Batman #71

Writer: Tom King Artist: Mikel Janin Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: May 15, 2019 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 22 User Reviews: 74
7.5Critic Rating
6.0User Rating

+ Pull List

"The Fall and the Fallen" continues! Will it be father and son working together, or tearing each other apart? When it comes to the Waynes, expect a little of both. In the quest to get Bruce Wayne to hang up the cape and cowl, Thomas Wayne is going to have to use a little tough love. Only, not all the muscle behind it will be his own.

  • 10
    Dark Knight News - Eric Lee May 18, 2019

    King, Janin, and Fornes have crafted a thrilling, psychological mind-trip in Batman #71. It shows Bane at his most manipulative and Batman becoming more broken. This comic is an exciting shocking, unpredictable experience. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Forces Of Geek - Lenny Schwartz May 17, 2019

    This book just hits all of the right notes month in and month out! Read Full Review

  • 9.4
    The Super Powered Fancast - Deron Generally May 15, 2019

    Mikel Janin and Jorge Fornes deliver on the art with contrasting and complementary art styles for both parts of this story. The transition is amazing and there is a brilliant tonal and emotional shift conveyed through the art. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Lyles Movie Files - Jeffrey Lyles May 15, 2019

    There's a few rough patches specifically the order of events, but otherwise this was an encouraging sign that Batman is making a comeback after a disappointing Knightmares arc. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Brazen Bull - Charlie Chipman May 15, 2019

    Intimate and intense,Batman #71sends Batman, and bat-fans, through the wringer, and come issue's end, leaves them in anticipation of what's to come. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills May 18, 2019

    This is a tightly constructed ratcheting of tension that pushes the story to the very edge, with strong writing and perfect art. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen May 15, 2019

    Batman #71 ramps up the drama as even the reader is forced to question whether Batman can triumph against Bane. Read Full Review

  • 8.2
    Comic Watch - Bethany W Pope May 15, 2019

    Although the script seemed to be a bit muddled in places its deficits were balanced by the strength of the dialogue and art. Clearly King is building to an emotionally-powerful conclusion. Lets hope that he sticks the landing. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Geek Dad - Ray Goldfield May 15, 2019

    While the execution of this comic is excellent, the never-ending bleakness and dark turns make it a little hard to stay invested. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Crusaders - Tucker Lombard May 15, 2019

    This issue built the mystery successfully and kept me on the hook and guessing. Tom King is a fantastic writer doing interesting things with the characters while still referencing the past in a way that doesn't feel stale or overly nostalgic. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    DC Comics News - Steven Brown May 17, 2019

    Batman #71 is a good read but really doesn't add too much to the story that we don't already know and that's pretty disappointing. I'm eager to find out Flashpoint Batman's motivations and I thought we'd at least get a hint with the encounter in Wayne Manor–but we got nothing. I really hope the next issue gives us more clarity on Flashpoint Batman, Bane and the overall direction of the run. I thought this issue would give me some answers. Instead I'm left with more questions. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Black Nerd Problems - Keith Reid-Cleveland May 18, 2019

    I'm mostly excited to see what King has in store that will “change the character for a generation.” Typically, a creative team's run is isolated and pieces of the story are reset when they're done. It doesn't sound like we'll be getting that this time around. So buckle in, because it sounds like whatever is coming is going to stick. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Batman Universe - Paul Shanly May 15, 2019

    After being introduced to Tom King through his work on Batman, I have branched out and read some of his other work (like his amazing run on Mr. Miracle) where Ive had the advantage of reading his stories in the context of a complete story, which I think is how King's work should be read. King is a writer that enjoys a slow burn and while the story is definitely moving, its hard to really gauge the story in pieces. That being said, King has excelled at writing a Batman who's unraveling appears to be picking up steam and there is definitely a feeling that the hammer is about to drop and the word is already out that its only going to get worse. Read Full Review

