Josh Raj's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Nerds On The Rocks Reviews: 125
7.8Avg. Review Rating

Action Comics (2011) #23.2

Sep 11, 2013

Overall, the reader is allowed to see the world as Zod would have wanted you to see it. The issue ended on a perfect note with him being put into the Phantom Zone and Zod vowing his revenge. The way the monsters were all tied into the story was a great revel as well as the destruction of Krypton.

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Action Comics (2011) #25

Nov 6, 2013

Overall, if there was a panel that had Batman in it would have made it tie more to Zero Year. They did not have to necessarily meet, but could have been in the same area at the same time. That would have given this more of a tie to the story and allowed for a real Zero Year feel.

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Action Comics (2011) #28

Feb 5, 2014

Overall, Greg Pak is a rest new start for Superman and Action Comics. The last few months with him as the writer have really turned this book around and let Superman shine as the true hero he is as well as the other characters, even if Lana is not the most interesting character.

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All-New X-Men #12

Jun 7, 2013

While this issue was frustrating, it was quite enjoyable. The art and writing remain some of the best that Marvel has to offer. That aside how long can this series last before the Young X-men are returned to the past? Now that they learned what happened to the mutant race, how will affect them? Will Jean Grey be more sympathetic to present-day Cyclops? This issue proves how amazing the series is and every X-men fan should have it in their pull-list.

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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #700.1

Dec 4, 2013

Overall, this is an average story that is trying to sell some comics stating that Peter is back, but it is only for 5 issues. This story won't have an impact on the Spider-man canon but it is nice filler while waiting for Peter to eventually come back in Superior Spider-man.

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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #700.2

Dec 11, 2013

Overall, this is the end of the two part story that had a very heartfelt conclusion and featured Peter as Spider-man doing what needed to be done to save the people of New York before he saved his Aunt. Seeing Spider-man battle the elements was interesting and hearing Peter comment on the cold made it that much better. Overall, it was nice seeing Uncle Ben telling the real Peter Parker, “With Great Power, Comes Great Responsibility!”

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American Vampire: Second Cycle #1

Mar 19, 2014

Overall, American Vampire is back and better then ever. Snyder and Albuquerque have vowed to not take anymore breaks and to deliver the best story possible. So if you are a fan of American Vampire you are going to love that its back, if you are a new fan read this issue because it is the perfect jumping on point!

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American Vampire: The Long Road to Hell #1

Jun 12, 2013

We see the 50"s spring to life with Albuquerque's art, and he did a fantastic job. This is an oversized issue that tells a complete story and left me ready for the return of this series. The issue did not feel dragged out, the only downside I can think of is it being $7, as well as having to wait for the series to return. Overall, we get a love story about a new vampire couple on the run and it comes with plenty of blood and death.

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Animal Man (2011) #21

Jun 19, 2013

Overall, I like the direction this book is headed and Maxine seems to really be headed for an interesting story!

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Animal Man (2011) #22

Jul 17, 2013

Overall, this series seems to be shifting more and more away from Buddy and more toward his daughter. This is a cool take on things, I would like Buddy to remain and continue fighting crime with her doing more of what the Red expects of her.

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Animal Man (2011) #23

Aug 21, 2013

Overall, Animal Man #23 is another great issue in this ongoing story. We see this defeated Buddy who is unsure of everything, while his daughter continues to gain confidence and work toward her goal. The ending of this issue will have a lot of people wondering what will happen next. One thing is for sure, it is going to be a long two months until the new issue of Animal Man!

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Animal Man (2011) #24

Oct 16, 2013

Overall, Animal Man continues to pack an emotional punch month after month. The Baker family feels like a real family because it is not perfect and the struggles they face seem very real. Seeing Maxine continue to grow into the avatar of the Red is exciting as is Buddy trying to regain the trust of the Red.

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Animal Man (2011) #26

Dec 18, 2013

Overall, this issue could be the beginning of the end for Animal Man which ends in March. This issue showed us where Buddy is headed and while it will be sad to see a quality book go at least the story will be exciting and give the readers a quality conclusion.

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Animal Man (2011) #27

Jan 22, 2014

Overall, Animal Man is coming to an end, and this was a great set up to that conclusion. The bits with Buddy's wife was interesting, and the part at the end was very emotional. The battle between Buddy and Blood is going to be big, and so far it left a lot to be desired. There didn't seem to be enough with them both battling. Hopefully Animal Man goes out on top next month.

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Animal Man (2011) #28

Feb 19, 2014

Overall, Animal Man will be leaving on a high level next month regardless of where Buddy ends up. He proved he is the hero his family needed during this issue. Hopefully, Buddy can get the ending that every hero deserves.

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Animal Man (2011) #29

Mar 19, 2014

Overall, Animal Man was a must read each month and had so many great stories and really understood the raw emotional factor. This was a good close to a great series, but would have been nice to have some things answered like jumping forward a few years to see where are characters ended up. Good Night Animal Man.

