Batman #28

Writer: James Tynion IV, Scott Snyder Artist: Derek Fridolfs, Dustin Nguyen Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: February 12, 2014 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 41 User Reviews: 40
8.0Critic Rating
7.7User Rating

This special issue, written by Scott Snyder and James Tynion with art and cover by Dustin Nguyen, will provide a peek at what's to come in the weekly Batman Eternal series, with glimpses at some key characters in the series.

  • 10
    Unleash The Fanboy - Russell Johnson Feb 12, 2014

    Batman #28 brings the goods and Batman fans are treated to an exciting glimpse of Batman Eternal which will have you bursting down comic book shops doors when it finally hits stands in April. If you were on the fence about a new weekly series, Batman #28 will knock you off and plant you squarely on the side of the Eternal series. Snyder, Tynion and Nguyen have sold me and I was already squarely on board. You will be too after reading this issue! Read Full Review

  • 10
    Imagination Centre - John McCubbin Feb 19, 2014

    This glimpse into Batman: Eternal is nothing but a big tease, and if nothing else will make you want to give this issue a try the shocking ending certainly will. Read Full Review

  • 10
    The Kliq Nation - Timdogg Feb 13, 2014

    The women in Batman's life played a large role inBatman #28. Catwoman, Harper Row, and even the mysterious figure in the Batcave all have key roles in the future of Batman. As good as “Zero Year” has been, its length lends itself more to a trade than single-issue reading. This break in “Zero Year”, even for one issue, was a much-needed breather. So many things to look forward to in the next year of Batman books. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Following The Nerd - Sarah Barclay Feb 13, 2014

    As a fan of Dustin Nguyen for a while, I was probably most excited to see his stuff in this issue. With his most recent stuff being the completely-different style of Li'l Gotham, I was still completely blown away by his skill. I loved his stoicism of Batman, and the style of Bluebird's uniform. Even Selina, whom I didn't quite recognize at first, was absolutely beautiful. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Hyper Geeky - mcknight57 Feb 13, 2014

    All in all, it's a really fun well-paced book that delivers one amazing cliff-hanger ending. I'm giving it a full 5 out of 5 stars " from cover to cover, there was nothing in this issue I didn't love. The writing, pencils, inks, colors, and overall design of the pages and characters were just awesome. Being that it's a one-shot intermission, as previously mentioned, there's nothing that doesn't work. Read Full Review

  • 10
    DC Comics News - Joey Garces Feb 13, 2014

    If this issue doesn't get you pumped for the weekly "Batman Eternal" chances are you weren't even going to pick up the book in the first place. Scott Snyder will continue his great run with Batman into this weekly series and it should produce great moments for the entirety of its run. That being said any fan of Batman, Stephanie Brown, or Harper Row is salivating at the mouth until Eternal drops in April. It's a must buy. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Gotham Spoilers - Gotham Spoilers Feb 12, 2014

    Prior to reading this issue, I saw a comment on a message board about how they didn't get why this was going to be a spoiler issue and thought it made zero sense… that sentiment is laughable. The idea of this issue was to throw readers into the middle of the shit, with no context  at all, and show them all sorts of craziness to get them excited to read Batman: Eternal to see how things get to this point. It worked, holy crap, did it work. In terms of comics, I'll fully admit that I can get jaded, or perhaps become too cynical, but I always have that soft spot for Batman… that said, going into this issue, I kept my expectations in check, which was probably the best decision I could make, as they were soon blown out of the water. I don't know when the last time it was that I was this excited to read a Batman story. This issue set out to do one thing, entice us with a whole bunch of great WTF moments, and it did that gloriously. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Feb 12, 2014

    I didn't want to look forward to this issue. I've been trying to not get excited over the idea of BATMAN ETERNAL and I didn't want to see Zero Year interrupted. This issue offers a great tease as to the epic craziness we can expect. Big things are happening in Gotham City. It's not going to be a picnic. Scott Snyder and James Tynion IV are cruel in how they show us so much only to leave us hanging for months. If this is any indication of what we can expect in BATMAN ETERNAL, it's going to be a fun new series. It's great seeing Dustin Nguyen and Derek Fridolfs back on a regular issue. LI'L GOTHAM will be missed but you can see they're just warming up here. It'll be nice if this is just the beginning of their time in the New 52 Bat Universe. And hopefully you managed to avoid spoilers about this issue before you read it. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Multiversity Comics - Zach Wilkerson Feb 13, 2014