  • 7.8
    Monkeys Fighting Robots - David DeCorte May 15, 2019

    BATMAN #71 is moody and tense, suggesting that all Bruce has been put through might finally be causing him to crack. We're building suspense and picking up momentum as we move toward the big issue #75, so it's wise to follow these next few issues closely. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    AIPT - Adrian Care May 15, 2019

    It has some shocking moments, and some non-linear narrative you'll either get or be confused by. But the characterizations of the Bat family are a little off here and the dialogue isn't exactly a strength of this issue. It might represent a low point after a very solid first part of this arc, or it might be a sign that Tom King's run needs an injection of a new direction. Still, he managed to steer the previous Knightmares arc home strong, so there's no need for alarm bells yet. Janin's art is as excellent as always and Fornes has been a revelation since joining the art team. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Newsarama - Pierce Lydon May 15, 2019

    We still have some 30 odd issues of King’s Batman yet and it’s hard to know what that means. It’s hard to really know where we stand right now. And again, I think a lot of that is by design but King’s work leaves a lot to be desired in terms of execution and it relates to the larger mythology of these characters. I still don’t know what King is trying to say about himself or Batman or Bane or Gotham or any of it. And as Batman continues to be punished by his writer, it’s understandable that some readers have felt similarly about this run. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Lainez May 16, 2019

    Batman #71 had all the potential to be an excellent chapter in Tom King's run. That unfortunately didn't happen. The structure King chose caused this issue to never gain any sort of momentum due to the constant shifts between past or present day scenes. Luckily Batman #71 was saved by the strength in how King has executed Bane's plan to break Bruce Wayne in a way that is both sad and fascinating to read. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comicsverse - Maite Molina May 15, 2019

    BATMAN #71 is a frustrating issue that continues the shortcomings of its predecessors as it fails to establish any concrete movement in the series' narrative. Read Full Review

  • 5.1
    Weird Science - Dan Mayhoff May 15, 2019

    The issue is filled with switching storylines, broken continuities, and beautiful art from panel to panel. So basically, it's a Tom King book. This issue finally brings our hero face to face with his enemy and yet it feels like almost nothing happened in this book until the very end. It feels like we keep building and building to something and we never end up getting there. Hate to start my time with this book on such a down note but unfortunately, that is the case. The saving grace of this book is the art and it is damn beautiful. Unfortunately, not much else to say about it. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Batman-News - Joshua McDonald May 15, 2019

    King's Batman will, undoubtedly, continue to be a polarizing topic of conversation for many fans. Many will love this issue, and many will hate this issue. Yet again, I feel as though the art team does most of the leg work to make this an enjoyable read, as King continues to fall into bad habits concerning dialogue, lack of progression, repetition, odd story structure, and potentially another "mystery" that will lead nowhere. I enjoy seeing the Bat-family together, but I can't say that this did much for me outside of that. Maybe next month? Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    But Why Tho? - lizzylynngarcia May 15, 2019

    If you are looking for a solid Batman comic that delves into the darkness of Bruce Wayne, like this comic attempts to do, I recommend picking up The Batman Who Laughs instead. Read Full Review

  • 4.0 - Nicole Drum May 15, 2019

    Switching storylines, inconsistent continuity, and a disconcerting sense of not ever really be certain what parts of the story are "real" and what parts are hallucination has become almost a default for Tom King's Batman run, and that holds true for Batman #71. Unfortunately, that also means that Batman #71 is a bit of a mess to read. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Batman Jones May 15, 2019


  • 10
    axdn May 15, 2019

    Can't wait for next issue!

  • 9.0
    Ken b May 15, 2019

    Tom King hasn't always hit the mark in this Batman run of his but I especially enjoyed this issue. Heartbreak can do a lot to a person and the batman is only human and Tom King is exploiting that aspect of the batman. Honestly, I rated this issue a 9 but I'm am still trying to figure out has Batman gone insane ???

  • 8.5

    I feel like I just read Moon Knight...

