Justice League of America #5

Writer: Matt Kindt, Rob Williams Artist: Philip Tan Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: November 25, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 10 User Reviews: 12
6.1Critic Rating
6.2User Rating

With the League utterly defeated by Rao, only the failsafes devised by Batman can possibly save them now!

  • 10
    AIPT - David Brooke Nov 25, 2015

    A done in one story that delivers an effective psychological thriller and great narration? Sign me up. This is just as good as the awesomely disturbing and great Vision #1. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Batman-News - Joshua McDonald Nov 26, 2015

    Forget Justice League of America! Hitch's inability to produce product on time has allowed DC the opportunity to feature another book and character of theirs, and they're mission was successful! While I was initially irritated that we were getting a fill-in issue that felt like a desperate attempt to push off a book with low(er) sales onto an unsuspecting audience, I'm now glad I read this book! Kindt and Williams far surpassed my expectations, and have convinced me to pick up Martian Manhunter! I advise you pick up this issue, and then let that determine if you should follow my lead and pick up the main book as well. Fair play, DC! Fair play! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    DC Comics News - Steven Brown Dec 7, 2015

    Overall I thought this was a great read. Justice League of America #5 gives us a view in the life of one of the most powerful members of the Justice League. It seems that J'onn struggles with his own past versus his present humanity often sets him apart from the League, however it seems to also make him more human than counterparts. With just one thought he could make you do his bidding or if he wanted he could erase your mind entirely and these very abilities often makes him question where he exactly belongs. If you're fan of the Martian Manhunter then this isa great read for you"and if you're not I guarantee that once you finish reading this issue you will be. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    The Batman Universe - Tyler Saldaa Nov 27, 2015

    In regards to rest of the League, Philip Tans pencils seemed a little choppy. Its also worth noting that Tan inked the first two pages which is where the League is featured in The Watchtower; Im glad Jason Paz took over inks from then on. Tans pencils married with Pazs inks and Jeromy Coxs colors were phenomenal when looking at Martian Manhunter and The UnNamed. The fight sequences, especially when Jonn punches The UnNamed up at least seven floors of a building through the roof, are visually thrilling. I wish that specific panel was a full-page shot. The only other downside to the art section was how the humans looked. Often, I felt they looked too cartoon-esque or, in some areas, anime-like. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Dark Knight News - Eric Joseph Nov 26, 2015

    I can say with confidence that any fan can pick up this book, enjoy it, and not feel lost in the slightest. You need not have previously read an issue ofJLAorMartian Manhunter. If you're a fan of my favorite Martian and happen to have a few extra bucks in your pocket while visiting your local comic shop this week, feel free to pick up this baby. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    The Hub City Review - Matthew J. Theriault Nov 25, 2015

    If youre following the ongoing Martian Manhunter series, this issue may prove of interest to you. But if youre looking for the next installment of the ongoing arc, Bryan Hitchs iconic art style, or just a decent story featuring the Justice League, save your money (and send DC a message that filler issues are no longer acceptable). Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Nov 27, 2015

    Those reading Hitch's storyline in "Justice League of America" are probably going to be a little disappointed here, in part because of the lack of Hitch but also because this really isn't a Justice League story. It's a Martian Manhunter comic with a few JLA elements grafted on for good measure, but it's missing a stronger reason to come back for more in the character's own title. That's too bad, because "Justice League of America" has some pretty great sales figures; it would have been nice to get a stronger lure for some of those readers to hop on over. For now, this clocks in at the average level: not bad but not memorable either. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Newsarama - Richard Gray Nov 25, 2015

    ike a Trojan horse arriving in plain sight, the kicker for fans is that this issue ends with a final "Discover the truth about J'onn and Mars in Martian Manhunter." One has to wonder if there would be this overwhelming sense of feature-length advertising if the issue had dropped at the ended release date, following the end of the "Rao" arc. Released out of order as it is, there is no sense of urgency to the issue, and it's just a leisurely romp through the mind of a character that had only recently been fully restored to the DCU. Nevertheless, the next issue of Justice League of America will be highly anticipated as a return not only to the story that as captivated these last few months, but hopefully a return to form as well. Read Full Review

  • 3.5
    Weird Science - Eric Shea Dec 1, 2015

    While completionists will be getting this book simply because having a missing issue in their series would drive them insane, the rest of us can hang back this month and save some cash because nothing in this book is worth it.  We have a Pre-New 52 story that is a one and done and by the end of reading it, I just found myself angry that it wasn't rewritten slightly to either fit in the JLA series or the Martian Manhunter series.  It just feels like a missed opportunity to give this issue a purpose instead of just throwing something out there and hoping that the readers don't mind. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Nov 27, 2015

    The art is good (bloodletting aside), but the story is weak, even for a fill-in issue. Read Full Review

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