    With Snyder and Capullo spending the better part of a year focusing on Gotham's past, it feels incredibly refreshing to be flung into its distant future. It's a much needed stimulant to keep readers going through the final leg of ‘Zero Year. Between this issue and his contribution to “Detective Comics” #27, it's clear Scott Snyder is prepared celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Dark Knight in a big way. “Batman” #28 is an example of the best the New 52 can offer; an exciting tale that places familiar characters in surprising new circumstances. Let's have more of this. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Comicosity - Jessica Boyd Feb 12, 2014

    Batman fans will be satisfied and new fans, who haven't been jumping into Zero Year, will get a great introduction to Batman Eternalto simmer in before April gets here. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    We The Nerdy - Guilherme Jacobs Feb 13, 2014

    While some may take issue with the “ad” aspect of the comic. teasing story beats for other book, it doesn't hurt the story presented here in any way. Batman #28 excellently explores the relationship of Batman and Harper Row, whether through dialogue or art, and it effectively gives us a lot to ask ourselves about, regarding the future of Gotham and the Bat-books, other fan favorite characters also show up here, but again, we'll keep this review spoiler free. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    The Pop Cultist - Josh Elliott Feb 12, 2014

    Batman #28 is a must-read. If you had any doubt about Batman Eternal, this will allay your fears and have you eagerly anticipating its April 9th release. Read Full Review

  • 9.3
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Feb 12, 2014

    Batman #28 is a sneak peak at the Batman Eternal weekly starting in April.  Make no bones about it, it's an issue released solely to get readers excited for the new book and while it's a shame to interrupt the stellar Zero Year story, I'm sold.   Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Dean Stell Feb 14, 2014

    Holy sidekicks! A really sharp issue that injects some new possibilities into the Batman story. Great guest art from Dustin Nguyen and team. Read Full Review

  • 9.0 - Jordan DesJardins Feb 15, 2014

    'Batman' #28 is a must read for any Batman fan who plans on reading the Caped Crusader's adventures in the next few months. There are a lot of upcoming key plot points laid out in this issue, so it isn't one to be missed! While next month sees the return to Snyder's 'Zero Year' storyline, he's used this issue to leave fans clamoring for more stories set in the not too distant future of Batman's world! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Feb 12, 2014

    The timing of this issue is rather odd, especially for what is essentially a teaser for "Batman Eternal" in the midst of "Zero Year." I'm onboard and locked in to see how Snyder and crew weave the not-so-distant past with the near future, especially since the final panel of "Batman" #28 will make fans pump their fists in the air and shout, "Aw yeah!" before they cower back into their seats and wait for the other shoe to drop. This issue is a nice break from "Zero Year," a change of pace, a switch in visual impact, a breath of fresh air and a sign of hope for the Gotham of tomorrow as Snyder continues to construct and deepen the legend of Gotham City and its role in the mythology of Batman. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Crave Online - Iann Robinson Feb 12, 2014

    If the entirety of Batman Eternal is the same caliber of this preview issue, then the bat-fans out there have yet another reason to rejoice. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Good Kind Of Geek - Nikki Yuan Feb 13, 2014

    Overall, this is a decent issue that teases what's to come of Batman universe. And I'm looking forward to Batman: Eternal more than ever now. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Shadowhawk's Shade - Abhinav Jain Feb 12, 2014

    And that's that. Its not the issue I was expecting, and it is a bit different yes, but I liked it certainly. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    IGN - Melissa Grey Feb 13, 2014

    When all is said and done, Harper Row is a welcome addition to Batman's team, and the surprise antagonist provides for an interesting plot twist. The return of a beloved character on the book's final page will hopefully prove to be a boon to the New 52. Overall, Batman #28 is a fun issue, even if it doesn't comfortably ground the reader in its timeline. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    One Quest - Chris Cobb Feb 17, 2014

