Steven Brown's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: DC Comics News Reviews: 268
8.6Avg. Review Rating

Action Comics (2011) #45

Oct 8, 2015

Overall I thought Action Comics #45 was a solid read. The pacing was great, artwork was ideal and we actually get to see how the world both views Clark Kent and Superman. Kuder and Pak throughout the book seems to show that Superman is having another side emerge. I remember the Superman I know as a trusting character, who gave everyone the benefit of the doubt until proven otherwise. Kuder and Pak toss this idea out the window–and I love it. This issue shows a Superman that's constantly on his guard, one who has to almost move through the shadows to find out the truth of what's going on and to ultimately stop Wrath. Action Comics #45 encourages to really ask this question–who really is Superman without Clark Kent? I believe we will see those answers pretty soon.

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Action Comics (2011) #46

Nov 26, 2015

Overall I thought Action Comics #46 was a good read. Plenty of action and emotion, andwe get to see a very angry Superman–and to me that's always fun. Wrath seems to be a decent villain, however not really a memorable one but maybe this was never the writer's intention. It took me awhile to get on board with a “depowered” Superman but the more I've read the more I've liked so far. I have to admit that I want a return to the traditional cape but with the way Kuder and Pak have written it so far–I'm not rushing Superman's return to power anytime soon.

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Action Comics (2011) #47

Dec 9, 2015

Action Comics #47 gives you that exactly what's in the title"action. Each page keeps your eyes moving and Kuder and Jeanty's attention to detail is amazing. I'm one of those people that notice the small stuff on a page and Kuder and Jeanty take note of that. Everything from the strain of Clark's muscles while fighting, to seeing him sweat from his brow while wrestling Frankenstein is done flawlessly. We also get a particular treat in the end when we find out that Wrath isn't the mastermind Clark thought she was. An enemy of Superman's and the Justice League has been pulling the strings the entire time"and by the time you see who it is you'll never even suspect it. I know I didn't at all and I love it. Nothing wrong with a good surprise especially on the holidays"and Action Comics #47 gives you just that.

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Action Comics (2011) #49

Feb 24, 2016

“Immortal Combat” is a great read. We finally see Superman with some semblance of his power back and Kuder and Syaf do a great job in showing us that. With everything we've been shown in this series I think what really stands out is Superman's character. This man has had his identity exposed, powers stripped, and he's almost died numerous times since–and he's still Superman. I think that's a testament to not only great writing by Kuder and Pak but to the core of Superman as a character himself. The “Savage Dawn” series is definitely worth the time and the buy– pick it up!

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Action Comics (2011) #50

Apr 29, 2016

Action Comics #50 is a great read! It's a great build up to the conclusion of the war between Superman and Savage and it makes you eager to read the next issue! We have great fights, great cameos from other characters–and finally the return of the shield and cape! I'm really looking forward to seeing how all of this plays out.

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Action Comics (2016) #959

Jul 13, 2016

"Path of Doom" is easily one of the best read stories I've reviewed so far. It's action packed, full of emotional moments between Lois and Superman's son Jon Kent, and I like the idea of Lex Luthor being a hero. Anytime Doomsday shows up be prepared for a lot of destruction and Jurgens and Kirkham give it to us here in spades. I'm anxious to see exactly how a Superman/ Lex Luthor team up would work"or if it's even possible? And the revelation of Jon Kent is exciting as well. Kirkham did a remarkable job showing the concern on the boy's face as he sees his father battle Doomsday on live television. I know it's a little early to call it but I'd love to see a Jon Kent meeting Damian Wayne at some point in the future! The sons of the two world's greatest heroes in one book? Make it happen DC!!! I loved reading Action Comics #959 and if you're a fan of slugfests and constant action then this is the issue for you!!!

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Batgirl (2016) #1

Jul 27, 2016

"Beyond Burnside Pt. 1" is a great introduction into the world of Batgirl if you've never been introduced to her before. I enjoy seeing her growth from Oracle in a wheelchair to being CEO of her own company. She even references her wheelchair days to Fruitbat which I love that Larson paid homage to that moment in her past. I love seeing supporting characters from the Batfamily having their own trials and tribulations without Batman having to get them out of it! Batman is obviously a great character, but he's so great that he overshadows characters like Robin, Batgirl, Red Hood etc. so it's good to see how these characters hold their own against their own villains. Definitely check out Batgirl #1!!! It's a great introduction to a great upcoming story!!!

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Batman (2011) #52

May 31, 2016

“The List” is a good read on its own if you want to know some history to the story of Batman/Bruce Wayne. It gives us a story that shows the steps Bruce took to become the hero he is, and how unlike some who got powers or responsibility in their prime years, Bruce took the tough road of becoming a hero while literally still a child! Here we see a great story unfold around Batman and a pretty pointless villain–however the story surrounding Bruce is so entertaining you really don't care about the motivations of Crypsis. Check out Batman #52–if you're a fan of Bruce's origins its a read for you!

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Batman (2016) #1

Jun 15, 2016

I really thought "I Am Gotham" was a good and interesting read. Although it doesn't give us a clear villain or threat it still shows that the Batman we grew up with is still here. I'm glad to have Bruce back and King gives a great story that not only shows off Batman's intelligence but those infamous resources of his as well. If you want a good story that will introduce you to the world of Batman and Gotham" then this is it!

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Batman (2016) #2

Jul 6, 2016

"I Am Gotham: Part Two" was a great read. I'm looking forward to seeing where this alliance between Batman, Gotham and Gotham Girl will go. I still believe that Batman is still studying his new allies for weaknesses but maybe Tom King will give us something different. In my gut I don't trust Gotham and Gotham Girl at all and I believe their real intentions will be exposed soon enough. I love the direction that Batman is going right now and this issue really gives the "detective" feel back to the Batman series! Read Batman #2! You won't be disappointed!

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Batman (2016) #3

Jul 20, 2016

"I Am Gotham, Part 3" is a good solid follow up book. It gives us a unique look at Batman from the side of the detective" and I'm always a fan of that. Although the action is few in this book, King is obviously setting us up for something better in the next issue and this issue does a great job of setting it up.

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Batman (2016) #4

Aug 3, 2016

"I Am Gotham Part 4" is a great read! King makes up his lack of action in the previous issue and gives it to us here in spades! Finch makes every page look fantastic as we finally see Batman confront Gotham who has superhuman powers himself. I'm looking forward to see how Batman actually handles this situation from all fronts, with Strange and Psycho Pirate, then also having to deal with a crazed and emotionally broken Gotham. Then to make matters worse, what does Batman do when he figures out the government is involved? It seems that the plot really got thick in issue 4 and it definitely makes me excited for number 5!!! Check out Batman #4!!!

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Batman (2016) #5

Aug 18, 2016

"I Am Gotham Part 5" is an amazing read! Here we get great action and also a great story! King does a great job with the pacing of the book which gives you action and emotion on virtually every page. Finch multiplies the awesomeness further by giving us great artwork with it! Each panel from explosions, to confrontations, to the smallest emotional moment is done with painstaking effort. I've enjoyed Finch's work on this book so far and can't wait to see more of it. My only hope is that next issue we finally see Batman catch up to either Psycho Pirate and Strange"and don't forget that the government and Amanda Waller are still involved too! Definitely check out Batman #5, it's worth the read!!!

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Batman (2016) #6

Sep 7, 2016

"I Am Gotham Epilogue" was a good read, although you'll really need to read the previous issues to see exactly what's going on. Ivan Reis' artistic style is wonderful and very well detailed although the beginning of the book has its slow moments. I liked how we are taken out for a day in the life of Gotham Girl"however remember she's currently unhinged so we're seeing her broken and unsure of her abilities at the same time. The best part about the book is the ending itself and the revelation that Batman makes and how it all links to that damn Amanda Waller! She is easily one of my favorite supporting characters period and I definitely want more of her in Batman's world! Check out Batman #6 and see what problems the Dark Knight has with Gotham Girl, Strange, and even the government! Great read!

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Batman (2016) #7

Sep 21, 2016

“Night of the Monster Men, Part 1” was a good read. Orlando and King do a great job of showing us not only Batman but his team as a whole operating under extreme circumstances and still making it work. Even when Nightwing has his doubts about the mission, Batman reassures him that they will save everyone—they have to. It's these small statements reinforced by bigger actions that makes Batman such an inspiration and a joy to read period. I'm eager to see exactly what Strange has planned since obviously that first monster was clearly in the testing stage. I've always been a fan of Strange as being a mental challenge to Batman and so far King and Orlando have stayed true to this formula. Strange has been pulling the strings the entire time, and just now we're seeing the consequences of it! I'm defining looking forward to reviewing the next issue — just like you should be reading this issue now!!! Check it out!!!

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Batman (2016) #9

Oct 19, 2016

Batman #9 is a good read and it's clear that King is setting up for some serious conflict in the next issue. As I stated in my negatives argument though I'm really not too clear on Batman's choices for the operation. I don't want to spoil it but let's just say they are way more powerful people for Batman to choose to work with so I'm eager to see exactly just how King makes this team work. I don't know at this point who Batman has to worry about, the infiltration at Santa Prisca or the Suicide Squad attempting to kill him before the mission even starts! Check out Batman #9! It's worth the read!

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Batman (2016) #10

Nov 2, 2016

Batman #10 is a good read! It's always good to see Batman and Bane, perhaps one of the most dangerous rivalries in comics, go at it! There's also a new surprise about Bane and his addiction to Venom that I hope King explores more in the future.

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Batman (2016) #11

Nov 16, 2016

Batman #11 is a great read and can stand on its own as a single book with a good story. I actually found myself however reading the previous issue again because I enjoyed Batman's infiltration into the prison which by itself is full of action, and of course that's before the encounter with Bane. I think we will find out Wesker's true purpose of being on Batman'sSuicide Squad in the next issue and with that I think we will finally have the rematch of Batman vs. Bane! That's something I'm definitely looking forward to!

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Batman (2016) #12

Dec 7, 2016

Batman #12 is a great follow up to the #11, which involved more stealth than combat! Batman's betrayal by a particular person has led to this drastic change of the plan, and now Batman is fighting to survive! I'm looking forward to seeing Batman's encounter with Bane in the tunnels beneath Santa Prisca!

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Batman (2016) #13

Dec 22, 2016

Batman #13 is an entertaining read but I definitely suggest reading the previous issues to get the entire story. Anytime there's an encounter between Batman and Bane I expect awesomeness! This issue gave me just that.

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Batman (2016) #14

Jan 4, 2017

Batman #8 is essentially a night out for Batman and Catwoman, with each showing the other how their lifestyles are so different with their masks. Catwoman gains a new respect for Batman towards the end of the book, as she's amazed at how dedicated he is every time that signal shines on each page. He never hesitates or wavers in his duty"and she admires that about him.

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Batman (2016) #15

Jan 19, 2017

King brings Batman and Catwoman's dealings full circle in this issue and it's brilliant. Although Batman is a genius, combat expert, tactician, etc, he still has emotions and a heart and Selena tugs at them in this issue. He even admits towards the end of the book that she as a hold on him to a degree, and its more than just the masks that they share in common.

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Batman (2016) #16

Feb 1, 2017

Batman #16 is a good read. King does a great job of showing life without the masks for Batman and his boys as well too. Batman may be a loner, but its Bruce that has the need for family and it's shown here brilliantly. We also have some great action in the book as well, with an ending that I completely didn't see at all! Bane isn't present in this issue yet but he's already making his presence known!

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Batman (2016) #17

Feb 15, 2017

Batman #17 is a good read. I enjoyed the entire issue from beginning to the end, and King satisfactorily answered the questions I had about Gotham Girl as well. I'm definitely looking forward to the confrontation between Bane and Batman, especially withthe situation Batman has now found himself in. David Finch's workgave usperfect shadows of the characters and their surroundings. Each page gave you a look as if you looking into the streets of Gotham yourself, and I hope he brings that same look to the next issue too! King leaves us on a cliffhanger where you already know that the next issue will be a fight between Batman and Bane! Can't wait!

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Batman (2016) #18

Mar 1, 2017

Batman #18 is a great read! I enjoyed the encounter between Batman and Bane and it's great knowing that in the next book the fight continues even further! I've always enjoyed the tactician Bane over the mindless Venom monster that we sometimes get, and King gives us the tactician I've always wanted from Bane in this book! I can't wait to see how the story ends!

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Batman (2016) #19

Mar 15, 2017

You would definitely need to read #18 first before immediately reading this issue, as this is nothing but pure action throughout. Here we have Bane unleashing all of his anger and hate towards the inmates and it was something to definitely see. King even leaves us on a cliffhanger where Bane does finally find Batman" fully suited up and ready fora fight! Great cliffhanger and I can't wait to see how this ends!

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Batman (2016) #20

Apr 5, 2017

This book to me will go down as a classic in the matches between Bane and Batman. Priest did a wonderful job of increasing the stakes in each issue, as we saw Bane and Batman play mental games with other as well throughout the entire series! I've stated before I've always hated whenever Bane was written as a simple "monster." To me he's waymore than that and Priest shows it all here in this series andmakes itgreat read.

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Batman (2016) #21

Apr 26, 2017

Batman #21 is definitely a must read in my opinion, especially if you're interested in seeing how Rebirth truly will play out. This book gave us action and raw emotion on from both Batman and Reverse-Flash. There's a moment where Eobard takes something personal from Bruce and it makes himsnap. This Flashpoint reference was very pivotal and even I forgot about the letter Thomas Wayne wrote to Bruce. I was excited to see that Tom King brought that up. With the Flash finally appearing at the end, I guess we'll finally see Batman and the Flash working side by side!

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Batman (2016) #22

May 3, 2017

Tom King and Joshua Williamson have written an instant classic in my eyes and it was amazing from beginning to end! I can't wait to see what happens in the next issue as it can only get better from here! Hopefully we see Thomas Wayne at some point integrated in the DC Universe. He's a remarkable character as Batman and shows how great and influential he was as a father in this issue. Now if Tom and Joshua can do me favor " take it easy on the awesomeness, guys, my heart can only take so much!

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Batman (2016) #23

May 17, 2017

Overall I thought Batman #23 was an entertaining read. As I stated before, it's always good seeing Batman work so well with other heroes, and as always"he calls the shots. Mitch Gerads does a wonderful job of giving a film noir type look to the book itself. Each page shows the grit and grime of Gotham and I enjoyed it. I'm looking forward to the next issue as we find Swamp Thing leaving an angered Batman questioning his next move.