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Animal Man (2011) Annual #2

Jul 31, 2013

Overall, Jeff Lemire has done a fantastic job with this character. Animal Man may seem like a D List character but the story has been so emotional and exciting. The art has vastly improved since rot world and added more to the overall story. The ending of this issue could have any reader in tears. A beautiful ending to the book.

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Aquaman (2011) #22

Jul 24, 2013

Overall, this was an action packed issue that had some of the best art I've seen in the Aquaman series so far. The amount of detail and color put into this issue made me stop and look at different panels for a while. If you are not reading this series I suggest you go and read all 22 issues, because you won't be disappointed.

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Aquaman (2011) #23

Aug 28, 2013

Overall, Aquaman #23 has some great moments, and it was a conclusion to a very good story. The conclusion needed time to really set in and allow the story to go one issue longer. We got an emotional scene with Mera and Aquaman which was nice to see. Also a shocking ending that will have the two month wait frustrating many readers.

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Aquaman (2011) #24

Oct 23, 2013

Overall, Aquaman #24 allows Geoff Johns to set the foundation in place for what is going to be a thrilling end to the Dead Kings story, while also allowing him to recreate the history of this character to fit the world he is creating. Aquaman has become a character that is worth reading thanks to Johns.

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Aquaman (2011) #25

Nov 27, 2013

Overall, this was an excellent ending to a great story. It wrapped up nicely while still leaving open more intense stories to come. With an exciting story and beautiful art it is hard to argue that this is not the best Aquaman issue in the new 52.

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Avengers (2012) #13

Jun 6, 2013

I really enjoy Hickman's writing since I've started reading his Marvel work with Secret Warriors. However, I've bee disappointed with Avengers (unlike New Avengers) that it's often been slow, filled with big ideas that are often not very well explained. However, this issue is the second of 2 part arc, with the help of Nick Spencer and Mike Dedato, that really humanizes Hyperion, the stoic Superman like figure that Hickman added at the beginning of the series. I have enjoyed that with the large team, Hickman has teamed up character like Thor, Hawkeye, Superior Spider-Man, Spider-Woman & Hyperion, which often provides more comedy than is expected.

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Batgirl (2011) #21

Jun 12, 2013

While Nightwing has mostly used new villains besides the Joker and a re-imagined Prankster, Batgirl has also mostly used new creations from the mind of Gail Simone. However, this is the 2nd part of two-parter that re-introduces the horrifying new Ventriloquist. Simone's story is so creepy and gross (in a good way) that characters, in fact, puke. However, after the climax of the story with her brother, it's a nice reminder that her world could be worse. The art is good but not great, but the story is so crazy and intense that the art in no way hurts the story. I also think the update to the Ventriloquist is something that will stand for a long time and I hope Simone tackles the character again soon.

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Batman (2011) #20

May 8, 2013

Overall, this is an issue that will probably be lost between the two major events of Death of the Family and Year Zero. I still think it worked well and enjoyed the story that was told. This is an issue to BUY!

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Batman (2011) #21

Jun 12, 2013

What occurs in this issue is something great. It is always tough to review the first issue in a new story arc but this seems to set up something excellent. I will at first it seemed very "wordy" at least more then a normal Snyder issue, but the artwork was beautiful and made gotham "pop". It was nice seeing gotham in the daylight for once, with Bruce wanting to save Gotham on his own. Things heated up toward the end with the reveal of the possible villain, which I remember reading in an article but the way he was presented still kind of shocked and had me excited.

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Batman (2011) #22

Jul 10, 2013

Overall, I am excited to see more of the Riddler and the riddles he creates. I will be interested to see the impact of Bruce being alive will have on Gotham, and how he will stop the Red Hood Gang. Capullo really understands how to draw this character and it is quite beautiful. I hope they keep “Batman” out of the story for a while so when he finally “suits up” there will be a ton of satisfaction.

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Batman (2011) #23

Aug 15, 2013

Overall, Batman #23 is still laying ground work for this story. There are plenty of unanswered questions, but each issue always leaves the reader satisfied. The focus this issue was more on the red hood gang, but we are beginning to see The Riddler has a bigger role yet to play. Snyder is really testing the will of Bruce before he becomes the hero we all love, and that makes for a very exciting story.

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Batman (2011) #24

Oct 9, 2013

Overall, Batman 24 is the best issue of Batman in the New 52. There are so many iconic moments and character driven dialogue that this will be remembered for a long time. The ending conversation between Bruce and Alfred was very fitting for this moment in the story. Alfred is probably one of the most important characters in the Batman universe and this issue really shows the reader why. Chapter one of Zero year is now over, but it was rewarding.

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Batman (2011) #25

Nov 13, 2013

Overall, Batman 25 keeps the Zero Year story at a high pace that this story will go down in Batman lore. Hopefully the Ridder comes back soon just to remind the reader that there is a larger force at play here and Batman has to worry about solving the biggest riddle of all.. Saving Gotham.