    + LikeComments (17)
  • 8.5
    bucswin611 May 15, 2019

    No nursery rhymes. No repetition. No nightmares.
    Yes Bat-family. Yes moody shadows. Yes emotional turmoil.
    Biggest minus? The last line was a little on-the-nose.
    My favorite issue of this run in a while.

    + LikeComments (1)
  • 7.5
    Tony May 15, 2019

    The artwork is 10/10 but I have some issues with this one, Wasn't the bat-signal broken? and what's wrong with bat-family, Bruce is the greatest detective or at least he used to be and just because what he said to them seems wrong they belive he's crazy, instead to say, we need to find what's happen here. I feel Gordon was a little out of a place. I don't think this was already planed, I mean, they changed the whole issue 70 and the cover for this one (Batman in a fight with tigers) hasn't any relation with the story until they show the Kubert cover, so the story changed too, and only God knows if issue 72 suffered some changes until issue 73 that suposed to be issue 70, anyway, at this point I don't see any great revelation. I remember Jan more

  • 7.5
    mrDovydas May 15, 2019

    Not the best issue by any means, but it's getting better. I am enjoying the story, especially now that the members of the Bat-family are included as well. Bruce seems to be going mad, and it shows. Of course, due to this, the issue was a bit confusing at some parts, as it seems to be following a non-linear plot. Some of the characterisation was a bit off, which is quite a common thing in this book these days. Artwork, however, has been fantastic.

  • 7.5
    Linkush May 15, 2019


    We get to see Batman gather up the Bat-family and preparing to fight Bane and we also get to see him finally face Bane again. I really enjoyed the mood of this issue, feels like something really big is about to happen. The narrative was a bit confusing at times but I liked the non-linear approach. There's also a hint about how Batman might just be going mad and I'm really interested to see how King will develop this, though it could end up being a big mess if it turned out that he's just making things up because he's still in pain because of what happened at the wedding (I don't really think this will happen). Still, the ending has me excited for what's coming next and I'm hoping for the best. Oh, and I didn't really like more

    + LikeComments (3)
  • 7.0
    ComicNerd96 May 15, 2019

    It was fine, though I admit I'm ready to move on from this story.

  • 7.0
    Bigpoppa393 May 15, 2019

    I'm not sure I understand what the hell is going on.

  • 6.5
    LunaMoody May 23, 2019

    Bane has always been a weak character to me. Every time he ever gets one up on Batman it's always after Batman is at his lowest point from dealing with all the other stuff in his life. The only way Bane can ever win is if Batman is already worn down and weakened. And even then Batman manages to kick his ass eventually. How does this make Bane a strong character? Even this time around Bane has others helping him. When he broke his back he watched as others wore Batman down first. Even worn out, Batman only lost because Bane had to juice up in order to be strong enough to beat him. Bane is just a pathetic character. I wish this story line would just move on already. The only thing of interest in it, is the adding of Batman's father from anoth more

  • 6.0
    pizzamain Feb 12, 2020

    it's like it's trying to confuse me on purpose

  • 5.5
    Afre May 15, 2019

    Well, eh. It's odd. And a hard to review. Non-linear narrative is a new thing now for King and it works and doesn't at the same time. I feel like King doesn't get Bat-family so well, would explain why he doesn't have them so often in his books, except Nightwing.

    But why non-linear narrative works: we get new revelations at the same time and we get to great artists at work.

    Why it doesn't work: one could think the other one is a dream. Or they both are. King is known to be very vague about this things, it wouldn't surprise me if one of those was a dream. After the disaster that was Knightmares, where you couldn't figure out were they dreams or not, in about half of them.

    Also, when Bruce talks how he is gonna more

  • 4.5
    waltgator93 May 15, 2019

    All I’m thinking as I am reading this is what the fuck is Tom King doing. Enjoyed the artwork. I am quite curious to where the punch will lead to with the Bat-Family. I know I am not going to like it especially how my favorite scene in Rebirth Detective Comics was when Bruce and Tim got reunited.