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Batman (2016) #24

Jun 7, 2017

Batman #24 is a great read. The ending is one in particular that will have real weight in future issues. I don't want to ruin the ending for you but I'm happy that Batman is finally taking steps to pursue happiness. Let's just see how long that happiness lasts however.

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Batman (2016) #25

Jun 21, 2017

Overall Batman #25 was a solid issue. It's not focused at all on Batman, but that's not a bad thing. Tom King has made me a Riddler fan in this issue, and after seeing how Joker nearly kills him at the end, I really hope Riddler gets his revenge! I can already tell that Tom King plans to make this series a mental tug of war between two dangerous villains. I can't wait to see how Batman ultimately stops this war!

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Batman (2016) #26

Jul 5, 2017

I thought Batman #26 was a great read. It seems that this war is only going to escalate before it gets better. As this series continues I can't wait to see where the allegiances of Two-Face, Black Mask, and maybe even Bane may lie. All have at one point or another controlled Gotham, and I'm sure they may want to again.

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Batman (2016) #27

Jul 20, 2017

Batman #27 is a great read and I look forward to the next issue. This war between Joker and Riddler is only going to get worse before it gets better. Even the citizens of Gotham are forced to choose a side in the chaos of it all. As this series continues I'm really going to wonder just exactly how Batman will stop all of this?

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Batman (2016) #28

Aug 3, 2017

Batman #28 is a good read. Out of all the villains that exist in the DC Universe, I must admit that the villains of Batman are the ones I enjoy the most. When we see the forces that Riddler and Joker both have, it's a testament to how dangerous Gotham City is and just why the city needs Batman. I'm looking forward to seeing what steps Batman takes to end this war " and if those choices will have any long-lasting consequences.

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Batman (2016) #29

Aug 17, 2017

Tom King basically gave us a story that details just why this war is so crucial between Joker and Riddler. Here you see everything from both their points of view and you can see firsthand just why they hate Batman so much. Throughout the entire book as Joker and Riddler mutually discuss their hate for Batman, it's too funny because they're having dinner with the Dark Knight right now and don't even realize it! Now Bruce Wayne has to decide who he's going to give the one billion dollars to. I'm looking forward to seeing his decision in the next issue!

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Batman (2016) #30

Sep 8, 2017

Batman #30 is a great read. It's full of action, a great story told from Kite Man, and you really feel bad for his situation. At the end of the book it's revealed that Batman and Riddler left Kite Man alone at every incident because they knew once he was the last criminal left in Joker's army, he'd crack and tell Batman everything. Once Riddler and Batman reveal this"Kite Man knows within himself that not even the criminal community fully respects him! I'm definitely looking forward to how the city and especially Batman will move forward in the next issue.

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Batman (2016) #31

Sep 20, 2017

Overall I've enjoyed every issue of this series so far. The war between Joker and Riddler has literally spread across all of Gotham and the lines have been drawn! We've always seen Joker run Gotham throughout the years but we've never seen a story where Riddler has actually been a threat! That's probably what's most enjoyable about the entire series is the fact that it's the Riddler and not Two-Face, Penguin, Scarface or another mob boss in Batman's rogues gallery! It's good to see another villain step up to take on Joker's reign in Gotham besides those mentioned and I can't wait to see how Tom King concludes this series!

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Batman (2016) #32

Oct 5, 2017

Overall I thought Batman #32 was a great read! The showdown between Batman, Joker and Riddler is epic and the emotions that Batman deal with are hard earned and felt. Tom King really puts us in Bruce Wayne's eyes in this issue as he ends it with Bruce making a landmark statement to Selina Kyle about his love for her and what it means to him. Hopefully this makes a huge change in Bruce's outlook of love as he and Selina share so much in common. King and Janin have continued to amaze me with this series, so I expect the next issue to be no different!

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Batman (2016) #33

Oct 20, 2017

Overall I thought Batman #33 was a solid issue and an entertaining read. Here we see Bruce's engagement come full circle, and I can't wait to see what happens once he and Selina return. King gave a great cliffhanger which introduces an old Batman foe to the mix. I'm not giving away any names but I'm definitely looking forward to seeing how Selina will deal with this threat in the next issue!

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Batman (2016) #34

Nov 3, 2017

Batman #34 is a literal battle of the exes as we see Batman and Talia go head to head! I'm actually looking forward to the next issue honestly! I've always wanted to see the two loves of Bruce Wayne fight it out and next issue it looks as if we'll finally see it!

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Batman (2016) #35

Nov 17, 2017

Batman #35 was a great read and I'm looking forward to Selina meeting the rest of the family with the news of the engagement, thanks to Alfred. The conclusion is pretty funny with the brief conversation between Selina and Damian as well and I'm looking forward to seeing how the rest of them interact with her in future issues.

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Batman (2016) #36

Dec 7, 2017

Batman #36 was a great read. As the world slowly finds out about Batman and Catwoman's engagement, I wonder what the rest of the League has to say about Batman settling down? I'm also wondering what this means for Batman's enemies as well, as Batman's primary concern was always someone he loved being a target. I'm looking forward to seeing where King takes us next with the story of Bruce and Selina in this series.

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Batman (2016) #37

Dec 21, 2017

Batman #37 is a good read and nice change of pace from the hectic last few issues we've had. King gives Bruce Wayne some normalcy in this issue and it's good to finally see Bruce enjoying life for once instead of always preparing for the worst.

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Batman (2016) #39

Jan 17, 2018

Batman #39 is definitely a good read. Anytime we can see Diana and Bruce fight together is a real treat, however the ending that King gives us really throws Selina and Bruce's engagement in doubt. There's always been some attraction between Batman and Wonder Woman and King does a great job of teasing it here in this book, especially at it's end. I can't wait to see what the Gentle Man's real intentions are"I don't think he plans on keeping his promise to Batman and Wonder Woman at all.

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Batman (2016) #40

Feb 10, 2018

Batman #40 was a great read and I can't wait for the next issue. King does a wonderful job of giving us action, dramatic moments, and a little dose comedy from beginning to end. It's clear by the end of the book that Batman and Catwoman's love is nearly unbreakable"if 40 years apart doesn't prove that, I don't know what does!

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Batman (2016) #41

Feb 22, 2018

Batman #41 is a great read! I'm looking forward to seeing exactly what Batman's options truly are. Although Batman is a strategist and proficient in many things, he also has allies that he depends on for their expertise and resources as well. Ivy has essentially taken all of that access away"so what will Batman's next move be?

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Batman (2016) #42

Mar 8, 2018

Overall Batman #42 is a very entertaining read. Although the world is entirely Ivy controlled, seeing Batman and Catwoman trying to navigate through it is perhaps the most entertaining part of the book.

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Batman (2016) #43

Mar 22, 2018

Overall this was a good read and a decent conclusion to Poison Ivy's run. It seems that she felt so hurt from the deaths she caused in the war between Riddler and Joker that she decided to literally save everyone in the world"by taking choice away from them. Batman tells Ivy that she still can save the world, but she can't do that necessarily until she saves herself first. It seems that Ivy just might be taking the path to redemption judging to the conclusion we get with her. If so I'd love to see her partner with Batman and the family later on in the future!

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Batman (2016) #44

Apr 6, 2018

Overall I thought this was a good read. Although there wasn't a threat necessarily for Selina to deal with in this issue, King did a great job with showing how far Catwoman has come as a character over the years. I remember when Batman hardly ever trusted Catwoman, and the times he did, he always had a contingency plan in place just in case she'd betray him. Now things between Bruce and Selina have come full circle"and they both truly trust each other. I can actually say this is one wedding I'm definitely looking forward to.

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Batman (2016) #45

Apr 19, 2018

Batman #45 is a fun read. It almost reminds me of Flashpoint with how one change in the timeline has these immense and dangerous consequences. By the end of the book, it seems that Bruce destroyed the time machine, so I don't know how Booster will even fix everything. King leaves on a cliffhanger where Booster is trying to fix the timeline, while Bruce is celebrating his parents wedding anniversary. Although Booster had good intentions, I really think that this will sour his relationship with Batman. I guess we'll have to see with the next issue!

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Batman (2016) #46

May 4, 2018

Batman #46 was a great read and I can't wait to read the next issue! It's pretty clear that with a friend like Booster Gold you really don't need any enemies! I almost found myself frustrated with Booster in this issue because of his failure to take anything seriously. However it seems to be more optimism than a failure. My next question is now that Bruce's parents are gone–what exactly happens to him now?

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Batman (2016) #47

May 16, 2018

Batman #47 was a great read. It shows a world where honestly if Thomas and Martha wouldn't have made the ultimate sacrifice, the world and Gotham would've been way worst for it. I also think King meant for this book to be a baptism of fire for Booster as well. He never intended his meddling with time to go this far, and I think the experience will stick with him for a very long time. Batman and Catwoman look at Booster as if he's crazy while he's retelling the events of the alternate timeline to them–but of course it's pointless. Let's just hope Booster sticks with a more simpler and less dangerous wedding gift next time besides time travel.

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Batman (2016) #48

Jun 7, 2018

Batman #48 is a good read and I'm eager to see how and encounter between Catwoman and Joker will go. When the book ends, we're not really sure if Batman is actually captured–or maybe it was all part of his plan. At either rate Joker uses an explosion to bring down some of the church on the Dark Knight leaving him helpless against the maniacal villain. Can't wait until the next issue!

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Batman (2016) #49

Jun 21, 2018

Overall I enjoyed Batman #49 and it seems that any and everything is attempting to stop this wedding from occurring! There are times such as these where you do feel almost sorry for Batman at some point because the Joker makes an interesting point in this very book– he can't be Batman and also be happy. It's this very point that Joker seems he wants to demonstrate to them both. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing how this all of this plays out in the next issue!

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Batman (2016) #50

Jul 4, 2018

The hype and excitement has been building for this for awhile and I'm guessing with Bane's arrival there's a long endgame that we're gonna be seeing, but personally as a Batman fan I was looking forward into some more character development for Bruce, as well as Batman.

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Batman (2016) #51

Jul 21, 2018

Batman #51 was a good read and I can't wait to read the next issue! King gives you a great cliffhanger in the end that we don't see coming–and it seems that the fallout from the wedding between Batman and Catwoman isn't over either. The ending of the book confused me slightly but to leave me asking questions was a great way to end the book. It's obvious that this trial isn't over and I'm looking forward to seeing what else could be revealed.

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Batman (2016) #52

Aug 2, 2018

Batman #52 is a great read and I can't wait to see how this story plays out. At first when I started reading this book I initially thought that Freeze was guilty myself, but by the end of this issue, you'll have your doubts too. Although we start to think that Freeze is innocent, we still don't have another suspect either, and there's only a handful of people with access to freeze technology like Mr. Freeze has. I'm definitely looking forward to reading the next issue!

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Batman (2016) #53

Aug 15, 2018

Overall Batman #53 is a decent read, but we still have no clues as to another potential suspect since apparently Freeze is innocent. It's later revealed that Bruce actually paid his way to be on the jury just to make sure Freeze would be declared innocent. Although it seems that Batman made a grave mistake, as Bruce Wayne he's gone to great lengths to make sure that justice is done fair–even for a repeat criminal such as Mr. Freeze. Hopefully next issue King will give us another suspect in our murders.

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Batman (2016) #54

Sep 7, 2018

Overall Batman #54 is an enjoyable read. Although we don't have any real follow ups shown to the Freeze case in this issue, I did want to know how Bruce was actually coping with the wedding to Selina ending how it did. The last few issues we saw Bruce immediately going back to work as Batman, without merely a thought or comment as to what happened, so when we finally see Batman break down while working on case, especially during a joke–to me it says a lot about where he is mentally right now. Everyone needs someone to talk to about their problems sometimes, apparently even Batman.

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Batman (2016) #55

Sep 21, 2018

Overall I thought Batman #55 was a great read. It has plenty of action, and a great story to back it up. The ending of the book is what really grabs you though and I can't wait to read the next issue!

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Batman (2016) #56

Oct 5, 2018

Batman #56 is a great read! Plenty of action and emotion, and you really feel sympathy for Batman and even KGBeast to a certain degree. Daniel does an amazing job of making Batman so realistic in this issue. You see the tatters in his suit, the unshaved face and you know he's been working for nights on end to find KGBeast. When the issue ends we find Batman on a trek through blinding snow to KGBeast father's cabin where I suspect next issue we'll see Batman seek justice!

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Batman (2016) #57

Oct 19, 2018

I enjoyed this book and I must say that this was one of the best issues I've read this far. Just the fact that there's more to the story let's you know that this is just the start of a long road of revenge for Batman. KGBeast mentions being hired by someone, so now Batman knows that this was more than just revenge. I'm definitely looking forward to reading the next issue of Batman!

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Batman (2016) #58

Nov 9, 2018

Overall I thoroughly enjoyed this issue! The action is great, the story is emotional and very impactful and I thought that the clues to the Freeze case fit together perfect. Although we still don't know who's killing these women throughout Gotham it's clear that Bane and Penguin were involved, and now it's obvious that Bane is the mastermind. It seems that Bane pulling all the strings from the lowest depths of Arkham Asylum, and I'm starting to wonder if Bane had Penny killed in the first place as a warning to Penguin about his failure. I definitely can't wait to read the next issue!

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Batman (2016) #59

Nov 24, 2018

Overall this issue was a great read. The dialogue between Batman and Penguin was intense and I enjoyed seeing Penguin's emotional side as well while he confides in the Dark Knight about his personal life. Penguin knows that Bane will kill him for his betrayal, and he still doesn't care. Batman on the other hand seems to be getting more paranoid instead of more aware. Once he confronts Bane and sees his child like state, Batman still proceeds to beat him almost senseless, and then he crosses the line by accidentally hitting Gordon! I really hope their friendship and partnership is saved but I doubt it. Bane's plan is working too perfectly for it to be otherwise. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing what's coming next in the Dark Knight's struggle!

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Batman (2016) #60

Dec 6, 2018

Batman #60 is a great read and it's clear that Bane's master plan is slowly coming together! There's even an unexpected appearance by someone whom Bruce didn't expect to see at all! And even I must admit I was shocked! However I'm eager to see the further relationship between Batman and Gordon. With Batman's actions throughout Arkham and Gotham in these last few issues, one of Batman's best allies may be gone for good. I'm thinking that this was probably essential to Bane's plan–and I can't wait to see what comes from it.