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Batman (2011) #26

Dec 11, 2013

Overall, Zero Year is a must read for any Batman fan. The art is stunning, the colors are great even if they are not dark like a normal Batman comic. There is just so much happening right night in Gotham, how will Batman walk away from this. The interactions with Gordon are great, mainly because we know where they end up. Batman #26 really does a fantastic job.

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Batman (2011) #27

Jan 22, 2014

Overall, Batman #27 was the perfect calm before the storm. It answered some questions and really allowed several characters to grow into the heroes they truly are. The hard part will be waiting two months for the finale to Zero Year.

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Batman (2011) Annual #2

Jul 31, 2013

Overall, Batman Annual #2 is a good issue if read on its own. The art is lacking without Capullo on this issue, but it isn't the worst art out there. Seeing Batman trying to keep Arkham safe and limiting the breakouts was interesting and fun. The villain was not a foe worthy of Batman but did have a few shining moments.

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Batman / Superman (2013) #2

Jul 24, 2013

Overall, Lee's art is what makes this comic worthy of a purchase, otherwise I might suggest getting it when a trade is released because the wait in-between issues does help an already confusing story. I hope DC finally will decide to do a recap page for some of their series.

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Batman and Robin (2011) #23.2

Sep 11, 2013

Overall, the reader is allowed to learn more about this still mysterious group. They were part of a great Batman story and should be allowed into the Batman Universe. This is building more foundation for them, while making them all the more interesting. The ending of the book is going to make readers want to start reading Talon to find out what is going to happen.

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Batman and Robin (2011) #24

Oct 16, 2013

Overall, this story could be interesting but nothing very excited happened other then the New 52"s origin of Two-Face. This is a Batman & Robin title and the lack of a Robin is really starting to take a toll on the book.

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Batman: Eternal #1

Apr 10, 2014

Overall, Batman Eternal #1 was an exciting start to the first weekly series of the New 52. It will take some time getting used to the extra focus on other characters as well as the much slower pace in the story. The first page of this issue set up what could be an exciting end to the series, the road there should be interesting, but rather slow.

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Constantine (2013) #4

Jun 15, 2013

Lemire and Fawkes may have been moving plot points forward in this issue but they managed to remind readers that John isa good guy and sneak in hints about the upcoming Trinity War. The death of Catwoman in Justice League of America issue 4 could be the start. Readers should jump onboard this comic because John Constantine will be involved in shaking up the DC universe this summer.

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Convergence: Green Lantern/Parallax #1

Apr 15, 2015

Overall, the Green Lantern issue of Convergence started off strong, but could have benefitted from a better villain toward the end. I would have been interested seeing Parallax Hal Jordan fight against someone else in the corps (Sinestro, New 52 Hal Jordan, or Abin Sur). A well written Hal, with some nice art, make me excited to see what happens next.

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Convergence: Speed Force #1

Apr 8, 2015

Overall, these stories will all be quick which makes it hard to get invested. It was nice to see Wally take the lead in this issue and hopefully the battle against Wonder Woman is exciting.

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Detective Comics (2011) #21

Jun 6, 2013

While I felt the art suffered in the issue, the story was strong for a batman book i feel has been lacking. We get the return of Harper Row, who helps save the day again. I am rooting more and more for her to become the next Robin. Overall, the art was lacking making Harper appear older, but the story was interesting, with a nice call back and the return of Harper Row!

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Detective Comics (2011) #22

Jul 3, 2013

Overall, we are not really told who is behind the mask, but there are hints. I hope this story goes on for a bit and allows time to build because it seems to be very interesting and have potential. Again the art was beautiful and I really enjoyed the prologue.

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Detective Comics (2011) #27

Jan 8, 2014

Overall, Detective Comics #27 (the issue that isn't worth a couple million dollars) is an enjoyable issue for any Batman fan. The $7.99 price tag may cause several people to avoid the issue, but still should be borrowed just to enjoy this special moment in Batman history. There are some very fun and exciting stories and well as some touching moments. Long Live Batman!

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Flash (2011) #29

Mar 26, 2014

Overall, The Flash #29 was another disappointment story wise, but continues to amaze with the art. A new creative team comes in next issue that has me very excited and I hope they are able to turn this series around and give the readers some interesting stories, while also keeping the art top notch.

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Flash (2011) #40

Mar 25, 2015

Overall, The Flash #40 was a fitting end to this story. A lot happened, which at times felt a bit overwhelming, and there was a big shock at the end. Fans of the series will be eager for the next issue, but we will have to wait two months for that to happen. If you have been following this series it is a must read, but if you haven't the issue will be out of place for you. The future for the Flash looks to be very interesting, if the DC Universe stays intact.

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Forever Evil: Arkham War #1

Oct 9, 2013

Overall, this has an interesting story that will excite a lot of Batman fans. The only problem is that with it being the first issue there isn't much to go on and how the story will pan out over the six issues. It is possible this issue could improve over time as the story goes on, and will read better in trade.