  • 4.0
    Spacey Medicine May 20, 2019

    The thing I like about Batman is that it’s always a fast read.

    + LikeComments (1)
  • 3.5
    ohhaimark May 21, 2019


    -Sorry about the late reviews. Been a busy week. Anyways, I thought this issue was fine. I'm just honestly glad to be done with Knightmares and all that garbage.

    -Jorge Fornes' art was great. Definitely the best creator involved with this issue.

    -I'll be honest, I liked that page with Batgirl calling the Bat family.

    -Honestly, I though Alfred was the best here. That scene with him and Batman was good, for me at least.

    THE BAD:

    -I guess this issue is supposed to be like the sequel to issue 60. Not sure how well that works, especially considering I liked that issue. The juxtaposition effect here didn't seem as strong. Probably because it was already used.

    + LikeComments (2)
  • 3.5
    WeeklyComicPulls May 17, 2019

    Tom King once again proves that he was a terrible choice for Batman.

  • 3.5
    egonnn244 May 15, 2019

    "You don't know a damn thing!"

    Just what is it with King having Batman punch everyone in the face? For a moment there I thought he will punch Alfred.

    Make him angry, make him scream, but enough with the lashing out and waving his fist around. I was on board with that during the Freeze trial and the KGBeast thing, but it has gone on for far too long and now it only makes Batman look pathetic and weak. And let me tell you, that is not a good look for the Dark Knight.

    I'm not even going to touch on the general story in this issue, because it is practically in the SAME DAMN PLACE that it was in the last issue and in the last couple of months. But there is a far more serious matter regarding this issue. What was more

    + LikeComments (1)
  • 3.5
    Darkseid24 May 15, 2019

    Meh, guess Kings Batman run is a good example for what happens, if you make fanfiction canon. King doesn’t know how to write these characters at all& at this point I can only hope, that it won’t be that bad after all, when he said, that his run will change Batman‘s character for generations. Hope this is just his ego speaking.
    Anyway we should believe, that Batman was imprisoned in Arkham for weeks without the batfamily noticing or looking for him? Doesn’t make any sense. The Batman King is writing is an unlikable, infantile crybaby, who is nothing but agressive. However being Batman means to be able to control emotions. And yeah some people are saying, this is a broken Batman, who is brought to his limits, but how? Because he more

    + LikeComments (12)
  • 3.5
    Talon1load May 15, 2019

    Ahhh, The continuing story of how to not write Batman, by Tom King. So in this poorly crafted tale, we have what appear to be two separate timelines, presumably both actually happening but with King you never know, one shows Batman sort of gathering the family and the other shows him finding out that he's lost. We start with him on the roof with Gordon lighting up the Batsignal, that Gordon destroyed just a few issues before, but he's changed the bulb out to be red. The significance? Who the hell knows, it's never been referenced before that I'm aware of and isn't explained here. The only way anyone knows anything is because Batgirl just happened to be at her dads office and was told. SHE goes and makes the calls to the Batfamily memb more

  • 3.5
    Nihilist May 15, 2019

    The worse thing than telling one story with no substance is telling two at the same time. King's writing reminds me of drunk or drugged people mumbling incoherently, probably believing what they say (or try to, at least) makes some, any sense, but it doesn't to anyone who's not as wasted as they are.

    We've got an antire arc worth of hallucinations and delirious nightmares coming true. And it was a terrible arc, I may add. King, seems like it, didn't get over it, though, and continues to serve us the same dish over and over again. It's not just bad at this point. It's also cold already.

    Half of the art looks great, and that's the only reason this comic got any points from me. Avoid this garbage.