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Batman (2016) #61

Dec 22, 2018

Overall Batman #61 is a good read! It gives you more insight into the night Bruce's parents were murdered but it also shows us what could've happened if a young Bruce Wayne would've went another route in his life. Matthew in my opinion represents what Bruce Wayne could've became if he would've murdered his parents own killer instead of growing up to pursue justice. However I'd like to know if Matthew's transfer to Arkham apart of a bigger scheme by Bane perhaps? We know that he runs the Asylum, and he's been acting against Batman for months in secret there. Is this just another part in the overall plan? Looking forward to the next issue!

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Batman (2016) #62

Jan 11, 2019

Overall Batman #62 is a good read. It's dark and gritty and puts you directly in the mind of Batman right from the beginning. Mitch does a great job of matching Tom King's dark storytelling and dialog with incredible art from start to finish. Throughout the entire book King makes you wonder if it's all real at all– and Batman is just as clueless as the reader is. I'm definitely looking forward to reading the next issue!

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Batman (2016) #63

Jan 26, 2019

Batman #63 is a good read and very enjoyable. Here Bruce lived out one of his saddest moments–the day Selina didn't show up for the wedding. It was good seeing a “what if” issue of how Bruce and Selina could've been. I can't wait to see exactly where the next issue takes us!

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Batman (2016) #64

Feb 10, 2019

Batman #64 is a great read, especially if you enjoy Batman and the Flash team ups. Also it's good to see some tension between Bruce and Barry as well. It seems that Gotham Girl is set on bringing her brother back from the dead, but I'm wondering if this is linked to Sanctuary at all? If it is, I'm pretty certain that Bruce and Barry will find the connection"that is if they can work together again on this case! I can't wait to read the next issue of Batman!

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Batman (2016) #65

Feb 22, 2019

Overall I thought Batman #65 was a good read. I always enjoy team ups between Batman and Flash, honestly probably more than Batman and Superman. Their relationship is based off of their detective skills and mental capabilities, and although they're at odds a little in this issue you can tell the respect still remains. At the end of our issue Gotham is dead, but Gotham Girl gets her powers amped up thanks to a serum that Gotham had used. Williamson leaves us on a cliffhanger that seems to put Flash and Batman against an even more powerful Gotham Girl!

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Batman (2016) #66

Mar 26, 2019

Overall Batman #66 was a enjoyable read. Although there isn't much action throughout the book, the dialogue between Catwoman and The Question more than enough makes up for it. It seems that Batman's enemies are still playing mind games with the Dark Knight and its not even close to being concluded!

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Batman (2016) #67

Mar 26, 2019

Honestly I found Batman #67 quite an interesting read, but not in a good way. It builds your hopes up at the start with a promising beginning, however as the issue continues you really just want the chase to be over with. Although we know it's all in Batman's mind, I thought King would give us more substance, or at least a little more weirdness in this issue like the previous ones. The encounter with Pyg, the interrogation of Catwoman, and other sequences in previous issues were great, but this issue when compared to those just falls flat.

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Batman (2016) #68

Apr 12, 2019

Overall Batman #68 was a good read and I can't wait to see how this run ends! Batman has endured so much in these issues that I wonder what his mind will be like once he gets free. Will he be able to tell what's real and what's not? Will his mind be scarred or altered by what he endured? I have so many questions and Tom King is the only one with the answers!

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Batman (2016) #69

Apr 19, 2019

Overall Batman #69 is a good read and I can't wait to read the next issue! The most action packed scene is the sparring match between Thomas and Bane, but King makes a great effort not to give us any clues as to the endgame of these two villains. I really hope that Thomas perhaps at the last-minute betrays Bane in an effort to save his own son, but judging by his actions so far I seriously doubt it. We'll see how the next issue plays out!!

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Batman (2016) #70

May 3, 2019

Batman #70 is a great read and I'm looking forward to the next issue! Although Batman didn't run across Bane at all in this issue, Batman made a statement with the bodies he leaves broken in Arkham Asylum! Batman even mocks Bane along the way, noting that with everything that he's been through in his life as Batman"the best Bane could do was come up with mind games? I'm definitely looking forward to the final confrontation between Batman and Bane!

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Batman (2016) #71

May 17, 2019

Batman #71 is a good read but really doesn't add too much to the story that we don't already know and that's pretty disappointing. I'm eager to find out Flashpoint Batman's motivations and I thought we'd at least get a hint with the encounter in Wayne Manor–but we got nothing. I really hope the next issue gives us more clarity on Flashpoint Batman, Bane and the overall direction of the run. I thought this issue would give me some answers. Instead I'm left with more questions.

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Batman (2016) #72

Jun 7, 2019

Overall I thought that Batman #72 was a good read. If you're wanting strictly just a fight between Batman and Bane then this issue is for you. The ending gave me a surprise and I'm eager to see how Batman recovers from his situation. As the book ends Flashpoint Batman summarizes his eagerness to join Bane's cause in bringing Batman and ultimately Gotham City to its knees. I can't wait to read the next issue and see what other plans Bane has ready to be revealed!

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Batman (2016) #73

Jun 22, 2019

Batman #73 is a great issue and I'm looking forward to reading the next one! For now it seems that Batman and Flashpoint Batman are on the same mission to resurrect Martha! I'm eager to know however the state of Gotham City now that Batman is gone, and if he stays gone just what will happen to it? It seems that Thomas traded the Gotham City for the life of his son Bruce to Bane– but just how will Bruce feel about that?

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Batman (2016) #74

Jul 15, 2019

Batman #74 is a good read and although I'm not surprised that Bruce chose not to resurrect his mother I am shocked. I can only guess it's because he knows the dangers of the pit through his interactions with the League and Ra's, but also I'd like to think it's because of the idea of Batman. He knows that without him Gotham City would fall apart, and he would refuse to let that happen. Now Bruce begins the dangerous trek back to Gotham City–and back to Bane!

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Batman (2016) Annual #2

Nov 30, 2017

If you're a fan of the relationship between Catwoman and Batman, then this issue is perfect for you. King was awesome at showing both showing the struggles of Bruce and Batman. The ending itself is epic, as we see Bruce taking his last few breaths surrounded by Selina, an older Dick, Tim and Carrie Kelley, and even Damian makes an appearance seemingly in his late 20's. Batman has fought villains, mobsters, gods and aliens bent on world domination"but it seems even the Batman can't defeat time itself.

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Batman (2016) Annual #3

Dec 15, 2018

Overall Batman Annual #3 is a great read and an enjoyable one! It really explores the relationship between Alfred and Bruce, plus you get to see Batman's entire world from a whole different perspective. Alfred notes that Bruce is so busy saving the world, that he neglects himself so often. Leslie Thompkins makes an appearance in the issue as the life saving doctor that Batman needs when he's fatally stabbed. As both Alfred and Bruce heal in her emergency room, Leslie reminds us how Alfred and Bruce are stubborn and stoic in their ways. This issue shows us why Alfred is more than just a mere employee or butler–he's a father and a mentor to Bruce.

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Batman / Superman (2013) #28

Apr 14, 2016

“Universe's Finest” gets a good score in my book. If you're a fan of Batman/ Superman team ups, then you'll enjoy this book. You readers know how I feel about my action sequences, and although this issue stops short of giving us alot, its completely justified in doing so. I believe that the next issue will either expose this unknown threat, or it will produce more answers that will eventually give our heroes a villain to fight. However this issue is still an entertaining read if you're a fan of two of the world's greatest heroes.

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Batman / Superman (2013) #31

May 13, 2016

Batman/Superman #31 is good read. “Dark Discovery” really shows us the friendship that Superman and Batman have and also Bruce's desire to keep all of his friends and family safe–even if it's impossible. We also see Batman's new suit showed off in this issue, which I completely love by the way. It stays traditional and tactical while adding some color that really helps it stand out. I really like it. I'm looking forward to reading the next issue of Batman/Superman–you should too!!!

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Batman: Europa #2

Dec 30, 2015

I thought Batman Europa #2 was awesome. Everything from the penciling and the writing makes it worth the read. Anytime that you have two of the most iconic enemies joining forces it's definitely worth looking at. Pick up Batman Europa #2" you won't be disappointed.

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Batman: Europa #3

Jan 15, 2016

I thought Batman Europa #3 was a great read. It has plenty of action, great dialogue between Batman and the Joker and you really get to see how the mind of the Joker works. Although he's really crazy, there's some sanity in his methods too and it really shines when you see Batman having no choice but to rely on him. If you're a fan of the Joker or if you just like seeing the relationship between these two timeless icons unfold then this is the book for you! I can guarantee it!

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Cyborg (2016) #1

Sep 21, 2016

“The Imitation of Life, Part 1” was an interesting read because it showed us a hero who's unsure of himself. Victor is probably the only hero on the Justice League that's not sure of himselfbecause of who he is — half man and half machine. These pages show a man that's at odds with himself constantly because he doesn't know exactly what he is, and the big reveal about his Dad's recording last issue doesn't exactly make him feel better either. I hope that Semper keeps up this story of Cyborg trying to gain some identity of his human self while trying to still be a hero — and I'm also eager to see if he'll eventually confront Dr. Stone about that recording he made as well! Definitely check out Cyborg! It's worth the read!

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Cyborg (2016) #2

Oct 5, 2016

Cyborg #2 is a great read if you're a Cyborg fan and a great read if you're not. You don't have to know what's happened in the previous issue to dive in and enjoy, but you will want to read the next with the cliffhanger they leave at the end. Not to spoil it for you, but even in Killgore's defeat Victor still has no closure although he thinks he does — and that's dangerous. I can't wait to see how Victor responds when the truth is revealed! Check out Cyborg#2!

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Cyborg (2016) #3

Oct 19, 2016

Cyborg #3 is a great read! Now I recommend reading at least issue #2 before diving into this one, but this issue stands fine on its own as well. Semper gives us plenty of action against a vengeful Justice League, who seems ready to send Cyborg to the scrap pile! Semper also gives us a quick look at the first battle the Justice League fought against Darkseid in the New 52, and what would've happened if Cyborg would've never sent the God of Apokolips home using the boom tube. I gotta admit the alternate story was pretty dark, and Semper does a great job of telling it! Check out Cyborg #3! It's definitely worth the read!

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Cyborg (2016) #4

Nov 2, 2016

Cyborg #4 is a great read! From the first issue to this recent one its been truly a good time to be a Cyborg fan. I have to admit that when Cyborg first made the leap to being one of the League's members years ago, I was one of the few who was hesitant. However that was because I've always known Victor as a Teen Titan. I never thought of him in the same class as the “heavyweights” of the DC Universe. Thankfully I can say that I'm wrong! This issue and really the entire series so far proves just how powerful and dangerous Cyborg can really be, and exactly why he actually belongs on the League!

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Cyborg (2016) #6

Dec 7, 2016

Cyborg #6 really shows you how vulnerable Cyborg is and there's nothing wrong with that. Immediately once Agent Taylor, now known as Variant, came to life, Victor says he knows how she must feel.He lets her know he's finally relieved not to be the only one that's a walking CPU. The ending is where Semper, Jr. really threw me off and that's great, because I totally didn't see this twist, and I think it will mess with Victor's mind for a while.

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Cyborg (2016) #7

Dec 22, 2016

Cyborg #7 is an enjoyable read and helps you understand how ultimately alone Victor feels. Throughout the course of this series no matter who he's encountered, for better or worse, he's always been different. The making of Variant changed that for him and made him feel better about himself as well.

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Cyborg (2016) #8

Jan 4, 2017

Cyborg #8 is a good read, and is something can be read separate from the series as well. My only complaint is to the introduction of the villain that Cyborg now faces. I hope that there is more backstory to his hatred of both Silas and Victor and maybe that will better justify his actions so far in the series. Cyborg has actually grown on me as a book because before that I only knew him as a Teen Titan for years, and that was before him being a part of the Justice League. It would be nice to see Cyborg have his own "Luthor" or "Joker" type of villain that forces him to elevate himself as a hero. If this is what Semper Jr. has in mind then I'm definitely all for it!

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Cyborg (2016) #9

Feb 1, 2017

Cyborg #9 is a good read! I enjoyed the final reveal about the villain, and Cyborg now knows that this father is being held hostage. I'm eager to see how he plans to get Dr. Stone back, but also what Anomaly's revelation does to their relationship as well.

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Cyborg (2016) #10

Mar 1, 2017

I thought Semper Jr. told a good story.However, it was the unnecessary addition of another hero that ultimately drags it down. The last few issues have been strictly Exxy and Cyborg dealing with Anomaly, so maybe Semper was hoping to change things up a little. Honestly I feel like he should've stuck with the relationship between Exxy and Cyborg, which takes a backseat in this issue because of Black Narcissus and I didn't like it at all.

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Cyborg (2016) #11

Apr 5, 2017

Although Will Conrad delivers great detail in his pencils and overall work, its the story that Semper Jr. provides that makes it fall flat.

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Cyborg (2016) #12

May 3, 2017

Overall this was a great issue, although it was really the return of Exxy that I was most happy about. In the end it seems that the two come to terms that they are more than just friends and that they're actually partners when it comes to stopping Anomaly.Hopefully next issue we get to see exactly what Anomaly's endgame is and how it will affect Cyborg and S.T.A.R. Labs.

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Cyborg (2016) #13

Jun 7, 2017

Cyborg #13 is a great read. If you enjoy the interaction between Exxy and Cyborg, you'll enjoy this issue. We also have plenty of action, a great backstory, and finally the big reveal at the end. It seems that Cyborg may have jumped into something he didn't expect while attempting to infiltrate S.T.A.R. Labs again. It's a shame we have to wait until the next issue to see exactly what's next.

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Cyborg (2016) #14

Jul 5, 2017

I thought Cyborg #14 was a decent issue. My only disappointment is in Anomaly's reveal of purpose, however the introduction of Cyborg's mom was a real treat. I wonder, however, if Semper may have something else in store because towards the end of the book we meet a whole new team that Cyborg has to work with to save this alternate Earth"the Metal Men!

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Cyborg (2016) #15

Aug 3, 2017

Overall I truly enjoyed Cyborg #15. Here we find Cyborg surrounded in a world full of machines, and as he questions his own humanity, he finds himself fighting for what's left of it. This issue had plenty of action, a good story, and some emotional moments as well. I'm looking forward to how exactly Semper Jr. gets Cyborg out of this situation and ultimately back to his own Earth.

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Cyborg (2016) #16

Sep 8, 2017

John Semper Jr. really gave us a good read with this issue and it explains the previous issues perfectly. It seems that in each past issue where Cyborg was teleported somewhere that it was for a purpose and not a malfunction. It was this digital universe that was calling out to Cyborg for help, and those malfunctions were really preparing him for the battle against his evil self. I'm looking forward to the next issue where we have a seemingly mind controlled Variant who will be facing Cyborg next!