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Ghosted (2013) #2

Aug 15, 2013

Overall, Ghosted #2 continues laying the foundation of the first issue while allowing the readers imagination to grab hold. What makes this book work so well is that the reader has an idea where the story is headed but the journey is the fun part. I am really glad I stumbled upon this and look forward to getting a connection with these characters.

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Ghosted (2013) #6

Jan 15, 2014

Overall, Ghosted #6 was a great transition into the new storyline and had some truly chilling moments. Hopefully, we can see new characters added to the group, which was something that made the first story so entertaining. The near death experience will hopefully play a toll on Jackson and we get some more moments where he goes back to the mansion again.

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Ghosted (2013) #7

Feb 19, 2014

Overall, Ghosted #7 has plenty of shocking moments. Jackson seems to be stuck with no way out and Anderson said she will not save him. Is there another ghost who will save Jackson or will he enter the spirit world which was promised to be full of pain for him.

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Ghosted (2013) #8

Mar 18, 2014

Overall, Ghosted is a series that should keep bringing in new readers with its quality storytelling. Joshua Williamson has done a great job so far keeping things interesting, while also not revealing to much into Jackson's past. If he continues with this quality storytelling there is no reason Ghosted can't be around for years to come.

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Green Arrow (2011) #21

Jun 7, 2013

Green Arrow's story continues as he goes on the offensive to track down Komodo. Gone are the trick arrows, the millions of dollars to develop them and all of Queen Industries. Instead, Lemire and Sorrentino have given readers a Green Arrow they deserve.

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Green Arrow (2011) #24

Oct 2, 2013

Overall, this issue was one of the best so far in Lemire's run, and quality like this should be expected going forward. The end of the book is awesome with a certain character showing up at the perfect time. Next month is a Zero Year tie in so it should be interesting to see how that is handled.

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Green Arrow (2011) #27

Jan 8, 2014

Overall, Green Arrow 27 starts the new year off strong for the series. The story continues to improve month and month and the art is some of the best in the business. Where Oliver goes from here remains to be seen, how will he accept the fact that his father is alive and be the hero that he needs to be.

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Green Arrow (2011) #28

Feb 5, 2014

Overall, Green Arrow #28 keeps up the intensity that Lemire has bought to the book. With a story that keeps the reader wanting more and art that is dark and exciting, Green Lantern is a must read comic every month.

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Green Lantern (2011) #1

Feb 5, 2014

Overall, this is a steal with two comics in one. the reader is given a great story that has some consequences with the future of Earth. Anyone who has not been reading Red Lanterns might want to start picking it up after seeing what it is capable of in this double issue.

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Green Lantern (2011) #20

May 22, 2013

Overall, even with the $7.99 price tag Green Lantern #20 is a MUST buy. We get a lot of throw back memories for Geoff Johns run with the series and it is the perfect send off to what is now a major character in the DC Universe.

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Green Lantern (2011) #21

Jun 6, 2013

This is an impossible task of following such a long run by Johns. I enjoyed most of the issue, especially the flash-forward at the start, except for the part with Hal & Carol which seemed forced more than anything. I also am not a huge fan of Tan's art, and not sure if this issue hooked me the way I hoped it to. The beginning/ending teases were nice hooks for a new creative change/shift, but not sure how I felt about the still cryptic but wandering Guardians. I do enjoy that it seems the like before, the Lantern writers seems to be on the same page and coordinated well.

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Green Lantern (2011) #22

Jul 3, 2013

Overall, I liked the art more this time, probably do to more corps and colors popping. I really want to care for these new recruits but they just don't seem like Green Lantern Corps. I will be interested to see where the story goes given the escape at the end.

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Green Lantern (2011) #23.2

Sep 11, 2013

Overall, the Mongul issue was interesting but seemed to lack what really makes him a threat. The issue took place on Warworld but we weren't given any interesting battles and his backstory wasn't as interesting and as action packed as should be.

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Green Lantern (2011) #23.4

Sep 25, 2013

Overall, if readers were expecting a new Sinestro story they will leave disappointed. This is a recap of where the character currently stands and might set up for his return to the universe soon. It was a fun issue that would allow new fans to learn the tale of one of the best characters in the Green Lantern Universe.

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Green Lantern (2011) #24

Oct 2, 2013

Overall, this story has some interesting potential, which has started off strong. The art is Green Lantern worthy with a ton of colors making the story that much more. Whenever we get the “core” lanterns together to fight battle it is always rewarding to the reader and this is just another example of that.

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Green Lantern (2011) #26

Dec 4, 2013

Overall, the issue was just filler and doesn't really do much in moving the plot forward on how the Corps are going to be respected and strong again. There needs to be more focus and rebuilding the Green Lantern Corps and gaining the respect of the Universe.

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Green Lantern (2011) #27

Jan 8, 2014

Overall, Green Lantern #27 was a calmer issue even though it is setting up something big. There were several important things that happened but it also is a good jumping on point for anyone interesting in finding out what is going on in the world of Hal Jordan. Hopefully, the Green Lantern Corps can fix their brand and help save the universe again.

