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Joined: May 08, 2017

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Brego liked this:

A good art and nice story, surprisingly. I almost lost my hope in this series. I hope last two issues will be not worse, than this.

Ultimate Marvel Team-Up #14

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Terry Moore

In this espionage-flavored issue, our teenaged-sensation tries to help the sultry, sexy Russian spy named Natasha Romanov! But will our web-spinning wonder-boy fall under the Black Widow's spell?

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Brego liked this:

One of the worst drawings I saw in my life... It's awful, I hate it as much as I can hate it. Spider-Man is literally like a skeleton.

The story is shit too. I already hate ultimate Doctor Strange by his story. And I hate, that since the #4 Bendis tells us the whole origin of the character in first half (or more) of the issue. Boring, dissapointing.

Ultimate Marvel Team-Up #12

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Ted McKeever

Stephen Strange is a young man struggling with a legacy he didn't even know he had. See, his deceased father was a true master of magic, and now he's inherited his dad's sorcery... and his enemies! Will the novice adept's mystic might be enough to defeat the dark arts, even with the help of another wall-crawling rookie hero?

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Brego reviewed Ultimates #4 Sep 15, 2024

A masterpiece of story telling. In my list of greatest stories of all time.

Ultimates #4

By: Deniz Camp, Juan Frigeri
Released: Sep 4, 2024


Doom's years of torture at the hands of the Maker finally catch up to him in this secret history of the real Reed Richards! And tensions rise among the Ultimates when Doom might be more fixated on re-creating the life he should have had than the life he's got...

Rated T+

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Dark Nights: Death Metal: Infinite Hour Exxxtreme! #1

By: Becky Cloonan, Denys Cowan
Released: Nov 11, 2020

Pull up a chair, ya bastiches-it’s time for Uncle Lobo’s Infinite Hour! It’s your chance to let the Main Man Lobo-tomize you with familiar yet freaky stories of the DC Universe, exactly as he remembers them: with blood and guts and exxxtreme gratuitous violence! Tell yer comics guy to put you down for alllll the copies!

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Batman: Creature of the Night #3

By: Kurt Busiek, John Paul Leon
Released: Apr 18, 2018

Bruce Wainwright isn't a child anymore-but the trauma that shaped him, and the monster he created, is still with him! Has Bruce grown enough to deal with the shock when he learns that one of his most closely held beliefs was a lie?

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Batman: Creature of the Night #4

By: Kurt Busiek, John Paul Leon
Released: Nov 27, 2019

Bruce Wainwright is not the man he believed himself to be. He never was. But when you've unleashed horror on the world... what can you do about it? Is Bruce human after all? Or has he become more than a man? It's the unmissable finale of one of the best-reviewed miniseries of the year, sure to go down as a modern Batman classic!

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Batman: Creature of the Night #2

By: Kurt Busiek, John Paul Leon
Released: Dec 27, 2017

In a world where Batman is only a comic book character, young Bruce Wainwright is starting to feel a surprising strength and power grow inside him...and after years of mourning the loss of his parents, that power feels good--intoxicating, even! The question is, to what use will he put it?

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Brego reviewed Batman: Creature of the Night #1 Oct 31, 2020

Great stuff

Batman: Creature of the Night #1

By: Kurt Busiek, John Paul Leon
Released: Nov 29, 2017

Young Bruce Wainwright lost his parents in a violent crime...and in the real world, no superheroes exist to save the day. But as grief and rage builds inside Bruce until he feels he can't keep it inside anymore, something strange starts taking wing in the Gotham night! Perhaps Bruce's grief isn't inside him after all? Modern masters Kurt Busiek and...

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Brego reviewed Batman: Three Jokers #3 Oct 27, 2020

actually bad and I waited for this story for 4 years and bought all the covers that came out.................

Batman: Three Jokers #3

By: Geoff Johns, Jason Fabok
Released: Oct 28, 2020

The final chapter of the most terrifying and personal Batman mystery is here!
Still reeling from their last encounter with the three Jokers, Batman, Batgirl, and Red Hood discover the terrible truth about the Three Jokers’ plot. Will the caped crusaders have the strength needed to put an end to the maniacal menaces’ master plan once and ...

+ LikeComments (4)
KesheR - Oct 30, 2020

You what?!

