Justin Barnes's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Blue Raven Comics Reviews: 31
8.2Avg. Review Rating

Action Comics (2011) #0

Sep 13, 2012

I thought this issue was not one of Morrison's best of the series. While there are some dots that are connected, much of what was added to the story was unnecessary.

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Action Comics (2011) #13

Oct 5, 2012

It would have been great to have more than just the brief cameos from the criminals in the Phantom Zone. Had the backup story been axed and the main feature were extended; the story would have been better. The backup story is the origin of Krypto along with how he has always been apart Clark's life, in spirit, while he was trapped in the Phantom Zone. It is also worth mentioning how much Krypto's look as changed throughout this series. This is one of those issue that can make you upset sad when you realise that Morrison is only going to be on Action Comics for a couple more months. Can't wait for next months issue. I give it an 8/10.

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Action Comics (2011) #15

Dec 8, 2012

The backup stories in the past few issues has been exceptionally well compared to the those at the beginning of this series. This backup feature from Sholly Fisch is must read material. Once again he is working with artist Chris Sprouse to tell the origin Mxyzptlk. This story fits so well with the main title, at first, I didn't realise that there was a change in the stories. Sprouse's pencils combined with colourist Jordie Bellaire deliver great artwork. The bright colours and crisp lines make the perfectly suited style for the 5th dimension world. It's good to read superhero stories that do not have to be excessively dark and violent to be successful. Morrison is showing us how superheroes can just be fun and entertaining. Overall I have to give this issue a 10/10. Morrison have been doing such fantastic job with this series. Every issue keeps getting better than the last; I can't wait for the next issue.

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Action Comics (2011) #16

Jan 21, 2013

Overall, this is another solid issue from Morrison this month. I'm excited to see the finale of Superman versus Vyndktvx, and how will Mr. Mxyzptlk play into everything

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Action Comics (2011) #17

Mar 4, 2013

The backup story is another look into the relationship between Clark and his father Jonathan. Which really would not have been all that bad had it not been a similar scene in the main story. Overall, another good issue from Mr. Morrison still missing the flare that earlier issues had.

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Action Comics (2011) #18

Mar 20, 2013

Now that I have read this month to month I would likely recommend anyone to read this issue in trade or by issue back to back which is something I hear people say about almost all of Grant's work. Not everyone is going to consider this Action Comics series one of the best of all time, but still it was a fun read that kept my interested from month to month and has provided a huge stepping for more Superman stories in the future.

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Batman Incorporated (2012) #0

Sep 28, 2012

This was not at all a horrible comic by any means. This was a fun story with action and a little comedy. There was a lighter tone than the last issue. What I found interesting was the unveiling of the vision of the future that Bruce saw while he was stuck in time that was first mentioned after the defeat of Dr. Hurt.

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Batman Incorporated (2012) #3

Aug 26, 2012

As I was reading, I first thought that this was the best Batman Inc. issue so far. But, then I realised that this is only the third issue of this series. The two-month delay was the only negative thing about this book. The reason why was understandable because there was a scene with a teacher pointing a gun at her students. And I understand how it wouldn't have been a good idea to release this issue too soon after the Colorado incident. But, I couldn't help think about how many other DC comics, Batman titles included that depicted the use of guns that have been released and didn't delayed. Overall, I give this issue a 9/10. Although Scott Snyder's Batman has been the most popular Batman comic thus far, this month Batman Inc. has become arguably the best Batman book out now.

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Batman Incorporated (2012) #4

Oct 26, 2012

Something else I noticed was the scene with Talia and the Heretic standing before a theater called the Monarch. In last years Batman Inc.: Leviathan Strikes, they're standing before the same theater. However, this time the sign says it will be opening in three days and will have a Zorro restaurant. In Batman's origin, Zorro was the film that he saw the night is parents were killed. Morrison is known from putting so much detail in his stories and I am curious to find out what he is planning. Next month, Morrison is going back to the apocalyptic world from Batman #666 where Damien is the Batman in the future. Which by the way was a really cool story. Really fun issue. I would recommend rereading issue #3 beforehand so everything is fresh in your mind.

