When thirteen satellites fall from the sky in one day, the logical suspect is Lex Luthor-even though he's still locked up in prison! But a stranger question remains: If Superman didn't stop the last satellite from falling, who did? There's an mystery hidden where even Superman can't see it-Can The Man of Steel drag a decades-old secret into the light? Don't miss the debut of this red-hot new series from two of comics' brightest superstars: SCOTT SNYDER and JIM LEE!
Snyder and Lee lived up to the hype and then some. Superman Unchained is a great start to what looks like a big and bold story. The only drawback is the $4.99 price tag, but it's really worth it to see the innovative poster Lee has drawn. Unchained #2 has a lot to live up to. Read Full Review
Even with the odd spread, it's a fantastic book. Everyone knows Superman, so there is no excuse to not pick up the book. Jump on it, people. Read Full Review
Is it any surprise this book is a home run? DC went all out when it came time to set up the creative team for this book. Scott Snyder has already won us over with his writing on BATMAN. Superman is a completely different character. The fact that we get a detailed view of his inner thoughts immediately gives the book a different feel. Jim Lee, Scott Williams and Alex Sinclair make this an extremely gorgeous book. This isn't an issue you'll want to zip through. You will want to carefully look over each page and panel to take in all the art as well as carefully digest the mystery pouring over the pages. The addition of an epilogue by Snyder and Dustin Nguyen is like getting dessert after a great meal. This is what I want from a Superman comic. The only problem I had with book this is I want more. Read Full Review
This was an epic start to what will hopefully be a fantastic series. It had everything from action, to mystery, with even a bit of fun, and humour. All this along with the introduction of a mysterious blue creature made this a very memorable opening issue, and I for one can't wait to see how Snyder, and Lee will continue this. Due to all this I'd highly recommend this to anyone, as although there have been a few good Superman stories in the New 52, we've finally got the Superman series we deserve. Read Full Review
After the shocking beginning of this comic and then seeing the lead up to the final page, as a cohesive package Superman Unchained cannot be beat. There's even a short backup at the end drawn by Dustin Nguyen that opens up the door for many other possibilities to come in this series. Superman Unchained is just an amazing book for the new and old Superman fans out there. Disgruntled DC fans unhappy with his direction in the New 52, I'm not joking here, go give Superman Unchained a read. I was dissatisfied myself at times with Superman's development and this has me excited about Superman in a way I haven't been in a longtime. Welcome back to my pull list Superman, and to Scott Snyder and Jim Lee, you have won me over with Superman Unchained. Read Full Review
Snyder and Lee have started off Unchained with style. The comic is worth the $4.99, not because of the poster, but because these two comic greats have started something exciting for Superman. If the art and the writing stay at this level, Superman Unchainedwill be what the variants signaleda new great era for Superman. Read Full Review
Beautiful artwork, a look at the making, and just the pure respect between writer and artist is enough for me to say this is spectacular. Read Full Review
Snyder and Lee hit a home run here, there’s really no other way to put it. I look forward to the next installment, and I’m already upset that this book won’t be shipping in September. Read Full Review
Superman Unchained #1 is what readers have been waiting for: a true flagship title for the Man of Steel. Scott Snyder so fantastically taps into what makes Superman great that I actually found myself disappointed that the issue was over and that there wasn't any more to read. If Snyder can do with Superman what he's done with Batman in terms of overall character development, Superman Unchained is set to be one of the best series of the 'New 52.' Read Full Review
Superman Unchained is essentially the book that we were hoping it would be. Scott Snyder writes a genuinely compelling Superman, who has a human and an alien side, while Jim Lee draws Supes to borderline perfection. This is already turning out to be one of the best books of the year. Its time to jump on the bandwagon. Read Full Review
Superman Unchained is a fantastic first issue, and I implore you to check it out if you haven't already. Snyder appears to have a good grip on all of the core characters of Superman's world, whilst also establishing an intriguing series of mysteries to entice the reader with in the first issue. Add to that the wonderful artwork, and there is honestly no reason you shouldn't pick up this issue. Except from the price, of course. Read Full Review
If a comics company want to generate interest in a character, it's always a good idea to turn him over to your top creators. Read Full Review
Nonetheless, this is the Superman that fans really wanted at the dawn of the New 52. It's not about what's different about the character or about what continuity is and isn't there; it's about the essence of the character, and everything that makes the Man of Steel great. Free from these distractions, this debut issue really is Superman unchained. Read Full Review
Superman Unchained is poised to bring a new layer of depth and excitement to the first superhero. Read Full Review
I always love it when Superman is given a new twist on his powers, or when we learn something new about Superman that we assumed wouldn't change. Superman, while not necessarily being unchained in the way the title means it, is something slightly new an refreshing. How often can we say that about multiple titles involving the same main hero? Batman, Spider-Man, and even Superman. All their respective titles don't hold up to the name. Superman Unchained does show potential in giving us a Superman title which has the potential of being very different from the other Super books. And I look forward to what this title, and Scott Snyder, can bring to the table. Read Full Review