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Cyborg (2016) #17

Oct 5, 2017

Cyborg #17 was a good read. The story is well told, the action was amazing and the art by Will Conrad totally puts you in the world of the digiverse. Conrad's attention to every detail puts you in the middle of the action on every page and I look forward to the very same quality in the next issue!

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Cyborg (2016) #18

Nov 3, 2017

I enjoyed Cyborg #18 and I'm looking forward to the next issue! Victor finally has his life figured out and I'm eager to see where things go from here for him! Throughout these few books Semper Jr. has had Victor struggle within himself for identity and this issue ended that struggle perfectly!

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Cyborg (2016) #19

Dec 7, 2017

Overall I enjoyed Cyborg #19. Kevin took Cyborg a placed him on unfamiliar territory without his powers and he's making him survive. I'm enjoying seeing Victor struggle without his powers actually. Ultimately I hope he comes out of this experience appreciating truly what he can do. Issue after issue Victor complains about how much he wants to be human again, and now that he has the struggles of a human I wonder if he'll appreciate his powers more"if he even gets them back at all.

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Cyborg (2016) #20

Jan 5, 2018

Cyborg #20 is a great read. There's one particular part I enjoyed when Sarah actually rips into Vic about his abilities. For the last few issues, Cyborg has been dealing with wanting to be normal again, and Sarah finally tells him off. She notes his powers and abilities, the fact that he's a hero and a member of the Justice League, and then reminds him of people who have disabilities, those who can't do for themselves and how they still refuse to quit living. She reminds Vic that instead of constantly beating himself up he should be grateful for his abilities. Hopefully that conversation stays with Cyborg in the next few issues.

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Cyborg (2016) #21

Apr 5, 2018

Overall I thought Cyborg #21 was a great read! Not to complain but I'm glad that Cyborg is finally free of the doubts about himself that he had before in previous issues. It seems that Victor finally accepts who he is as man and machine and I think that part is what I enjoyed best about this book. We finally have Cyborg being sure of himself and being confident in who he is. I'm definitely looking forward to the next issue!

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Cyborg (2016) #22

May 4, 2018

Overall I thought Cyborg #22 was a decent book, but it seems to be just a fill in issue that explains more about the history of it's villain than anything. Cyborg gets to find out more about Starlite and what their plans seem to be, but I don't think their intentions are all good as they claim to be either. I'm not completely sold on Nijiro being a decent villain however I'll save my complete judgment for the conclusion of the adventure.

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Cyborg (2016) #23

Jun 7, 2018

Overall I thought that Cyborg #23 was a good read. Cyborg finally has the villain revealed to him at the end as Nijiro. Having certain parts replaced over the years starting with his arm as a child, Nijiro finds himself 52 years later dying and needs a permanent power source for his mainly machine body. Finding out that Cyborg is powered by nearly unlimited Mother Box technology Nijiro attacks our hero without mercy towards the end of the issue! Wolfman leaves us on a great cliffhanger in which I'm looking forward to finishing in the next issue!

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Cyborg: Rebirth #1

Sep 7, 2016

The #1 issue for Cyborg is a great read if you love origin stories. Semper and Pelletier do a great job of showing not only Victor but also his father, Dr. Stone, in a completely different light than we might have already known.

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Dark Knight III: The Master Race #6

Oct 19, 2016

Dark Knight III: The Master Race#6 is a good book, but better if read as part of the collection. I'd definitely suggest going back and catching up before immediately diving in this one. I'm a fan of Frank Miller and love this particular series, but please change Carrie's costume! It's the only fault I can actually find in the entire read. The Dark Knight Returnsis a good book and very inspirational as well. To me Miller is basically telling us about the last days of Batman's career in a way. I find it inspirational in that it doesn't matter how old Bruce is, he still knows he has a mission to accomplish in life and he won't stop until he's done. I think a lot us would love to have a drive and dedication like Batman does. I'm not gonna tell you to purchase The Master Race #6 –I'm telling you to purchase ALL the issues! I guarantee you won't be disappointed!

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Dark Knight III: The Master Race #7

Dec 28, 2016

This issue was awesome! Miller and Azzarello gave us a story full of action and emotion on all sides and it was told well. Each character in the book, whether hero or villain, has a motivation or goal " but it doesn't feel like too much is going on at once. Miller and Azzarello give us a war that we not only experience from Batman and Superman's point of view, but also that of the Commissioner, Carrie Kelley, Kara and others. I can't wait to see the fallout from Batman's return from near death, and we still have an invasion of Paradise Island that's coming as well. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing how the next issue plays out. Maybe we'll finally see Wonder Woman's return!

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Dark Knight III: The Master Race #8

Mar 29, 2017

The Master Race #8 is a great read if you've been following the series as a whole. The relationships between allies and friends are explored, and we actually see that the members of the Justice League are more than just members " they are actual friends who'd die for each other.

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Dark Knight III: The Master Race #9

Jun 7, 2017

The Master Race was a great series, period! The action was intense, the bond between Superman and Batman reinforced, and we get to see an older Justice League in action. It's very rare in a series where you see the growth of all characters and their consequences carry so much weight, but Miller and Azzarello do it flawlessly. This is definitely a series I will be reading over again very soon.

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Deadman: Dark Mansion of Forbidden Love #1

Oct 5, 2016

Deadman #1 was a decent read. If you're a fan of suspense and the supernatural or unknown this obviously this book is for you. I haven't read many of the supernatural books of the heroes of the DCU unless it's been Constantine or Doctor Fate or so it's good to enjoy a completely different character. Definitely read Deadman #1 and I promise you won't be disappointed!

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Deadman: Dark Mansion of Forbidden Love #2

Dec 7, 2016

Deadman #2 is a good book to read as a followup to its previous issue. Although not meant to be a standalone issue, if you've never read Deadman before, it's a great introduction to the series.

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Deadman: Dark Mansion of Forbidden Love #3

Feb 8, 2017

Dark Mansion of Forbidden Love #3 is a great read, but definitely pick up the previous issues before reading this one. Sarah Vaughn answers everything in this issue, and the action is pretty good too. I look forward to seeing exactly where Boston went to in his next issue. I was never really a fan of Deadman"when it comes to the supernatural I've always like John Constantine, however Sarah Vaughn has made me embrace Deadman more. I can't wait to see how the next issue starts up!

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Deathstroke (2016) #1

Aug 24, 2016

"Among Thieves" is a great read and makes you want the next issue immediately. Priest does a great job of giving Deathstroke an actual conscience in this book instead of the regular mercenary for hire that you're use to seeing in other appearances by Deathstroke. As I said in my previous review, this is my first time even reading a Deathstroke title"and Priest has made me regret absolutely nothing about it!!! I love when we see the dark side of DC Universe and that's exactly what we have here in this title. Deathstroke's world isn't all superpowers and abilities. Priest gives us the guts of the DC Universe in these issues by showing us how the villains deal with things on their own terms and I love it!!! If you're a fan of Deathstroke definitely check this issue out, and if you're not" I promise that you will be by the last panel of the book!!!

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Deathstroke (2016) #2

Sep 14, 2016

“Band of Brothers” is a good read although not a solid stand alone book. You really need to read the previous issue to understand what exactly is going on here. Priest does a great job of actually humanizing the mercenary Deathstroke and making him appear more than just a criminal. Here we have glimpses of his past as a father and a soldier and now I'm starting to wonder will the series actually cover any of his history in the military! I want to know just exactly why did Slade become a mercenary instead of a hero, especially when his record shows us different! I'm already looking for to the next issue and once you read Deathstroke #2 you will be too!

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Deathstroke (2016) #3

Sep 28, 2016

Deathstroke #3 is a great read, especially if you've already been following the character. The story is awesome and Joe Bennett's detailing is amazing and showcased perfectly. You can see how distinct he makes Rose's and Slade's suits and both look great! I love how Rose pays homage to her father with her uniform without exactly copying his style. Priest himself makes the book completely stand on its own so this is a book you can actually read without having read the previous issues. I know I've said it in my reviews before, but I have to compliment how much of a fresh look Priest is giving us with Deathstroke's character. Here in this particular issue we see how he copes with loss, and what it does to him. Not to spoil it for you, but I believe this particular loss leads to his focusing on protecting Rose so much, so it's good to see a real villain with a conscience. I wasn't disappointed reading Deathstroke #3 — and you won't be, either!

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Deathstroke (2016) #4

Oct 12, 2016

Deathstroke #4 is a great read! It starts off pretty slow because of the “road trip” vibe, but because of the world of Slade Wilson we soon get nothing but action throughout! I'm particularly enjoying the connection that's starting to form between Wilson and his daughter especially. If you've been reading the previous issues, the relationship between Rose and Slade is slowly evolving and I enjoy that. When we look into Wilson's history and see his immense losses, especially with his own sons you can see why he hesitates to be close with Rose. Priest does a great job of explaining all of it perfectly and I have to admit that although he's a cold-hearted murderer, Deathstroke has some good fatherly moments about him too! If you've even been a fan of Deathstroke, or even remotely curious about his backstory then I definitely suggest you read this issue!

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Deathstroke (2016) #6

Nov 10, 2016

Deathstroke #6 was a great read and a decent follow up to the previous issue and I can't wait to see what happens next, after receivingthe revelation that comes near the end of the book. It seems that Sladeis still struggling with skeletons in the past still coming around in the present. I think that very same struggle is something we all can identify with to a degree.

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Deathstroke (2016) #7

Nov 23, 2016

Deathstroke #7 is a good read but better when you're reading the entire series as a whole. This is basically coming to a conclusion of what's been going on in the previous issues so by itself this issue doesn't give too much. As part of the whole Priest is giving us a great ride as seen by one of the deadliest men on the planet! I'm definitely looking forward to seeing how Deathstroke holds his own against the Man of Steel!

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Deathstroke (2016) #8

Dec 14, 2016

Hands down this book is insane! I went into it think a fight against Superman would be extremely one sided, however Slade shows off his skills in stealth and being a tactician. The story was great, the action flawless and I can only hope their will be another Deathstroke vs Superman encounter in the future.

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Deathstroke (2016) #9

Dec 28, 2016

Deathstroke #9 is a good story that basically gives you a look into the history of Slade Wilson from his military days. Here we get a glimpse into the life of a villain who calls himself a "personal security contractor." That part had me laughing a little bit when he tells that to the person that's interviewing him. I'm just looking forward to how exactly the breakout will happen, and hopefully Rose may be involved to some extent, although she's doing her own thing at the moment as shown in this book as well.

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Deathstroke (2016) #10

Jan 11, 2017

Deathstroke #10 is a good title, but it could've been a little better. I give Priest a break on this one because of the fact that Wilson is currently locked up with only the Navy officer to talk to " so there's little room for much else. However we do get more information on how Deathstroke's abilities work and I have to admit it's pretty impressive. What I'd like to know, and it's something that Priest hasn't covered yet, is exactly what happened that turned Wilson rogue? What makes such a decorated soldier who enlists at the young age of 17 become a hardened assassin? Hopefully as the story goes on we'll get to see that one event " or person that made Wilson the man he is today.

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Deathstroke (2016) #11

Jan 25, 2017

Deathstroke #11 is a great read and I hope DC continues to put out more titles that talk about and tackle issues like this book did. It wasn't too political and it still kept me plenty entertained while at the same time forcing me to think. I hope Priest and other writers at DC continue to put out good, informative stories like this one in the future.

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Deathstroke (2016) #12

Feb 8, 2017

Deathstroke #12 is a good read. I'd recommend reading at least the previous two issues before diving into this one however. Priest tells a good story and along with Joe Bennett's art it just gets better. Bennett's detail of characters and background is amazing and I look forward to seeing more in later books.

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Deathstroke (2016) #13

Feb 23, 2017

Deathstroke #13 is an awesome read but I really missed seeing Rose in this issue. I know Priest can't include her in every book though so I completely understand. Overall the pacing is great, the action was flawless, and the pencils by Joe Bennett were amazing. His eye to detail of every scene was perfect and combined with the writing of Priest it makes for a good overall story. The ending is what really still gets me as it shows how low sometimes Deathstroke can be. When is a villain not ever a villain?

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Deathstroke (2016) #14

Mar 8, 2017

I thought Deathstroke #14 was a good read. I didn't expect the plot twist, I was happy to have Rose appear once again, and Joe Bennett did an awesome job with the pencils and details. I can't wait to see how next issue starts since Priest leaves us with a crazy cliffhanger at the end!

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Deathstroke (2016) #15

Mar 22, 2017

Deathstroke #15 is a good read, especially is you've been reading the series as a whole. Rose has finally decided to leave home, and I'm excited that she's ready to go back into the world. She seems determined not to follow in Slade's footsteps and I'm eager to see how she goes about doing things differently. Tanya was alsoa great addition, and I must admit I thought she'd slow Slade down. Priest proved me wrong and I loved her interactions with Slade, and she proved just how valuable she was to him. Priestat the book's conclusiondoes a wonderful job of leaving us on a cliffhanger that involves a blind Deathstroke in a shootout!

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Deathstroke (2016) #16

Apr 5, 2017

Overall Deathstroke #16 was a good read. Slade really shows us how adaptive he is in this book as well. It's amazing how when faced with all of the obstacles in front of him Slade still finds away to overcome! I'm definitely looking forward to the next issue!

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Deathstroke (2016) #17

Apr 19, 2017

Deathstroke #17 wraps up a lot of the character interactions in Slade Wilson's world. Although there are a lot of supporting characters in this issue, Priest doesn't slow the feel of the book because of it. Instead he gives you brief but harsh truths that come out from the supporting cast of Slade's world, while at the same time keeping you focused on the fight between Slade and Tanya. I'm definitely looking forward to next issue as we have Slade attending his son's own wedding " with consequences, I'm sure.

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Deathstroke (2016) #18

May 3, 2017

Overall I thought that Priest told a great emotion-driven story in this issue. Everything that Slade has done has come home to roost and in the end he had to know it would at some point. In some ways I feel sympathy for Slade, but then I'm reminded that a lot of the pain he has is caused by his own actions as well. Everyone he gets close to ends up becoming bitter and hateful toward him. The more I read this series the more I want redemption for Deathstroke at some point. He's too good of a character to stay completely a villain.