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Green Lantern (2011) #30

Apr 3, 2014

Overall, Venditti has been the perfect writer to take the corps closer to destruction then they have ever been. The story is now totally in his hands and this issue has been one of the best so far. The emotional beginning with the shocking conclusion is exactly what makes the Green Lantern Universe so fun and exciting.

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Green Lantern (2011) Annual #2

Oct 30, 2013

Overall, Lights Out was a great story; the end could have been a bit better. The Kyle story going forward will be very interesting. The art was beautiful again, as it usually is with any Green Lantern book. The interesting end with Hal having a question mark after reciting the oath could really hurt the Green Lantern Corps if their leader does fully believe.

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Green Lantern Corps (2011) #21

Jun 12, 2013

It was interesting to see things again on Oa in the aftermath of the first lantern, and I do like how these books will be connected but not mandatory reading. We see Hal send the message in Green Lantern and here we see the Corps receiving it, very cool. The art i enjoyed felt it was better then what I saw in Green Lantern #21 but still not as beautiful as the art in Green Lantern #20. The final few pages did pay off as we got to see these sort of "random" characters have the ring summon them to the Green Lantern corps. I will be interested to see these new character and how John will fair on his own for a bit.

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Green Lantern Corps (2011) #22

Jul 10, 2013

Overall, I like these new recruits and I hope we get more non action scenes with them. I wonder if John is going to inherit Kilowog's old job of training, which would be interesting. The whole story with the rings not working is also interesting and I'm looking forward to more John Stewart.

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Green Lantern Corps (2011) #23

Aug 15, 2013

Overall, Green Lantern Corps #23 had a lot going on. If this title can get more focused it could be the best Green lantern title going forward. The creative team seems to building toward something quite interesting. The end of this issue will have a lot of readers really excited for October to see what happens next.

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Green Lantern Corps (2011) #24

Oct 9, 2013

Overall, the issue keeps the story intense and the battle against Relic a real threat. Seeing John continue to have a central role in this book is a great change of pace. The art did not have the pop that is expected from Green Lantern books, but the final pages will make every Green Lantern fan gasp.

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Green Lantern Corps (2011) #25

Nov 13, 2013

Overall, Green Lantern Corps #25 was an excellent Zero Year tie in that depicted the Riots int Detroit well and really did a good job showing us the type of hero John really is. It was about the true herds in the world doing what is right and by that it shows why he now wields a Green Lantern power ring.

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Green Lantern Corps (2011) #26

Dec 11, 2013

Overall, this issue did a good job addressing a lot of issues that needed to be addressed and did it in a way that was engaging. The art really worked well and had a lot of realism especially when John and Hal had their “talk”. This book is about the Corps and this issue did a great job addressing the needs of the corps, lets hope that continues going forward.

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Green Lantern Corps (2011) #27

Jan 15, 2014

Overall, Green Lantern Corps #27 seemed to set up what is going to be an action packed annual issue. The new characters that were fighting along side John were interesting and hopefully we see more of them and learn about their history.

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Green Lantern Corps (2011) #28

Feb 12, 2014

Overall, Green Lantern Corps #28 took a step back from the focus on John and it really helped open up the universe a bit more. Hopefully they can keep focusing on other members of the corps and develop some of the new lanterns as well. The art continues to get better each and every issue and really adds to how impressive the book can be. The pieces for the war keep moving in place and the emergence of another foe will make things way more interesting for the lanterns.

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Green Lantern Corps (2011) Annual #2

Jan 29, 2014

Overall, Green Lantern Corps Annual 2 pulls all the pieces together and connects the events of Green Lantern with Green Lantern Corps. The Corps are in dire need to forces and the fact that they need to become allies with unlikely sources should make for an interesting story going forward. The Green Lanterns may trust someone today but can the trust them tomorrow?

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Green Lantern: New Guardians #21

Jun 19, 2013

Overall, the art was beautiful and this was the best story since Green Lantern #20, could use a few other details explained but fun none the less.

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Green Lantern: New Guardians #24

Oct 16, 2013

Overall, this issue doesn't do much to move the story very far forward, but it is a satisfying calm before the storm. Seeing Hal in control of the Corps continues to be exciting, while the interactions with the new guardians and Kyle keeps getting more interesting. Where Kyle and the new guardians end up after this story will be exciting.

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Green Lantern: New Guardians #26

Dec 18, 2013

Overall, Green Lantern New Guardians needs to establish itself apart from the other Green Lantern titles until a time when Kyle and the Guardians are needed, otherwise this just seems like the white lantern going off and saving different areas of the universe. If there is a bigger overall picture and direction then this book could become very interesting.

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Green Lantern: New Guardians #27

Jan 22, 2014

Overall, Green Lantern New Guardians #27 needs to move away from the “Freak of the Month” it has been doing lately. With such beautiful art it can be tough to see it hurt with a mediocre story. New guardians needs to find a path for Kyle that will allow him to live up to the potential he has.

