Batman #29

Event\Storyline: Batman: Zero Year Writer: Scott Snyder Artist: Danny Miki, Greg Capullo Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: March 12, 2014 Cover Price: $4.99 Critic Reviews: 36 User Reviews: 54
9.0Critic Rating
9.0User Rating

The DARK CITY chapter of ZERO YEAR reaches its conclusion in this amazing, extra-sized issue! Now, the next chapter of Zero Year is almost upon us, and weve saved the best for last! What corners of Batmans past will be revealed? And how will they impact his very near future? Find out here!

  • 10
    Comics Refueled - vashmcdash Mar 12, 2014

    Once again Synder and Capullo bring a well written story and all the great artwork to the dark knight. For me what I enjoyed the most is the story did not end in the manner we all can appreciate as this will lead into more great Batman issues in the months to come! Read Full Review

  • 10
    Geeked Out Nation - Jess Camacho Mar 12, 2014

    While Zero Year was something I have been skeptical over, I can no longer deny its greatness. This is a class “first” Batman adventure and when collected will be re-read by millions for years to come. From page one to nearly the end there is all story making the $4.99 price not an exaggeration. Issue #29 of Batman is where Bruce really becomes Batman as it always been more about what he does and not about the suit. Read Full Review

  • 10
    All-Comic - Tyler Goulet Mar 12, 2014

    These four are a force to be reckoned with. Batman is as good as everybody says, if not better, and Zero Year is here to prove it. This is an arc, and a run, that without a doubt people will be talking about for years to come, much like they talk of Frank Millers Year One. Theyre tweaking this in the Batman mythos, and theyre putting their own stamp on it like, maybe, nobody else could. Truly, this is one of the best from DC and one of the best on the shelf and it was foolish to ever doubt that. In Snyder and Capullo we trust and with only a handful of issues to go in Zero Year were in for a spectacular finish. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Rhymes With Geek - Timothy Merritt Mar 12, 2014

    This is a no-brainer. Batman is one of the best comics out, and has been since issue #1. The storytelling is perfect, the art is phenomenal, and the story arcs are brave, sophisticated, and well-balanced in their execution. Zero Year is a perfect 10. Read Full Review

  • 10
    The Pop Cultist - Josh Elliott Mar 12, 2014

    It's an oversized issue, crammed with the finale of the Zero Year 'Dark City' storyline, but that's not what makes it powerful. It's the first four pages. It's the two parents, the one child, and the horrible knowledge of what happens next. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Population Go - Chris Lemmerman Mar 25, 2014

    Dark City comes to a climactic conclusion as the Riddler, Batman, Doctor Death, and Jim Gordon all get their stories moved a dramatic amount forward, and Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo set the stage for the final section of Zero Year, Savage City. It's really no surprise now that Batman is excellent, but it's especially excellent after last month's random detour into the future of Batman Eternal. With Capullo's groundbreaking artwork and Snyder's perfectly plotted story, Batman earns its inflated price tag this month " I'd happily pay twice this much for a comic this good. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Booked - Jeff Hill Mar 15, 2014

    My favorite scene was not the homage to The Dark Knight Returns (which is probably one of most people's favorites). It's not even the censored description of the Batman himself. And to be honest, even though I love both of those things and they are all sorts of Frank Miller, it came down to one scene for me that made this not only a great book, but a legendary one. It's the first time we see the Bat Blimp. Something so ridiculous in theory, so obnoxiously fictional in reality, that it shouldn't work. But Capullo's pencils make it work. And it's not only my favorite scene from the comic, but from Zero Year so far entirely. Well done, Mr. Capullo. You, sir, are a master. (Snyder's also excellent, but most of my reviews say that, so I'm going to let Greg have this one.) Read Full Review

  • 10
    Crave Online - Iann Robinson Mar 12, 2014

    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Snyder and Capullo, the Lennon/McCartney of Batman. Read Full Review

  • 10
    DC Comics News - Joey Garces Mar 13, 2014

    Be sure to get this issue if you're a fan of either Snyder or Capullo. The pair doesn't get any better than this. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Word Of The Nerd - Daniel Kalban Mar 13, 2014

    Batman #29 continues to prove that "Zero Year" provides a thrilling and nail-biting thrill-ride; and the cliffhanger will leave you wanting more. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Hyper Geeky - mcknight57 Mar 17, 2014

    This has simply been one of the best issues I've ever had the pleasure of reading. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comicosity - Matt Santori Mar 12, 2014