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Deathstroke (2016) #19

May 24, 2017

Deathstroke #19 is a good read. It has plenty of action, and the art provided by Carlo and Roberto is awesome. Each page is full of color and life, and even the fight scenes were vivid and intense! I admit that I love having Deathstroke using the speedforce for his benefit! It's clear that he enjoys the near godlike power that he has, and I can't wait to see how the Titans attempt to take him down!

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Deathstroke (2016) #20

Jun 7, 2017

Deathstroke #20 isn't memorable because of action, or any one particular moment, but it's memorable because it serves as a turning point for Slade's story. Everything he's done from murder, to betrayal, to the lies"all has to be redeemed and paid for. My only concern is that I've grown so attached to Deathstroke that I really hope that this isn't some elaborate deceit. Only Deathstroke knows his intentions"and Priest does a great job of showing them!

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Deathstroke (2016) #21

Jul 5, 2017

If you've been following the Deathstroke series by Priest then you'll definitely enjoy what Priest has written here. This team might have good intentions, but it's a ticking bomb that's only going to explode with time. My only hope is that Slade can escape the fallout!

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Deathstroke (2016) #22

Aug 3, 2017

I'm looking forward to seeing how Defiance ultimately plays out. It's a mixture of heroes and villains on this team " with a former villain calling the shots. I hope that in the future we eventually see Defiance work together with either the Justice League or Batman's own team in Gotham. I'm eager to see how the superhero community reacts to a reformed, and now team leader Deathstroke!

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Deathstroke (2016) #23

Sep 8, 2017

Deathstroke #23 was a good read. This book has good action, a great story and strong interactions between characters. Everyone on Defiance is there for their own purpose be it something personal or just for the greater good. Out of all of the teammates I really think Kid Flash is the only one not there for a selfish reason. Hopefully there's a shakeup to bring the team together closer. So far Defiance can save lives and they can get the job done"its just a question of getting the job done without killing each other in the process!

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Deathstroke (2016) #24

Oct 5, 2017

I enjoyed Deathstroke #24 and I'm definitely looking forward to the next issue, because it seems that the Secret Society has come to pay Slade a visit! He declined their invitation to rejoin a few issues back"and apparently that's something that you don't do. Black Manta, Killer Frost, Vandal Savage, Reverse Flash and more. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing how Deathstroke deals with his former team of villains!

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Deathstroke (2016) #25

Nov 3, 2017

Deathstroke #25 was hands down a classic issue in my opinion! I've never seen Slade take on some of the most powerful villains of the DCU and hold his own before! None of them, not even Reverse Flash or Ultra-Humanite could withstand Deathstroke! I was wondering when Slade's role of playing the good guy would have dangerous consequences and Priest did a great job of showing it!

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Deathstroke (2016) #26

Dec 9, 2017

Deathstroke #26 was a good and fun read. Defiance is finally working as a unit during their missions now, and although arguing and distrust is still there, overall they seem to be building a sense of family among them. I'm especially enjoying Kid Flash's role as he seems to be perfect for the kid brother/ comic relief of the team.

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Deathstroke (2016) #27

Jan 5, 2018

I thought Deathstroke #28 was a decent read. There are moments where the story jumps around a bit though, but that's due to all of the supporting characters that are in Slade's world. Although we didn't see Defiance in action in this issue, hopefully we will in the next one. With Slade still missing I'm wondering how will the team hold up with no real leadership for them currently.

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Deathstroke (2016) #28

Feb 10, 2018

Deathstroke #28 was a good and pretty funny read. I'm happy that Slade hasn't gone back to killing, and although his team is gone it hasn't slowed his progress as a character. Priest leaves us on a cliffhanger in the however"Slade in a room surrounded by ninjas! I'm definitely looking forward to reading what Priest has next.

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Deathstroke (2016) #29

Mar 8, 2018

Overall this issue really brings things home to roost for Deathstroke here. Ultimately almost all the players he's hurt at some point have enacted their revenge, from Terra, Adeline, Isherwood, and even Super-Man has his own motive"he wants a name for himself in the U.S. by taking Slade down.

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Deathstroke (2016) #30

Apr 5, 2018

I thought that Deathstroke #30 was a good read and I'm excited to see how the next issue plays out. It seems that Batman and Deathstroke may be joining forces, but who exactly would benefit from that? Priest gives you very few answers, but leaves you asking so many questions"and it's perfect.

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Deathstroke (2016) #31

May 4, 2018

Overall I'd say Deathstroke #31 was a good read! It seems that the paternity of Damian is really in question here, and while Slade is denying it–Batman wants answers! Priest gives us a startling revelation at the end of the book that makes me eager to read the next issue. I have to admit one thing–Talia al Ghul has a real particular taste in men!

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Deathstroke (2016) #32

Jun 7, 2018

Deathstroke #32 is a great read and I'm looking forward to the next issue. I really hope that Slade is right and this is some elaborate trick by Talia for some unknown reason. If not, then it really says how messed she is as a person to not only toy with Bruce's emotions in such a way, but also Damian's as well. The relationship between these two has come a long way over the years and I hope it doesn't end like this.

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Deathstroke (2016) #33

Jul 5, 2018

Overall Deathstroke #33 was a good and entertaining read. It's funny to see Deathstroke attempting to corral someone as ruthless as Damian, but it's also very disheartening as well. I've enjoyed Damian in his role as Robin, and I've watched many fights where he's fought side by side with Batman–it's very hard to believe he'd join Deathstroke so willingly which is why I'm sticking to my belief that Damian is working on a plan–perhaps with Batman to find out the proof of his paternal D.N.A once and for all. Can't wait for the next issue!

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Deathstroke (2016) #34

Aug 2, 2018

Deathstroke #34 was a great read and an enjoyment from start to finish. Priest gives you drama, action and the suspense of who could be manipulating two of the world's greatest hand to hand fighters.

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Deathstroke (2016) #35

Sep 7, 2018

Deathstroke #35 was an enjoyable read and I can't wait to read the next issue! Hopefully we'll see Batman and Deathstoke team up at some point in the future. Slade now knows who wanted him to kill Batman in the first place, and I must say I was pretty shocked at the revelation, especially knowing how close this person is to Batman. Hopefully we'll see Batman and Deathstroke potentially retaliate together at the some point in the future.

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Deathstroke (2016) #36

Oct 5, 2018

Overall I thought that Deathstroke #36 was a great read. Although the action is brief and few, Priest makes up for it by giving you access to some of the most dangerous criminals on the planet through the eyes of Slade. There's even a scene where he attempts to kill them all! I'm looking forward to reading the next issue especially since King leaves you on a crazy cliffhanger at the end! I definitely can't wait to read the next issue!

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Deathstroke (2016) #37

Nov 9, 2018

Overall Deathstroke #37 is a great read, especially if you love any books talking about the depths of Arkham Asylum. Although this place is just housing for the criminally insane–it's one of the most prominent places in the DC Universe and anytime any villain goes there I love to see what's inside from the artist's point of view. I'm eager to see just what will Dent do to get Slade out of Arkham– and once Slade finds out what happened to his children, I can only imagine the hell unleashed in the next few issues!

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Deathstroke (2016) #38

Dec 6, 2018

Deathstroke #38 is a great read. I enjoyed the overall story, the action was great, and if you're a fan of Two-Face then you'll enjoy him as well. What concerns me the most however is Hugo Strange. It seems at the end of this issue, that either Hugo Strange has plans for Slade–and that's why he's depowered, or he wants to make him an offer of some sort. Either way I'm looking forward to seeing how the next issue starts!

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Deathstroke (2016) #39

Jan 11, 2019

Deathstroke #39 is a good book and entertaining read! The beginning is especially funny since we find out that Slade actually reached out to Earth's heroes for help while he was fighting his alien war against the Pulorians and the responses he got were interesting! I especially laughed when he reaches out to the Titans and Justice League! Our issue ends with Joseph breaking Slade out of Arkham, along with help from Hosun and Death Masque–however I don't believe that's all we've heard from Hugo Strange though! Can't wait to read the next issue!

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Deathstroke (2016) #40

Feb 10, 2019

Overall Deathstroke #40 is a good read and can't wait for the next issue. It seems that Slade will have to deal with Robin and Kid Flash now in an attempt to recapture the mercenary. I'm personally looking forward to another Robin versus Slade fight! And also what kind of friction will this have between Robin and Kid Flash"especially since Kid Flash used to be on team Defiance with Deathstroke! So many possibilities! Hurry it up Priest!

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Deathstroke (2016) #41

Mar 31, 2019

Overall I thought Deathstroke #41 was a good read. There was plenty of action, and the dialogue between Wintergreen and Gordon was great and enjoyable. Through Gordon and Wintergreen's conversation you really saw the different philosophies of Deathstroke and Batman. Wintergreen even mentions the fact that Batman is just Deathstroke with a moral code– but Gordon knows just how important that moral code is. The ending of the book leaves you anticipating the next issue as a new player enters looking for Deathstroke–Damian Wayne!

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Deathstroke (2016) #42

Apr 5, 2019

Overall Deathstroke #42 is a good read, especially if you enjoy the relationship between Deathstroke and Robin. Slade likes taunting the young hero it seems, and Slade knows that Damian walks a thin line between hero and villain. Deathstroke mentions in this issue that he knows Damian's true inner conflict–the respect of his father Batman or his grandfather Ra's Al Ghul. It's an inner conflict that Damian has struggled with for a long time and although he's the leader of the Teen Titans and saves lives in this issue as well, it seems to be a conflict from within that won't resolve itself anytime soon.

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Deathstroke (2016) #43

May 6, 2019

Deathstroke #43 is a good read and very entertaining. I enjoyed the book as a whole, and I'm really liking the emerging rivalry between Slade and Damian. Priest gives us a shocking ending thanks to the actions of Red Arrow and I'm eager to see how it all plays out in the next issue!

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Deathstroke (2016) #44

Jun 12, 2019

This was a great read and I definitely can't wait for the next issue. The end of Slade Wilson had a wider effect of the metahuman community than what I initially expected. Rose Wilson is taking the loss of her father especially rough by beating up every Deathstroke cosplayer she comes across in Gotham City. Feeling disrespected by the people by them wearing his image, she tears into the crowd, beating them all and making them disperse. With Deathstroke's contracts up in the air, Priest leaves wondering if Rose will take up her father's path. It seems by the end of the issue she will, as she accepts a contract! Hopefully we'll see her first assignment in our next issue!

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Deathstroke (2016) #45

Jul 6, 2019

Overall I thought that Deathstroke #45 was a great read. At first I thought that without Deathstroke this book would be dead in the water. However Priest gave us a great issue showing us how deadly Rose can be wearing the Ikon suit as well. Although she has rookie moments as the suit's A.I. sarcastically points out, I actually enjoyed her being the main character in this issue. I'm eager to see how exactly her encounter with the Teen Titans plays out, and exactly what the larger consequences of it could be.

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Deathstroke (2016) Annual #1

Feb 1, 2018

This issue was a great read and Priest leaves us with an amazing cliffhanger at the end. Not to give too much away but I hope that the return of this character will be enough to bring the team back together. Although Defiance is apart, we can still take some solace that Slade is still trying to be a hero, however even by the end of the book that seems uncertain as he accidentally kills a man with a ricochet bullet. His "no killing" rule in effect now gone, I hope Slade doesn't go back to being a mercenary, especially when he was doing so well helping others even though it came with a fee. I can't wait to see what's next for Slade and this team"if there's even a team left at all.

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Deathstroke: Rebirth #1

Aug 10, 2016

Deathstroke Rebirth is a great read! I've never actually read a titled Deathstroke book before and this one has me excited! I've always thought Slade was a great character in his own right, and this issue shows you just how badass he is! Priest and Carlo give us something that looks past Deathstroke the super villain and instead gives us a man" a man with a conflicted and broken past that comes back to haunt him. I think we can all identify with that in some point in our lives. I love when we get to see the backstories and flaws of our greatest DC villains"check out Deathstroke Rebirth!!!

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Detective Comics (2011) #45

Oct 8, 2015

I have to say the Detective Comics #45 was a pretty good read. The artwork was great and the storytelling was strong. Tomasi really shows in the first few pages just how important Bruce as Batman was to the League. If Superman and Wonder Woman are the muscle of the group, then Batman is definitely the brain"and they struggle without him.

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Detective Comics (2011) #47

Dec 13, 2015

I thought #47 was a good read, especially if you like to see the interactions of Tim, Damian, and Jason. We get very few issues where we see them all together, so when it does happen I definitely like to read it. I won't spoil it for you but once the mastermind is revealed it really throws everything you think out the window"I never saw it coming myself. If you're a fan of the Robin character in general then this is a great read for you! And if you're not then it's an issue that will definitely make you a fan!

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Detective Comics (2011) #48

Jan 27, 2016

“Blood of Heroes” is a good, solid and entertaining read. It has its elements of intense action, but here we see Jim's detective skills at work and its almost flawless. In some scenes Jim reminds you of “our” Batman and Tomasi does a good job of showing us that. The supporting cast of Barbara and Harvey don't feel rushed in or forced in this issue and its good seeing Jim interact with the people before he put on the cowl. I'm not big on admitting when I'm wrong but yea– I was wrong…each issue Jim gets more awesome! Buy the book!

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Detective Comics (2011) #49

Mar 8, 2016

Detective Comics #49 is a good read! I'm enjoying Gordon's run as the Batman! It's pretty interesting to see life outside of the batcave, Alfred, Robin and etc. Pretty much everything we've known about Batman has been tossed out the window for a moment– and that's completely fine. With Gordon we have a completely new, yet familiar set of supporting characters that make for a great story. Definitely check out Detective Comics #49–its worth your time–and your money!

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Detective Comics (2011) #50

Mar 27, 2016

Tomasi, Pasarin, and Takara give us a great story in “Martyrs and Madmen”. The series as a whole is a great read and if you were ever not sold on Gordon as Batman this series will definitely make you change your mind. I'm now eager to see where else if possible could Gordon go with his role as the Bat. If you were ever unsure about Gordon bearing the Bat-symbol I suggest you read Detective Comics #50!!! You'll change your mind!

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Doom Patrol (2016) #1

Sep 14, 2016

If you're already a fan of Doom Patrol then I think this will be a great read for you! However if you're a novice to the book like me then you'll probably want to either read previous issues of the book or get the next issue along with this one to give it a proper shot. I really enjoyed the character of Casey Brinke and I hope to see more of what her true role is in the series itself but the first issue really doesn't set you up for that. The ending instead takes you somewhere else completely and makes you wonder what exactly this has to do with Casey at all? Gerard Way has an interesting way of wanting you to grab another issue of Doom Patrol but I just hope that when I do I'll at least have some of my questions answered about the ending.