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Green Lantern: New Guardians #28

Feb 19, 2014

Overall, Green Lantern: New Guardians #28 sets up for a new story which hopefully can bring something new to the table and stop dealing with the same type of stories we have seen the last several months. More background on the new guardians and what their overall motive would be nice as well.

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) #3

Jun 15, 2013

This issue may have looked great"especially the beautiful space shots" but if it doesn't maintain the action or give all characters enough panel-time than it's going lose the interest of many readers. At only issue 3, it's dangerous territory to have readers walk away feeling bored by what they just read. Many of which are new to this series. Marvel is clearly putting a lot of resources into making this a success so maybe this issue was a small misstep. Readers should give the next issue a shot before looking elsewhere to satisfy their interests in the "defenders of the galaxy" genre.

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Harley Quinn (2013) #0

Nov 20, 2013

Overall, the series could fail after this one issue but it wouldn't take away from the humor and enjoyment factor. The conversations between the writers and Harley were funny and the situations she ended up in lived up to the Harley standards. The art is where this book shines and really should be picked up for that alone.

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Invincible #108

Jan 29, 2014

Overall, this was the first issue of Invincible I have every read. With some quick Wikipedia research any reader could jump in at this point. I am sure the shock was greater for long time fans rather than someone like myself. A few of the panel layouts were cluttered, but the dialogue during those moments made them bearable.

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Justice League (2011) #24

Oct 23, 2013

Overall, Justice League #24 is the origin of Ultraman. We get to see where the evil was born. With him being one bad seed he was able to make the other heroes on his world evil as well. Seeing Black Adam come in and attack Ultraman is going to put in interesting twist on the story going forward.

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Justice League Dark #21

Jun 26, 2013

Overall, we get a story that was a lot of fun with an interesting situation at the end. I like how this is kind of on its own from the other Lantern titles and bring a comedic vibe with it. I am a little in different with the art. Some pages it looks excellent and other times in smaller frames I don't like how Larfleeze looks. I am excited for more.

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Larfleeze #2

Jul 24, 2013

Overall, Larfleeze #2 had some interesting backstories but with the lack of our main character, I was rather upset. I felt it was to early in his solo series to have Larfleeze absent for 3/4 of the issue. I am interested in the servant and what role he plays going forward as well as our villain, Loard.

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Nightwing (2011) #21

Jun 12, 2013

I've been following this book since the beginning and I have to say, the addition of Booth has only improved it. Higgins has given fans a solid Nightwing book through his run so far, and I have really enjoyed the change of location to Chicago and the 'Hunt' for Tony Zucco. He's really sets some interesting twists between the history of masked heroes/super heroes in Chicago, Zucco's family situation, and the Prankster. I was happily surprised that the Prankster was not a character we had already met since Dick's new roommate and random crazy girl he met in bar both were possibles for the Prankster's ID. I'm sad that Booth seems to be leaving based on DC's need for him on other books, especially since his slight redesigns of Nightwing's New 52 duds are really good.

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Red Lanterns #24

Oct 23, 2013

Overall, Red Lanterns #24 was an issue which could change some vital pieces is the Lantern Universe going forward. Seeing Guy really accept the Red Lanterns is tough but he is also the perfect guy for the role. The pieces to the story seem to be set; it is going to be fun to see what happens next.

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Red Lanterns #29

Mar 26, 2014

Overall, Red Lantern #30 was a fun issue that had an unexpected character show up that really needed to be involved. Having Superman's approval goes a long way for the Red Lanterns to gain acceptance of controlling Space Sector 2814, especially with the troubles going on with the Green Lanterns. Soule has continued a strong story which is supported by some beautiful art.

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Superior Carnage #1

Jul 17, 2013

Overall, Carnage seems like an interesting character and the cover of this issue was amazing. I felt the art was okay it was nothing special, a few cool looking parts here and there but nothing stood out to me. I am interested in the story and where it goes from here.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #11

Jun 6, 2013

This issue I will say had some of the best art so far in the short time being titled Superior Spider-Man. This issue we are again without Peter, or his conscience for that matter. I was enjoying when Peter would pop up and try to communicate with his body and try to be somewhat the moral compass for this new Spider-Man. That is something I do miss in the last couple of issues. I also will say that this is the best post Peter conscience issue. Overall, Superior Spider-Man had some fantastic art, and good story mainly still seeing the world though Doc Ock's eyes.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #12

Jun 19, 2013

Overall, this seems the be the strongest story so far in the Superior Spider-Man, with some questionable choices and interesting dialogue.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #13

Jul 10, 2013

Overall, the art in this issue might be up there as some of the best in the 13 issues. I like the conversation J. Jonah Jameson and Spider-Man have at the end of this issue. I am sure that will raise some red flags. Also the twist at the end should be interesting to see if Otto stays “good” or starts acting like his old self.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #16

Aug 21, 2013

Overall, Superior Spider-Man feels like a broken record. What makes Spider-Man such an interesting character is that many people can relate to him. His life is tough, which people really feel for. Seeing this version of Spider-Man being all powerful and never running into any real trouble kind of takes away from what makes the character great.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #21