    Its difficult to get everything Snyder, Capullo and company are doing in one reading (the reference to Tokyo Moon, for instance, now brings me right to the image of the Bat signal), so Id encourage you not to try. Read it again. And again. Revel in the pages. Mull it over. Enjoy it now. Enjoy it for years to come. Dont worry. Well still be talking about it, Im sure. Read Full Review

  • 10
    We The Nerdy - Derek A. Adams Mar 18, 2014

    This issue ends on a cliffhanger with the city covered in water; the Riddler tricked Batman, he knew what he would do and what he would go after, and since this is the first time Batman has faced the Riddler he was inexperienced enough that it caused him to lose this battle. I am very excited for issue 30 and the start of Savage City, even though I know everything will be okay in this fictional universe, I can't wait to see it happen. This story is really really good. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Mar 12, 2014

    Oversized Zero Year issue? Yes, please! This issue really makes you appreciate the creative team. We often praise Scott Snyder for his amazing story and developments. Greg Capullo is a beast when it comes to the pencils. Danny Mikis inks and FCO Placencias colors help knock the comic out of the park. Besides being a great story, it looks fantastic. Im am completely digging Zero Year and cant wait for whats coming next. This is the kind of comic that sucks you in and makes you forget everything else around you. Despite being an oversized issue, I still want more. Read Full Review

  • 9.8
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Mar 13, 2014

    It is no surprise that Batman #29 is good.  It is much more than that.  It is an awesome action comic and a great origin revamp for every Batman fan to enjoy.  Throw in some of the best art I have ever seen and you have a winner.  Like I said, with Snyder and Capullo that is no surprise. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Dean Stell Mar 18, 2014

    A great Batman story keeps getting better. The creative talent on this comic is as good as it gets. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    We The Nerdy - Guilherme Jacobs Mar 14, 2014

    Zero Year now enters its final chapter, Savage City, with four more issues remaining until the end of one of the best takes on Batman's origin yet. We only hope that the quality remains the same. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    IGN - Melissa Grey Mar 12, 2014

    Over the course of Zero Year, the creative team has dropped a few nuggets that haven't quite fit into place in their issues, some more abstract than others. Chief among them are the unexplained glimpses of a military operation in the desert gone terribly awry and the notions of culpability and responsibility. In Batman #29, those errant threads are woven into the larger tapestry of the story arc, tying together the narrative in a rich, complex manner that explores the darkest recesses of young Bruce's tortured psyche. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    AIPT - Jordan Richards Mar 12, 2014

    Batman #29 is the fantastic and tension filled conclusion to the second part of Zero Year and is just simply wonderful. Its storytelling is fantastic, it's very exciting, the imagery is just phenomenal, and it's more than likely going to be sticking with you more than most books this week. If you thought you were starting to get tired of Zero Year, prepare to be proven wrong. Read Full Review

  • 9.2
    Multiversity Comics - Zach Wilkerson Mar 13, 2014

    Each arc of Snyder and Capullo's “Batman” has brought something new to the table. ‘Court of the Owls' added a frightening new group of villains to the rogues gallery and built on the secret history of Gotham. ‘Death of the Family' took Batman's relationship with the Clown Prince to dramatically disturbing new lows. However, it's arguable that ‘Zero Year,' while primarily a protracted origin revamp, brings more depth and nuance to these characters than either of the previous arcs. The team has long since proved that this period in Batman's history is ripe for potential stories. Now, as we prepare for the post-apocalyptic Gotham witnessed way back in “Batman” #21, it's hard not to be excited about what lies in store. Read Full Review

  • 9.2
    Good Kind Of Geek - Nikki Yuan Mar 13, 2014

    A great issue that shows Batman's troubles with his early career, and shines a new light of information on the night of Wayne family's most tragic. Can't wait to see what's going to happen next. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Infinite Comix - Chase Magnett Mar 14, 2014

    Batman #29is a pleasant surprise. It takes a story that has been done dozens, if not hundreds, of times before by some of the most talented creators in comic history and finds a way to make it new. Snyder and Capullo have captured a new perspective on Batman's origin by juxtaposing it with a larger disaster, and it works very well. Capullo also captures a new visual sense with the help of FCO Plascencia on colors. "Zero Year" was announced almost one year ago, and the biggest question from fans was, "do we need another Batman origin story?" After readingBatman #29the answer is, clearly, "yes." Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Newsarama - Pierce Lydon Mar 13, 2014

    This has probably been my favorite of the "Zero Year" tie-ins. Scott Snyder brings his conflict to a head with the drama and tension of the superstorm juxtaposed with the infamous events of Crime Alley. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Nerds Unchained - David Staniusz Mar 14, 2014

    There are 3 more issues to Zero Year, in a arc titled Savage City. Simply put fans should buckle in things are gonna get crazy. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Mar 14, 2014

