The Titans split into three separate squads to combat the growing Source Wall Event threat in this anniversary issue! As Raven, Steel and Beast Boy contain an alien-robot outbreak, and Donna Troy tracks down the Blood Cult, who claim to have knowledge of why the Source Wall cracked, Nightwing and Miss Martian are fighting each other while also fighting for survival against a new metahuman threat with a penchant for creating pocket dimensions. Can Dick and M'gann put aside their differences, or will her terrible secret derail the whole thing before they resolve anything?
If you're a fan of Nightwing I think you'll really appreciate Titans #25. The story is great, the action is intense, and by splitting the team up in the book Abnett gives you a chance to see the inner struggles of each teammate more personally as well. Read Full Review
TITANS #25 is a great success for this creative team. With three of comics' best artists and one of the greatest standalone plots from writer Dan Abnett, this series only gets better with each issue. While the characterization doesn't receive the focus it's due, what we do get is incredibly deep and intriguing. Read Full Review
Without the Nightwing/Miss Martian scenes this would be a largely forgettable issue, aside from the Brother Blood set up. But as it stands, this is a lot of fun. Read Full Review
Another hit for the new Titan's line up. Read Full Review
Hopefully we can say goodbye to the bad issues because this latest issue of Titans really brought the quality of this series up. It made me care more about certain characters and a lot of amazing aspects really made this issue shine. I'm actually excited to read more from this series and that is something I couldn't have said previously. Read Full Review
In conclusion, Titans #25 brought the “Spark” storyline forward in compelling ways. The introduction of technology that can harness the power of the Source Wall's collapse was exciting. Consequently, a once seemingly random threat is now weaponized. The narrative was poignant and sharp. The art was crisp and clean. I eagerly anticipate where this story might go next and how it will intersect with Teen Titans in the future. Read Full Review
The multi/alternate-dimensional threats caused by Source-energy fallout really has me wanting to see where its all leading to. Hopefully to something more complicated and treacherous! Read Full Review
The issue winds down with a tease of some very interesting developments. It could be the twist that turns the book around and Im optimistic about the future direction as it melds this new focus with a more traditional superhero team approach. Next months issue should help provide some clarity. Read Full Review
Many readers could probably compile a whole shopping list of complaints about this book's logic and reliance on generic monsters. Nonetheless, the fantasy aspects of last issue and the televisual traverse in Titans #25 prove that Abnett's imagination is firing on all cylinders and it's undeniably entertaining stuff. Read Full Review
The 25th anniversary issue of Titans comes only a few issues into the title's new direction, which makes it feel like less of an event. It feels more like this just combines the two next issues of the series into one oversized package, and as a result there's a lot going on here. Read Full Review
This issue is packed to the gills with action so you shouldn't find yourself bored with reading this. Other than that, Titans #25 seems to be just another run of the mill issue featuring Grayson and company. Read Full Review
I don't particularly enjoy the Titans vs random imaginary friends direction that the book has taken. I like this line up of characters, but I think that the writer is still figuring out what to do with them. Nightwing is about to undergo some pretty big changes in his own title, so I have to wonder if the direction of this book is going to be taking another turn shortly. Read Full Review