This is a promising first issue in what will most likely be a strong first story arc. The twist at the end is made stronger by the gravitas in the first scene and sets up a story that might put Superman at odds with his country. I'm sure a lot of fans could use more Clark in their Superman comics than what is delivered here, but I'm okay with it. This is the big blockbuster Superman book that goes along with the movie and gives the reader everything they'd want after seeing that flick. It's not just big and dumb though, and has introduced a promising story everyone should enjoy. Read Full Review
I have tried for years to get into a Superman book and usually they are not my cup of tea mainly because they have been a bit boring. Superman has been and will always be an awesome character but like every other character in the comic world unless you find that right story line to pull you in then its a hard pill to swallow. Thankfully I am happy to report Lee and Snyder's Unchained definitely peaked my interest and its not because of the powerhouse team behind the book but because its an appealing opening plot that is layin down the ground work for somethig epic. Jim Lee's art work is still top 5 for me and with Unchained its no different. Very beautiful poses and details as always. Read Full Review
Another element that didn't quite work for me was the character revealed in the cliffhanger. Obviously, this person hasn't had any development time, so it's too soon to judge fully, but even at this point it seems all too familiar. I can't count how many characters of this type already exist, so unless Snyder has a profoundly new twist on the concept, it runs the risk of feeling redundant. But given how awesome the rest of this issue is, Snyder definitely gets the benefit of the doubt. Read Full Review
For a week full of Superman, this book was really good. Unsurprisingly, Snyder has done a great job with a huge twist in history (to a much greater degree than Court of Owls) and really sets the stage with what seems to be the prime conflict of the book. It gives fans a sense of what the title really hints to and that the book will be big on action. He also does a great job of checking off most of the classic Superman cast and addresses their status in the current New 52. Read Full Review
I don't know if Snyder's singular talents will be enough to make this new Superman interesting and well developed enough to right the Superman franchise of comic books at DC Comics, but with the new Man of Steel (2013) film doing well at the box office and re-igniting interest in the character, DC Comics better get on the ball. If anyone can right the Superman ship though, it is Scott Snyder, and I will definitely be back for each issue of Superman Unchained as long as he's writing it. Read Full Review
Superman Unchained #1 is well worth the price of admission. The artwork, so far, is loud, tremendously epic, and the characters are attractive. The scripts give Superman and Clark Kent intelligence to go along with the physical prowess, and the plotting has an industrial rhythm to it " a steady beat with urgency and push. Read Full Review
While due to some dull moments, it is not a grand slam by any means, the newly heralded dream team Scott Snyder and Jim Lee have set the standard for what a Superman comic book should be in 2013. Read Full Review
A very good start to a series that may, as its title suggests, finally allow Superman to break free from the conventions that have kept him grounded for so long. Read Full Review
Overall I thought this was a very good introductory issue. Take away the fussy fold-out and the standard 'Superman vs the Army' angle here and I would have been thrilled. Those things took just a smidge away from the experience. Otherwise, Snyder was able to capture the essence of Superman, Clark, and Lois. And the rescue scene with that internal monologue worked very well. And we have a great hook and cliffhanger to make me want more. Read Full Review
Decent. Some things are fun, others rote, while others overblown and unnecessary. I'll go one more issue, but not any more if it's going to be $3.99. Read Full Review
The last page reveal feels pretty left-field and contrived, but I can see how Snyder is trying to use an even bigger threat to further his humanization of Superman. Superman: Unchained #1 doesnt tackle the over-arching themes that define the character, but it delivered on a solid start for the new series. For new readers seeking a typical Superman action tale, this is for you. For a greater look at how Superman inspires, check out Adventures of Superman #1 that was released last month in print. Read Full Review
Superman Unchained #1 starts out as a promising personal journey for Superman, but it's a journey that feels grand in scope thanks to the art of Jim Lee. The only way to describe the art is that it's very, very Jim Lee. It's big, it's bold, and it's what fans expect from this modern master. Now, if you like Jim Lee, the art kicks 78 different types of ass. If you don't, then everything you dislike about Jim Lee is here, exaggerated anatomy, severely forced perspectives, and grandiose layouts. One thing is for sure, Jim Lee designed the new Superman look, and no one draws it quite as well as the man who created it. Superman Unchained #1 is a great ground floor title for a very exciting time for Superman fans. Read Full Review
I think Snyder really gets a nice flow going with his narrative, even while Superman is doing amazing things like catching a space station falling to earth he's still Clark Kent. Read Full Review
Now that Snyder has a hand in both of DC's biggest cookie jars, it's going to be hard not to compare his work here to his critically acclaimed “Batman.” While this debut isn't the grand slam that was “Batman” #1, “Superman Unchained,” pays homage to the character's long history and successfully captures several key ingredients necessary for a good, and potentially great, Superman story, something that has become a rarity of late. Read Full Review