    I saw quite a few people not thrilled with this issue, but I thought it was a nice little break from the otherwise year long story. It's also nice to see our first glimpse of what the DCU will be like after Forever Evil wraps up. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Feb 12, 2014

    The most hardcore of Batman readers may be rubbed the wrong way by Harper Row, from her incongruous introduction during Snyder's Court of Owls storyline to her casual use of (nonlethal) firearms, seemingly with the staunchly anti-gun Bruce Wayne's permission. It's no secret that Harper is a vanity character, Scott Snyder's attempt to bring a lasting legacy to the Bat-mythos long after he's gone. And that's ultimately what will make or break your reading of Batman #28 - do you want to see Harper Row succeed? If not, nothing Snyder will do will convince you to stay on-board - but if you're intrigued by the Bluebird's heroic flight, this issue may be the burst of girl power that Gotham City deserves. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Michael Moccio Feb 17, 2014

    None of that changes, however, that this is still an enjoyable read, from both a writing and artistic perspective. Snyder and Tynion release just enough information to get the reader hooked without spoiling the most important details, while Nguyen and Fridolfs craft a masterful visual portrayal of events. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Spectrum - Shawn Hoklas Feb 17, 2014

    Greg Capullo takes an issue off as Dustin Nguyen steps in to handle the art. I'm a fan of Nguyen's art, but at times his portrayal of Batman looked just a bit off, almost too short. It's nitpicky I know, but Batman never comes across as menacing or as dark as he could have. Colorist John Kalisz uses a brighter pallet for this issue's setting that also adds to the lack of fear when Batman appears. Overall though, this is a solid issue that does what it's supposed to do. It gives us a glimpse into the upcoming weekly Batman series, and leaves us eagerly awaiting the next chapter. I just wish we didn't have to wait so long to get there. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Flip Geeks - Yuri Kiske Feb 18, 2014

    The future might be bleak for the already broken Gotham City, but one thing remains certain: The Dark Knight will always be around. A new era unfolds as the Batman Mythology continues anew. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Pierce Lydon Feb 13, 2014

    If this doesn't win back lapsed readers exhausted by Zero Year, I don't know what will. Scott Snyder and Dustin Nguyen tease the future of Batman Eternal in this one and its got a little bit for everyone. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Geeked Out Nation - Jess Camacho Feb 12, 2014

    Overall Batman #28 is not a bad issue but it really is just all setup to Batman Eternal. Complete setup. I would have preferred to get more of Zero Year and not pay $3.99 for an almost full on advertisement. However the strong writing of Snyder and Tynion with the great art by Nguyen make it worth the read. It's also a great place for the new Batman readers to hop aboard the series. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Feb 15, 2014

    Something bad is going to happen to Gotham City soon, and I'm sure it will push Batman into some fun new places. But for now, the issue is all about teasing Bluebird, Selina Kyle and Stephanie Brown. Definitely fun to finally see her in the new continuity. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Feb 17, 2014

    And turning the regular issue into an ad doesn't encourage me to hang with this series, either. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Batman-News - Andrew Asberry Feb 12, 2014

    It's a teaser comic so it's stocked with loads of surprises accompanied by precious little context. You'll be confused, but it's a good kind of confusion that piques the curiosity and sparks fun discussion. However, you'll have to wait until April to get any answers and see the journey continue so be ready to discuss what comics may come for a good long while. Issue #28 is more of an advertisement than a stand-alone story, but it definitely entertains. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - CW Cooke Feb 18, 2014

    Really this is just a teaser book. Is it good? Sure it's good. You come to expect that from this cast of creators (Scott Snyder & James Tynion IV/Dustin Nguyen & Derek Fridolfs). Spoilers abound: Harper Row has suited up as Bluebird, there's a new Oracle-esque figure in the cave (apparently a female based on the body shape), Catwoman has suited down to just plain Selina and the boss of bosses, and Stephanie Brown makes her first New 52 appearance as"well"Spoiler. That's pretty much it. Is it good? Yeah, it's still pretty good. Just an appetizer though, and it seems a bit like No Man's Land, Contagion, Knightfall, and countless other Batman crossovers. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Nerds Unchained - David Staniusz Feb 18, 2014

