Action Comics #17

Writer: Grant Morrison Artist: Rags Morales, Brad Walker Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: February 20, 2013 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 15 User Reviews: 19
6.9Critic Rating
8.3User Rating

In the penultimate chapter to writer Grant Morrison's critically acclaimed run, the Man of Steel faces one of his greatest opponents yet and prepares for a battle that spans not only time and space but imagination itself!

  • 9.0
    PopMatters - Jay Mattson Feb 24, 2013

    Action #17 is the penultimate chapter of Grant Morrison's sprawling tale that chronicles Superman's early days. It's a simple premise that has turned out to be one of the most insightful and pragmatic visions of the Man of Steel since All-Star Superman, which also happened to be written by Morrison. In a way many other writers can only dream of coming close to achieving, Morrison is able to break open characters and find truth under the mask, both narratively and philosophically. For Clark Kent, that truth lies in Superman being the cause of his life's tragedies"his own actions caused the tragedies that shape him into the hero he becomes. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Feb 25, 2013

    It's great to see the Man of Steel being treated with intelligence and imagination. He should be the greatest hero in comics - and for the past year-and-a-half, he's earned the title. Read Full Review

  • 8.9
    A Comic Book Blog - Phillip Carson Feb 22, 2013

    Well, it looks like we've still got one more issue to go before we see how this all winds up. I'm glad Morrison managed to tie up all the loose ends here, which leaves the next issue free for fighting and magic and what-have-you. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Supergirl Comic Box Commentary - Anj Feb 26, 2013

    But somehow having things explained to me by Vyndktvx sort of dulled some of the Morrison magic here. I still think that this will end up being one of my favorite long arcs for the character. And I do think the finale is going to be great. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Den Of Geek! - Marc Buxton Feb 22, 2013

    The thematic idea of the Kents' inspiration to the future is further echoed in Sholly Fisch's back-up. Fisch relates the moments before Clark's senior prom, the last moment Clark and his parents will ever share together, and a visit from future Superman, who will have Jonathan's lessons reiterated during the moments of Superman's greatest test. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Outer Realm Comics - thefrozenreptile Mar 3, 2013

    I like this story; I really do. I just wish that maybe I would have waited until I had all parts of it before I read it, as I have found myself having to pull out last month's issue to refresh my memory of events. I really recommend that if you don't have Action Issues 15 and 16, that you get a trade for this storyline (if they issue one) because it will be a very good purchase. Read Full Review

  • 7.9
    Multiversity Comics - Vince Ostrowski Feb 21, 2013

    Okay, so Morrison needed an additional issue to finish his story up. It won't be over until “Action Comics” #18, but with his run clearly coming to a planned end you want to start seeing these threads coming together and they definitely do. It's clear why he needed an extra issue and that in and of itself is equal parts the joy and the frustration that characterizes this run. The inconsistent art doesn't help either. Read Full Review

  • 7.7
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Feb 20, 2013

    The backup feature this month ranks among the better efforts from Sholly Fisch. Part of this is thanks to artist Chris Sprouse, who takes to Superman like a fish to water. But the script is heartfelt in its own right as it explores the last meeting between Clark and his father. The time travel aspect makes it a bit redundant in light of Morrison's All-Star Superman #6, but it works well nonetheless. The only problem? An editor's caption explains that the backup is meant to take place after Action Comics #18. Clearly the last-minute addition of that final chapter messed up the flow of the series, but couldn't this strip have been saved until then? Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Blue Raven Comics - Justin Barnes Mar 4, 2013

    The backup story is another look into the relationship between Clark and his father Jonathan. Which really would not have been all that bad had it not been a similar scene in the main story. Overall, another good issue from Mr. Morrison still missing the flare that earlier issues had. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Major Spoilers - Stephen Schleicher Feb 24, 2013

    Look, this issue is not a jumping on point. If you haven't been on the Grant Morrison/Action Comics ride from the beginning, none of this is going to make sense. However, there is an interesting story that is being told here, and the time shifts are important. As we reach the end, all of these random bits begin to make more sense, and hopefully it will all come together in the end" if there is an end" The process of spinning this tory is well done, and the art that looks at past events from different perspectives is fabulous. Action Comics #17 is worth picking up for those that made the commitment back at issue #1, but because the "final issue" continues to be pushed, I'm only giving this issue 3.5 out of 5 Stars. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    ComicBuzz - Graeme O'Brien Feb 25, 2013

    With yet another disappointing issue I can't wait to see what the new creative team has to offer in April. Although Grant Morrison's genius isn't shining through at the moment, Sholly Fisch's talent has certainly taken centre stage. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Minhquan Nguyen Feb 22, 2013

    The best thing that can be said about this issue is that it's an interesting experiment that doesn't quite pan out as anyone would hope. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Feb 21, 2013

    Morrison's run on "Action Comics" has had some real gems (including one in this storyline!), but it's just as often crashed and burned. I'm glad "Batman Incorporated" still has a few more issues to go, because hopefully Morrison can go out on a high note there. This issue, unfortunately, is mostly disappointing. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Heretical Jargon - Heretic Feb 22, 2013

    I think I'm done with Action Comics. My money can be better spent with titles that aren't tripping out on drugs and trying way to hard to be meaningful. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Comics: The Gathering - Andrew Sadowski Feb 22, 2013

    However, the back-up feature by Sholly Fisch is the best part of the issue, as it has been with every previous installment of the series. Fisch's story is set on Clark's prom night and features a very real feeling interaction between Clark Kent and his father. There's a really nice twist to it that you'll have to see for yourself, one that can excite you for the next issue. It's beyond me why Fisch won't be graduating to the main writer of the book come Morrison's departure, as he has an amazing handle on Superman and humanizes him in a great way. His characterization is young and brash with a sense of trepidation but without making Superman seem immensely immature. Fisch's character work with the series has a lot of heart to it, and I think I'll be more sad to see him go than Morrison. Read Full Review

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