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Doom Patrol (2016) #2

Oct 12, 2016

Doom Patrol #2 is an issue that can't be read on its own, but that's not a bad thing at all. I personally went back and read the first issue but not because I needed to, but because I wanted to see the story unfold again as a whole and that's a good thing. It seems that towards the end of the issue Casey is about to begin a journey that will hopefully answer all of her questions and mine as well! It seems that in a way Casey Brinke is alike many of us — she's just a girl who wants answers on what direction her life is really supposed to go. I'm really enjoying the journey that she's only started to take so far. Check out Doom Patrol so you can witness it for yourself!

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Earth 2: Society #1

Dec 14, 2016

Society was a good read but definitely must be read with the previous issue. It directly throws you into the action and we all know how much I'm a fan of that. Abnett does a wonderful job showing heroes who've already seen a world lost, but now they make sure it won't and can't happen again. I'm excited to see how the next issue plays out with the Ultra-Humanite.

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Earth 2: Society #13

Jun 15, 2016

A Whole New World is a decent read, but it could've been more to it. We don't see the reveal of our new villain until the end, which is fine however the rest of the book comes off as a giant discussion about Fury's proposal to save them all. I'm sure that Abnett is using this particular issue as a stepping stone to something else, so I'll give him a pass here on the slow pacing of the book. Dan's previous stories always involve build up to something dramatic, and that's what he's done here in this issue. I love Dan's attention to every part of the story here, and you really get an idea of what every hero's stance is in allowing Fury to use this technology to possibly save them and the world. I believe we're gonna be looking at a great story in the next issues coming up! Check out Earth 2 #13 and see for yourself!

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Earth 2: Society #16

Sep 14, 2016

“A Whole New World” is a great read! Dan Abnett shows us a world where our heroes are not only flawed, but they actually failed. They failed saving their world and in those ashes they're trying to build something better. The Wonders face the same challenges from the villains of old, and although there's still a Superman, Batman, and a Wonder Woman to protect this new world — will it be enough? Combined with the writing talents of Abnett and the artistry of Hernandez you see how grim this Earth 2 is in a great detail. Abnett shows us a world where our heroes actually failed us, but they're still fighting the good fight anyway. I can't wait to see the ramifications of Fury opening Pandora's Box as Abnett gives us a very satisfying cliffhanger to think on until the next issue!

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Earth 2: Society #17

Oct 12, 2016

Earth 2 #17 is a great read! I'd recommend reading the previous issues as well to prevent getting confused about the story.However, if you're interested in seeing how good the Earth 2 heroes are in combat, then this a good book to read! Each page is full of action, along with a great story as well! Each time I turned a page I kept hoping it wasn't gonna be the last one! I'm really looking forward to finding out if Ultra-Humanite is still alive and inside of Pandora's Box. If he is, I'm sure there will be hell to pay to the heroes, especially Fury!

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Earth 2: Society #18

Nov 10, 2016

Earth 2 was, as always, a good read. I'd recommend reading at least the previous two issues to have a clear understanding of what's happening here in this issue though. The issue is a great read, but not something meant to be read completely on its own. Abnett does a wonderful job writingheroes who are struggling not only to fight the good fight but just to rebuild a broken world, period.

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Earth 2: Society #20

Jan 11, 2017

This issue was pretty good if you've been reading the last few books. I didn't like the character of the Ultra-Humanite at all, but Abnett definitely changed my mind with this issue. Hopefully we'll see more of the Ultra-Humanite because I've become a fan!

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Earth 2: Society #21

Feb 8, 2017

Earth 2 Society #21 was a great read. I'm looking forward to the next issue, especially after the ending that we received in this one. We have the return a crucial character in this issue, and his encounter against Superman and the other wonders was epic!

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Earth 2: Society #22

Mar 8, 2017

I thought that Earth 2 was a good read. There is no real threat in this book, as we see the Wonders pretty much just stopping everyday crime. However Abnett does a great job at showing the hope and optimism that these heroes have. They truly survived their entire world being lost, and they definitely won't let it happen again.

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Flash (2011) #1

Nov 23, 2015

Overall I thought Gorilla Warfare was a great and solid episode. We saw the return of Henry Allen, the revelation of more heroes to come through Cisco's vibe, and also we see a glimpse of Gorilla City- which hopefully means Grodd's return. The writers of The Flash continue to not disappoint me and I'm definitely glad that we se Earth 2's Dr. Wells sacrifice to save Caitlin's life. I hope that this changes the interaction between himself and the rest of the team. Will Grodd return? Does Dr. Wells finally have a way of stopping Zoom? I promise you that you'll be asking the same questions right after you see the show credits.

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Harley Quinn and Her Gang Of Harleys #6

Sep 28, 2016

If you're a fan of Harley Quinn, or you just want to enjoy a good read then this an issue that's definitely for you. It wouldn't be Harley Quinn if it didn't have some funny moments in it — and that it does. I went into this book thinking it was going to be boredom. I'm glad that it wasn't. I was thinking boredom because I usually review Batman, Action Comics, or other “standard” bearing issues, so Harley Quinn was outside my realm. I'm glad to say I took that step outside what I normally read here and actually enjoyed it. I'm looking forward to actually reading more issues of Harley Quinn to see how this group deals with certain threats in the future.Check out Harley Quinn and her Gang of Harleys— you'll definitely enjoy it!

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Injustice Vs. Masters of the Universe #1

Jul 21, 2018

Overall this book is a great read. I've enjoyed the entire Injustice series so far and it's one of my favorite overall books to read. It's the one series that really shows what happens if a hero everything that he's devoted his life to protect. In Superman's case it was an unborn son, Lois Lane, and losing an entire city that forced him to become a worldwide dictator. I'm looking forward to seeing him encounter He-Man and the outcome of this battle! Seeley leaves us on a great cliffhanger which hopefully gives us a showdown between He-Man and Superman in the next issue! I can't wait!

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Injustice Vs. Masters of the Universe #2

Aug 15, 2018

Overall this book is a great read and I can't wait for the encounter between Superman and He-Man. However we have a captured Skeletor that's also been locked up in Superman's fortress. He's the one who's been locating magical items for Superman to lock up, however I feel that the depowered villain will somehow be the wild card in all of this. No one, including the Insurgency know of Skeletor's capture, and I believe his power would be invaluable against Superman. I'm definitely looking forward to the next issue!

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Injustice Vs. Masters of the Universe #3

Sep 20, 2018

Overall I loved this issue and thought Seeley gave us all and more in it. It's full of action and emotion, we have a few characters seeking to redeem themselves, and it seems that next issue we'll finally have that He-Man versus Superman fight we've been wanting to see!

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Injustice Vs. Masters of the Universe #4

Nov 4, 2018

The Trinity is officially over–at least in the Injustice universe anyways! Wonder Woman's death should definitely shake the Regime to its core, and I wonder just how Superman will react. Also with Batman now free, I'm eager to see just what's next for him, although I know Damian's burial will be top priority. The biggest issue however is Darkseid's success on Eternia–the item he's after will tip the balance of the universe, and there's no Justice League to stop him. I can't wait to read the next issue!

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Injustice Vs. Masters of the Universe #5

Nov 30, 2018

Injustice Vs Masters of The Universe #5 was a great read! The action as always is insane and the story right along with it! Skeletor probably has the best story for a villain so far in this story, and although his overall plan failed, you have to admire Skeletor for being able to play so many sides of the conflict. Skeletor's constant betrayals aren't without consequences though and the villain is actually seen making a last stand against Darkseid, while thanking He-Man at the end.

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Injustice Vs. Masters of the Universe #6

Jan 3, 2019

Hands down Injustice is one of the best series I've ever read, and judging by how this issue ended I believe it's the last. With Superman and the Regime destroyed rebuilding has begun all over the world. Eternia and Earth seems to now have an alliance between them with heroes like Swamp Thing and Moss Man working side by side to rebuild both worlds, while on Apokolips Hordak along with Atrocitus now rule in Darkseid's absence. I enjoyed reading and covering this series, and hopefully we'll see another Injustice series sometime in the future!

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Injustice: Year Five #26

Jun 23, 2016

Injustice #26 just like the series as a whole was a good read. Injustice hands down has to be one of the best non canon comic book series I've ever read. It's a great spin on morals and what exactly is justice and revenge"and it shows us the consequences of crossing the line. The emotional story between Bruce and Damian is shown well here and you can clearly see the Bruce gives Damian chances to constantly redeem himself"but it's apparent he's too far gone. Check out Injustice #26 and I promise you a great story!

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Injustice: Year Five #29

Jul 18, 2016

"Thrones" from start to finish kept me interested. Hands down I think Injustice is one of the best comic book series ever written by DC. Although it's not canon from the first issue to now has been a giant emotional rollercoaster. Buccellato does a wonderful job of showing us just how thin the line between hero and villain is. I think the greatest spin of it all is the fact that it's Superman that's the villain here. I've been reading this series since it's launch and I've seen Superman go from unshakable hero, to unquestionable dictator and it's a great ride. Check out Injustice #29!!! Great read!!!

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Justice League (2016) #13

Aug 30, 2017

Justice League of America #13 is a good issue. As the search for Ray Palmer continues, it's clear that the team can't trust anyone they come across in the microverse, and even once they do find Ray Palmer, just how exactly do they get back home? Definitely looking forward to the next issue!

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Justice League of America (2015) #4

Oct 16, 2015

Overall I thought Justice League of America #4 was a solid issue. It doesn't give you a major fight–but I think Hitch is saving that for the endgame. He does a good job showing the League trying to understand how the world they've fought for is slowly being undone around them. Average people are being converted and its obvious that there is an bigger scheme that Rao is orchestrating. Just exactly what we don't know and that's the part I really do love. Hitch never shows you Rao's master plan and everything that Rao says in this issue makes you think he has humanity's best interest at heart although you already know otherwise.

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Justice League of America (2015) #5

Dec 7, 2015

Overall I thought this was a great read. Justice League of America #5 gives us a view in the life of one of the most powerful members of the Justice League. It seems that J'onn struggles with his own past versus his present humanity often sets him apart from the League, however it seems to also make him more human than counterparts. With just one thought he could make you do his bidding or if he wanted he could erase your mind entirely and these very abilities often makes him question where he exactly belongs. If you're fan of the Martian Manhunter then this isa great read for you"and if you're not I guarantee that once you finish reading this issue you will be.

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Justice League of America (2017) #4

Apr 12, 2017

JLA #4 is a great read that's full of action and the dialogue between characters is awesome. Batman is a badass like always and it seems no matter the company he keeps,he always has to take charge of the situation. It seems that Batman and Vixen share the leadership of the team, and Vixen is looking to be a great leader so far. I'm looking forward to seeing what threats a team like this could possibly face in the future!

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Justice League of America (2017) #5

Apr 26, 2017

Justice League of America #5 has plenty of action, a great story and hopefully the beginnings ofa pretty solid villain. The addition of Batman leading the team is something I hope is temporary, but so far I've enjoyed it. Andy MacDonald does a wonderful job with our artwork as each fight and each emotional moment is done with detail. A particular good moment happens between Lobo and Batman in which Batman reminds Lobo exactly what kind of person he can be. I thought that this was a really good point in the story and I can't wait to see how the League reacts to Aegeus' entire flying army!

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Justice League of America (2017) #6

May 10, 2017

Overall Justice League of America #6 is a decent read. There's plenty of action, a good story, and I love to see things from a villain's point of view. The struggles that Lobo and Killer Frost make to being heroes go from straight funny, to some serious emotional moments. It seems that there's alsoa connection between the Atom and Lobo as well and I hope Orlando definitely explores that in an issue! With the Atom being so smart and serious, contrasted by Lobo's craziness, I can only imagine what would happen with those two! I must admit that I was pretty uncertain about the team that Batman had put together, but so far I'm enjoying the ride!

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Justice League of America (2017) #7

May 24, 2017

Justice League of America was a good read and I'm already looking forward to the next issue. This story seems to be mainly about redemption for Killer Frost and I'm completely ok with that. For some reason certain villains of the DC universe I actually cheer for"Killer Frost, Deathstroke, or Captain Cold for example. Although they're bad people, you can't help but to want the best for them. Maybe that's because there's a little bit of villain in all of us that we can identify with and we can sympathize with these and other villains to a degree. Either way I can't wait to see how this relationship between Atom and Killer Frost plays out"she really deserves a win.

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Justice League of America (2017) #8

Jun 14, 2017

I enjoyed Orlando's spin on a homicidal Tarzan who I can't wait see take on the Justice League of America. From the early pages of the book, we see Makson as being a pretty fierce fighter, so it's a safe bet he's gonna give Vixen, Black Canary, and maybe even Batman a run. Orlando leaves the book on a cliffhanger with the plan being revealed " just as it's about to be carried out! Hopefully the League can stop it in time!

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Justice League of America (2017) #9

Jun 28, 2017

I thought Justice League of America #9 was a good issue. It centers a lot on the concept of revenge versus justice, and I'd like to believe that the League has made a potential ally in Makson as well. As a reward for the arrest of the Hamilton family who tried to have him killed, he leaves the League his entire fortune to help children orphaned by tragedy as he was. I hope that Orlando eventually brings Makson into an adventure with the League, but only time will tell.

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Justice League of America (2017) #10

Jul 12, 2017

I thought Justice League of America #10 was a good read. I thought that the character of the Kingbutcher was pretty interesting, and I hope Orlando provides us a backstory next issue to exactly who this new threat is. I'm definitely expecting an action filled issue next time as the team makes a startling discovery at the end of the book.

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Justice League of America (2017) #11

Jul 26, 2017

Overall I enjoyed reading Justice League of America #11. The story is well told, the action was great and the team really works well together now. Although Batman was present in this issue, he was pretty occupied battling Kingbutcher himself, but it provided The League the time needed to form a plan to win"without him involved. I think that's really the part I'm most happy about with this issue. It's great to see the team finally come together without Batman being directly involved. Black Canary and Vixen stepped up in their leadership roles just like I wanted them to, and I hope eventually we see one of them take charge in the long term.

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Justice League of America (2017) #12

Aug 10, 2017

Overall this issue was a enjoyable read and I'm looking forward to the next issue. Ray Palmer has always been one of my favorite heroes and I've always enjoyed the exchanges he and Batman used to have in previous stories I had growing up, so I'm looking forward to this meeting. Just off of that alone, I know that Steve Orlando is going to give me another enjoyable issue!

