Superior Spider-Man #28

Writer: Dan Slott Artist: Giuseppe Camuncoli Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: February 26, 2014 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 19 User Reviews: 21
8.1Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

"Goblin Nation" #2 (of 5) Goblins!
Spiderlings! Super villains! Giant robots! It can only mean one thing: ASSAULT ON SPIDER-ISLAND!If you want to see people standing around talking, read another comic. Want to see heroes having a fist fight, go somewhere else?You are IN the GOBLIN NATION and this is ALL-OUT WAR!

  • 10
    Hero Nuggets - Val 'Brolossus' Benidze Feb 26, 2014

    A superior issue ofSuperior Spider-Man.How does Dan Slott do it? 2 week releases at this level of quality? This series is my best favorite run since 'Evolve or Die'. Pick it up. I'm trying to find more to say, but this book doesn't need me to convince you.There are only a few issues left. This is a series that won't soon be forgotten! Superior Spider-Man #28web swings away with a perfect score! Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comics Refueled - jsarrow Feb 26, 2014

    This issue, along with the other books in the Goblin Nation arc, are shaping up to be one of my favorite arcs in all of Spider-man history. The story of Superior Spider-man itself is like a tale about the rise and fall of an empire that assumed it was untouchable but was slowly being destroyed at it's foundations while the people on top felt nothing until it was too late. It is hard to say what will happen in the next issue or how the arc will ultimately end but it is leading up to something incredible. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Crave Online - Andy Hunsaker Feb 26, 2014

    Slott’s run on Spider-Man has not only been iconic, it has redefined how we look at the character. This is on the same level of greatness as Watchmen or The Dark Knight Returns. It’s just that damn important. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    AIPT - David Brooke Feb 26, 2014

    For all intents and purposes this might be the story that pits Green Goblin as the forerunner as the greatest villain Spider-Man has. And at the same time building up Doc Ock as the most relatable villain he has. Those are some lofty achievements, only made stronger by just how satisfying this story has been as it has slowly unveiled itself. Recommended. Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Feb 26, 2014

    Giuseppe Camuncoli's harsh, jagged art style continues to serve the storyline well. The panel featuring the entire cast of the Big Bang Theory as background characters is a little distracting, but otherwise this issue marks some of his strongest and most engaging art on the series to date. Read Full Review

  • 8.6
    Nerds On The Rocks - Josh Raj Feb 26, 2014

    Overall, Superior Spider-Man #28 threw an interesting twist into Peter's comeback and also showed MJ thinking on her feet. Hopefully what MJ did will give Superior Spider-Man the advantage he needs to save New York. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    We The Nerdy - Derek A. Adams Mar 3, 2014

    I for one want so bad for Spider-Puss to finally get whats coming to him. With every thing that he has done and every time he barely gets away with everything, fooling everyone around him, I hate him even more. This story has given me a Spider-Man who Ihate, and not because the main character is a shadow of what he once was, no this Spider-Man I hate because he claims to understand what Spider-Man is, to know what it means to have great power, but he is evil right down to his core. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Nerds Unchained - Jeremy Radick Feb 27, 2014

    All in all, the arc is shaping up well, and if it feels like a typical Spider-Man epic, thats not a bad thing by any means. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Jan 30, 2015

    As Green Goblin makes his play, he's definitely playing up the king aspect in a fun way while also being largely off stage for most of this. He's directing his forces and moving everything towards his own end match rather than just barreling through it himself. He has a decent crew working under him at this point and is using them rather well, which makes the initial assault on Spider-Island so much fun. But things go a bit weaker with the supporting cast pickup, since it does have that "do it yourself" feeling. Add in a little time in the book for Peter in the background struggling with having dived too deep into Otto's memories and struggling to retain himself and you've got a lot of things in motion again, but each engaging and complementing the other. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Population Go - Chris Lemmerman Mar 3, 2014

    The Superior Spider-Man is in for the fight of his life as Goblin Nation approaches its mid-point next issue. There's still plenty to play for, but the Goblin seems to be winning so far, with the upper-hand in almost all of the battles he and Spider-Man have had. The addition of Mary Jane to the proceedings may tip the scales in Spidey's favour, but a last minute attack by the Goblin has left someone very dear to Otto in grave danger, and only time will tell if he'll be able to save them before the Goblin Nation claims its first victim. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Good Kind Of Geek - Nikki Yuan Feb 27, 2014

    The issue also ends in a suspenseful note, so I'm really looking forward to see how it will turn out. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Mar 1, 2014

    Goblin Nation heats up in a lot of exciting ways this issue, and some surprising ones as well. I hope Slott pushes the story even further in upcoming issues, but for now, he's building a steady start to a fantastic finale for Superior Spider-Man. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Jake Baumgart Feb 27, 2014

    The real highlight in Superior Spider-Man #28 is penciler Giuseppe Camuncoli who is a refreshing break from Humberto Ramos' more cartoony style. Camuncoli's figures may struggle from being a bit stiff but the artist has a level of clarity in the panel that is sometimes lost in Ramos' work on Spider-Man. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comicosity - Aaron Long Feb 26, 2014

    Superior Spider-Man #28 is another solid installment in this series that is priming to explode very soon. Slott doesn't waste any time driving the event forward and increasing the stakes with each page, and I'm very excited to see what he has in store for Otto, Peter and the gang going forward. This is an absolute must read for Superior fans, and Spider-Man fans in general as game-changing moments for the wall-crawler are definitely coming. Read Full Review

  • 8.0 - Ben Silverio Mar 2, 2014

    Finally, the last few pages had me so engulfed that I'm pretty sure that I said, "Whoa!" a few times out loud. The twists thrown in at the end were pretty huge and they've certainly served their purpose because there's not a chance that I'm missing the next issue. Love or hate what Slott did with Spider-Man this past year, it's hard to argue that he didn't deliver an exciting and enthralling story featuring one of the most beloved superheroes of all time. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Superior Spider-Talk - Dan Gvozden Feb 27, 2014

    Superior Spider-Man #28 successfully transitions the series into the fast lane, as Spider-Man and his supporting cast begin to clash against overwhelming forces. Doctor Octopus's armor is beginning to weaken faster than he can handle. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Hugo Robberts Lariviere Feb 26, 2014

    There are some slower moments and the division between some scenes do hurt the book a bit, yet the tone of the issue, the approach to the themes and some of the surprising decisions of the creative team provide for an issue that still enjoyable despite all that. Good, but short of greatness in some accounts. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    All-Comic - Derek Baker Feb 26, 2014

    Despite a few of the usual snags, Slott has impressed me for at least an issue. Things will inevitably go south again, but Ill take a decent Spider-Man issue whenever I can. As we approach the end of Superior, we can at least say that Marvel tried something different. On occasion, we even got a decent comic out of it. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Newsarama - Pierce Lydon Feb 26, 2014

    "Goblin Nation" is starting to feel sisyphean. For every few steps forward that are taken with the plot, we realize that we're still in basically the same place we were at the start. Everything must come to a head soon considering there are only a few issues of Superior Spider-Man but knowing that Peter is coming back and knowing that this book is ending are really robbing Slott and co. of the big ending they are shooting for. Camuncoli continues to be as on point as ever, and he's really expanded his range. It's a shame that an arc that's supposed to go out with a bang looks like it's going out with a whimper. Read Full Review

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