    Overall Gotham #28 is a good comic, however just due to the timing of its release and the very vague details of the surrounding universe, it holds the issue back from realizing its full potential. The new stuff is fun, but after 10 issues of Zero Year it is understandable that this can be frustrating to long time readers of the series. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Infinite Comix - Chase Magnett Feb 13, 2014

    Batman #28 is still an enjoyable issue. It features a nicely told action sequence, introduces the boisterous Bluebird, and should stoke plenty of interest in Batman Eternal. Now let's get back to "Zero Year", already. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Feb 13, 2014

    If all you are looking is a comic that gives you an idea about what Batman: Eternal will be about than you will enjoy Batman #28. There is enough action here that even new readers will enjoy. The problem is that when you take a look at the story being told in Batman #28 more closely than nothing about it lines up with what was previously established in Scott Snyder's pre-Zero Year stories. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Feb 15, 2014

    Looking optimistically, as Stephanie Brown would do, I will say Snyder and artist Dustin Nguyen succeed with this initial tease by highlighting her new Spoiler costume with traits that suggest her Batgirl run and revealing her to be far more than just another vigilante working in Gotham. Even if the comic doesn't allow the character to speak, to find out if her voice has survived the transition into the New 52, there's the tiniest glimmer of hope in this one panel that the Stephanie of old may get a shot to live again. Of course that could all go down the shitter in record time if she opens her mouth and comes off bastardized like the re-branded Billy Batson. For fans. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli Feb 15, 2014

    Why DC didn't just make this a flipbook with the regular Year Zero storyline I have no idea. To completely remove the Year Zero story that's been running in this series for months is a cheap move. The contents are good and I think some of the fans will be thrilled but there isn't enough in this issue to make me want to run out and buy Batman Eternals. This is a decent read but if you are looking for that groundbreaking level of Batman storytelling you normally get in this comic series then skip this issue. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Population Go - Chris Lemmerman Feb 21, 2014

    This issue is intentionally confusing, intentionally frustrating, and enjoyable as hell. Considering we've been in the past for almost a year now thanks to Zero Year, it's nice to get a capable Batman, backed up by his supporting cast (even if they're a little different than usual), kicking ass and taking names. The fact that we need to wait to find out what happens next just amps up the anticipation factor on Batman Eternal, which is shaping up to be an intriguing new diversion for Batman readers. In the meantime, we'll just have to wet our appetites on this tantalising teaser of an issue. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    DC Collectors - Wayland Smith Feb 27, 2014

    A lot of surprises and twists. A new name for an old character. And the return of someone I've been missing a lot. Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    AIPT - Sam Roche Feb 12, 2014

    This issue is the definition of skippable. It in no way enhances or moves along the normal Batman story but just serves as an advertisement and teaser for Batman Eternal. This is a lot to be asking of fans to pay for especially when there are a shorter number of pages to allow for the American Vampire sample. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    PopMatters - Michael D. Stewart Feb 24, 2014

    And that is the real truth about Batman #28 and Batman: Eternal—initial impressions are mixed. To say this issue is good is a difficult judgment to make. There is not enough to go on. And by the same account I can't say that it is bad, despite the criticism I've leveled above. This is a teasing advertisement for another title, and while that title will supposedly have an effect on the main Batman comic, this story is more of an interruption to the story taking place at present. That is frustrating to an extent. While it gives us a peak at what Batman: Eternal could be about, and by coincidence give the authors time to adjust if there was a bad reaction to the material, it's hardly doing Zero Year any favors. But sales charts don't lie, and I'm sure everyone involved took that into account when putting this issue together. Spoiler: these Batmans will sell. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    GoCollect - @Tom_Kray Feb 13, 2014

    I firmly believe that story is king and taken on its own Batman 28 is not a story in any sense. Whatever value it has as part of the larger D.C. universe it's almost nothing on it's own, little more than a "coming attractions" flyer that you pay for. The inclusion of the American Vampire preview almost makes the book worse because you're still expecting a half a dozen more pages for the issue to go somewhere. Are there going to be people who disagree with me? Many and vocally. Thats fine. But this issue feels strongly like the title is holding up the content rather than the other way around. Read Full Review

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