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Batman Incorporated (2012) #5

Dec 1, 2012

There are questions answered Batman Inc. #5, but at the same time builds more and more anticipation of what's going to come next. Batman Inc. has become my favourite Batman comic out right now. Morrison and Burnham really delivered this month; I can only see this series getting better.

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Batman Incorporated (2012) #6

Jan 8, 2013

Not the best of Batman Incorporated so far; however, this is still far from a filler issue. There are some good moments that appear to be the building blocks of something bigger that is on the horizon in the following issues. If you haven't been reading this book, I would recommend giving this a shot. I'm sure there is no other Batman book out there that even comes close to this one. I give it an 8/10.

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Batman Incorporated (2012) #7

Jan 31, 2013

The actual art work was good, but some of the pages that he filled in for didn't have to be in the issue at all. The overall the art in this book solid and constantly good. Besides maybe Batman Inc. #0, this the worst of all issues of the new 52 Batman Incorporated. I do expect next issue to be more improved than this one. I believe in Grant Morrison.

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Batman Incorporated (2012) #8

Mar 3, 2013

Batman Inc. #8 was a great improvement from last month and was a good read. There wasn't a lot Batman in this issue like last month, however all the other characters and action were so well done I hardly noticed. Morrison has reached another climax in his seven year Batman story arc and I am not sure where he is going from here; I know I will be along for the ride.

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Batman Incorporated (2012) #9

Mar 30, 2013

With all that said, Morrison stills manages to pull out a half decent issue. Beryl takes on a new identity following the death of Knight. There is also a mentioning of a Lazarus Pit which winks back to Morrison's Batman and Robin run when Dick Grayson tried to resurrect Batman. My favourite scene of this issue was the panel hinting the return of the original Batwoman. The story here is a bit short because of the Action Comics preview, and the Chanel 52 feature so everything happens really fast. We have moved past Robins' death so now Grant Morrison can go back to delivering those admired Batman stories that have made his run special.

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Batman Incorporated (2012) #10

May 2, 2013

Morrison has really tailored Talia into a top tier Batman villain along the likes of the Joker, Two-Face, and Ra's al Ghul. Speaking of Ra's, if you have been wondering where he has been during Talia's reign of terror we finally get an answer here and it does come as a surprise. My only gripe is the Heretic, Damian's twin brother. They way Morrison has been depicting the character as whiny child is not appealing at all. I understand that he is a child in a man's body in the story, but I it is difficult to take the Heretic as a serious villain that he appeared to be earlier in Batman Inc. By the end of the story Morrison pulls out a crazy surprise that really strikes more interest in the upcoming finale.

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Fairy Quest: Outlaws #1

Feb 7, 2013

It's no surprise that I am giving this issue a 10/10. It's one of those stories that you get so involved that you forget that you are reading a comic. I would highly recommend this issue; I'm sure anyone will enjoy it.

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Fantastic Four (1998) #609

Aug 10, 2012

Although this issue is self-contained, the fate of the Defenders is still unknown. It will be interesting to see whether Hickman somehow revisits this story in the next two months. Next month's Fantastic Four will crossover with FF so that will likely begin the conclusion to Hickman's run coming this October. I give this 8/10.

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Fashion Beast #1

Sep 18, 2012

If you haven't been a fan of Alan Moore's most recent work, but loved his most famous work from the past I would recommend that you give this issue a shot. This story was written during the time as Swamp Thing, Watchmen so there's a good chance you will enjoy it. This issue was a good 7.5/10.

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Fashion Beast #6

Feb 8, 2013

If you come into this book expecting a Watchmen and V for Vendetta caliber story than you will likely be disappointed. But that doesn't mean that it isn't any good. I am actually glad that I stuck with this series and Fashion Beast #6 has really been a turning point for me. I have no idea where this story is going, except on my pull list permanently, and that intrigues me. I give this an 8/10.

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FF #21

Sep 4, 2012

All in all, this was not a terrible comic just not what I was expecting from Hickman right now.