  • 3.0
    cincyfan Dec 15, 2020

    I dislike the nonlinear approach and was completely confused until around the halfway point. However I did like what the bat family said to him it answered a few lingering questions I had though I still have quite a few. Finally i’m sorry but Batman has suffered loss a ton of times before so I don get that and why is he such a irrational prick right now when he hit Tim for no reason they should’ve done something idk this was disappointing again

  • 3.0
    Big Brother May 15, 2019

    Another bewildering installment of Tom King's Babyman.

    + LikeComments (1)
  • 3.0
    Psycamorean May 15, 2019

    I guess telling two halves of a story at once is a good way to engineer a false sense of forward momentum. I wish King would just stop with the gimmicks. He exhausted my good faith 30 issues ago, at least. I think even King is starting to realize that people are catching on to his writing tropes, and since they're not ones that you can easily diversify (There's only so many ways you can tell a "character driven" story about your own form of depression.), he's had to resort to style over substance. Can we just make this a weekly series? I don't want to spend another year on this.

  • 2.0
    Another Nerd May 15, 2019

    King can write a good story but his run on Batman the past several months has been infuriating. Just when you thought the narrative was going to move forward this issue takes us two steps back and we're still stuck in the weeds.

  • 2.0
    Mikethe#1batmanfan May 15, 2019

    The 2 pts this issue recieved are purely for the beautiful cover. Its a great looking issue setting on the shelf till you open it and read it. It made very little sense and added ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to the current story arc involving Thomas Wayne and Bane. On occation ive enjoyed Tom Kings attempt on writing the greatest comic story told but i know im not alone in saying most of the time i just wanna dig into my back issues and reread some of Scott Snyders amazing stories. It just seems to me King has failed to even come close to matching Snyders incredible writing. Thank god for "The Batman Who Laughs" series because ATM is ur a Batman fan THIS IS STORY TO READ! King you need to seriously sit down with Mr. Snyder and learn how to make Bat more

  • 2.0
    Quinn May 15, 2019

    OH MY GOD.

    This is just a rehash of the Knightfall story arc from the early 1990s.

    Bane breaks out the Arkham crew. Batman is stressed out, pushes allies away. Hits Robin the same way Hank Pym hit Wasp back in the early 1980s. (The action, while bad, is not a symptom of being a wife beater, but rather psychological stress).

    They have two or seven artists, so the look isn't consistent. For some reason Alfred is telling Bruce he lost and is serving Bane and Thomas Wayne/Batman.

    This is just a whole lot of who cares, and rehashed who cares at that. King recently boasted that he finally got permission from the suits to do something that will shape Batman for a generation. (It's going to actually have more

  • 1.0
    Superheroes for Hire Sep 22, 2019

    Makes no sense even after reading later issues.

  • 1.0
    Michaelbn May 17, 2019

    I dislike Bruce Wayne overall and like the persona of Batman but this is too much, it's making me like the usual Bruce Wayne I don't like; it's really impressive for this fetish-trashy-badfanfiction-garbage for doing something like this.
    At this point I don't even care if editors are going to change King or something, all I want from them is to use Janin's art for better stories.

  • 1.0
    Brego May 15, 2019

    Straight to garbage bin

  • 1.0
    myconius May 15, 2019

    aside from these plot points being left to hang for months on end, King kicks batman through the dirt a little more.
    and he's not done making Batman an unlikable idiotic jerk, now he’s going for broke.
    OMG is this bad!!! SO freaking bad!!!
    this comic reaches a whole new level of stupidity!

    ...and Tom King still hasn’t explained WHY Flashpoint Batman is helping Bane!!
    the lousy frigging hack that he is!!

    + LikeComments (9)
  • 1.0
    KFuqua May 15, 2019

    More terrible writing from Tom King. Just an awful story.

  • 10
    FerTute1996 Jul 28, 2019

  • 10
    Debbie Jul 22, 2019

  • 10
    Alexander_Tsitokhtseff Jun 20, 2019

  • 10
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  • 10
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  • 10
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  • 9.0
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  • 9.0
    Venom2796 May 15, 2019

  • 8.5
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  • 8.0
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