Overall, while the price may be a bit steep, and that will definitely hold off many skeptical readers from experiencing this title, I do have to be mindful of this storys value in comparison to the many Superman stories of the past two years Ive paid $2.99 of $3.99 a shot for. Superman Unchained #1 has already given me a lot more confidence in the character and story future than 6 issues of any other recent Superman series has. By that measure, $4.99 remains quite the deal. Read Full Review
Overall this was a great book and a great showing for the Man in Blue. The story Snyder lays out shows great promise going forward and the epilogue helped to draw me in even more. If you are like me and never really thought of giving a Superman a try than this is the book for you. If you love Superman and buy everything with his image on the cover than this is still the book for you. Read Full Review
So, great pencils, colors, and formatting make this a fun read. And the fact that Snyder is going to do something that isn't Batman, Swamp Thing, or a creator-owned series has me intrigued. Can't wait for the next issue, which is the first time I've said that since the reboot. Read Full Review
I fully support DC trying to get their act together regarding Superman, but it boggles the mind why they're doing it this way. Read Full Review
Overall, the debut comic is fun and exciting. Though not perfect, it's a great introduction and debut that has me interested in coming back for the second issue to see what else they have. There's a lot here that celebrates the old and the new when it comes to the Last Son of Krypton, and that's exactly what he deserves celebrating 75 years. Read Full Review
Superman Unchained is a good read. I'm not sure where this book is going. Snyder gives an interview answer in the back that he is telling the one Superman story he wants to tell. Given that, it seems like the book will drift into greatness in no time. I recommend checking this comic out. Read Full Review
While Superman Unchained is yet to distinguish itself from the other Superman titles already available, an increasingly insurmountable task after 75 years worth of stories, Snyder is taking the slow-burn approach that ultimately paid off with his first arc of Batman. This is, after all, the first story of what we imagine to be a lengthy stand on the character. Yet in many ways this highlights the difficulties of telling a new Superman story within the confines of continuity, even one as recent as the New 52. To paraphrase another work with 'unchained' in the title, it has our curiosity, but it's yet to fully receive our attention. Read Full Review
Superman Unchained #1 is a disappointing, but entertaining read. The story is good, though it has its flaws, Jim Lee's art is hit or miss, but the back-up is pretty creepy, despite only being two pages long. Read Full Review
Superman Unchained #1 is a fun, intriguing addition to the Superman mythos This feels fresher and newer than what's current carrying the “S” on comics racks and more importantly, accessible. I came more for Superman but will be staying more for Superman's interactions with the greater world. Snyder and Lee's Superman is just a very good man. It took two years. I'm glad he's finally here. Read Full Review
Thinking about this issue, it's hard for me not to compare it to Scott Snyder's debut on Batman #1. That was my introduction to Snyder as a writer, and I still remember it vividly. Snyder and Greg Capullo made a familiar character feel fresh. Snyder introduced Gotham as a character in itself, exploring the city's relationship with Bruce Wayne. This gave his first story arc a through line which he would then masterfully subvert. Superman Unchained #1 doesn't have that same sense of a thesis. There's something going on about atom bombs and Lex Luthor is mean and Clark Kent is a blogger, but all this feels more perfunctory than personal. At my comic book shop, DC distributed free copies of All-Star Superman #1. DC did no favors to Superman Unchained by inviting comparisons to one of the best Superman stories ever. All-Star Superman #1 did everything with the character that Superman Unchained #1 doesn't; it delivered a unique, meaningful story epic in scope, rich in metaphor. Read Full Review
I felt the book was"good, but with the two talents involved and Scott and Jim's proven track record, I was expecting great. I'll be back for the remainder of this first storyline and believe that Snyder's story will come together nicely, it's just that for this first issue I'm not as excited as I thought I would be when the book was first announced. The timing is perfect for this book's release with the Man of Steel movie out this past weekend and this year's celebration of 75 years of Superman. I have no doubt that this creative team will deliver a great Superman story given time, I just hope they slow down a bit to do so. Read Full Review
I'd recommend this book to new readers, but there's a pretty big price tag. $4.99 for a comic is a lot, so I'd remenber to check your wallets before biting into this one. You might be better off saving $15 and buying a better book in collected form. Read Full Review
Superman Unchained has so much promise. Lee and Snyder have the draw, the clout, and the creativity to tell a wonderful Superman story, but somewhere along the way to Superman Unchained, they left it all in their wake. Again, this book isn't terrible, it's just not good. It's not particularly fun to read, it's not visually impressive, and it does little to reel in or define the nebulous entity that is the New 52's Superman. Rather than adding anything to Superman's mythos or striving to be the title that makes Superman as relevant in 2013 as he was in 1938, Superman Unchained simply disappears into the other Superman titles already on the shelf, hoping that a strong opening hook, and an obvious but philosophically dramatic cliffhanger will outweigh a lack of power or excitement in the rest of title launch. Read Full Review
This is clearly going to be DC's biggest seller while the other two Superman titles are destined to languish, but once Lee and Snyder are done here, it'll be Unchained that'll end up getting the axe, no doubt. This new launch is all about short-term gains rather than a long-term plan to shore up one of the two established Superman titles. Read Full Review