 2013

    Not the best of Batman Incorporated so far; however, this is still far from a filler issue. There are some good moments that appear to be the building blocks of something bigger that is on the horizon in the following issues. If you haven't been reading this book, I would recommend giving this a shot. I'm sure there is no other Batman book out there that even comes close to this one. I give it an 8/10. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Population Go - Population Go Staff Jan 3, 2013

    Aside from my disappointment in the story that the identity of The Heretic wasn't revealed, and the fact that a random four pages in the middle of the issue featured art from another artist aside from Burnham, this was another strong installment of Batman Incorporated that is sure to lead us forth towards the title's and Morrison's run's epic conclusion. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Multiversity Comics - Zach Wilkerson Jan 4, 2013

    It's becoming abundantly clear that a current day Morrison story is best read in its completed form, rather than the episodic nature of monthly comics. As seen in recent issues of “Action Comics,” every single issue he pens acts to build the overall story, no matter how uneventful or irrelevant it may seem on its own. While issue #6 of “Batman Incorporated” is likely a necessary piece of the complete puzzle, it doesn't hold up well as a singular entity. The return of the Heretic (a character who bears striking similarities to Bane in The Dark Knight Rises) teases promising things to come as the stakes continue to raise to unbearable levels. However, with only six issues left, Morrison is going to have to give more than nods and teases for this saga to reach a satisfying conclusion. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Jan 3, 2013

    There's little wrong with Morrison unraveling the mystery behind Leviathan " with lethal results " but there is an energy lacking that keeps this comic from its usual lofty heights. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Jan 5, 2013

    And c'mon, Alfred the cat? Are you kidding me? Either Morrison is writing some kind of riff on the very idea of super-pets, or he's making fun of somebody. And I fear he's either making fun of us fans for whatever reason, or he's making fun of Peter Tomasi, who introduced a new bat dog named Titus when he took over the series Batman and Robin from Morrison. The Bat-Cow joke has definitely stopped being funny, and now in the middle of a city-wide crisis, Alfred reveals that he went and bought Damian a cat, and then Damian turns right around and names is ‘Alfred'? Ridiculous. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Jan 4, 2013

    The battle between Batman Inc. and Leviathan continues to ramp up in Batman Incorporated #6. Grant Morrison continues to move all the chess pieces he has been using since the beginning of his Batman run and moving them closer to his grand finale. Talia and Leviathan have taken this war against Batman to the next level as they have caused a revolution to happen in Gotham City and broken Batman Inc. Hopefully the ending will live up to all this build-up. Read Full Review

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