Darkseid24 - Oct 31, 2020

Jokes on you I guess

Brego rated Batman: Three Jokers #2 Sep 30, 2020

Batman: Three Jokers #2

By: Geoff Johns, Jason Fabok
Released: Sep 30, 2020

As Batman and Batgirl follow an unexpected thread linking the three Jokers with someone from the Dark Knight’s past, Red Hood dives headfirst into trouble and finds himself struggling to stay afloat without the aid of his allies.
Batman: Three Jokers continues its trajectory as the ultimate examination of The Joker and his never-ending con...

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Brego rated Batman: Three Jokers #1 Aug 28, 2020

Batman: Three Jokers #1

By: Geoff Johns, Jason Fabok
Released: Aug 26, 2020

Thirty years after Batman: The Killing Joke changed comics forever, Three Jokers reexamines the myth of who, or what, The Joker is and what is at the heart of his eternal battle with Batman. New York Times bestselling writer Geoff Johns and Jason Fabok, the writer/artist team that waged the “Darkseid War” in the pages of Justice League, reunite...

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Brego rated Batman #77 Sep 7, 2019

Batman #77

By: Tom King, Tony Daniel
Released: Aug 21, 2019

"City of Bane" continues! The last of the independent villains are on the run, leaving Gotham City entirely to Bane and his cronies-including Flashpoint Batman and Gotham Girl! Though this means a semblance of peace on the streets, the iron grip of tyranny is squeezing all life out of Gotham. And with Bane's machinations keeping other heroes out, t...

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Brego reviewed Batman #71 May 15, 2019

Straight to garbage bin

Batman #71

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: May 15, 2019

"The Fall and the Fallen" continues! Will it be father and son working together, or tearing each other apart? When it comes to the Waynes, expect a little of both. In the quest to get Bruce Wayne to hang up the cape and cowl, Thomas Wayne is going to have to use a little tough love. Only, not all the muscle behind it will be his own.

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Brego rated Detective Comics #1003 May 9, 2019

Detective Comics #1003

By: Peter J. Tomasi, Brad Walker
Released: May 8, 2019

Damian was so certain he could succeed against the Arkham Knight where his
father failed-and not only was he wrong, but as it turns out, the Knight has a
surprising plan for the son of Batman!

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Brego reviewed Immortal Hulk #13 May 8, 2019

Dissapointing ending to a great start of the series. No one knows about what the green door is, how hulk defeats everything with a single clap after getting his powers, who is one below all...

I read 1-13 in 2 days and boy this story arc ended on a bad note.

Immortal Hulk #13

By: Al Ewing, Joe Bennett
Released: Feb 6, 2019

• The One Below All is in control, and Bruce Banner belongs to him. Hell is ascendant.
•  But there are two people Hell isn't strong enough to hold. One is a man named Eugene Judd...
•  ...the other is the IMMORTAL HULK.
Rated T+

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Brego rated Immortal Hulk #12 May 8, 2019

Immortal Hulk #12

By: Al Ewing, Joe Bennett
Released: Jan 23, 2019

•  It whispers through many mouths. It destroys with many hands. Its only weapon is hate.
•  It wears human souls like masks on a stage to work its will on the world - but in the lowest hell, underneath all others, all the masks come off...
•  ...and THE ONE BELOW ALL...

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Brego rated Batman #70 May 5, 2019

Batman #70

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: May 1, 2019

n chapter one of "The Fall and the Fallen," Batman escapes his Knightmares only to wind up in a whole other bad dream. He's locked in Arkham Asylum with his worst enemies, and the only way to get out is to fight them all. It's a gladiatorial game of madness and mayhem, all for the amusement of Bane!

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Brego rated DCeased #1 May 5, 2019

DCeased #1

By: Tom Taylor, Trevor Hairsine
Released: May 1, 2019

"I looked, and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was Death, and Hades was following close behind him."-Revelation 6:8
A mysterious techno-virus has been released on Earth, infecting 600 million people and turning them instantly into violent, monstrous engines of destruction.
The heroes of the DCU are caught completely unpr...

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Brego reviewed Batman #67 Mar 21, 2019

All tom king stories from rebirth should be deleted. Batman continuity should be continued from new 52. This is complete trash

Batman #67

By: Tom King, Lee Weeks
Released: Mar 20, 2019

The "Knightmares" continue as Batman chases a new foe in an impossible race. Over rooftops, across alleyways, up and down the streets of Gotham City, this lightning-fast crook outsmarts the Dark Knight at every turn. Is that because the man under the mask is someone more familiar than he knows? Artist Lee Weeks returns to BATMAN for an all-out acti...