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Steed and Mrs. Peel Vol. 2 #2

Nov 4, 2012

It is a tough task translating one form of media from another, but Waid and Monroe have been doing a fantastic job so far. It is little weird having to read a story or the course of several months versus running through an episode in about an hour; however, this is an advantage to the writers because they can slow things down and thoroughly put out better stories. I would recommend watching a couple of episodes for those not familiar to the series since there are many homages to the show that wouldn't be understood. But, if you are a fan of The Avengers or just looking for something different to read, I highly suggest that you give this book a shot. I give it an 8/10.

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Steed and Mrs. Peel Vol. 2 #3

Nov 27, 2012

For someone who almost stopped reading this comic after the first issue, I am really surprised at how much I have enjoyed it. I give this a 9/10. Steed and Mrs. Peel have certainly become series added to my pull list.

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Steed and Mrs. Peel Vol. 2 #4

Jan 25, 2013

The story took up all except two pages and still felt it wasn't long enough. Must be a sign that I enjoy this book. This issue is not a bad jumping on point for a new reader, however there are some references to the previous story arc, but is still a single issue story. With all that said, I give it a 7.5/10. It's not there yet, but this series has a lot of potential to be one of my favourite books this year.

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Steed and Mrs. Peel Vol. 2 #6

Mar 21, 2013

The reason this series has been successful is because none of the stories are very complicated are easy to read. I don't have to read an abundance of crossovers to get a complete story. All I have to do is read the book monthly and pay attention to the details. Great! With half of a year of Steed and Mrs. Peel stories I have been impressed with what Monroe and Liang has been able to put together and has really caught my interest.

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Steed and Mrs. Peel Vol. 2 #7

May 2, 2013

The story was short and really had a predictable ending; however, I still found myself enjoying it. What was the most enjoyable was noticing all the little details that Monroe puts in the story that reminds me of the television series. From Emma's colourful jumpsuits to Steed requesting that his tea is stirred anti-clockwise. Those details wouldn't mean much to a casual reader, but for someone who has watched the series they are fun to see. In the end, this was probably an issue I could have skipped. But, it doesn't matter since I still enjoyed it. 7/10.

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The Manhattan Projects #6

Sep 13, 2012

My interest has peaked again for this issue, and I certainly look forward to how the rest of this story plays out.

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The Manhattan Projects #7

Nov 3, 2012

Really a great issue. I give it a 9/10. Everything Hickman has been building so far is starting to take shape. If you are a Jonathan Hickman fan, or looking for something outside of the uniform superhero genre you should for sure give this series a try.

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The Manhattan Projects #8

Jan 2, 2013

I don't mind violence in comics just as long as it feels as if it has a place. Von Braun was the star of this issue and really came off looking very strong even heroic towards the end. For a character, that the reader was supposed to despise earlier in the series I was really impressed with the evolution of the character in just this issue. What helped was that we finally learn is motivation for working with the worlds greatest minds. Once Hickman reveals his characters motivation, they instantly become a likeable. I have to give this a 9/10. I'm really looking forward to another year of the Manhattan Projects.

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The Manhattan Projects #9

Feb 12, 2013

The end is so well done because it is the result of the events from the previous events of the past eight issues and seems like a logical step for the story to take. The cliffhanger gives the impression of a conclusion, but you still know there is a lot more of this story to be told. Hickman has been so unpredictable so far and that is what has made this series great. Every turn of the page you have no idea what's going to jump out at you. How is he going to incorporate the Kennedy Assassination and will the American-Soviet alliance really coexist? Good art, good story, I give this issue a 9/10.

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The Manhattan Projects #10

Mar 12, 2013

In the end, Hickman produces another solid and surreal story that only he knows how. Every time I think he has reached an apex of craziness he builds another ladder.

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The Manhattan Projects #11

May 7, 2013

There is nothing out there on the shelf that is like Manhattan Projects today and is no surprise why it has been nominated for an Eisner award for best continuing series. The key to this series for the past year has been its consistency of the quality of storytelling with such a diverse cast of characters. When the Manhattan Projects is all over I think it will be considered one of Hickman's best pieces of work.

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