Nov 13, 2013

Overall, Superior Spider-Man is interesting if nothing else. Seeing the world of Peter though Ock's eyes. There is a lot that might be happening soon, and hopefully one day the readers can see how Peter is going to pick of the mess that Ock left behind for him.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #22

Nov 27, 2013

Overall, this story seemed like filler but it still moves the story forward even if it is at a very slow pace. The story has been dancing around some of these issues for so long it needs to be resolved at some point soon, or at least have a bigger role for a couple of issues.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #24

Dec 18, 2013

Overall, anything with Venom can make for a fun time. This was a cool take on Otto having that power and it will be interesting to see how it ends in the double sized #25 issue. Hopefully the Avengers can come in and start helping Peter make his true comeback, but only after Otto ruins his life with the goblin war.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #25

Jan 15, 2014

What did you think of these books or have a review request? Let me know in the comments or on Twitter @joshraj9

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #26

Jan 29, 2014

Overall, Superior Spider-Man keeps the intensity up again after the events of the last issue. Having Peter back is a nice plus and should really move the plot forward going until Amazing Spider-Man comes back.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #27.NOW

Feb 12, 2014

Overall, Superior Spider-Man #27 finally had Superior Spider-Man and Osborn "meet". This has been something that has been happening in the background for a long time and to see it come to light was very rewarding. Hopefully, the war will continue in the next issue and the action can really begin.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #28

Feb 26, 2014

Overall, Superior Spider-Man #28 threw an interesting twist into Peter's comeback and also showed MJ thinking on her feet. Hopefully what MJ did will give Superior Spider-Man the advantage he needs to save New York.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #30

Mar 26, 2014

Overall, Superior Spider-Man #30 gave readers the conclusion they deserved in regards to Otto and Peter, but this story is far from being over. Peter has a lot on his plate with helping his city, stopping the Goblins, and dealing with the fallout of the Avengers. If there is one person who has faced trouble like this before its Peter Parker. He is back and he will do whatever it takes to make it right!

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) Annual #1

Nov 20, 2013

Overall, this was an annual issue that was a one shot story. Hopefully the decisions made by Ock show up going forward in the series. The art looks excellent in this issue, and the action scenes are beautiful. Now will someone please call out Spider-man on this “mood swing?”

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) Annual #2

Mar 19, 2014

Overall, this was an issue that took place in the same world, during the same timeframe as the story, but did nothing to advance the plot in the goblin war. It is interesting when comics take a step back and view their world from different eyes, but with this issue these were eyes that I really didn't care to look out of.

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Superman / Batman (2003) #3

Aug 28, 2013

Overall, this was a fun issue which moved the plot forward while also having an awesome flash back where Clark and Bruce were best friends growing up. This back story was interesting will make the plot even more interesting. Superman/Batman is going to be interesting going forward. What are each of these heroes going to do, since they both want to do what is best for their earth and the people they care for.

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Superman Unchained #1

Jun 12, 2013

For a week full of Superman, this book was really good. Unsurprisingly, Snyder has done a great job with a huge twist in history (to a much greater degree than Court of Owls) and really sets the stage with what seems to be the prime conflict of the book. It gives fans a sense of what the title really hints to and that the book will be big on action. He also does a great job of checking off most of the classic Superman cast and addresses their status in the current New 52.

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Superman Unchained #3

Aug 21, 2013

Overall, this was a very satisfying issue. Seeing Lois on her own, and not calling Superman for help was nice. Also, readers have to always keep Lex in the back of their head and wonder what he is up to. This issue had great pacing and some of the most beautiful Superman art we have seen.

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Superman Unchained #4

Nov 6, 2013

Overall, Superman Unchained has a lot of things going on, but really keep the reader on the edge of their seat. This story is very interesting and has a lot of questions left to be answered. Snyder really does a good job with Lex and making him into a different kind of threat that could pose problems for Superman going forward.

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Swamp Thing (2011) #21

Jun 6, 2013

One of the great moments is seeing Swamp Thing able to talk to the Swamp Things of the past particularly the one from 800 years ago. With this Swamp Thing was able to view the past and find out a bit of what had happened. The conversation between the two about finding something to take meaning from was very interesting and welcomed. I hope we get more interactions with the past Swamp Things, but as far as the current story I am glad we him taking matters into his own hands and doing what is important to save the day. Overall, this issue is the best post Snyder and really gives us some cool new ideas/powers that Swamp Thing can do!

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Swamp Thing (2011) #22

Jul 3, 2013

Overall, Swamp Thing #22 was an interesting story, with a shock at the end which leaves me interested. I am a bit concerned that we might have another jump back to Capucine which would not be good. The art worked for me, it wasn't anything mind blowing, and we have another issue of Swamp Thing that left me satisfied.

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Swamp Thing (2011) #24

Oct 2, 2013

Overall, the seeder is going to be a very interesting character going forward given the past relationship he has with Alec. The battle between them could be very interesting given the events in this issue. Here is to hoping another story happens, allowing Swamp Thing to get his skills mastered, before they revisit the seeder for their battle.