Brego reviewed The Batman Who Laughs #3 Feb 13, 2019

Not up to par with snyder's other arcs. Teaming up with Gordon, Really?!

The Batman Who Laughs #3

By: Scott Snyder, Jock
Released: Feb 13, 2019

All the pieces are starting to fit together as the Batman Who Laughs acquires another key element in his plan-one that is linked to the founding fathers of Gotham City and to a legacy started by the Wayne family and protected by none other than Oswald Cobblepot. While the Penguin goes head-to-head with the darkest version of his mortal enemy, Batma...

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Brego rated Batman #39 Mar 7, 2018

Batman #39

By: Tom King, Joelle Jones
Released: Jan 17, 2018

SUPERFRIENDS" part three! Batman and Wonder Woman fight together in an epic battle that will define and then redefine their relationship. What bonds these two pillars of the DCU together? What tears them apart? Find out as Batman continues on his quest for the one thing he's never had, happiness.

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Brego rated Batman #40 Mar 7, 2018

Batman #40

By: Tom King, Joelle Jones
Released: Feb 7, 2018

"SUPERFRIENDS" part four! Since the beginning, the friendship between Batman and Wonder Woman has stood at the heart of the DC Universe. Now that friendship is coming apart, and as it does, the universe itself begins to crumble. The conclusion of Batman's team-up with Wonder Woman. (This story was previously slated to run in BATMAN #39.)

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Brego rated Batman #41 Mar 7, 2018

Batman #41

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Feb 21, 2018

"EVERYONE LOVES IVY" part one! Mikel Janin returns to BATMAN for a brand-new epic! Pamela Isley's influence can spread as far as vegetation will allow, putting the whole world at her fingertips. Can Batman and Catwoman stand their ground against an entire planet of Poison Ivys?

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Brego rated Batman #42 Mar 7, 2018

Batman #42

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Mar 7, 2018

"Everyone Loves Ivy" part two! Poison Ivy has taken control of every man, woman and child on the planet, and only Batman and Catwoman have escaped her influence. But will the pair of them be enough to nip this in the bud?

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Brego rated Thanos #15 Jan 25, 2018

Thanos #15

By: Donny Cates, Geoff Shaw
Released: Jan 24, 2018

As King Thanos and his Rider prepare to face the coming forces of the Fallen One, he surveys the Universe he's dominated...just a king and his dog. His
Parental Advisory

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Brego rated Red Hood and the Outlaws #12 Jul 13, 2017

Red Hood and the Outlaws #12

By: Scott Lobdell, Dexter Soy
Released: Jul 12, 2017

"THE LIFE OF BIZARRO" part one! Bizarro's final days are upon us! As Red Hood and the Outlaws rush home to Gotham City in an effort to save Bizarro's life, a new threat is unleashed in the form of Solomon Grundy! Can the Outlaws stop Grundy's rampage without their most powerful member? Who unleashed the monster in the first place? And can Grundy de...

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Brego rated Batman #0 Jul 8, 2017

Batman #0

By: Scott Snyder, Jonathan Glapion
Released: Sep 12, 2012

Bruce Wayne has returned from his worldwide quest to take the law into his own hands! This issue reveals the early steps of building everything that surrounds Batman the costume, the cave, the car, the gadgets!

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Brego rated Batman #52 Jul 2, 2017

Batman #52

By: James Tynion IV, Rafael Albuquerque
Released: May 11, 2016

Echoes from Batman's past ripple out into Gotham City's future

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Brego rated Batman #51 Jul 2, 2017

Batman #51

By: Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo
Released: Apr 27, 2016

Batman has battled everything from the Court of Owls to Mr. Bloom to the Joker, but how does he handle a quiet night in Gotham City?

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Brego rated All-Star Batman #11 Jun 22, 2017

All-Star Batman #11

By: Scott Snyder, Rafael Albuquerque
Released: Jun 21, 2017

"THE FIRST ALLY" part two! Batman races to track down his new nemesis before another murder rocks Miami. But with old secrets revealing unsettling truths about his closest ally, what dark accords will the Dark Knight make in order to stop true evil?

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