    It's never a good thing when you pick up an issue and have to think, "What's going on with this series again?" - but it keeps happening for me with this story. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Mar 12, 2014

    While "Zero Year" is certainly a fantastic display of dancing between the raindrops and farming further details from the early days of the legacy of Batman, it is beginning to get a little long in the tooth. As an overarching saga, I have no doubt "Zero Year" is going to be a story to remember, but the monthly installments, taken by themselves, are bordering on impenetrable, begging the reader to try again, once more from the start. Thankfully, Snyder and company have broken the story up into chapters of the grander saga. That allows readers a chance to breathe and the story an opportunity to shift. "Zero Year" is a tale that comes together more as the camera pulls back to reveal the big picture, which is filled with Snyder's detailed, meticulous writing and Capullo's enthusiastically, brutally animated art. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Mar 15, 2014

    As usual, I don't actually find myself very invested in Zero Year as a whole. I don't know what it is, though it may literally be the lack of Robin. I just don't care about Batman as much when Robin isn't around. But I can definitely recognize that Snyder and Capullo are telling some truly epic Batman stories. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli Mar 15, 2014

    Batman is one of the best books out there today and is DC's strongest book by far since the inception of the New 52. This particular issue ties up a lot of the Year Zero storylines that have been cooking for a while now. The comic doesn't reinvent anything in the Batman mythos but augments some adventures to his already rich history. This is a very good issue and is one I recommend checking out. Where does Snyder go from here? Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Forrest C. Helvie Mar 11, 2014

    There is little denying that Snyder and Capullo's origin story is one that will be remembered in collected form years from now alongside other canonized graphic novels and story arcs. Whether readers are on board for this decompressed retelling of those events that form the core of who Batman would eventually become will be up to individual fans to decide. Personal tastes aside, there is something admirable in seeing a creative team "go big" and not simply retread familiar ground in familiar ways, and this issue " like those preceding it in the "Zero Year" story " does so both narratively and artistically. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Following The Nerd - Sarah Barclay Mar 17, 2014

    I just"what can you say about Greg Capullo anymore. His stuff is the bomb. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Shadowhawk's Shade - Abhinav Jain Mar 16, 2014

    Overall, not quite the issue I was expecting, but a decent “mid-arc” issue nonetheless. Get it for completeness, if nothing else. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Gotham Spoilers - Gotham Spoilers Mar 12, 2014

    As with Batman #24, the second arc of "Zero Year" hits its crescendo with apocalyptic force. The action and destruction is high, with a second issue's worth of art to support it. As with any good Batman story, beneath the fights, explosions and mutilated bone monsters, there's a good deal of character moments to be had, especially with a younger, less experienced, and perhaps a bit emotionally unstable Batman. It's a dense issue, that's for sure, perhaps a little to dense in some parts, but overall, a very strong read. While it perhaps doesn't match the stellar conclusion to the Red Hood Gang's part in this story, which was full of plenty of winks and nods to longtime Batman fans, the conclusion to "Dark City" was like watching the best disaster movie starring Batman, that doesn't actually exist. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Mar 18, 2014

    In the process of making The Riddler a villain that Batman should be constantly be on the lookout for Snyder brought in some of the horror elements he introduced to the Batman Universe back in his Detective Comics run. It was during these moments that Snyder and Capullo shined as the writing and art came together nicely. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - Richard Gray Mar 12, 2014

    Putting to one side the immediate gratification of cool origin moments that "Zero Year" has thus far provided, any conclusion that this is leading may ultimately be a hollow one when contemplated for too long. While this story neatly keeps Batman in a holding pattern until "Forever Evil" expires, it has also killed any forward momentum that Snyder's otherwise excellent arcs have provided to date. Let's just hope that "Zero Year" doesn't live up to its name. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Batman-News - Andrew Asberry Mar 13, 2014

    Capullo, Miki, and FCO exceeded expectations with the artwork and expectations were exceedingly high. However, the story of Batman's first major failure was a bit of a disappointment for me as much of it felt like we were going through the motions of trying to tie together all the loose ends from previous issues and catch-up with the flash-forward from issue #21. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    PopMatters - Michael D. Stewart Mar 18, 2014

    The full wrath of Superstorm Rene hits Gotham just as Batman fails to stop the Riddler from bursting the retaining walls (something he didn't even know he was trying to prevent), but from the beginning of Batman #29 the entire issue is held underwater by the weight of too much exposition, too many character layers and too much grand scale action. You can definitely feel the desire for a cinematic quality to this issue, and it's an admirable attempt, but it's far too unevenly paced to rise above the coming tide. Read Full Review

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