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Justice League of America (2017) #14

Sep 14, 2017

Justice League of America #14 is a good read and I'm looking forward to the next issue. Although the team has finally found Ray Palmer, the microverse is still ending, and the team is still stuck there, so a plan is drastically needed. The team still has a lot of work to do if it wants to return home.

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Justice League of America (2017) #15

Sep 28, 2017

I must say that I've enjoyed the entire Justice League of America series so far and this book is no different. Although the team as a whole isn't around for this issue, it was great seeing Palmer back in action. Personally I'm looking forward to seeing Palmer and Batman working together again myself"make it happen Orlando! The artwork by Felipe Wantanabe gives more justice to the book as well. Felipe's art brings life to each page and every emotion on each character's face. I look forward to seeing more of his work as this series goes on.

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Justice League of America (2017) #16

Oct 11, 2017

Justice League of America #16 is a good read. The action is everywhere, the story is strong, and the ending with the League ready for a fight let's us know that the next issue is going to be insane! Even as the microverse crashes around them, the Justice League of America stands ready to take the fight to Aron Aut!

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Justice League of America (2017) #17

Oct 26, 2017

Justice League of America #17 is a good read. It's fast paced, full of action, and Ray Palmer in the end passes down the title of the Atom to Ryan, who is a very worthy successor. Going back to the beginning of the series in JLA, Ryan was very unsure of himself and his role. Now he's finally become confident of himself and his abilities and this issue did a great job of showing that.

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Justice League of America (2017) #18

Nov 10, 2017

Overall I loved reading Justice League of America #18. The story is told well, the action is great and Prometheus shows you why he's one of the best villains in the DCU. Now hopefully Orlando gives us a Batman vs Prometheus fight in the next issue! One can only hope!

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Justice League of America (2017) #19

Nov 25, 2017

Overall I thought Justice League of America #19 was a good read. The story is full of action, Prometheus shows just how much of a genius he is, and Black Canary and Vixen steal the issue showing how great leaders they both are. Orlando leaves this issue on a cliffhanger as it seems the everything that occurs in this issue is nothing but a distraction from whatever Prometheus is planning next. Hopefully in the next issue we see Batman's return"I'm looking forward to a showdown between Prometheus and the Dark Knight.

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Justice League of America (2017) #20

Dec 15, 2017

Overall Justice League of America #20 was a good read. It's full of action and tells a great story as well. The team really came together in this issue, but now I'm hesitant to see what happens in the next issue. I really hope that Killer Frost doesn't go back to her villain ways because of Lobo's words especially in from of Ryan Choi aka The Atom since they obviously have feelings for each other.

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Justice League of America (2017) #21

Dec 29, 2017

Overall Justice League of America #21 was a good read. Orlando gives us plenty of action, a great story between characters, and I liked the introduction of Aztek as well. I'm hoping that we see another team up between Aztek and Ray again at some point as Orlando did a great job of having them work together to defeat the Sons of Earth. Although Ray has taken some time off from the League, hopefully Orlando has him come back soon.

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Justice League of America (2017) #22

Jan 12, 2018

Justice League of America #22 was a great read. It's full of action, and tells a great story that makes you really sympathetic towards Killer Frost and her condition. Orlando even ends the issue with a defeated League and a powerless Frost which makes you wonder just how can they stop someone with such powerful magic? Lobo was revealed to be Batman's contingency plan against this sorcerer queen, however he falls just as the rest of the team does. I believe the next issue will really test the loyalties of Caitlin as she will probably have to be the deciding factor in how all of his ends.

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Justice League of America (2017) #23

Jan 26, 2018

Overall I thought Justice League of America was a good read. There's plenty of action, you still feel emotion for Frost's situation and Orlando leaves everything on a cliffhanger for the next issue. It seems that there may be someone that even Tsaritsa with all of her power is even afraid of. Orlando introduces this seemingly dangerous character at the very end"so you already know the next issue is going to be a slugfest!

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Justice League of America (2017) #24

Feb 16, 2018

I enjoyed Justice League of America #24. The action is all over the place, with a really good story to match. Neil Edwards brings each page to life with painstaking detail. You notice every expression that each character makes perfectly in sync with the dialog that Orlando writes for them. I'm especially looking forward to the next issue as it seems that Batman finally returns after a long hiatus. I can't wait to see his reaction to the revelations of the last few issues, especially after all of the damage Prometheus visit did to the team a few issues back.

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Justice League of America (2017) #25

Mar 2, 2018

This book was packed full of action and I enjoyed every page. It seems that Batman however is about to embark on a personal mission and this was that mission. In the beginning of the book he talks about how he's not needed to unify people anymore. He talks about how people would begin to doubt his image, and those of the Justice League. It's the very reason why he put the Justice League of America together in the first place. However it makes you wonder what will happen to Batman and for that matter the Justice League in the future. I'm looking forward to reading the next issue to see what happens next!

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Justice League of America (2017) #26

Mar 15, 2018

Overall this issue was a great read! Orlando really wraps up this story and then tosses in another one right at the end! I was already a Batman fan before but this issue really shows you how selfless he is. An entire world full of people that he's never met, heroes and villains he'll never know and he was willing to sacrifice himself for the world to be reborn! Batman's only reply when Black Canary addressed him about it? "Every time I put on this cowl"I'm willing to die. This is no different. People in need." Those few words really set up the whole reason for Batman's existence and why although only human, he's one of the best of us.

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Justice League of America (2017) #27

Mar 29, 2018

Once again Steve Orlando knocks it out of the park with this issue! I never knew that the DC Universe even with it's vast gods, goddesses and powerful beings even had a "God of Superheroes". There's a great ending in store that leads into the next issue, and I'm excited to see how this god named Ahl has any future ramifications for the DC Universe at all.

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Justice League of America (2017) #28

Apr 14, 2018

Overall, Justice League of America #28 was a great read! The book is action paced, the story is well done, and Ryan Choi really shows off as the Atom in this issue! The story isn't over yet though as we find Ahl bloodied and defeated towards the end of the issue and I'm not sure what exactly that means for the League or for the future of Earth's heroes! Definitely looking forward to the next issue!

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Justice League of America (2017) #29

Apr 27, 2018

Overall Justice League of America #29 was a good read. The action was everywhere, the story was well told, and I actually have more respect for Chronos as a villain. Before this book I have to admit I personally placed him on one of the bottom tiers when it comes to villains of the DCU. However thanks to Steve's outstanding writing, I'm going to have to change that perception. Any villain that can murder the god of superheroes, ruin the timeline, and command an entire army of warriors at a whim is definitely top tier!

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Justice League of America (2017) Annual #1

Nov 28, 2017

Overall I really enjoyed Justice League of America Annual #1. The story was told really well, it had plenty of action, and the unlikely team up of Lobo and Black Canary make it even more interesting. I really hope Orlando uses this team up again in the future issues.

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Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #1

Dec 22, 2016

Justice League vs Suicide Squad is already becoming a favorite book of mine in only it's first issue! The Justice League has been on course against the government before but Waller is someone to be taken seriously. Always one of my favorite DC characters, although she has no powers Waller is one of the most dangerous women on the planet in my opinion. So far Williamson is showing us why she is, and I'm enjoying it!

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Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #2

Dec 28, 2016

Justice League Vs Suicide Squad #2 is a good read and if you're a fan of either group you'll definitely enjoy it! Like I said before, I went intothis bookthinking this was going to be a one-sided event but Williamson proves us wrong with that one! The Squad not only shows how dangerous they are, but so has Amanda Waller. I swear she's one of the few characters I love but hate at the same time. She has admirable goals for keeping innocents and the country safe. However with her ANY means justify the overall goal and that is what makes her so dangerous. Now I'm wondering what exactly will she do with a captured Justice League?

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Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #3

Jan 4, 2017

Justice League Vs Suicide Squad #3 is a great read! You have plenty of action, plenty of heroes and villains, and just when you think it couldn't get any better " it does! I'm looking forward to seeing exactly how Waller's Suicide Squad and the Justice League work together especially since the team's best two tacticians, Batman and Deadshot, are bitter enemies. Also I think there has to be more to Max Lord's plan than just simply killing Waller. Throughout the course of the issues Max is slowly enacting a plan piece by piece, and his own team has no idea what he's doing. He's keeping the master plan all to himself, and it seems that it may be revealed next issue as well. So far I'm enjoying the series and expecting the next one to be just as amazing.

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Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #4

Jan 11, 2017

This book is strictly action with the appetizers being the story itself and that's completely okay! Williamson does awesome work with the team-ups of heroes and villains along with the conversations that take place the action starts. It's rare that I bust out laughing while reading a comic, but I found myself doing it here. Once you combine that with the art of Fernando Pasarin whose detail throughout the series has been remarkable, you instantly get a favorite. The story isn't even over yet and I already know that this particular series is going to be a personal favorite of mine for a long time.

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Justice League: Darkseid War: Lex Luthor #1

Dec 17, 2015

I thought "The Omega Judgment" was a good read. It gives you a chance to look inside the mind and machinations of one the DC Universe's greatest villians. Manapul and Dazo do a great job of showing you Lex's triumphs, failures, and struggles however I felt that the ending was too open ended. I was left with too many questions and not a hint of what's next for Lex. Will he return to Earth with his godly power? Will he remain to rule Apokolips? Does he ever encounter the Justice League who also have the power of the gods as well? Nothing wrong with asking these questions however I just wish that Manapul and Dazo perhaps would've gave us a hint of what Lex's plans are"but then again do we ever know truly what Lex has planned? Check out Justice League: Lex Luthor #1 and see what happens when powerful men acquire absolute power"its nothing good!

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Superman (2011) #44

Oct 5, 2015

Yangimpresses with his writing which makes you feel Clark's struggle from adapting from being Superman almost all the time. while showing that being friends or even an associate of a super hero can have consequences. Will we see Superman maybe assume another identity? Will he become a 24 hour a day Superman? Yes, I'm definitely asking these questions and after reading Superman #44 you will too!!

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Superman (2011) #45

Oct 29, 2015

I thought Superman #45 was a great issue. It was an interesting read, and Yang and Howard did a great job on the action scenes"we all know I love those. Here we actually see Superman in a familiar element fighting the bad guys but its more difficult. No super-speed, heat vision, even his strength is almost not a factor" and I love it. At first I got to admit I was not on board but I was proven wrong. Superman #45 shows you that it takes more than powers and a cape to be Superman. It takes courage, conviction and belief to always place others above yourself. Clark hasn't stopped doing that yet"and it makes me more of a Superman fan than before.

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Superman (2011) #47

Jan 8, 2016

This issue of Superman was a great and enjoyable read. The more issues I read from Yang on Superman the more I like. I've said from the beginning of my coverage of this issue I wasn't a fan of the depowered Superman but Yang makes us actually appreciate this particular Superman. I like that although he's gone through his identity being tossed out the window, his powers have been drained, and his allies few"Superman still remains in his character. Its a great storytelling concept that makes you actually want more. You want my advice? Pick up Superman #47"its something you'll want to finish.

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Superman (2011) #49

Mar 8, 2016

Superman #49 is a great read! Superman is knocking his enemies around, Wonder Woman is knocking her enemies around– everyone is getting knocked around here! No complaints from me! Throw that in with great writing from Yang and what you have is an amazing issue. If you're a fan of action and slugfests then this is your issue– check it out!

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Superman (2011) #50

Mar 27, 2016

I thought that Superman #50 was a great read. The “Savage Dawn” series was a great read period! If you're a fan of Vandal Savage I definitely suggest reading this series! Throughout the entire book we have action packed fight scenes and the storyline was great as well. I'm looking forward to see how exactly Lois and Clark rebuild their relationship in future books.

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Superman (2011) #52

May 24, 2016

“The Great Pretender” is a good read especially if you enjoy the Trinity in action like I do. I always love seeing Wonder Woman, Batman and Superman work together and their interactions often times have their funny moments too. “The Final Days of Superman” is a good story arc to read and it involves a lot of characters that I already enjoy reading separately from the series. I'm eager to see what role this “Solar Superman” has truly and if my theory is correct! Check out Superman #52!

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Superman (2016) Annual #1

Nov 30, 2016

Superman Annual #1 is a good book that does great work with Superman and Swamp Thing. I enjoyed seeing these two heroes oppose each other, then finally try to help each other. However there is a distrust that exists between them and I hope that we see it unfold further in the future.

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Superman: American Alien #2

Dec 30, 2015

In my opinion American Alien is a good read. This book shows the growth of the Man of Steel and gives credence to how he establishes his beliefs and code. I love character backstories and Landis and Edwards do a great job of giving us that. I look forward to seeing more issues of Clark before the cape. It's a great testimony to the character and core ideals of what make Superman a staple character. Good job Landis and Edwards"definitely grab a copy!!

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Superman: American Alien #4

Apr 5, 2016

If you've been reading Superman: American Alien from the beginning then naturally you'll want to pick this up. I only say this cause reading it by itself it'll come across as a bit slow. However when read as part of the series it looks great. So far we've seen Clark as a kid, make mistakes as a teenager, and now he's in college preparing for his future. It's a completely different side of Superman that we've never seen before and I think that's what makes this series so good.

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Superman: American Alien #5

May 21, 2016

"Eagle" is a great read if you treat it as what it is"an coming of age issue. Here we have Clark still trying to identify himself with something"he's still trying to attach himself to an ideal and we see him struggle with it in this issue. Landis and Manapul do a great job of showing us Clark's humanity in some pages, and his ego in others. However if you're a real Superman fan you'll especially love the exchange between Clark and Lex in the end, it really shows you perfectly how the rivalry between the two will start and exactly where each man stands in his beliefs. Enough of me telling you about American Alien #5" read it for yourself!

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Superman: The Coming of the Supermen #1

Mar 14, 2016

I thought that "The Coming of the Supermen" was a decent read. It has plenty of action and conflict as we're dealing with an invasion in Metropolis on a large scale, however it leaves you wanting more in terms of a real story. I feel like I just got dropped in the middle of a war and have no clue as to what's going on. Hopefully I'll get the answers in the next issue, and that will make this first issue a better read.

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Teen Titans (2014) #14

Dec 17, 2015

If you're a fan of Red Robin or just the Titans in general then this is a good read. Scott, Will and Noel combine to tell a great story that's fast paced and action packed. It even gives us a peek into the Robin War and how it all ties into the Titans and Red Robin. I'm a fan of connecting story arcs across different books and this issue gives you that perfectly. Soon as I finished reading I immediately wanted to pick up the next issue" yea I gotta wait for that. However I guarantee that the next issue of the Teen Titans will be a great read too"especially if it was anything like this one.

