Derek A. Adams's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: We The Nerdy Reviews: 14
8.8Avg. Review Rating

All-New Invaders #1

Jan 27, 2014

All in all this issue was pretty good save for some let downs that are only indicative of my personal feelings. I like where the story is going and hope that this doesn't tie into any other big Marvel books which it seems like all their books are want to do.

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Animal Man (2011) #29

Mar 25, 2014

I really love this character and I really hope that at some point I get another Animal Man series written by another great writer. I know that probably won't happen, at least not any time soon, but I still have hopes for it and his new adventure. Here's to you Baker family, I hope to see you as soon as I can.

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Batman (2011) #29

Mar 18, 2014

This issue ends on a cliffhanger with the city covered in water; the Riddler tricked Batman, he knew what he would do and what he would go after, and since this is the first time Batman has faced the Riddler he was inexperienced enough that it caused him to lose this battle. I am very excited for issue 30 and the start of Savage City, even though I know everything will be okay in this fictional universe, I can't wait to see it happen. This story is really really good.

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Captain America (2012) #15

Jan 28, 2014

This run of Captain America is absolutely epic without foregoing story. It is on par with Ed Brubaker's legendary run on the character. Remender, as he does with everything he does has managed to keep this new and fresh while still feeling like the Cap we all know and love. I feel that this series isn't talked about as much as it should for whatever reason. It is absolutely stellar and deserves your $3.99 whether you like the Captain or not.

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Captain America (2012) #17

Feb 24, 2014

There is a lot happening here. This is a great way to transition from the last arc into the new one which seems like it's going to be a crazy, psychedelic all out war. Month after month I feel like this book is under looked, it doesn't seem to be getting the attention it deserves.Remender has an insanely well crafted take on this character, he has shared some of his sensibilities with Steve Rogers, and The Captain seems to be accommodating to them really well.

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Cataclysm: The Ultimates Last Stand #3

Jan 10, 2014

Somehow it still want to continue to read this story, which is probably just due to the hype for what is to come, even if its nothingness for the Ultimate universe, I guarantee that Miles Morales will come back in some way. Miles' story is far from over, he is in about the second act of his origin and it would be a travesty if they just killed him off. Also, with Bendis having such large weight at Marvel I'm sure this won't be the last we see of this new Spider-man.

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Letter 44 #3

Jan 10, 2014

My only complaint is a minor one: the art isn't so much bad as it is just not my preferred style, the shadowing and the character figures seem a little off sometimes, but for the most part I dig it.

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Magneto (2014) #1

Mar 12, 2014

I was so excited for this book and so happy when it was over. It's a real good read and puts Magneto in a story that only he can be the center of. It is apparent that this book is going to be heavy. Already in the first issue, we see Magneto face a situation that would make any other person question their beliefs and affect them on multiple levels. But Magneto is no regular man, he will never surrender or compromise his ideals. I'm so glad this book exists.

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Punisher (2014) #1

Feb 14, 2014

This book blew me away. I was excited about having a new Punisher book no from the get go no matter who was writing it, but this book has given me three things, a NEW Punisher, a new favorite writer and a new favorite artist. I really enjoyed this. I came in with expectations but they should have been higher, this book surpassed any thoughts I had about it.

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Saga #18

Feb 4, 2014

This issue is all about conclusions and new beginnings. Our protagonistscome out of this as better, smarter versions of themselves and aside from Hazel's always great narrations, we are meant to think brighter things are to come. I both wish this to be true and doubt that things will get anything but worse for this family. I don't want to wait three or whatever months for the next issue of this absolutely brilliant series, and I believe BKV knows this and laughs himself to sleep every night thinking about the suspense he and his lovely artist Fiona Staples create in anybody who reads this book.

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Silver Surfer (2014) #1

Apr 2, 2014

I'm so excited for this book. It has the makings of what can be my favorite thing ever. The new tone is a very nice surprise, not taking itself too serious but not sacrificing the melodramatic nature of the Silver Surfer. I know I will most likely be very sad in a few months when this inevitably gets canceled but I'll love it while it lasts.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #28

Mar 3, 2014

I for one want so bad for Spider-Puss to finally get whats coming to him. With every thing that he has done and every time he barely gets away with everything, fooling everyone around him, I hate him even more. This story has given me a Spider-Man who Ihate, and not because the main character is a shadow of what he once was, no this Spider-Man I hate because he claims to understand what Spider-Man is, to know what it means to have great power, but he is evil right down to his core.

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X-Files Conspiracy #1

Jan 22, 2014

The writer Paul Crilley seems to be making a ridiculous idea into a believable story. Depending on how well TMNT, Transformers, The Ghostbusters and the Crow fit into the mystery, this story promises to be an interesting one at the very least. As of right now it is unsure how exactly they will all fit into the story, it seems like a typical X-files story, but this issue seems to tell the story in a serious albeit in a tongue-and-check fashion.

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X-Files Conspiracy: Ghostbusters #1

Jan 27, 2014

The creative team change for this issue and will change with each incarnation of this series. My hope is that there will be no confusion or drastic changes in structure in any of the issues, and for the not to not change a large amount either. With this issue the artist changed but the change in the art itself was minor enough not to notice. This series has the makings too be a good kind of ridiculous insanity, or a bad kind, let's hope it is the former.

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