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Swamp Thing (2011) #25

Nov 6, 2013

Overall, this was a fitting “end” to the Alec vs Seeder story. Hopefully Swamp Thing will focus on the Seeder for a couple of issues before bringing the return of Alec. It would be nice to see how seeder does things and messes up and how Alec must comeback and defeat him and fix the mess he brought on the Green.

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Swamp Thing (2011) #26

Dec 4, 2013

Overall, the issue was interesting still having Alec still be a part of the issue, even only if his thoughts were there was great. It gives a whole new meaning that the avatars are always being watched and judged on what they do. The cameo of Buddy was nice but really was not needed. Hopefully Alec's thoughts continue to stick around until he makes his return.

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Swamp Thing (2011) Annual #2

Oct 30, 2013

Overall, Swamp Thing Annual #2 really helped establish the story and really dug into the history of this world. It has some excellent art and the anticipation for these two to fight is really building. It will be interesting to see what Alec will do in order to remain the Swamp Thing.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #25

Aug 28, 2013

Overall, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #25 is a bridge issue that really does not feel like it is just filling space. The art is great with the exception of the turtles, their round heads look odd. Many turtle fans will be excited to see what happens on the final page of the issue. This story has been great and hopefully the quality will continue going forward.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #26

Sep 25, 2013

Overall, TMNT is back and this story will hopefully get more attention and people wanting to see this story on a big screen. It is one that needs to happen. The current creative team is doing a fantastic job in telling fun exciting stories, and as readers we should enjoy the ride.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #27

Oct 30, 2013

Overall, TMNT #27 is the beginning of the end to City Fall. Where everything shakes out in the end remains to be seen. Hopefully next issue there is a battle be Shredder and Splinter. The story has been at such a high level hopefully the conclusion lives up to the story so far.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #28

Nov 27, 2013

Overall, City Fall was a great story and it ended at the perfect time. Each story has dug deeper into the world and continues to have characters from early issues play a role in the story. The way Leo was saved seemed a bit to perfect, hopefully he strugges with what happened to him for sometime and really distrusts his family to add a layer of conflict going forward.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #31

Feb 26, 2014

Overall, TMNT #31 continues in quality and sets the bar higher each month. The story with Leo being a dark ninja may not be completely over, but it was nice to finally see him back in blue and helping his family. Who called for the attack on the turtles and where they will go next are the big question marks at the end of the issue.

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The Fuse #1

Feb 12, 2014

Overall, The Fuse #1 was a slower moving issue that didn't have art that really grabbed your attention but the story left some mysteries that did just enough to keep you interested. This could be something that really picks things up in the next issue and can build an interesting universe especially with the new cop/old cop dynamic.

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The Movement #2

Jun 6, 2013

I'm a huge fan of Simone's DC work, and liked a lot of this issue. I enjoy the general idea of this book, and appreciate the introduction of a certain character at the end. I do wish she has used some more recognizable characters from the pre New52 days because many of the new character I have a hard time relating to and enjoying many of the 'new' characters. I also really not sure how I feel about William's art. It's solid and the inks/colors help underscore the dark nature of the book, but there is something that, I guess, feels too cartoonish for a book like this.

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The Wake #1

May 30, 2013

Overall, Buy The Wake #1! Snyder is one of the best writers out there today so I suggest buying almost everything his name is on. This delivers and sets up what appears to be an awesome story going forward. Only issue I had is wanting the "Prologue" to maybe be placed earlier in the issue.

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The Wake #3

Jul 31, 2013

Overall, The Wake #3 is an issue that really advances the plot of the story, while not answering many questions. The detail in the background “stories” adds an exciting element to this world. With a story that keeps you on the edge of your seat, and art that flows from panel to panel, The Wake is going to be talked about for a while.

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The Wake #4

Sep 25, 2013

Overall, The Wake #4 sets a tense mood and a dire situation for the characters. This is a story that I might suggest people waiting for trade since it will only be 10 issues and will read better as a whole story. This issue had some beautiful panels and takes the story to another level.

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The Walking Dead #111

Jun 15, 2013

Negan's visit to Rick's community is troubling. If he suspects what Rick is doing, he won't be giving him a slap on the wrist. Just like Glen, someone will pay for Rick's actions. Something very, special is in store for the 10 year anniversary of the series. The series author Robert Kirkman doesn't believe readers will be ready. Find out if he is right by picking up next month's issue.

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Wonder Woman (2011) #22

Jul 17, 2013

Overall, I love that this series is off doing its own thing away from everything else in the DC Universe. The story has been great and continues to impress. I would love if DC pulled a Marvel and did a little recap at the beginning of the issue. This has been a story continuous story for 22 issues now.

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Wonder Woman (2011) #25

Nov 20, 2013

What did you think of these books? What would you like to see reviewed? Leave a comment or let me know on twitter (@joshraj9).

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