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Titans (2016) #4

Oct 28, 2016

Titans #4 was a great read, especially if you're a fan of the rivalry between Kadabra and The Flash. I have a few comics from the 90s with The Flash and Kadabra fighting it out so this book had a brief moment of nostalgia for me. I'm looking forward to finding out Kadabra's endgame! Definitely check out Titans #4!

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Titans (2016) #5

Nov 23, 2016

Titans #5 is great book that gives a great introduction to Kadabra, if you're not already familiar with his character. Abnett does a great job of reintroducing him and reminding us just exactly how powerful and how much of a threat he can be. Hopefully we'll have more conflicts between the two in the future because he's one of my favorite Flash villains for Wally to face.

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Titans (2016) #8

Feb 8, 2017

Titans #8 is a good read. I enjoyed the overall book, however you will definitely need to read the previous issues if you really want to understand exactly what the Titans are dealing with. Brett Booth does a great job with the art in this issue, bringing each to page life. Even the small, simple parts of conversation with the Titans are detailed and colorful"nothing is taken for granted. Thanks to the cliffhanger we have I'm now left wondering exactly how will the Titans react when they learn the truth about this kidnapping"if you can really call it that. Can't wait for the next issue!

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Titans (2016) #9

Mar 8, 2017

I thought the Titans #9 was a good read. You'd definitely have to read the previous issue however if you want any clue on what's going on. Abnett directly drops you in from the previous issue and immediately introduces you into the Fearsome Five. Abnett also addressesRoy's drug addiction as well, which I thought was a great moment for Roy and the team.Although they're heroes it's good to see a humanizing or emotional moment for them and Abnett has this moment with Roy.

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Titans (2016) #10

Apr 12, 2017

Titans #10 is a great read but I definitely recommend going back at least 2 or 3 issues to get the full scope of the story. Dan Abnett hits the nail on the head with the characters in battle this issue! Abnett leaves us on a great cliffhanger that I look forward to reading in the next issue as well.

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Titans (2016) #11

May 10, 2017

Titans #11 is a great read! This issue has plenty of action, plenty of emotion, and Deathstroke steals the issue although it's not his title! The issue ends in a cliffhanger with Flash about to make a decision and I can't wait to see what he does!

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Titans (2016) #12

Jun 14, 2017

Titans #12 is a good read, especially during the psychic battles between Psimon and Omen. It's pretty apparent that when it comes to the psychics of the DCU, she's clearly a powerhouse " she just doesn't show it too often. I wish we'd have an opportunity for her to actually let loose on all of her powers, but maybe Abnett is saving that for another time.

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Titans (2016) #13

Jul 12, 2017

Titans #13 is a good read. This book had plenty of action and also a little teen drama as well. The story that's beginning to start between Donna, Roy and Wally should be interesting. Although this issue dealt with the fight to recover Karen's memories from H.I.V.E., and there are so many other side stories at play that Karen's problems almost take a backseat in your mind while you read. The cracks are starting to show amongst the Titans"just who exactly can repair them?

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Titans (2016) #14

Aug 10, 2017

I thought Titans #14 was a good read and it's quite enjoyable seeing the team fight amongst themselves while battling another threat. It's interesting to see all of these different events and revelations unfold within the team"and this is all without the revelation of who the traitor is yet! Dan Abnett gives it to us in this issue, and the entire team will definitely feel how deep this betrayal goes. I'm looking forward to reading the next issue!

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Titans (2016) #15

Sep 14, 2017

Titans #15 was a good read and I'm looking forward to seeing how this particular character's death affects the team in the next issue. It seems that the Titans are constantly facing battles"more from within now more than ever. Nightwing represented that last sign of hope and trust that existed within the team. Acknowledging the lessons of Batman as reasons for his distrust and distance with team, hopefully next issue Dick Grayson and reassert himself as the leader he was meant to be. After the events of this issue, the Titans definitely need it.

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Titans (2016) #16

Oct 20, 2017

Overall I love this issue and I hope that Booth gives us more of this great story in the future. Mister Twister and The Key have been villains that have been giving the Titans problems since the beginning of the series, and now combined with Psimon they have become almost unstoppable. I'm looking forward to seeing what happens in the next issue!

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Titans (2016) #17

Nov 11, 2017

Titans #17 is a good read and I'm looking forward to reading the next issue as well. Just how will the team as a whole deal with Troia's revelations to them and how can they move forward? There's a major reveal about Dick's future as Nightwing and I was shocked to learn of his failure. Abnett even leaves us on a cliffhanger as Donna realizes that her evil future counterpart may have a point! Will Donna Troy join Troia in a fight against her friends? Can't wait for the next issue!

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Titans (2016) #18

Dec 15, 2017

Titans #18 was a good read and I'm looking forward to the next issue. Abnett does a great job of telling a story of a dark and very possible future where the Titans are either broken, dead, or alone. The team realizes that the only way for Troia's vision to not come true is to stay together"let's hope they can do that.

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Titans (2016) #19

Jan 13, 2018

Titans #19 was a great read and I can't wait to see the further consequences of the League's intervention. Roy in particular is taking the League's judgment pretty harshly and Abnett leaves us on a cliffhanger involving him. With the rest of the Titans currently disabled, I'm wondering who will be left to give Roy an assist as he's trapped on a roof in an intense shootout. Can't wait to see if Roy Harper gets out of this alive!

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Titans (2016) #21

Mar 15, 2018

Overall I thought Titans #21 was a good read but I felt that Mallah and Brain was too overused in this issue. I felt that it was a little too more focus on them when I really cared about the Titans more than anything else. I believe however that Mallah and Brain must be apart of a bigger plan next issue and hopefully it'll involve the return of the Titans really soon.

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Titans (2016) #22

Apr 13, 2018

Overall I loved this issue! It seems the League has some things to learn from the Titans, as no one on the team"especially Batman attempted to even listen to Donna Troy's warnings. I'm hoping that there's some type of follow up about this in a later issue, as it seems that although the Titans are all adults"the League still treats them like children or sidekicks as opposed to them being equals.

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Titans (2016) #23

Jul 11, 2018

Overall I thought Titans #23 was a good read. It's great that team is back together and I love the addition of Steel to the team as well. A relative of John Henry Irons, she's proven in this issue already that she belongs on the team and I can't wait to see more of her. My only hope however is that we see the return of Roy Harper at some point. I always enjoyed the relationship between Roy and Grayson, as Roy has a tendency to shake things up on the team.

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Titans (2016) #25

Sep 14, 2018

If you're a fan of Nightwing I think you'll really appreciate Titans #25. The story is great, the action is intense, and by splitting the team up in the book Abnett gives you a chance to see the inner struggles of each teammate more personally as well.

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Titans (2016) #26

Sep 28, 2018

Overall I loved reading Titans #26. It was a good read, and judging be the ending Abnett is going to give us something epic in the future issues. The return of the Blood Cult seems to be actually happening, and the source wall energy seems to be at the center of it all. Hopefully next issue we'll see more of the Blood Cult, and what exactly their true plans are.

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Titans (2016) #27

Oct 11, 2018

Overall I thought Titans #27 was a good read. The issue was emotional as the team is still trying to struggle with the thought that Nightwing could be gone for good. I enjoyed the artwork by Brent Peeples as he did a great job showing how these heroes cope with the loss of one of their own. I'm looking forward to reading the next issue as now the question is what will happen to the Titans and their mission?

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Titans (2016) #28

Oct 25, 2018

However Titans #28 is a good read. I enjoyed the entire story from Donna's point of view and it seems that with the next issue her leadership ability will be tested. While battling the alien threat, it seems that their leader emerges and the Titans make a retreat! As the attempt to boom tube away the coordinates get scrambled sending them to an unknown place! The next issue should be a real baptism of fire for Donna Troy!

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Titans (2016) #29

Nov 15, 2018

Overall Titans #27 was a good read. Although the action sequences were few, this issue seems to be about the team as a whole taking time to cope and figure things out while their stranded. Hopefully they'll take this time to vote for a new leader, because right now it just seems that Donna, Miss Martian, and Steel are all just taking turns at bat depending on the situation. At the end of the book, we see Miss Martian's actual martian body take shape and I'm guessing we're gonna see a Beast Boy versus Miss Martian fight! I'm looking forward to reading the next issue and seeing where Miss Martian and especially Beast Boy's actions leave the team, especially with that alien invasion still occurring on Earth!

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Titans (2016) #30

Nov 30, 2018

Overall I enjoyed Titans #30 and I'm glad that Donna has finally stepped up to lead this team. She truly deserves it and I hope she does well. I saw a hint of Wonder Woman in her with this issue and that is definitely a compliment. I'm eager to see how Kyle Rayner plays a role in our next issue as apparently he shows up to get our heroes off planet! I'm definitely hoping for a Green Lantern and Titans team up in the next issue!

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Titans (2016) #31

Dec 14, 2018

Overall Titans #31 is a good read! This issue is basically just the team trying to come to terms with everything that's happened while they were gone, while also trying to compare notes about the Source Wall as well with Kyle. Also we find out that Raven's soul is still trapped in Unearth and the next issue sees the team jumping directly in battle alongside Kyle Rayner! In case you don't remember Unearth is a recently created world in the multiverse thanks to the Source Wall, and team at the end of this issue goes there–right into an army of fierce demons! I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next!

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Titans (2016) #32

Jan 3, 2019

Overall this book was a decent read, I didn't know much about the Blood Cult, so it's good to be able to read a somewhat origin story about them. I know Abnett didn't give us much Titans in this issue, but that's because he's saving it all up for the next one I'm sure! Also don't forget that Raven's soul self is still trapped in Unearth as well, meaning that a rescue mission will be underway along with the confrontation with the cult! Can't wait to read the next issue!

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Titans (2016) #33

Jan 18, 2019

Overall Titans #33 is a good read. I enjoyed the overall story and the action itself was great. Abnett really shows us just how much this team has grown in this issue, and with the ending he presents us with, I wonder just how Donna will rally the team together?

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Titans (2016) #34

Feb 17, 2019

Overall Titans #34 was a good read and I enjoyed every page. Although Donna Troy feels right now that her leadership may be flawed, I honestly can say I trust her judgment. Throughout the entire issue as the battle rages around her, the heroine still plays it cool–giving orders whenever needed. However with Steel and Kyle still captured in the castle, the Titans have a long journey ahead to set them free. I'm ready for Raven to become whole again and I'm sure once she does she'll be after the one who separated her–Lord Travesty, ruler of Unearth! I can't wait to read the next issue and see what happens next!

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Titans (2016) #36

Apr 18, 2019

Overall I enjoyed Titans #36and I'm saddened that this is the last issue! This team showed so much promise and I was hoping to see Donna Troy reach her full potential as the leader of the Titans. Even with the loss of Nightwing, this team was able to turn that particular tragedy into a strength and grow from it. Donna Troy honestly stood out as a favorite in this run, and I hope to see her again in another leadership role soon in the future.

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Titans (2016) Annual #2

Apr 27, 2018

Overall I thought Titans Annual #2 was a great read! Personally I always thought Mallah and Brain were always two bottom tier villains that weren't really a big threat. Abnett even addresses this through Mallah, who talks about how both the hero and villain communities mocked them at best. However this only strengthened their resolve, and I'm actually looking forward to seeing these two villains return again at some point. The story ends with Donna calling Batman and letting the League know it was them that saved the world–I can't wait to see how the Justice League responds to this!

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Titans (2016): Special #1

Jun 15, 2018

Overall this Titans issue is a great read and I look forward to seeing how this further plays out in the next issue. I'd figure that Wally or Roy Harper would be recruited in this book, but we haven't seen them yet. Hopefully either we see them recruited in the next issue or we can find if Nightwing had no intention of recruiting them at all.

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Titans Hunt #1

Oct 23, 2015

Overall this issue was decent, but it doesn't stand out at all. I'm hoping that Abnett uses this issue as a stepping stone to something greater–and more than likely he will. I got to be honest and say as a long time Batman fan I hate seeing Grayson out of the uniform, but hopefully it'll grow on me. I'm guessing that Abnett is using this brief memory loss to bring our Titans back better than ever. And after reading this issue that's all one can hope for.

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Titans Hunt #2

Nov 26, 2015

I thought Titans Hunt was a good read to me. Although the beginning was slow due to Roy's intro it really picks up after the first few pages. The ending definitely gives you a surprise twist as Grayson already is involved in a fight with Garth, until a new player shows up that changes the dynamic of the fight. The ending alone makes me want to pick up issue 3 when it comes out. This has to be the first issue where I didn't complain about not having the Nightwing uniform"and that's saying something. I actually appreciated him being out of it this issue, and maybe it was due to the introduction of Alfred and the batcave. Abnett in this issue shows us that its not just the costume that makes the hero" good supporting characters do too and it does well in this issue through Alfred. I have to admit that I'm starting to like the espionage role that Dick has taken on"he does it very well.

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Titans Hunt #3

Jan 8, 2016

I thought Titans Hunt #3 was a great issue. It takes things up a notch and gives us plenty of action, great dialogue between characters and the penciling was an awesome effort. I'm actually eager to see where the story goes and what happens with the Titans next. As I stated before, I'm really missing Kid Flash here but that's because the interaction between the characters is so good, it makes you wonder where exactly he is. Hopefully this will be addressed next issue"but definitely pick up Titans Hunt #3"its worth your money.

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Titans Hunt #4

Feb 3, 2016

I thought Titans Hunt #4 was a good read. Dan Abnett gives us great dialogue between our heroes who seem to argue more than they work together but I think this is what makes the Titans so awesome. Unlike the Justice League that runs like a well-tuned up and built machine, the Titans stumble, they argue, and they nitpick with each other. However when everything is on the line–they become what they have to be–heroes. The art by Paulo and Stephen compliments it further. I'm a big fan of detail with my art, especially in fight scenes, and this issue gives you that perfectly. If you're a fan of the Titans and especially of Dick Grayson like I am then this is a good issue to read!

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Titans Hunt #5

Mar 11, 2016

Titans Hunt #5 is very enjoyable read. It provides a good layer of action, great interactions between the team, and we see Nightwing back in uniform finally! The story line as a whole has picked up from issue #3 and I'm eager to see exactly what happens with the Titans next. Right now everyone is moving to the tune of Mr. Twister–and they just don't know it–great read!

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